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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 328 KB, 1125x1406, 1827479C-1188-41E0-AF9E-B2C2F6EC5440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23536223 No.23536223 [Reply] [Original]

Crypto is useless because it’s so easy just to guess a private key

Trust wallet only has a 12 word phrase and only a pool of 5000 words

5000*12 = only 60,000 possible mnemonics. It’s not secure at all.

>> No.23536252

lol, it's 5000^12

>> No.23536253

you mean 5000^12 right?

>> No.23536260

>it’s so easy just to guess a private key

Do it then

>> No.23536267

It's not 5000*12
It's 5000*12+5000*11+5000*10
Etceteram, down to one.

>> No.23536272


>> No.23536276


found 0,3 btc in the last 2 hours

>> No.23536286

Holy shit, are these the people we take advice from?

Literally fucking dead beat brainlet tier. Grab a shovel and smash your head in please. Nothing of worth will be lost, trust me.

>> No.23536289

i called it in that last thread that this would be used to fud normies kek

>> No.23536296

That's the same thing retards.

>> No.23536310

Ok but 5000^12 is still not that much.

You could just get some friend to all help you guess keys.

Like it takes 10 seconds to come up with a phrase.

Eventually you are bound to get one right.

>> No.23536312

thanks just guessed 100k private keys

>> No.23536321

Lmao did you pass grade 4?

>> No.23536324

I'm pretty sure they just use your GPU to mine bitcoin for themselves

>> No.23536340

I literally found 0,3 BTC just guessing keys today

It’s so easy

>> No.23536344
File: 9 KB, 249x189, pepe laff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we charge 30% from the found balance as a service fee;
>payouts are made manually ASAP;

>> No.23536351

He's not wrong. This is why Cryptocurrency will never make it, and also why it should be banned off of /biz/.

Let's face it, the more people who get into crypto, the more addresses you will need.
With only 60,000 possible combinations, there can't be more than 60,000 people. It's dumb and hackers will eventually take your money.

Stick to stocks.

>> No.23536355

proofs pls

>> No.23536358

Literally this. A 12 qubit quantum computer could do that in like 5000 cycles. How hard can that be to arrange?

>> No.23536363


>> No.23536364

If by eventually you mean 100 billions years, assuming 10 seconds per attempt as you said.

>> No.23536372

holy shit amerilards stay in school

>> No.23536381
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>> No.23536384

Lmao at all the newfags falling for this blatant bait

>> No.23536388

holy fuck you can't be this fucking retarded

>> No.23536393

Holy crap all of biz is mathematically illiterate.
Doesn't understamd basic permutations and combinations.

>> No.23536399

actually scratch that, at 10 seconds per attempt is more like 1 quadrillion years

>> No.23536411

hahahaha ok liar

>> No.23536418

Alright, make it 1 second per attempt. Doable if you focus. How much does that come out to?

>> No.23536422

ah fuck dude hes onto us. As soon as 20 or 30 normies realize this we will be totally fucked

>> No.23536459

You paid gas fees didnt you. Kek

>> No.23536468

if 10 seconds = 1 quadrillion years
then 1 second = ?

tip: divide by 10

>> No.23536472

Nice, just guessed the ETH burn address! Thanks for the tip guys!!

>> No.23536500

Thx for tip I just got into 40 different wallets and made off with 500000000eth

>> No.23536526

That's what I asked you, moron
I don't have time do crunch the numbers
I could if I wanted too, i'm just too busy

>> No.23536539

Oh no, as soon as you move a single ETH confidence in the system will collapse sending everything to zero
A new age

>> No.23536552

Do the math you human computer autist slave

>> No.23536555

>Ok but 5000^12 is still not that much.
Hahahaha. Oh man, no you have no idea how wrong you are. Not the slightest clue. It's 2^256.

Watch this video:


The article has to do with guessing early wallets protected with custom passwords that were stupidly short. Bots were built to basically brute force wallets like this. Fascinating stuff, but they only suck dry the wallets with very short, stupid passwords. There was an interesting article on this I read not too long ago, basically these bots scouring the network and collecting bitcoin here and there - which is doubtful it's owned by anyone that understands the technology, they probably just forgot their information/pw.

