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File: 47 KB, 958x378, FB_IMG_1600160696631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23522571 No.23522571 [Reply] [Original]

Assuming Biden wins, and he locks down the country for the months, and this causes a massive depression, what would one be best to invest in before that happens?

>> No.23522581

biden has zero chance of winning

>> No.23522601

You are extremely ignorant if you think Biden is going to win. I would literally bet everything I own on Trump winning this election if I could.

>> No.23522606

Do it faggot

>> No.23522609

I suspect also that trump will win, yes, but I don't have your confidence.

>> No.23522637

Guns, ammo and food.

>> No.23522665


This is just dumb thogh, I think you're wrong desu... Trump can win but Biden is more likely... anything from 60/40 favorite in betting markets to more like 80/20 based on polls.

Regardless, even if we assume you're right, there is a non-zero chance of a Biden win... so you can still answer the question instead of posting your dumb take re: Trump being a lock to win.

pretty clear that the likes of amazon, supermarkets etc.. are fairly robust during lockdown, ditto to netflix etc..

airlines weak again, oil sensitive to Americans all massively reducing consumption etc..

>> No.23522763
File: 82 KB, 1266x433, 1603608356117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The betting markets base their predictions on polling, and all the polling is fake.

Biden has 0% chance to win. His campaign got nuked by the harddrive, the mainstream is just still in denial and play the media blackout game where they pretend it's not happening. But Biden suspended his campaign for 9 days until the election. It's over.

>> No.23522792
File: 89 KB, 1066x814, biden_suspends_campaign.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bet accordingly. The election has already been decided.

>> No.23522813

look what companies pumped before march crash
buy those companies
this lockdown is going to be exactly the same as the previous one, buy amazon and toilet paper companies

>> No.23522815

>The betting markets base their predictions on polling, and all the polling is fake.

Yet they're giving distinctly different odds.

>Biden has 0% chance to win.

Again this dumb take doesn't answer the OPs question

>> No.23523149

Do you genuinely think the bookies blindly follow the polls?

>> No.23523226

Monero is a good one. people will start looking to evade taxes.

>> No.23523230

Friendly reminder to the regards in this thread that the odds on trump were 10 to 1 on election night and the polls had Hillary win at 99%. Are you guys fucking stupid?

>> No.23523367

What are the odds of winning the lottery?
Yet people win.
Understand probability before embarrassing yourself further

>> No.23523370
File: 125 KB, 750x574, 1603717695485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. otherwise they wouldn't have Trump at 2.70 when he is literally guaranteed to win.

>> No.23523407

Are you really this mentally challenged? My point is that odds were not reflecting the real probabillity. Just like they agent now. Please go tell your mommy youve had enough computer time for today

>> No.23523446
File: 87 KB, 960x700, 1603632578848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This story just broke by the way. You think this is the end? The nightmare for Biden has just begun.

The drops and leaks will continue and get worse until the election until Joe Biden is 100% crushed into dust or in a GITMO holding cell.

Whoever thinks Biden is going to win is legit 100% retarded.

Enjoy the laptop from hell. Treason, bribery, blackmail, pedophilia, incest, torture. Biggest scandal in American history playing out right before our eyes. Buckle the fuck up.

>> No.23523492

>what is a sample size of 1?
Im not saying won't win or that the probabilities are correct (though I'm sure the people setting the line certainly are better at than you)
But nothing is certain and saying it is exposes you as the brainlets you *probably* are

>> No.23523496

>the polls had Hillary win at 99%

no they didn't

and Biden is way ahead this time...

and again, this dump knee jerk reaction where you can't believe that Trump won't win still doesn't answer the OPs actual question

>> No.23523537

This anon understands probabilities

>> No.23523570

a large number of people have already voted, the die hard dems will never switch to Trump... it's the swing voters who need to be convinced... but if lots of them have already voted then... lol... this is just a cope

Trump might win, people shouldn't discount that he could but... he likely won't

>> No.23523584
File: 195 KB, 588x1787, 1603717535685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mainstream polls are a psy-op. They are 100% fake.

I wonder how many democrat shills are legit going to kill themselves in the next 2 weeks. I think there is a chance that both Hunter and Joe is going to off themselves, and all their stupid lemmings who invested their life and worldview into getting Joe elected will follow.

Pic related, just breaking 30 minutes ago.

It. Will. Only. Get. Worse. From. Here.

>> No.23523591

What paper is that in?

>> No.23523620
File: 179 KB, 1439x1600, 1603681203538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol the NPC dems have already blown their load because they got scammed by the covid scare tactics into voting early.

Election day is when you are going to see some real shit.

>> No.23523651
File: 301 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20201026-153914_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not in the Trump train im just stating the obvious to above 80 iq people and that is that Trumps chance of winning is alot higher that mainstream thinks just like in 2016.
To answer op: gold and silver mines, anyone who is not a brainlet understands that the world economy is fucked and that gold and silver is the Only real money that exist

>> No.23523657

Bidens main appeal is that he is the "not trump" candidate. I seriously doubt he will win riding on that.

>> No.23523671

Try and focus your pea brain on the discussion and ignore your raging hard-on for the orange man.
If it helps you focus, know thqt I'm not a burger and am viewing this whole circus from the outside.

