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File: 23 KB, 552x638, Cryptocurrency Portfolio October 2020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23539165 No.23539165 [Reply] [Original]

Starting out with a portfolio of 10 different crypto coins. I chose to divide it up as such:
20% BTC, 20% ETH, 20% LINK, 10% FIL, 5% DOT, 5% UNI, 5% OCEAN, 5% RLC, 5% UBT, 5% SNX.
I will increase my holdings but so far how did I do?

>> No.23539181

>how did I do?
That depends, do you have any spare rope or kneepads lying around?

>> No.23539203

put it all in link

>> No.23539249

I might but at this stage I think it's wiser to diversify.

>> No.23539262

Put it in QNT, OCEAN. BTC and PRQ with a similar breakdown to what you have with more money in less risky coins.

>> No.23539279

>Not LIT


>> No.23539291

nigga what the fuck are you doing? don't buy meme coins.

>> No.23539405

I don't just buy meme coins (I'm avoiding QNT and LIT for that reason). I've done some research and I like what I read about these. I haven't seen anyone posting about FIL on here, that is really appealing to me with it's Inter-Planetary File System. For this reason I have it at 10% rather than 5% like the other lesser known alt-coins I'm holding.

>> No.23539453

Why do you have RLC AND Ocean? Are you retarded? You hold Unibright and Synthetix? Dude stop being so retarded seriously. FILECOIN? Dude what the fucking flipping flapping fuck, R E T A R D. Kill yourself OP, you fucking faggot. Fucking redditor ass "diversification" ass cumstain on your shirt ass poop stuck to your butt hair ass onions drinking ass Robinhood trader ass nigga ass cum ass poop ass fart ass ass nigga

>> No.23539528

>Why do you have RLC AND Ocean?
While I'm new to this you clearly know nothing at all, RLC is decentralized cloud computing while OCEAN is big data, these are not the same thing.

>> No.23539547

They are both trying to "replace cloud computing" and that will never happen.

>> No.23539634

I don't think anyone serious is saying 'replace' but there could be room for decentralized alternatives. Big data doesn't have to mean personal private information, it could be all sorts of types of data that could be utilized by AI.

>> No.23539666

Has anyone even seen "data" from OCEAN lmao shits vaporware why would any company use something in a public blockchain

>> No.23539688

Shut the fuck up nigger

>> No.23539694


>> No.23539870

>why would any company use something in a public blockchain
Use your imagination.

>> No.23540023


>> No.23540135

What kind of retard buy FIL at current stage? Thing as like 80B fully diluted marketcap and only 1% circulated supply. This is 100% going to pull CRV.

>> No.23540150

How new are you?

>> No.23540211


>> No.23540236

This is like going back in the early days of seach engines and putting 20% in Google, 10% in Dogpile, 10% in Yahoo Search, etc.

Or putting 20% in Apple, 10% in Blackberry, etc.

Bitcoin is the market leader and will have the same effect to the rest of the market that Facebook, Tesla, Google, Apple, Amazon did.

I'm not here to shit on altcoins, I own a few. SNX seems very promising. But they're not all going to go up 1000x. Many of them have no where to go but down. Bitcoin is going to eat up the entire market, it's a store of value perfected. It's like investing in Google back in the day, invest and keep investing until everyone figures out that it already won a long time ago. Buffet didn't invest in Apple until after others figured it out a decade earlier. Who are you?

>> No.23540984

>Bitcoin is the market leader and will have the same effect to the rest of the market that Facebook, Tesla, Google, Apple, Amazon did.
>I'm not here to shit on altcoins, I own a few. SNX seems very promising.
Haha, I see what you did there, SNX will enable you to invest in baskets. :^P

>> No.23541035

Algorand is worth looking at imo

>> No.23541046

I know they have impressive people working there but how is it unique?

>> No.23541051

you're not as smart as you think you are and this diversify nonsense is on the one hand overthinking it and on the other hand giving you a false sense of security. You'll do great with just the 3 top holdings in that portfolio, but if you insist on the other shitcoins, squeeze those into the last 10-15%. Understand you may win big on a couple of those, but the gains will be short lived and almost all of them will be worth less than what you pay for them long term.

>> No.23541307

>Understand you may win big on a couple of those, but
Well that's what I'm hoping. I'm betting that it will be enough to compensate for the coins that stagnate or go down. Is diversification really such a bad word around here? It's a pretty basic and obvious concept.

I guess I believe in wide ranging applications of blockchain technology. With the exception of DOT and ETH which seem to be similar, I would say that the rest of these fill their own niche. Also, how can some of you be so in love with LINK at the exclusion of all else when it seems to me it interoperability and connectivity of different blockchains are some of it's core functions?

>> No.23541460

You're overthinking it thinking that this market is still full of scams like in 2017 instead of just putting money into a handful of good shitcoins who are still low, but survived the 2017 purge, and then just waiting. Good example is RLC having survived while REQ got REQT.

Is RLC a guarantee? No. But if you want solid gains, you don't put your money into Bitcoin. Especially now today. The market is fundamentally different from 2017.

>> No.23541523

Go all in ocean today I'f you love money

>> No.23541534

Go all in ocean today I'f you love money+

>> No.23541828

>no bsv

Clearly you didn't actually do all your research yet friend

>> No.23541960
File: 91 KB, 600x431, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are ngmi for not even considering qnt

>> No.23542542

diversifying too much just kills your gains, youll only make it in a golden bullrun

>> No.23543518

>a portfolio of 10 different crypto coins

This is literally the worst approach when you're a poorfag.

>> No.23543575
File: 60 KB, 516x808, IMG_20201027_094530_466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23543603

If you research managed funds they typically say: “The fund is highly concentrated with only 15-30 stocks.”

>> No.23543615


Make your point explicit.

>> No.23543660

To a fund manager, 15-30 stocks is highly concentrated, so 10 stocks is even more concentrated but you say this is too many.

>> No.23543716

Crypto is not stocks dumbfuck

>> No.23543764


1) are we talking about stocks?
2) do we have the same amount of funds as those guys?
3) are we looking for the same kind of returns?
4) does it have anything whatsoever to do with this thread, actually?

Hint: same answer for each

>> No.23543972

Why would you think stocks are different regarding diversification? The question of how you allocate your investment, how concentrated or not a portfolio is, is the same. The total amount of money invested doesn’t change this. Those of you who want to hold one coin can but I’m not certain of what is going to happen. I’ll try my best to work it out but but being convinced of what the future will hold is foolish.