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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 28 KB, 578x250, ark-normal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2356148 No.2356148 [Reply] [Original]

Both of these seem to be the most shilled coins on /biz/ atm.

Which one has more potential and is better for lth (long term hold)?

>> No.2356157


>> No.2356161

DGB costs less, you might aswell get in now before we win citibank

Ark is good too but I'm a digiboi at heart

>> No.2356189

Ark hasn't even mooned yet.
New coin with huge plans in the future. The next 2 years will be a steady rise.

>> No.2356196

Look at the pathetic minecraft server that dgb shills are so proud of and that is the answerp

>> No.2356200

One's a meme and one has potential. Up to you to do the research as to which is which

>> No.2357096
File: 1.62 MB, 640x640, biz got memed into bag-holding.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


your money will just fuel the trading bots - don't waste them on any of these

>> No.2357108


>> No.2357177

I got money on both

>> No.2357257


>> No.2357386

>tfw on ARK for 3 days now
>all this time hovering around 1$

What is this shit

>> No.2357402

Rn : Aragon, SiaCoin, TokenCard and Iconomi

>> No.2357409

Whales/bots want to keep accumulating, so they're keeping the price low. Each day we go, the rocket just adds more fuel

>> No.2357440

PascalCoin is about to moon

>> No.2357460

join the /biz/ delegate and make more coins while we wait for the moon

ARK, ICN are good coins imho

>> No.2357639


>> No.2358022

They both are god tier. only time will tell whos best.

My bets on ARK

>> No.2358061

I have invested half of my portfio into both and am heavy in the green with Ark and am part of the biz delegation to soon earn more. Dgb is a good lth too but its going to be volatile for the next couple days with rumors and panic sells. Unironically and memes asidex dgb has good potential for the long term and if you pay attention, it has dipped and mooned many times with whales trying to accumulate. If you bought into the dank maymays on how you were gonna get rich off of either you are an idiot. Just hodl and see what happens in a week. Its a volatile growth market in a bull run, its going to be okay.

>> No.2358119

Who here /patrician-coins/?