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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23516835 No.23516835 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.23516846
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>> No.23516847

Yup. Thanks for helping it get to my city, Bill!

>> No.23516866

Ok, thanks a lot Gates. Hope those anti-patriotic trumptards don't disturb us.

>> No.23516876

Yep, thanks for that shit tier Pester file you included in muh windows.

>> No.23516924

id rather go out shooting then hop on a boat to belize

>> No.23516941

okay master

>> No.23517079
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what did he mean by this?

>> No.23517093
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You have lost.

>> No.23517753


>> No.23517793

This. Will shoot my way out of any situation involving forced vaccinations

>> No.23517804

No I'd rather be sick for two weeks and pass a deadly virus to my vulnerable family members.

>> No.23517860

Imagine a virus so deadly you need to do a test to know you have it.

>> No.23517871

thank you mr. Jobs (owner of Amazon), very cool

>> No.23517926
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You will get the vaccine

>> No.23517960

You need to be tested to know you have any virus. Feel free to believe covid is overblown, but this retarded meme needs to die.

>> No.23517992

Not for a deadly virus.

>> No.23518037

No I will not alter my DNA mr gates. BECAUSE IM A ANTI VAXER

>> No.23518043

Please explain the retarded logic that makes think this.

>> No.23518053
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Haha, make me poop jar man

>> No.23518065
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>> No.23518172

If the virus is deadly, you just die, so there is no need for a test.
Ebola, for example, killed the host in a matter of hours.

>> No.23518298

So your definition of deadly virus is only something that kills someone in a matter of hours?
HIV, Dengue, Smallpox, Sars, etc aren't deadly viruses, despite all the people they've killed?

>> No.23518340

They are deadly too, and easily detectable.

>> No.23518348

Detectible, by tests...

>> No.23518440

No thanks

>> No.23518462

Flu is deadly. Even water is deadly.

>> No.23518587

You are a complete retard

>> No.23518590

It doesn't kill all the people, it kills some of the people who get it.
Which is reason enough to try to not get it and spread it to others.

I don't know why this is controversial.
I can act in a way that has a higher chance of one of my loved ones dying,
Or I can act in a way that has a lower chance of causing one of my loved ones to die.
Either way doesn't really impact my life in a meaningful way (like I wear a mask inside stores, wash my hands more often, otherwise no major changes).
Why do people insist that it isn't deadly "enough" to take such actions? Any percentage of death is more death than there was without this virus. So why shouldn't we work together to limit the toll?

>> No.23518613

The logic is that if a virus is dangerous enough to warrant extreme preventative measures, then you'll know you have it without requiring a test to confirm it because you'll be exhibiting the symptoms that constitute its danger. This is the case with all of the viruses you list in >>23518298, with the exception of HIV. And, with the same exception, no one tests for any of those viruses in the absence of symptoms.

>> No.23518634

Then stay in your basement. I'm going outside to get fresh air and not live in fear because of ALL of the viruses that might be out there.You know there is more than one virus in the world.

>> No.23518639

because you crashed the entire fucking economy over it. if you're so fucking scared, stay the fuck indoors. do you even comprehend what it means to people to have their entire livlihoods destroyed over this bullshit? do you comprehend what ar15s selling out in every store in america means? do you understand, at all, how many millions of people you and your faggoty meme-coof ilk have fucking left with nothing to live for? jesus fucking christ you brainlet, you have no idea what's coming, good luck.

>> No.23518645

Why didn't you care about doing these things during a normal flu season?

>> No.23518656

how many SAFEX coins could Bill Gates buy if Bill Gates could buy SAFEX?

>> No.23518666

high likelihood that i will be wearing bill gate's face while he begs for death within the next year

>> No.23518676

>if a virus is dangerous enough to warrant extreme preventative measures, then you'll know you have it without requiring a test to confirm
You realize the people on ventilators dying from this virus are fully aware they have it and can't breathe and are dying.
I don't understand your point ... that everyone why carries or transmits the virus must be aware they have it or measures aren't needed?
If everybody who has it is that sick, it wouldn't be such a problem ... because people would stay home, etc.
The reason this particular virus is so problematic is precisely that reason that so many people can have it and transmit it without getting super sick. That's exactly why we should try to limit transmitability.