Modern encryption is simply impossible to hack through modern technology. Cracking Bitcoin would mean that you could literally hack anything. Anything. Any bank. Federal reserves. Anything.

>> No.23536590
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shitcoin bandits

>> No.23536599

Lets hope aliens with 1024 qubit computers dont fuck us over once we go full digital cash.

>> No.23536611

Ok I'm gonna assume you are trolling at this point (I was only 90% certain before these 2 posts).

>> No.23536614

Multisig wallets already exist. Try hacking that

>> No.23536625

That’s not how the math work out you fucking moron.

>> No.23536626


>> No.23536650

wtf a password just flew over my house

>> No.23536664

you fucking retard save this fud for when they start buying it on paypal with christmas money

>> No.23536678

lmao underrated comment
OP https://tallyco.in/s/utsgf7/
since you so smart kek

>> No.23536691

This if you don't understand math in even basic terms, stick to stocks.

>> No.23536719

I don’t know how people fall for this
Here’s your (u)

>> No.23536729

what does (u) mean

>> No.23536751

Wow i hope he didnt mean (You) proper

>> No.23536782

oh lol

>> No.23536806

Based. You are right. It's honestly not a lot. Only when they get hacked they will know "you were right"

>> No.23536834
File: 376 KB, 768x576, 1600478072972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/biz/ math
no wonder you all make terrible investment decisions
it's n!/(n-k)! where n is the total number of words and k is the number in the phrase
the number of permutations is:
~2.41 × 10^44
which is a pretty big number.

>> No.23536865

how will they guess my hard wallet?

>> No.23536871

who doesnt use 24 word option?

>> No.23536903

true, I use 24 for everything, the number of permutations for that is:
5.64 x 10^88
it's a pretty substantial increase, not that you really had to worry about a collision with the 12 word.

>> No.23536925

BSV investor right here

>> No.23536938

Go back

>> No.23536941
File: 37 KB, 600x687, d31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I literally found 0,3 BTC just guessing keys today

>> No.23536983

Then get a physical wallet? Like those things that you plug in.

>> No.23537007

>there are people unironically using this site thinking they will some day find someone's key
I am tearing up

>> No.23537055

If it wasn't legit, how come they have a legitimate url? You can't get that without showing some credentials to ICANN

>> No.23537077


>> No.23537081

>holy fuck you can't be this fucking retarded
>Holy crap all of biz is mathematically illiterate.
>Hahahaha. Oh man, no you have no idea how wrong you are
>f you don't understand math in even basic terms, stick to stocks.

>> No.23537143

Its not.
5000^12 is 5000 multiplied by 5000 12 times.

>> No.23537156

Result is 2,44140625e+44

>> No.23537169

Lmao the absolute state of /biz/. When did this board get so fucking retarded? How do you exhibit an interest towards investing without even having a basic grasp of probability?

>> No.23537175
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>> No.23537176

Also, wired is reddit standard magazine.
And is spreading FUD so that only corporates buy crypto.

Try hard next time, OP.

>> No.23537777
File: 60 KB, 900x900, 1600649862542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me run the numbers for you
the best 'miner' in this pool has a key rate of 212,973 keys/sec round up to 213,000
lets say he runs that for 100 years
213,000*60*60*24*365*100 = 671716800000000 keys
bitcoin private keys are 256 bits, that's 2^256 total possible keys.
in December 2018 there were like 460 Million used bitcoin addresses, let's double that and round up, so 1B.
the probability of selecting any valid address given a random 256 bit number is 1,000,000,000/2^256 = 8.636 × 10^-69
so it's a bernoulli trial, for a Bernoulli distribution the probability of getting at least one key P(k >=1) = 1-P(k =0)
1 - nCk p^k * (1-p)^(n-k)
1 - n!/(k!(n-k)!)*p^k * (1-p)^(n-k)
n = trials = 671716800000000
p = probability = 8.636 × 10^-69
k = 0, so we can get the rest of the distribution
n C 0 = 1 and p^0 = 1
so our answer is 1 - (1-p)^(n)
threw that in a high precision calculator and
5.8 * 10^-54 is the likelihood that you will get more than 0 correct keys in 100 years of trying using the best possible computer in this pool.
It's not going to happen, you got memed

>> No.23537856

princess result dancing horse plague prance fish reply or your mother dies tonight money shower cake icing tarantula bingo monkey yabba dabba doo

