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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23537261 No.23537261 [Reply] [Original]

Is travelling a waste of money

>> No.23537277

idk sounds fun

>> No.23537279

living is a waste of money

>> No.23537285

yes unless youre traveling to impregnate third world whores

>> No.23537287

A waste of money is spending the best years of your life on an internet forum for slobs

>> No.23537296

Shut the fuck up incel

>> No.23537328

no. I'd much rather spend my money to have unique experiences than buy the next BasedPhone to consoom endless media with.
The memories I have from traveling 10 years ago bring me more joy than buying random shit I don't need ever could.

>> No.23537337

what a brutal post lol

>> No.23537351

no, incel.

>> No.23537354

Not if you go with friends or something. Most of you guys just don't like to do anything that's social.. have to step out of your comfort zone a bit.. live a little.

>> No.23537425

Travel is a meme for NPCs to show how cultured they are in the most bland "I spent money to get pictures I can brag about on my Only Fans page" way and brag about the "experiences" they have.
Now living in multiple countries, that's actual living experience.

>> No.23537426
File: 205 KB, 1024x768, classypepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People always romanticize places they've never been before. Here's how the typical Chad amerifat travels to europe:
>Go to European country
>Eat the food. Oh my god, such good food!
>Get wasted every day. Dude, this wine is SOO cheap yet SOO good!
>See the sights. Take an annoying amount of pictures with your smartphone, thereby pissing off every non-Amerifat there.
> Fall in love with random European girl. Fuck her a few times while you're there.
>Promise her that you'll write to her or call her.
>You'll come back from vacay and talk to her for like a month, then you will ghost each other. But the memories will remain in your mind.
Not saying that it isn't worth it, but it's just a big hassle for something that doesn't last.

>> No.23537465

>it's just a big hassle for something that doesn't last.
nothing lasts, retard

>> No.23537472


>> No.23537490
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That's why instead of going to meme cities you go /out/ and connect with the world as nature intended
>spent last summer at pic related

>> No.23537499

I traveled a lot to Europe for my last job. It gets really old, really fast, and when you tell that to other burgers, they think you're humble bragging.
No, international travel sucks balls once you've done it enough times, and one of the best part of my current jobs is that I never have to do it again.

>> No.23537500

yea the US is pretty huge anyway, i bet there are plenty of cool places to explore, why go overseas?

>> No.23537523
File: 22 KB, 489x627, images (13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exploration is a white man's thing, you wouldn't understand.

>> No.23537535

i mean the big lesson is that every place in the world is awesome if you have a lot of money. If you're a wagecuck, it's just boring and average. Europeans know those feels too.

>> No.23537541

travel is shit
either live abroad or do a cross-continental motorcycle trip
becoming an ESLfag teacher is the easiest way to live abroad for like a $500 startup cost — you’ll make shit pay in USD, but it’ll be enough to live pretty healthily most anywhere else while accumulating crumbs in your portfolio

>> No.23537542

Lots of cool places overseas too by that logic.

>> No.23537544

Im Aussie i travel around to reinforce what i have suspected all my life , there is no moving up from australia it is the best place in the world , the swiss alps wernt much more impressive than the Australian alps,the gobi desert is shit because it doesnt have blood red sand and finally seeing the northern lights in reykjavik was far less impressive and less colourful than the southern lights i can see from the southern states here.

>> No.23537560

this is the pinnacle of travel
realizing everywhere else is shit and learning to love your home country
it’s still a necessary rite of passage

>> No.23537567

business travel is the ultimate s-o-y fantasy. i never traveled internationally but i traveled 2-3 months a year domestically in USA and it was the most soulcrushing bullshit imaginable.

>> No.23537569

yea but plane ticket, buying euros and extra costs etc, i could get it if you're tired of fucking american gurls

>> No.23537604

Either you're wagecuck traveling like I was, or you're Instagram traveling like most "world travelers".
That's why the list of countries you've lived in is a better indication of how much of the world you've seen, and not how many stamps you have on your passport.