>> No.23518698

>I can act in a way that has a higher chance of one of my loved ones dying,
>Or I can act in a way that has a lower chance of causing one of my loved ones to die.
When did you campaign to ban fast food since heart disease kills more Americans than any virus? What about alcohol, where were you on that issue? My little sister was ran over by a drunk driver, but I've never seen a cultural movement to ban alcohol consumption. What about all the homeless people and trash in LA which is causing other diseases to spread, why did no one ever care about that? What about smoking? Driving? How about social media, which has arguably been the greatest contribute to increased suicides over the last two decades. What about medical error, the third leading cause of death in the US?

Because no one who virtue signals about following coronavirus policies cares about saving lives, its about something else.

>> No.23518710

I'm not fearful - I live my life the same as before. Just wearing a mask when I go to the store. No big deal.
Also I didn't crash the economy, and we're not even talking about shutting down stores and restaurants and shit. This is a thread about a vaccine. Getting a vaccine or not getting a vaccine has nothing to do with "shutting down the economy."
Not everything is black and white you know.
You can support getting a vaccine and still support keeping stores open.

>> No.23518723

if you're an immunocompromised person or a person waiting to die from chronic long-term disease, then you will need to take care to limit your exposure to the public. everyone else is fine. common colds are common.

>> No.23518731

>When did you campaign to ban fast food since heart disease kills more Americans than any virus? What about alcohol, where were you on that issue? My little sister was ran over by a drunk driver, but I've never seen a cultural movement to ban alcohol consumption.
Jesus christ talk about moving the goalpost.
I'm not talking about banning or changing anything about behavior.
This is about whether I'll get a vaccine when it's available.
Yes, I will.

>> No.23518743

Have fun vaccinating my dead corpse since that is the only way I ever take that 666 vaccine.

>> No.23518767

flu vaccines only reduce your odds of getting the flu by 50%. if you have a 1% chance of getting the flu, congratulations on your vaccine, now you have 0.5% probability of contracting the flu. completely useless. speaking of the flu virus, masks are unable to stop its transmission. turns out that masks cant stop viral particles, or in some cases, will collect viral particles and increase your odds of catching a disease. nice work.

>> No.23518777

that's fine, I'm not really talking about you then, I'm responding to your argument, which is the main rationalization that people use to justify forced masks, forced vaccines, forced social distancing, forceful closing down of businesses, etc.

>> No.23518787

this is payback for all those pirated copies of windows you little cunts

>> No.23518789
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Nigger I hope Bill Gates sterilizes you. You fucking dumb cattle. And after that you’ll go to Hell because you took the mark of the beast. Have fun shilling for masons and jews.

>> No.23518810

No you won't, you're going to shit your pants the moment the first taser is pointed at you and obey like the little goy you are.

>> No.23518811

those pirated copies are payback for you shitty pajeet customer service niggers. fuck you for that.

>> No.23518814
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>> No.23518830

Shut up retard, the virus has a 0.3% death rate. There are way too many old sick boomers and fat people in our society anyway

>> No.23518857

>gets tased once
>shits his pants
Greed is a deadly sin. This board is the definition of greed. Everyone on this shithole is going to hell.

>> No.23518877

You could make the same argument about any virus with a miniscule IFR. Yes, some people are going to die from some viruses. More people are going to die from diarrhea. Really, look it up.
The point is that a risk management for ANY risk, including diseases, means some level of risk tolerance. Doing great harm to mitigate a very small risk is never sensible risk management. As a society, we've never ever engaged in any kind of collective risk management that comes close to the disproportionate response to covid-19. The harm of the attempted mitigation has been enormous, dwarfing any war or natural disaster in living memory, and the benefits have been so scant that experts struggle to measure them. Future generations will remember covid-19 as the first global memetic disaster, a relatively mild virus (smallpox it's not) that incited an international panic unlike anything our planet had ever experienced.
Incidentally, UNICEF estimates that the "secondary impact" of covid-19, i.e. the economic effects of the global response, will kill around 2 million children. That's almost twice covid's body count. Just in children.

