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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23540394 No.23540394 [Reply] [Original]

I’m all in on LIT.

>> No.23540473

Am I gonna go broke goys?

>> No.23540523

Isn't that some utility token that's not needed?

>> No.23540539

You’re going to make it.

>> No.23540564

Yep. I’m selling

>> No.23540690

i saw the prices on that buy DeEn crap and its all priced in euros and credit card as payment yep im definitely selling too

>> No.23540691


>> No.23540951
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>> No.23540991

Me too

>> No.23540994

Very organic and natural rise in LIT and QNT threads recently. I will now buy these tokens due to this increase in positive sentiment.

>> No.23541101

They always have existed. They merely got lost in the sea of defi scams and you only took note of them now..

>> No.23541619

its a ded project, no token needed

>> No.23541834

No, I think it's quite a wise choice actually. I'm 60% LIT and 40% NEAR myself.

>> No.23541842

only 40% gonna make it

>> No.23541896

Good enough for me. But I think LIT is gonna make it as well. I've been holding it long before biz even caught on so I'm quite unfazed by the recent shilling on here. I bought it based on my own research, not because biz shilled it to me.

>> No.23541950

really? what makes you like lit?

>> No.23542003
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All in on LIT as well. Not much like only $1200 but it's all I have and LIT is the best bet in crypto. We all gonna make it.

>> No.23542207

I'm not going to shill it to you, you should DYOR like I did and decide for yourself. But I'm going to say this: Calling LIT a dead project shows you either didn't bother to do the smallest bit of research on the project or the last time you did so was at least half a year ago. The project has had major potential since the beginning but they couldn't get their shit together and launch a working blockchain. Things got real bad at the end of 2019 and even I almost gave up on them. But they have more than redeemed themselves during the past 6 month in my opinion and are really going for it recently. I think every project has it's ups and downs but LIT is in a great phase right now and thing are really looking up for the project (which definitely wasn't the case this time last year). The price of the LIT token seems to confirm this, it's been in a slow and steady uptrend since the beginning of this year. You certainly have a lot od dead projects in this space but LIT isn't one of them. No dead project's chart looks like this, they are merely flatlining. LIT basically did a 10x since January, which doesn't look very dead to me.

>> No.23542335

Good job anon. You’re all in on dog shit

>> No.23542438

I don’t get why people get suspicious about recent LIT recent shilling. I’d be suspicious if absolutely nothing happened to justify it but that’s not the case. It’s always been a good project on paper. Then mainnet launched. Hence the revival of interest.

>> No.23542477

How do you respond to the utility token argument. Utility tokens have historically been a bad investment. Lition is a great business model, but how do we know the token is going to go up?

Fuck off nulinker

>> No.23542538

>How do you respond to the utility token argument.
Staking rewards are tied to the real life business, customers etc. More use cases, more rewards, more investment into token. It's a self fulfilling prophecy. Also Richard said eventually the tokens can be used to pay for Lition Energie etc. There are so many possibilities. All this "token not needed" bullshit is so stupid.

>> No.23542557

>Staking rewards are tied to the real life business, customers etc. More use cases, more rewards, more investment into token. It's a self fulfilling prophecy. Also Richard said eventually the tokens can be used to pay for Lition Energie etc. There are so many possibilities. All this "token not needed" bullshit is so stupid.

YES or NO. Can I make money by just HODLing and not staking.
Also I have 12k Lit so should I bother with staking?

You dont have to spoonfeed but plz answer sir. Am not pajeet.

>> No.23542599

>Can I make money by just HODLing and not staking.
Yes I just explained it. The real investment is going to come from big whales that end up pumping cause they want the APY rewards.
>Also I have 12k Lit so should I bother with staking?
Minimum for staking is 5k. You can do it but you only gonna end up earning like 2-3 LIT per day however that can be a lot of $ in the future. Up to you and your financial situation etc. Check the general for staking calcs and the staking telegram group

>> No.23542668

token not needed. /thread

>> No.23542846

Yes, read the whitepaper. It literally says that the token is not needed in there. Just goes to show that you faggots don't even bother to DYOR and skim through a whitepaper before you invest your hard earned money in a worthless shitcoin.

>> No.23542855
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Because the other utility tokens had only little utility and much hype.
Take Siacoin for example. I love that tech, it's amazing and an amzing idea. But they're running for a couple years now and they have 715 TB stored on the network with a cost of 3 dollar/month per TB. Thats a yearly revenue of $26k. The Mcap is 118 Million and as a result only 0.02% of the supply is locked in file storage contracts.

Lition already has $15 million annually flowing over the blockchain and the fees that it generates has made stakers to lock in 40% of the supply. As they expand their usecases and drive up the number of transactions, they will increase the revenue being transacted over the blockchain and increase the total fees. These fees go straight into the pockets of the stakers. Creating a demand for more tokens to stake.

>> No.23542878

What kind of FUD is this? kek

>> No.23542902

Looks like brand new copypasta to me kek.

>> No.23542913

Shilling start price pump.. wonder what happen with the price when the trannies move on to next pnd

>> No.23542946 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23542957
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>> No.23543043

It makes more sense to say blockchain not needed than token not needed.
Token is needed to pay gas, secure the network by staking and pay fees to open up sidechains.
The blockchain is not needed for the energy usecase in the sense that they can run the business on some sort of testnet that gives the same functionality. A private blockchain if you like.
But this is less desireable since it is prone to single point failure and doesnt give full transparancy to customers and energy providers.
Besides the philosophy for Lition is that they export their blockchain ledger tech to not only be used for their own application but to share the tech as a service to other companies as well (and profit from their use said service). You can see it as if Lition developped ledger software for its own usecase and figured that other companies could use this too and by making the ledger public and decentralized they can export their software service and profit from it and not every company has to develop their own in house ledger software.
This is why they have not just founded Lition Energie but Lition Technology as well as two separate entities.
Their energy company is not going to throw the Technology company under the bus and say "you know what, we're just going to stop using the lition blockchain and handle the transactions ourselves on an in house network". Besides their are legal statutes in the way of them copying the Lition tech, owned by Lition Technology AG, and using it for Lition Energie Gmbh.
The docmosis usecase on the other hand entirely requires the lition blockchain because it should the documents should be secured and independently verifiable and cant be stored on an internal Docmosis system.

>> No.23543078

Larp. What happened to this place everyone always responds to your bait le pepe spam threads

>> No.23543168

You do realize other projects are trying to the same thing right? i.e ewt

>> No.23543255

Energy is just one use case for Lition

>> No.23543298
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greetest coin sirs kek. How does it feel to be rugpulled by Shell and such?

>> No.23543315

Its not bait cunt. You must go back.


>> No.23543476

I only have 7.5k lit. Will I make it?

>> No.23543488


>> No.23543997


>> No.23544962
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EWT is a proof of Authority token.
I.e. only their special partners can run nodes, just like XRP and all their special banking partners.

Kek, these dino utility companies aren't waiting to switch to blockchain tech. They are happy with things as they are. No need to improve things, because they dont have to.
You need disrupters in the market.

>> No.23545228

Why am I so bullish on LIT?

>> No.23545440

Literally the most undervalued project in the history of crypto except maybe ETH at under 1$

>> No.23545648

It's ridiculous. I literally cant stop buying this shit.
I'm up to 35% of my portfolio and I just bought yesterday again.
.t 300k LIT

>> No.23545699

Can someone explain me the tokenomics of ltition like im retarded?