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23523757 No.23523757 [Reply] [Original]

Where can i get third worlders to mix and master music for me for cheap?
Anybody have experience doing this?

>> No.23523839

yeah, more like 5am

>> No.23523906

It’s a specialized field of knowledge and you’re not gonna get some third worlder brianlet to do it well. The cheapest you’ll find is some kid in his bedroom, he might do it for free, or he might ask for 100 bucks. Either way your music probably sucks so I wouldn’t worry about it.

>> No.23523908
File: 260 KB, 960x605, 0753A7CB-6A37-4E38-8382-9697787D4D33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flips love that nigger shit. They’re called Asian niggers for a reason. And they’ll do it for a bucket of jolliebee

>> No.23523919

You generally need expensive equipment for such thing. At least mastering requires pretty expensive equipment. Third worlders do not have that kind of money.

There are multiple sites that offer "Instant" mastering done by AI and algorithms. Some of them like cloudbounce offer unlimited masters for like paying a $20 monthly fee or similar.

That being said, none can compete with actual mastering professionals


>> No.23524023

Sure, if you want your music to sound like shit. There's no point pouring money into studio time if you can't afford to get it mixed and mastered properly

>> No.23524055

I want to get it mixed and mastered properly, but im sure i can get it done cheaper by a professional in phillipines or brazil than here in switzerland.

>> No.23524086

You’re generally gonna want to stick with Russians or Ukrainians for these kinda deals.
T.have had 5 beatport #1s

>> No.23524108


>> No.23524356

Any reccomendations?

>> No.23524422

How cheap? I’m an audio engineer by trade. I’m white tho so not gonna mix your shit for $5 a song.

>> No.23524729

Tell me your usual price and show some work youve done.

>> No.23524797

You mean a computer. What a shit post. Literally all you need is a mastering rack, which can be setup inside the daw without special plugins (if you're really cheap).

>> No.23524824

Pro mix engineer here with diploma. Not touching your shitty music under $500. Fuck off to soundcloud.

>> No.23524846

Nigger mentality and advice. kys

>> No.23524880

What genre of music?
Do you own link?
Whats your set up/daw of choice etc?

>> No.23524905

I lived in China for 5 years and worked in the music industry there (live events) but I knew plenty of young enterprising Chinese kids doing this. if it's vocals and a beat , probably pay like 200元 . could find then thru weibo and other Chinese social media

>> No.23525107

>comparing presets to analog when you can manually adjust the parameters in ozone
wow what a fucking shitpost

I can do it, .2eth a song

>> No.23525162

Just learn to do it yourself fucking retard. You're never going to make it this way
t. Signed artist with 1m monthly listeners

>> No.23525183

enjoy your reverb and 6x soundgoodizers

>> No.23525226

Mixing/Mastering is part of the creative process. It isn't terribly hard to get into even if it gets purported to be a bit of an elite practice. Offloading the effort to somebody else for cheap work makes little sense because they almost certainly won't give as much of a shit or understand the thing they're mixing as the person who made it.

>> No.23525235
File: 196 KB, 1242x1323, 3A2DD5AF-0303-42B2-91E5-A2FF0F107F46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Audio Engineer here with degree, will mix/master for XRP

>> No.23525423

Price ?

>> No.23525464

learn to do it yourself, you'll make better music if you understand how to mix

>> No.23525498
File: 10 KB, 210x106, 7625645F-FD9F-4AB4-A18C-6EF5B6A29029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flip detected. Go suck duterte’s little nigger dick while he kills 12,000 of you and gets a 91% approval rating. I thought blacks were bad, but native flips are absolute shit tier worse than niggers. You deserve ccp.

>> No.23525501

translation: I wasted tens of thousands of dollars on a full sail diploma and now I work at guitar center. hahahah

>> No.23525545

It's generally agreed that it's better to get a fresh pair of ears to do the mix/ master. the artist will already have listened to it too much during the recording process, so their perspective is skewed. also it's better they spend more time creating instead of getting bogged down perfecting the mix.

>> No.23525684
File: 211 KB, 864x947, 764A1668-BC62-4255-93C6-DE731ED8A73F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey flip, how’s it feel to be the worlds guinea pig?


That’s all you fucks are good for, you 80iq retards.


I’m not even sad you guinea pigs still haven’t learned anything. You can be Russia and ccp guinea pigs for covid.

>> No.23525685

Turnoff sub bass, bandpass middle and listen with one ear only (hard pan) during mixing. It will stop mastering fatigue