>> No.23518897


You're not living your life as you were before. Obviously you are living in fear

>> No.23518928

Try to understand the context of the convo before making assumptions and flying into a rage.
Though I don't expect someone who believes in hell, mark of the beast and masons to capable of much critical thinking.

>> No.23518936
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You should not make the mistake and think that everyone is a scared jewish rat with a skeleton psychique like you. I don't talk the talk, I walk the walk. Go ahead and try to vaccinate me. I will personally make an arragement for you with God and He will sort it out. A human life is over in a blink of an eye. 100 years is such a short time. If we compare it to how long you and your satanic whore mother will be raped in Hell. I don't think it will be worth it for you jewish rats ;).

>Greed is a deadly sin
Yeah, you will totally go to Hell for investing a % of your income into crypto hurr durr.

>> No.23518969
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>critical thinking.
Parrots the same narrative his overlords gave him.
>Go buy my smash capitalism shirts goy
Why don't you back to r*ddit? I don't expect a sodomite to know anything about history. Like I said I hope you will get sterelized by Bill Gates.

>> No.23518982

Incubation time is a thing.
Also symptoms for all these viruses vary, which is why doctors don't make prognoses based on symptoms, they require tests.
Therefore, this >>23517860 is a retarded meme that makes zero sense and only outs people who use it as retards.
This is true even if covid were a literal nothing burger that was less deadly than the flu.

>> No.23519001

>wants to build earthly wealth
>not going to hell
must be a catholic or protestant heretical dog

>> No.23519007

Again, look at the context of what your replying too, nothing your saying makes any sense and you're fabricating an opinion that I never stated or implied just so you can smash your cheeto fingers on your keyboard and feel smug.

>> No.23519052
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1 Timothy 5:8 - But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.

What's your point you filthy jewish rat. You are going to Hell. Think about your own soul. I'll be fine. Are you going to tell God on the day of Judgement that /biz/ deserve to go to Hell for investing in crypto? No, you won't be able to talk since you will be so scared because you are thinking about how you will get burned and raped for eternity. HAHHAHAHAHAHHA.
>catholic or protestant heretical dog
Call me what you want filthy jewish rat. I hope you will still call me a heretical dog when you are in Hell burning for eternity.
What did you gained from all this btw? You lost your soul but what did you gain?

>> No.23519152

The jewish people have suffered persecution and antisemitism throughout history. We need to do all that we can to protect the jewish community by ensuring that they receive 100% inoculation and that they are the first in line to receive the benefits of this life saving vaccine.

>> No.23519477
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>So why shouldn't we work together to limit the toll?

If you go along with this hoax, the only thing you're going to limit is your freedom
Also you won't own anything, but you'll be happy

>> No.23519533

You can have mine!

>> No.23519705

you are so fucking stupid and retarded it makes me sad and vomit anon i cannot put it in words how i fuxking hate sheeps like you you disgust me utterly from the bottom of my heart. its literally less than 10% rn who are stupid enough to believe covid is real and yet we would have to get penetrated according to you with a chemical cocktail, that comes from FUCKING QUESTIONABLE SOURCES and raise the lethal rate even higher than it was. When people die from vaccines they will blame it on covid and you fucking sheeps would have another bait to eat and more confirmation that you was right all along whereas your fucking ignorance let to a world of destruction of the world we used to know it. just inform yourself damnit. fuck you you scum piece of shut. you disgust me anon. it surprises that low iq beings like you can find a way to communicate with people on 4chan.

