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23542112 No.23542112[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there a worse investment than pic related?

Think about it logically and rationally.

>> No.23542135

T. Goldbergstein

>> No.23542145

Comfy. You are a Jew

>> No.23542149

Imagine not wanting a family and kids, with a woman who is loyal to you and raise your kids together.
Fucking jew

>> No.23542173
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Not a financial argument

>> No.23542210
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There's more to life than money, anon.

>> No.23542244 [DELETED] 

Western roasties no

Slavic cuties yes

>> No.23542261
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>> No.23542269

Is that a son or another daughter? It all depends on that.

>> No.23542290

t. David Bloom

>> No.23542298
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>jew worship

>> No.23542316

She'd benefit of BoringDAO

>> No.23542317

I am not having children personally, unless society crashes and I survive and need to help repopulate the earth. the human race doesnt deserve to go on though so probably not.

>> No.23542328

Good, more space for my genes

>> No.23542334

>Clean your room
>Read Meditations and Memezche

>> No.23542362
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>> No.23542368

You could just be a man and live your life without sacrificing money.

You clearly have not made major money, money becomes the last thing on my mind nowadays.

7 figure life, much rather spend time with my kids.

But I won't lie, every now and again I wanna smash some new pus.

>> No.23542389

I hate the jews as much as everyone here. But if starting a family with a scandinavian woman is worshiping them, i guess so.

>> No.23542394

No. There isn’t a worse investment.
But there’s a lot more to life and you should do it regardless, even if you make 10 million you’re going to wish you had a son to pass your tips on how to make it onto.

>> No.23542408

If you can’t tell that image is supposed to be ironic you might genuinely be brian damaged

>> No.23542410

They will look after you when you are old if you invest your time in them. So, good investment practically, yes.

>> No.23542414

Imagine being this ((()))

>> No.23542416


>> No.23542424

sculpting another of your blood to carry on your legacy, yeah sounds like a waste of time if you’re a shitkicker with no pride

>> No.23542449

I'll take brain damaged over being a greedy jew any day. It's the small things in life which leads to happiness, in accordance with virtue. If you have not understood this yet, i feel sorry for you.

>> No.23542515

you don't get what I am saying. If you are think that just giving birth to daughters is going to stop the degeneracy then you are retarded. The biggest issue i have with this idea that just having kids is going to solve our problem is bullshit. We are pawning off our inaction to the next generation. We were handed this by boomers and now we are gonna sit here and hand it off thinking that our kids are going to save us as opposed to actually working with jews to destroy us. Look at how most daughters come up in the US. Good fucking luck witht hat shit. A son is a bit more realistic but still. They will be brainwashed and continue with this progression into the abyss. UNLESS WE DO SOMETHING.

>> No.23542543

The US is a lost cause, and so is Sweden where I'm from. Thinking about moving to Norway. Also who the fuck said anything about saving the world? I just want personal happiness, don't care that much for the world, desu.

>> No.23542647

Instead of talking about the change, be the change anon. I’ve got a daughter and I’m gonna have a large family so I’m sure I’ll have sons too, net worths at 2M ish, 35. It is what it is, you make things work where the lazy PC mcparent fails, kids are great cause they can literally Become everything you didn’t and you can set them up for success and put them on the path even if you yourself weren’t put into it at a young age. There’s no greater sense of pride in that, I’ve made millions and it doesn’t compare to the joy of seeing my kid growing up, kids fill a void you never knew you had

>> No.23542664

OK. Yes, for you, they will likely abandon you and loathe you.

>> No.23542670

Then nothing in this fucking world is a financial argument.
The end is death, so efficiency dictates to just kill yourself right now just to spare yourself all the misery and trouble.
And kids and wife are actually financially valuable as well.
A stable family will boost you up and motivate you to do better in life

>> No.23542697

Legacy anon

>> No.23542707

Imagine not wanting to invest in the continuation of your own DNA. Guys like you are what helps keep the competition so low for me to continue breeding more women to give birth

>> No.23542720

Marcus Aurelius is pretty based,

>> No.23542729

A stable family is dependent on you first.
If youre already in a good position, a stable family can make a positive feedback loop for you.
But family is sacrifice and always needs constant and attention. The fulfilment comes from achieving that with the effort you put in, but you can always fail.

>> No.23542767

>muh bloodline
This isnt LOTR faggot

>> No.23542889

That would make him more credible than a low IQ g*y.

>> No.23542922

>muh breeding
You're no different than a dog or a worm.

