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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23534195 No.23534195 [Reply] [Original]

>Makes THE /biz/coin
>/biz/ ignores it
What the fuck is wrong with you? New website is coming up, a new ”game” to play with clovies is coming as well as new partnerships with projects that wish to do their airdrops through CLV are in the works too and you’re selling? I guess it is true, everyone on /biz/ is either a poorfag or a pajeet, most likely both it seems.

>> No.23534216
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>> No.23534218

Just bought some, waiting to see how retarded I am.

>> No.23535125

holding 22 CLV for the NFTs, put the rest in C2D

>> No.23535138
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The chosen /biz/ coin

>> No.23535154
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Just bought 5. Hope it does something usefull

>> No.23535287

Heard crypto twitter is getting back in soon now that it's dipped and calmed.

>> No.23535321

I heard yfrog and his gang of goons are pumping this to $100 soon

>> No.23535480
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i hope so friend

>> No.23535499

reminder to anons this is a scam run by niggers
>C2D staking is a scam
>VRC exit scammed and went to zero
>CLV is down almost 80%

stay the fuck away from this shit

>> No.23535559
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The dev just got drunk and burned nearly 4% of the supply for the lulz lmfao if this is a scam I don’t know what kind it is but it’s obviously not making the dev richer that’s for sure!

PS: CLV2D is not staking, it’s an inverse-funnel. A pyramid game like POWH and VRC didn’t exit scam, the old NRCT bagholders dumped it to the ground.

>> No.23535708
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>VRC didn’t exit scam, the old NRCT bagholders dumped it to the ground.
price went to zero after it was heavily shilled here in CLV threads, try harder nigger. The reason behind it doesnt matter.
>CLV2D is not staking, it’s an inverse-funnel
were you get absolutely dog-shit rewards and on top of it lose past of your staked CLV because it only benefits the dev and the niggers on the inside tg group, who ALSO shilled the fucked out of it in this threads

You are literally a pajeet nigger and should be ashamed of trying to make these threads and call it /our/coin after the fuckery that has gone on. You can literally do better with your money by staking on that fucking ROT garbage what does that say about CLV? If you got the 1st airdrop and dropped at a good price congrats, if you are still making these threads to convince anons to buy in you are a fucking scammer nigger. Go ahead and prove me wrong faggot

>> No.23535822

C2D is proof of week hands. All you pajeets crying that you sold and lost money after one weak do not have the iron hands that you claim to have.

CLV has been this low before and it exploded to $50. Enjoy missing out.

>> No.23535861

>Muh community coin
Aka a ponzi for retards
It seems you are starting to run out of fresh retards since you keep bleeding

>> No.23535922
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VRC was an experimental side-project, an attempt to revive a dead P&D shitcoin called NRCT. Dev released VOID3D and then VOID2D, but then it turned out that the contract was fucked for it and nobody could withdraw from it. Most heavily affected was the dev himself who put like almost his entire stack in it. Old bagholders saw the pump and started dumping their bags and everyone else started panic selling so the dev who was drunk and tired just got tired of this bullshit and told them he doesn’t give a fuck about it anymore. He did a good thing trying to help them out but they just took advantage of his kindness and used the pump as an exit pump.

You also claim that there’s a hidden group of insiders who got into C2D first? Don’t make me laugh lol it was only one janny who managed to find the contract early and all the other jannies are still seething about it kek, the dev even launched it early because he noticed it and wanted to keep it fair to everyone else in case he leaked it to other people or more people figured it out, easily verified by checking the TX’s on the CLV2D token.


>> No.23535972

Damn I heard about the bagdump but didnt know the dev was so invested in it. That blows. I hope he makes it.

>> No.23535986
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>dev is a goodboi he dindunuffin
>it was an experiment thats why we shilled it so hard

daily reminder the same people saying this is /our/coin are biden-loving tranny freaks, pic related from the discord showing jannies are trannies

>> No.23536044

>They love Biden
HAHAHAHA didn’t you know? Someone made an anti-Biden token and airdropped it to CLV holders


>> No.23536142

no one uses the discord.

>> No.23536224

>thread 404s because nobody on /biz/ cares
>immediately make another where very obviously the exact same people are posting in it
Please, please stop trying to force "le epic /biz/ coin". Go shill somewhere else.

>> No.23536246
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Remember this? Posted at $16, but you retards would rather spam Brandon at me.

Shitcoin that does nothing. Dev only knows how to make powh copies which both have 0 volume and will most likely go to 0 in value. For some reason he is making a third one on another shitcoin. His jannie trannies insiders in tg bought in an hour before C2D launched and reaped all the profits, 5x gains straight from the pocket of others, putting anything in now is suicide. Only reason why the price is over double digits at this point is because of a twitter shill, but even that money is dried up.

Good /biz/ coin, you made it two weeks before scamming other anons.

Whats next in the horizon? You guessed it:
More ponzi

Find it funny how you still shill a powh as ''staking''. Well clv anons, still not to late to grab the little dignity you have left and move on to an actual project.

>> No.23536349


Go away Brandon, nobody likes you. CLV is here to stay and I’m NEVER fucking selling.

>> No.23536442

I upped my stack to 150 last night, plz don’t let me down /biz/

>> No.23536479

>dev officially burning supply in order to pump the price like every other pajeet shitcoin out there does and has been acting like a drunk retard for multiple days in a row
bullish, trust the plan bros!!

>> No.23536549
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>no one uses the discord we aren Biden trannies we are super duper 4chan ogs we swear
the absolute state of CLV simps

>> No.23536562
File: 933 KB, 1242x1233, CEC74DFF-5D07-402C-A030-78610FDC91A2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dude is a certified retard, he’s chaotic good. I want to be like him when I make it.

>> No.23536827

based retard

>> No.23536847

you got laughed out for being a sperg who demanded other people find him a fake phone number to sign up for the telegram with. You were too lazy to make it then, and you're too lazy to make it now.