>> No.23519735

imagine being convinced to be intelligent and not believing in god. just second layer things i guess

>> No.23519744

I will genocide your kind

>> No.23519798

Please show me where I said I dont believe in god.
Though, plenty of intelligent people (by any and all reasonable definitions of the term) are atheists.
Take your meds.

>> No.23519829


>> No.23520005
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He'll use the vaccine on 3rd world countries probably and any other retard who want one or has no idea about it lol my thoughts are it'll be tied to XLM using Li-Fi.. that luciferease shit..

>> No.23520086

I guess I'll buy some rope next time I go shopping.
My country's government has said that vaccinations won't be mandatory but I have to be ready in case they change their mind.

I can buy enough time to neck myself while they try to break into my room.

>> No.23520314

you need to go back.

>> No.23520492


>> No.23520516

Id prob pay for the visit and walk out prior to the shot.

>> No.23520572

>why shouldn't we work together to limit the toll?
Even IF the virus was so deadly as you try to make us believe. You must also believe in evolution-theory then and you and your relatives are simply not fit for survival. Call it natural selection. You'll only weaken the human race with your shitty genetics, Imagine living in the past and you had to shit in the woods and there was no water near to wash your hands, nor hand sanitizers. Just some leaves with dirt on it. You'd have died on the spot and we would have wasted the resources of our tribe on some shitty faggot like you.

And don't tell me you believe in God or else go and pray instead of begging to get vaccinated by Bill Gatesstein.

>> No.23520772
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>I can act in a way that has a higher chance of one of my loved ones dying,
>Or I can act in a way that has a lower chance of causing one of my loved ones to die.
>Jesus christ talk about moving the goalpost.
>I'm not talking about banning or changing anything about behavior.

>> No.23520773

The ridiculous response to this relatively harmless virus is enough to let me know that the virus is not the issue here, and that there is definitely a larger agenda. I intend not to go along with this agenda, the next step of which is clearly for us all to be injected with some questionable chemicals. The principle advocate of this injection programme is Bill Gates, who has openly and publicly made it clear that he wishes to reduce population, even specifically mentioning through vaccines.
If anyone wants to look at all that, and then decide that's it's a great idea to queue up to comply with this psychopathic idea, then go right ahead. Have as many shots as you like. Have 10 of them for breakfast if you want, but I sure as hell won't be, nor will any of my children.

>> No.23520820
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Was reading over gates 060606 patent for the microchip and one of the sources he linked was "sweatcoin" earn more rewards for exercising LMAO. That won't be the only thing it does. Guess what its another scene from Black Mirror.




>> No.23520825

>I don’t know why this is controversial.
Would you like someone to tell you why it is controversial? Or are you bragging about how ignorant you are?

>> No.23520865

More than that, millions will die from starvation because of the damage this lockdown did to the world economy. Even the lockdown itself isn’t healthy because people have poorer health when they stay indoors for months. They were even telling people not to go hiking ALONE because of the virus. You can’t spread a virus in the middle of a forest ffs!

>> No.23520921
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this. also this:

>> No.23521051

your people crashed the world economy, ruined everyone’s social lives (our main reason for living), and increased deaths from many other causes, over covid. transfats, however, which could be easily banned, are still legal.

you say this is about whether someone takes the vaccine but many people will have to walk away from their careers in order to avoid taking it. most teachers and expats working in foreign countries (i am both) will be forced to take it or find a new career. since the virus is designed to change the injected person’s DNA, which will be passed down to that person’s children (and since vaccines dont even do anything ~ statistical studies paid for by vaccine manufacturers wink wink), i will not be taking this vaccine.

call me what you want but ive done the research and you obviously havent. wake up, everything on tv is a fucking ad.

>> No.23521082

they’re not going to force vaccinations with tasers retard. they’re going to fine people and bar them from doing things in public life, like holding many different jobs and traveling abroad.

>> No.23521111

uh, freemasons have buildings all over the world, dumbass. you can find them on google maps. there’s probably one a few miles from your house. holy fuck are people really this stupid?