>> No.23543008

Under ideal circumstances they could be a worthwhile investment, but the current societal structure specifically discourages marriage and breeding by anyone but the dregs of society.

>> No.23543149

Governments should kick out an incentive for the third child only desu.
20-50k check if you hit a third child.
People who have 1 or 2 children dont get them because of helping society so why should society give them money for something they would provide anyway?
A third child is what many won't provide due to personal reasons, financial, too old, not enough time etc.
Just giving money per child just leads to the vast majority not thinking the money is worth it and it thus not influencing their decision to have 1 or 2 kids and a very undesirable fraction of the population thinking it's worth it and popping out 8 kids.

>> No.23543218

It's a great investment but the turn around is very long so patience is required. Nice try Rabbi, kys.

>> No.23543236

why are whites so ugly?

>> No.23543240
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>> No.23543271

What will be the point of living when you are old and decrepit if you don’t have a family?

I can’t think of anything more depressing than being old and lonely with no one who cares about me.

>> No.23543272

biz coping again

>> No.23543352

Well exactly.
So it’s not a “bad” investment.
It’s literlly a relative investment.
You mess up in life and get wife and kids just to kill symptoms of your shitty life(feeling lonely, feeling useless, etc) you gonna end up with shitty wife and kids.
Because you don’t have them to form a family together, you have them because you are selfish and you feel lonely without having them.
Hence VERY poor people with a dozen kids

>> No.23543353

this and why do the insides of their houses all look the same?

>> No.23543365

Well I am sorry anon.
But if you aren’t chad, you can’t find loyal women
I get that

>> No.23543379

Imagine being so vain to think you reserve the moral authority to collectively judge 7 billion people.

>> No.23544228

It’s hilarious that virgin losers are the only ones that want kids and they’ll just make miserable kids

Yeah no fuck kids. I’d rather have a sports car and a beach house then some bitch and whining kids

>> No.23544274


The whole point of making money is to propagate your gene set

>> No.23544475

Men with children are seen as more responsible, stable, and confident. It's the true meaning of making it. And once you properly teach them the value of money and hard work, they will pay off as an investment by creating their own wealth.

>> No.23544600

This. Fuck off, jew.

>> No.23544647

Imagine your ancestors fighting sabertooth tigers and mammoths, only for it to die off with you cause you’re a selfish pleb

>> No.23544707
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cringe nufags in the unknown
based and thinking about it logically pilled.

>> No.23544791

>christ on a stick

>> No.23544812

None of you should breed

>> No.23544921

This is the best answer

>> No.23544938

This is the 2nd best answer

>> No.23544998

Kek your genes are not gonna make it. Stay childless faggot.

>> No.23545008

Lots of low iq animals itt

>> No.23545029

I made a killing in the 2017 crypto bullmarket and live mortgage free. I have two healthy blue eyed, blonde haired children with my wife who is an only child to rich boomer parents. Will allow us to fully retire in the next 10 years or so.

Yeah, I'm thinking I've made it.

>> No.23545052


>> No.23545055


>> No.23545105

Your children don't love you and your wife cheats on you

>> No.23545123
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>tfw literally my room.

>> No.23545159

who hurt you anon

>> No.23545179

Every single woman I've ever met

>> No.23545215
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>> No.23545267

i was a degenerate piece of shit before i decided to marry some whore i was fucking and have a kid. now im clean, happily married, relatively wealthy for someone who spent their entire 20s wantonly fucking and doing drugs and never had a career, have two beautiful children, found God again, and am actually happy. kids for me were just a biological imperative. i knew i was going to have them someday but i hated children and was selfish. finally i just thought fuck it, im turning 30 and have had every single hedonistic pleasure known to man and lived out every fantasy ive ever had lets tick the last box and procreate.

>> No.23545292

The biggest midwits use the term “logic” and “rationality” like it means very much. You are a retard who doesn’t understand the limits of his own autism

>> No.23545320

>gets immigrants pumping out 10 kids in your country

>> No.23545326

Lmao fpbp

>> No.23545473

You had me until "found god", what a waste of biological matter you are

>> No.23545520

Who's going to take of your when you're old and dementia ridden? Your money? Or the family you won't have?

>> No.23545526
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If you measure your life in dollars and materialistic consoomerism: no.

If you measure your life in higher purpose, fulfillment, and human experience: there is no better investment.

>> No.23545539

>reproduction is a higher purpose

>> No.23545559

>Is there a worse investment than pic related?
A T.V., imagine paying to be advertised to.

