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23539735 No.23539735 [Reply] [Original]

Is it AI? I'm considering taking some courses.

>> No.23539754

deep quantum reinforcement learning on the blockchain

>> No.23539783

AI isn't an industry it's a seachange in human evolution. Literally the 4th industrial revolution except it will make the others look meaningless

>> No.23539788


>> No.23539791

I hope it is the next step in evolution. I might reconsider my views of Buddhism as pain and suffering does not exist for AI.

>> No.23539798

Probably weapons industry cuz we goin to war

>> No.23539805

>pain and suffering does not exist for AI.
how can you be so sure?

>> No.23539819
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>> No.23539826

Quantum AI powered sexrobots and holographic gfs running on blockchain using Chainlink oracles.

>> No.23539833
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>> No.23539841

panpsychism. souls/qualia manifest as overtones of harmonic oscillators like animal bodies and computer chips

>> No.23539868

>invisibility cloaks and weather engineering by next year

>> No.23539899

It's going to be hard to achieve all of that if we shut down the world every flu season.

>> No.23539909


LINK in the 4IR

>> No.23539933

If anything the "flu season" as you call it has shown how much of the world really doesn't need to be working for things to function just fine.

>> No.23539940

Sports gambling. Buy DKNG and PENN stock

>> No.23539986

>everything is working fine
Don't you think it's a bit early to be making that claim? In the future there will be many thick volumes about 2020 and it's long-term effects. I somehow doubt researchers will come to the conclusion, 'no significant negative impact'.

>> No.23540037

In medical terms yes there may be long term complications on the population. Anyone who is still a "just-a-flu"er is either a recluse or a moron.
But economically? Largely fine. The big panic from governments around the world is to get people back to work so they stay out of trouble.
Supposedly we all need to go out and buy takeaway coffee so the people who work in takeaway coffee shops have something to do.

>> No.23540119

>But economically? Largely fine.
I am curious to know what you think the meanings of "economically" and "fine" are.

>> No.23540175

What I mean is if we were smart and organised about it the world would be able to maintain the exact same standard of living with about half the current workforce. Most jobs are just busywork. Maybe you're from a country who didn't get the proper lockdown experience

>> No.23540268

It will be seen as a fortuitously timed "wake up call." Were't not for the covid hyperstition, the current multi-industry international adoption of the tools and techniques of the 4IR wouldn't happen as seemlessly as they have been. Skeptics of tomorrow's modernity will see fault in it, but the narrators of "progress" will look back with pride.

>> No.23540305
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If you're trying to learn some marketable skills, AI is probably your best bet.
some other tech that's going to be a big deal might be another good choice, neuromorphic computing comes to mind. Decentralized computing is probably here to stay too. Maybe quantum computers, but most of their present use cases are purely academic.
Weapons will always be in, they're going to want a taste of AI and other advances for their drones.
Medicine, medical devices and pharmaceuticals will probably be hot too once boomers start expiring.

>> No.23540322

Qualia is different between man and machine.
The CPU doesn't think OH MY GOD PLEASE STOP if there are a ton of keyboard interrupts. However, pain acts as an interrupt to the brain to elicit a change in behavior or environment. This pain can become overwhelming from a qualia point of view.

>> No.23540343

Practically what you say is true, but the world reserve currency is be inflated away and none of jews in charge want to take the hit on their watch. The transition to the new system (whatever that ends up being) will not be smooth nor painless

>> No.23540365
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>> No.23540381

Saved. Will read in entirety tomorrow to determine my future.


Reading the Schwab 4IR books next month.

>function just fine
We survived 9/11 too. What happened? All privacy is lost. These big events allow governments to increase their control. What makes you think they'd let you live without being their slave?

That's solid. Maybe I'll finally be able to leverage my bioengineering degree.

>> No.23540446

Too late 4 u

>> No.23540453

So how to make money from AI? What kind of apps or solutions to build?

>> No.23540477
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we're not talking about classical computing though, sure the CPU doesn't 'feel' anything, but that's also not what composes an AI.
There are all sorts of reinforcement techniques now, that came out of the same sort of mindset you're stating.
I don't think there's anything approaching what we conceive of as inner experience yet (or whether or not this is meaningful), but I wouldn't count it out.
look up what's being done in medical diagnostics, lots of stuff related to AI is being implemented. I worked for a company for a bit and they were developing medical imaging AI's for diagnostics (I wasn't working on it, I was working on signal processing stuff)
The field looks pretty hot.

>> No.23540513

these are already here retard.

>> No.23540555

ikr. invisibility is a part of the 6th generation fighter program, and HAARP has been around forever.

>> No.23540572
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If you want to be rich, buy some AGI (SingularityNET)

-partnered with Cardano

-partnered with Cisco

-partnered with Ping An (largest insurance company in the world)

-partnered with Ocean Protocol

-partnered with Domino's Pizza

-partnered with the government of Malta

-partnered with UNESCO

SingularityNET is a DeAI Oracle creating AI tools and AI marketplace for fortune 500 companies. Cisco and Huawei are already utilizing OpenCog AI framework within their companies on the back end and will eventually utilize AGI. Their for profit SingularityNET Studio already contracts AI work with major companies and hopefully, those companies will utilize the SingularityNET marketplace platform in the future and AI services will be purchased on mass utilizing SingularityNET and potentially, billions of AGI transactions will be made each day.

SingularityNET's most recent partnership has been with Cardano, in which SingularityNET will be migrating a portion of its network to Cardano from Ethereum. It's an active project with a CEO that has been in AI for over 35+ years.

>> No.23540643
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>> No.23540682

yeah first thing it will do is launch the fucking nukes though

>> No.23540693

gun manufacturing

>> No.23541359


>> No.23541544

Panpsychism doesn't mean what most people think it means. Consciousness != Intelligence
You could be a retard and still be able to experience.

There are definitely secret experiments we don't hear about that could be on the verge of what we consider actual AI. We *might* hear about it in 10 years.

I will need some AI courses to differentiate me from other bioengineers. 8 out of 10 don't know much more than intro to computer science and basic STEM classes. However, I feel like they'll just hire CS grads to work alongside medical experts instead.

>> No.23541583

synthetic media