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23541984 No.23541984 [Reply] [Original]

Insider here. Donald Trump will win the election

>> No.23542001

No shit with Florida and Pennsylvania swinging towards him he can't lose.

>> No.23542007

my ass

>> No.23542043

Insider than this guy, there will be a bug in the chainlink voting system (later blamed on china) which will cause Biden to win

>> No.23542053

do you guys think than donnie will leave the country when he loses? just imagine, some ex POTUS seeking refuge in russia, hilarious.

>> No.23542118

Outsider here. No clue what’s going on, but early polling data is showing that girls are leaving BBC in droves and flocking to Hunter Biden’s BWC. Landslide for Biden and the white race incoming.

>> No.23542202

I could see this happening

>> No.23542320
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just bet on trump already and use my referral so we can both earn millions

>> No.23542336

Outsider here. Donald Trump will win the election

>> No.23542340 [DELETED] 


>> No.23542383

yeah we know

>> No.23542411

Outsider here. Joe Biden will lose the inauguration.

>> No.23542555

Heh, fat chance, buddy.
>Everyone said Hillary will win.
>She lost.
>Now everyone is saying Trump will win.
I see what happens next.

>> No.23542575

i've not heard anyone say trump will win, every media outlet, and every poll, says biden will win lol.

>> No.23542584
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>Now everyone is saying Trump will win.

>> No.23542604

>trusting msm polls
you will never make it retard

>> No.23542613

>Florida and Pennsylvania swinging
Is zhis bait?

>> No.23542644

I'm literally all in on a Trump win, free libtard money is gonna taste so so sweet

>> No.23542704
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Me too. It's gonna be a great day. I've never gambled on anything but then I never thought I'd see Biden's son getting a foot job from a teenager so here we are.

>> No.23542730

I come here every day.
Every time theres at least 2 threads full of anons claiming Trump will win or Trump will win even harder than other anons think. And this is not even /pol/
You should lurk more. Everyone is sure Trump will win. That is why he will lose.

>> No.23542750

The mainstream are all saying he will lose, it doesn't matter what we say.

>> No.23542774

are you retarded?

>> No.23542789
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It's a sure thing, I bet whatever I had laying around in chinance

>> No.23542797

Wouldnt break the pattern even if trump loses

>> No.23542808

To be honest, I don't think the Orange Shit aka bleach injecting obese man stands a chance

>> No.23542810 [DELETED] 

crypto is going to crash because of fucking
faggot bitch mitch mcconnell

>senate is out of session until november 9th, no stimulus until after the election
>and since trump will probably lose, he'll
probably be too butthurt to do a deal
>unless we get a vaccine soon, shit will
probably keep falling until a stimulus comes
through the democrats in january

>> No.23542814

Really hope so. There will be absolutely unprecedented levels of liberal cope and salt. Would be one of the most satisfying moments of my life unironically.

>> No.23542823
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>> No.23542828
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Thanks just killed 100k niggers, spics and trannies

>> No.23542838

a fool and his money are easily parted

>> No.23542848

4chan also said Trump would win back in 2016. Everywhere else on the web is saying Biden. Are you new?

>> No.23542851

thanks to bitch faggot mitch mcconnell, crypto is going to crash

>put senate out of session until nov 9, which means no stimulus until then, AT BEST
>trump will probably be too pissed after he loses to do anything, will probably want to punish the nation for his failure
>stimulus by democrats, at best, in november

>> No.23542863
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>> No.23542864

I dont watch American news.
Do you have some official poll to link? What credible sources do they have to say that Trump is losing? Get me the most comprehensively done national poll, not just some 100N university questionnaire.
I still see everyone claiming Trump wins hard.

>> No.23542895

*at best, in january

>> No.23542904
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>> No.23542990

Hillary was a woman. She wasn't going to win. And only way a woman will win is if biden wins and dies. And no one wants a nigger woman as president.

>> No.23543258

add me on screen cap, chief

>> No.23543285

/biz/ is fuckin funny on tuesdays man

>> No.23543335

Only out of touch hicks believe that. Every city where most of the voters are supports Biden. People are sick of our incompetent president causing millions to die with his incompetent response to COVID and there are literal violent republican riots destroying whole sections of every major city. If you see this and think people want to vote for that Cheeto you’re fuckin retarded

>> No.23543370
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>farts from penis

>> No.23543448

What are you going to do with your winnings?

>> No.23543483

incumbents cant claim law and order retard

>> No.23543508

bidden jr looks like epstein

>> No.23543536

Is political betting even allowed? Or is that something that's outside of US?

>> No.23543568


>> No.23543813

PA is still likely biden and florida is a toss up...

>> No.23543828
File: 209 KB, 512x512, 1603585975097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at philly right now