>> No.23545583
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Can you imagine a higher purpose than passing on your genetics ensuring the future of the species is (in part) characterized by your temperamental your intelligence, and your will?

I suppose you could just die and let me have an immeasurably larger impact on reality than you ever did.

>> No.23545586

But I though sxarp lost house?

>> No.23545590

What is money but sacrifice fodder, my fellow redditor?

>> No.23545690
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Family is objectively good for your mental health. Every guy I know that's single and over 30 is a depressed alcoholic

>> No.23545731

Image stinks of pseud

>> No.23545733

fucking based, we are all gonna make it.

>> No.23545819

Wait until your daughter brings a nigger home and she paid about how racist you are on Facebook and you lose your house and net worth when the Amazon.gov sentinel drone comes to your house.

>> No.23545987

Also, I know a few people over 35~ that don't have kids and they all feel off.

I know a few man and women that chose not to have kids and they are all extremely materialistic and shallow. No warmth at all and shitty personalities.

I know two guys who are literally 40 y/o virgins and it damaged them... literal manchilds who have an aura of awkwardness. They will never recover unless they to into extensive therapy.

I also know a woman who's can't have children. Husband left and she's now a archetype crazy cat lady. Deeply damaged her and I really feel sad for her.

>> No.23546001

Have fun when your daughter Gets raped in college

>> No.23546029


>> No.23546039

yikes...imagine not being able to afford a good home and family. the investment is minimal....the rewards immeasurable.

>> No.23546213


>> No.23546250
File: 160 KB, 368x448, FEEAF643-4FA8-4D26-A11F-E81DB4E05429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, I wish that were me

>> No.23546333

It looks pretty comfy desu

>> No.23546397
File: 64 KB, 169x280, 1603623744147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking jew detected. Oy vey White man now we have turned all your White women into literal hysterical screaming treacherous retards surely making White baby's with them is a bad decision right?
Here is an asian woman who will cook and clean and suck your dick go have fun, remember no White children ok?
I see you Goldmann. I fucking see you!

>> No.23546935


>> No.23546940

It was in the past. And it will be again soon.

>> No.23546959
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>beautiful nordic white family
absolutely disgusting.

>> No.23546985

yes. it was called ICX.

>> No.23546997

Congrats anon. A childless white person will always become unbalanced. We need the responsibility and the connection with our heritage and future to help us reach our true potential.

>> No.23547143

It is to me anyways. I’m not ready to commit to a decision that I have to dedicate the rest of my life towards. I’m envious of other men that have the drive to sacrifice everything, I just can’t bring myself to do it.

>> No.23547170


>> No.23547213

>he fell for the have kids meme
Enjoy spending all your money and time on someone elses happiness, only to have them hate and resent you for it as soon as they reach their teens.

>> No.23547235

90% of meditations is boring and insipid.

>> No.23547257

imagine believing this meme always happens

>> No.23547684

sacrifice everything? to what specifically are you referring? your ability to sleep in till noon on a sunday? kek, just admit that responsibility scares you and you feel safer under someone else's wing. whether or not you end up having kids...you still gotta grow up someday anon.

>> No.23547865
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booba is finally leaving, my frens

Does this mean it's happening or does this mean it's not happening?

>> No.23548215

thinking about it logically and rationally is wrong

>> No.23548320

t. crabs in bucket

>> No.23548357

You are an avatarfaggot. A faggot. I hope you never make it

>> No.23548465

how old are you?

>> No.23548568

>1st kid has 50% of your genes
>2nd kid has 50% of your genes
>more than 50% of your genes are starting over
>more than 50% of your genes will experiment life better than you did (if you bought link and are a good father)
>only non meme idea of immortality that exists
Unironically kys faggot, if we were in a based society people demoralizing others like you should be burned at the stake

>> No.23548718

I never got lucky with a loyal women. only abortion whores.

>> No.23549012

Humans have the highest amount of gene mutation from each generation of parents. Speaks to our ability to evolve over time.

>> No.23549285
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It is a bad investment because it isn't an investment. It is more akin to funding since there isn't an expected material result, but rather, a fulfilling of personal purposes. Families also usually don't require repayments (unless divorced) since the family remains until death. In turn, it is more comparable to funding, which likewise doesn't typically require organizations to pay back the capital. On the other hand, investors expect companies to pay back the invested capital, along with a percent of the shares. Which, once repaid, nullifies all obligations to the previous investors.

>> No.23549359

Also noted that by "repayments" I mean the family you're giving money to is not obligated to repay you. (unless divorced but you're dudes so you're still paying)