>> No.23537633

Hmmm, pre-covid:
>Party in strange lands
>Meet, party, and fuck exotic women
>Eat exotic food and experience culture shock
>Experience new customs & cultures
Yeah, OP. Not very fun.
Case closed.

>> No.23537654

traveling to visit historical places in Europe and experiencing different cuisines is pure kino. However, traveling to soulless new shit like Dubai or a shit holes like India or China is a waste of time and money.

>> No.23537657

That looks beautiful.

>> No.23537689

topics like "is X a waste of money" are highly subjective and depends on whether you consider it a waste of money or not so pls fuck off

>/biz/ - Business & Finance

>> No.23537690

if your cashing out to cash out in a place like this one..

then no, it's not a waste of money, it was the price of real freedom.

>> No.23537760
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It really was. I met a number of people there who found it so beautiful that when they got there they just never left and found a job doing whatever they could they loved it so much. Want to go back soon.

Some day I want to make it to pic related, but that one will be expensive as hell, so hopefully my shitcoins will pay off

Or if I really make it, doing something like this would be an amazing way to experience life

>> No.23537764

I'm from Europe (UK) and I have to disagree with your India comment. They may not have had a McD's on every corner, but the sub-continent is steeped in culture. I spent months working in Mumbai (which is not so good) but I had the chance to visit other parts of India, and intend to return on my own time and explore that vast continent.

>> No.23537769

Only cool thing I have done travelling was going to the Aleutian chain and other remote places in Alaska...would like to see Altai and Kyrgyzstan and Mongolia (thanks to this place and the throat singing shilling).. ...see the nature...dont wana go to meme places.. i just like hiking and watching nature.

>> No.23537784

Why are /pol/ tranny shills finding their way here

>> No.23537801


This is why your consoomer brain keeps you poor and why you will die in the financial winter that is about to start

>> No.23537802

I hope you have all realised that the Earth is flat, right?

>> No.23537818

I have 50k Link, bud. I own my own home and don't work very often. Hope that's OK with you.

>> No.23537827
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*travelling while working

>> No.23537835

It's not a waste as long as you can afford it. This tweet is criticizing uninteresting people that like to do things everyone likes to do, not travelling specifically. That seems to have gone over some heads

>> No.23537839
File: 69 KB, 412x420, frit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Exploration is a white man's thing
word for word my grandfathers reasoning when asked why we live in mossie infested rainforest that gets cyclones every year.

>> No.23537848

it's not a waste of money if you sleep in bushes and abandoned crack houses


>> No.23537849
File: 511 KB, 2048x1577, Yuru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my dream hike honestly.


I'm not an /out/, I'm a filthy degenerate living in my parents' home but once chainlink takes off, I'm paying myself a nice salary to leave my goddamned island and travel the world and see what nature has in store.

>> No.23537853


And you think this is a lot?

>> No.23537858

No, it's actually the only thing I deem worth spending considerable money into

>> No.23537862


Travelling gets you exposes you to all kinds of culture, food, trim, customs. If you're into that kinda thing, and like trying new things... or stepping outside of ways of life other than your own. Oh, and speaking other languages helps.

>> No.23537863

how do I have a consoomer brain, I just said I basically do not buy any luxury goods at all. My only expense is gas to get out in the woods when I'm not waging

>> No.23537876


>> No.23537891

Nice anon, I actually watched this video before and it really made me want to see the wilderness in Scandinavia. I've only been around Canada but there's always more to see. Hopefully we can all make it bros

>> No.23537913

It's absolutely not a waste of money. I've been to the Caribbean, Western Europe, and Thailand. It's fun to go somewhere new to experience a different culture and see new shit. And depending on where you go, you can easily sample the local women.

>> No.23537916


>traveling for validation instead of just to experience something that nobody else would experience.

women iq

>> No.23537954

Lol course I don't. None of these losers have that much. Wake up

>> No.23537983

>western europe


>> No.23538006

Only people who have 50k Link are ppl like Bill Dimon and Warren-Buffet. Anyone who tells you otherwise needs their hand read. You should read the Financial Times and think important things.