>> No.23537909

I always wondered whether you could bait the bots that monitor the low grade wallets and beat them at their own game.
>move a couple of bucks worth of some shitcoin into an empty, compromised ETH wallet
>bot scans and notices, moves a tiny amount of ETH to use as gas to steal it
>monitor the incoming transactions
>spam junk transactions with the gas set as high as possible to burn up all their ETH as soon as it lands
>the bot keeps scanning, eventually loops back around and notices the unguarded shitcoin
>moves a tiny amount of ETH to use as gas to steal it
>hacker wakes up and walks over to their computer
>their bot has spent 400 ETH trying to nab half a link token

>> No.23537948

although this is a simplification since it isn't exactly a Bernoulli trial, but the difference is negligible
based, I kinda want to try this

>> No.23537949

Fucking checked jesus christ amen

>> No.23537963

I doubt it would actually work, even if they hadn't accounted for it you're rolling the dice on whose transaction goes through first.

>> No.23537988

This is the funniest scam in a while

>> No.23537998

Similar to the idea behind the keeperdao gambit

>> No.23538002


highly based

>> No.23538007

Ok but seriously. What stops someone from just typing random words into MEW and finding wallets?

>> No.23538010

based as fuck!

>> No.23538025

old age

>> No.23538028


>> No.23538030
File: 161 KB, 306x306, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me how probability will make me a 20% rate of return every single year.

>> No.23538042
File: 2.19 MB, 1172x623, 5846E743-DFF7-4AAB-8503-DC61ADC8DD3A.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the odds of those digits?

>> No.23538051
File: 8 KB, 277x182, lastOPs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>falling for that pasta bait

>> No.23538054

Wow. Holy shit watch some day trading videos.

>> No.23538058
File: 69 KB, 714x476, threeway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are literally 50 ways to take a private key and a dictionary attack isn't one of them

>> No.23538059

This is how eth bandits actually work. There are quite a few people who use easy to guess phrases for their wallets, like well known quotations.

>> No.23538063
File: 3.39 MB, 372x322, reppie.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek underated

>> No.23538071
File: 48 KB, 500x500, karenk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its hard to guess 'your' private key, but much easier to guess 'a' private key.

>> No.23538077

u substitution

>> No.23538080

Ledger seed is 24 words. Good luck guessing that

>> No.23538089
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>> No.23538092

that’s why I always store my crypto in exchanges I trust just like a bank. Never understood those willing to risk their holdings I mean you wouldn’t carry all your money with you in real life now would you.

>> No.23538095

Let's guess it one letter at a time:

>> No.23538096
File: 474 KB, 998x1297, 1603535169883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just bought a dictionary. What now ledger cucks?

>> No.23538102

yes got it

>> No.23538143
File: 109 KB, 1022x1024, 1603671135345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

although if you don't reuse addresses you're still alright
not that bitcoin would still be a thing if that happened, the whole system would probably collapse if many people lost their keys to quantum attacks, but technically your bitcoins would be fine if you never used the address to sign anything

>> No.23538146
File: 264 KB, 828x438, B8FC10F3-A620-4F2A-AB68-44C0B5671BEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who’s the Kevin McCallister of crypto?

>> No.23538178 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 924x480, global-daily.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ehh, its not doing too bad as a currency, except tether is beating it which is embarrassing

>> No.23538335


>> No.23538344

OP is a retard

>> No.23538369
File: 28 KB, 182x276, 1591921570281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just shoved my ledger up my ass, what now retard?

>> No.23538419

doesn even know match NGMI

>> No.23538453

>falling for bait
>prentending to fall for bait
this entire thread is the reason none of you will ever make it

>> No.23538460


>> No.23538482

>falls for bait

>> No.23538488
File: 35 KB, 594x565, 1603362143524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck anon

>> No.23538492

>falls for my bait

>> No.23538672
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>> No.23538691

This is not possible. You cannot use a keyboard. This was a troll.

>> No.23538807

may your portfolio see gainz anon

>> No.23538883

OK but what is that in common core?

>> No.23538885

Thanks just found Satoshi Nakamoto's address and am now worth millions

>> No.23539003

Poor but sadly effective b8

>> No.23539087