>> No.23521396

Yes you can bigot! If you coof on the trees, they get sick, and spread the virus when through photosynthesis.

>> No.23521455

Pharma shills need to be tortured (not executed) mexican-style
There's hardly more vicious and malevolent creatures on the earth than them

>> No.23521499

I think it's absolutely disgusting that we still live in a world where people have the authority to tell other people what to do.

>> No.23521502
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If society sanctions people not taking it.
Then there needs to be self-sustainable living communities.

>> No.23521513

you WILL feel a dick in your ass

>> No.23521855

I don’t care what’s actually in the vaccine
All I know is I’m not trusting anything that is pushed by a world elite that does nothing but lie.

>> No.23521987

I don't get the hate towards Gates, he's done more to help the world than all of the retards on 4chan combined (probably 100 times over)

Yet people choose to believe greasy youtubers and facebook moms that say he's the devil

>> No.23522007

It is mandatory. The multimillenarian Sanhedrin is strong in race. Everything has, is, and will be planned. Since Millennias. It is time that god's race show the cattle what true strength is.

>> No.23522161
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I know, my entire family is already vaccinated.

>> No.23522180
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Because think of how many lives have been ruined by the lockdown. Jobs lost. People suicide or go on drugs. Families broken up.

>> No.23522419

The great satan

>> No.23522806
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I will not wear the mask, I will not take the vaccine. I prefer natural immunity. My body is innately owned by me, and Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab and all the globohomos will never compel me to do other than I wish. The World Economic Forum can shove owning nothing up their ass, I worked hard to OWN what I have. I paid off college debt, what was the point of my hard labor if all debts are just waved away?

COVID-19 is the devil we know, the risk profile is known. The vaccine on the other hand, who knows. I will take my chances (they are great!) with catching the chink flu.

>> No.23523602

just bait at this point. this whole corona hoax is a scam so the top families can make evn more money and implement some of the global changes theyve been wanting to do. all vaccines are also a hoax (statistics are faked) and a
they are damaging to babies. finally, windows is shit and only makes money because for decades it was illegal to sell a computer without windows on it.

>> No.23523646

Since when do cattle have an opinion?
>My body is innately owned by me
Absolutely not. You will take the vaccine. You will take the chip. You will take the neuralink. You're my property. Time for some livestock branding.

>> No.23523787
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My goal in life is getting richer than him. I am already 0.00000008% of the way through.

>> No.23523947

The Quarantine helped to save millions of lives. Lives are more important than the economy. We must continue to fight the epidemic.

>> No.23524012


>> No.23524225

I will wear the mask and take the vaccine. In fact, I have already registered myself to be first in line to get the vaccine. Have fun getting your bank account frozen and getting travel banned. Toodaloo!

>> No.23524282

Jokes on you Bill, I'm vaccinated already.

>> No.23524292


>> No.23524310


>> No.23524319
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>ok paulo Guzman

>> No.23524355
File: 62 KB, 679x501, 337CC45F-5FD8-4CEC-AC82-64A9898A2B2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get the vaccine that costs money
>don’t get the free asymptomatic covid

>> No.23524417
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>More than that, millions will die from starvation because of the damage this lockdown did to the world economy.

Not to mention the wars, the suicides, the murders, drug deaths, etc. Will overshadow the coronavirus deaths by at least an order of a magnitude.

Liberals don't seem to understand the law of unintended consequences.

>> No.23524489

>Yes, I will.
Oh no no no no no no WHEEEEEEEEZE

>> No.23524572
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This worldwide dog and pony show was the only way Bill could shut down the airports and arrest the pedo ring from the island. He's a true Christian and one of the greatest men to ever live

>> No.23524625
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>dumb zoomer detected

>> No.23524642

>inflating the population of africa specifically to have more human test subjects
Yeah, nah. Seems like a nice guy :)))))))))))))))))))

>> No.23524695

They understand, and they intentionally caused it.

>> No.23524709


Those things that are killing them?