>> No.23538023


>> No.23538034

This is INCREDIBLE. I'm going through it now, this is definitely the dream adventure before I hit 35.

>> No.23538098
File: 119 KB, 450x405, 1602442886691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No lmao that's a massive cope by miserable cucks who see normies do it for validation. Travelling is fucking amazing, especially if you've got friends or a girl along.

That said I havent visited any shitholes like India or China and I wouldnt want to really. Its either Europe (switzerland is fucking nice), or within my country (Greece). I've barely seen 20% of it

>> No.23538103

Depends completely on how you travel. My parents traveled a lot as newlyweds when my dad was in the AF, so I grew up with an appreciation for visiting new places and stepping outside my comfort zone. I've done a considerable amount of traveling as an adult by myself and had some pretty amazing experiences. That being said, I always had a budget in mind and stuck to it.

The problem with traveling these days amongst millennials and zoomers (mostly women), is that they put it all on their credit card and go into debt to visit all the meme destinations their friends and insta thots post pictures of online. It's always the same shit like yacht week in Croatia or visiting the same cliche tourist destinations like Paris, London, Ireland, Peru, Thailand, etc. They never do any real research on the place they visit or consider going to the Eastern block, poorer South American or Asian countries, or Canada, where there's an endless amount of attractions and activities you can do at a fraction of the cost.

>> No.23538115


>> No.23538145

Can someone tell me where each of these pics were taken?

>> No.23538148

Jasper, Canada. That image in particular is Sprit Island, but views like that are all over Jasper

>> No.23538173
File: 1.06 MB, 718x718, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is an image of Torngat Mountains National Park in Northern Labrador, Canada

>> No.23538204

Super based

>> No.23538249
File: 3.97 MB, 1471x1086, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you ever can visit and have the cash, think about taking the train. It's amazing but very expensive. I got really lucky and got an unlimited 2month pass for $150 bucks during a promo for Canada's 150th anniversary and it was an amazing experience.

>> No.23538291
File: 482 KB, 1000x927, darwinregatta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forget yatch week in croatia head to darwin for the beer can regatta

>> No.23538373

>poorer South American or Asian countries,
Thats because they don't want to get raped and murdered

>> No.23538428

>omg you do wudan
>cool tell me how many times you got your ass kicked by real mma
>mmhmm mhmmm you used your left arm to block and right arm to block but none of that shit worked
>so you took it in the face
>uh huh uh huh but you spent so many years learning a fake shit style
>and ate some more punches with your face
>wwwoooowowww sooo coool
>then you woke up and saw everyone laughing at you
>sssooooo cooooll

>> No.23538452


>> No.23538470

anon, your new is showing

>> No.23538548

I travel because skiing is pretty awesome in Europe and Japan

>> No.23538557

You actually learn quite a lot from visiting 3rd world countries. Gives you a humbling perspective. And you can appreciate a more human way of living (no computers, no ac, everyone hangs out outside talking etc.)


>> No.23538666
File: 408 KB, 997x997, 898B7853-FAB3-4974-9A24-6F5DF7D3F4B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Traveling is good for the soul I recommend everyone travel alone at some point in their life

>> No.23538791
File: 478 KB, 1820x2202, EkHmy_wVgAUOwx2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will only travel with my gf if there is trout fishing in said location. In fact my family knows this as well and the last few trips they literally got hotels by rivers with trout just to appease me so I'd go. Fishing is based. Nothing like ramming my gfs asshole in the evening while catching lunker trout during the day.

>> No.23538928

Literally the worst taste on the planet.

>> No.23538954

Based and redpilled

>> No.23538985

Yes. You can visit those places using google maps or any other map service. There will be no difference.
Oh, wait, there will be: you will be fucking stressed if you travel, specially if you use airports.

The best trip is the one made with the mind.

>> No.23538999

anon your lurking reps...

>> No.23539002

Your are a jaded soulless droid if you don't enjoy exploring new destinations and expanding your mind

>> No.23539006

Based response