>> No.23523810
File: 553 KB, 1053x800, 1602970437326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>know thqt I'm not a burger and am viewing this whole circus from the outside
Which means your opinion is irrelevant and you are too stupid to understand what is going on. I've never met an eurofag who even understands how the US system of government works, let alone the electoral system.

>> No.23523841

If he does lockdown I wouldn’t buy anything. It’s deflationary like back in March so if you were to buy anything at all it would be short etfs x3. After that, I’d buy gold and gold miners. That Biden faggot said his only solution is to throw money at it and then he’ll throw in some bullshit tax probably Biden care that will further crush the middle class but the middle class will love it cuz muh free healthcare. “Take a dollar give back a quarter” socialism.

>> No.23523944

you're just a conspiracy theorist, completely detached from reality, it is much more likely that you're going to have to find some sort of cope post-election.... no doubt you'll buy into the election being stole due to mass mail fraud or something when the win you think is guaranteed doesn't materialise

though, again, you're still failing to answer the OP's questions -you're so blinded/triggered by someone highlighting that Trump likely won't win

>> No.23523972

literally any reasonable candidate could win at the moment by being the not-Trump candidate... thanks to him completely fucking up the Covid response he's gone from perhaps having a slight edge to having low odds of winning

>> No.23523986

Not a eurofag and not talking about how the election or US government works. Simply talking about betting lines and probabilities.
Again, please do your best to focus if you want to have an adult discussion, otherwise go play with your brillo blocks.

>> No.23523992

Arms and ammunition

>> No.23524132

You can. Sell everything you own and then use what you made to bet on Trump winning. But here’s the thing: you won’t do that because you’re not confident at all. This dog and pony show for your friends at /pol/ is all you really have, outside of that you are a coward who says things like “if I could I would” when you know perfectly well you can but won’t.

>> No.23524211

>Implying that if Biden wins corona won't just disappear or at least the media will shutup about it overnight

>> No.23524215
File: 507 KB, 750x888, 1603584735043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elections are not decided by chance. There is only understanding the political situation in which a single piece of information can change the outcome. The current betting odds does not reflect the fact that Joe Biden just suspended his campaign with 9 days until the election, because either

1) he's about to drop out
2) he's about to flee the country
3) he's about to off himself
4) he's about to get indicted

There is no getting around this laptop - it has murdered his electoral chances. It reveals treason, incest and pedophilia - all coming into the public domain. A new reality that did not exist just 2 weeks ago. There is only coping left. You will discover that in the days ahead.

Remember this: It. will. only. get. worse. from. here.

If you want to know what else is coming from that laptop, go watch the first interview with Lude. You will understand.

>> No.23524242
File: 393 KB, 1279x692, 1603720344988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope. You are one of the people that will rope within the next 2 weeks.

>> No.23524256


>> No.23524318

We surveyed everyone in our super left leaning city and wow, everyone wants Hillary!

>> No.23524480
File: 1.41 MB, 2236x2668, 1603050942652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lude interview - the first glimpse into what is contained on the harddrives

Chanel Rion talking about what she has personally seen on the hard drives

Steve Bannon talking about the hard drives

Bannon on the Biden emails and hard drive: “There’s a lot more to come”

A documentary with details of the corruption and treason that is verified by the contents of the drive. Highly worth watching to give a sense of the scope we are dealing with
RIDING THE DRAGON: The Bidens' Chinese Secrets (Full Documentary)

Do people not understand the gravity of what is happening here???

Put 2 and 2 together, you are seeing a controlled demolition of the corrupt demonrat party in REAL TIME

>> No.23524511

He doesn't want to answer because he can't imagine anything.

It's kind of dick-ish to cyberbully the mentally feeble, Anon.

>> No.23524656


If the Laptop thing is real.

Why hasn't Hunter been arrested by the FBI or CIA.

If they're protecting him, then how is Trump going to win if the intelligence agencies are behind him.

If you're so confident, why do the Repubs constantly try to undermine an election they can't lose?

>> No.23524728

>if the laptop thing is real
wew lad. check the dumps. vote trump. it's that simple.

>> No.23524820
File: 55 KB, 593x506, ongoing_since_december2019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why hasn't Hunter been arrested by the FBI or CIA.
Why didn't they arrest Hillary after it was revealed she broke federal law by keeping SAP material on an unsecured home server (highly illegal and indisputable) and destroyed 33000 emails after getting a subpoena (highly illegal and indisputable)? Because they are CORRUPT. The FBI has has sat on this laptop with all the evidence of treason and pedophilia for 9 months - they are complicit in covering up the crimes.

>If they're protecting him, then how is Trump going to win if the intelligence agencies are behind him.
The FBI is not going to decide the election. The civilian intel agencies are corrupt beyond saving and will have to be dealt with in the 2nd term.

>If you're so confident, why do the Repubs constantly try to undermine an election they can't lose?
Only the democrats are trying to undermine the election through mass election and voter fraud with mail in ballots.


>> No.23524831

You've clearly lost the plot of the discussion, you still think you're trying to convince me a particular candidate will win.
My point is saying one candidate is guaranteed to win is retarded.
Enjoy chewing your crayons.

>> No.23524836

>biden is more likely
Why because the polls told you so? Biden has zero organic support. Biden's rallies literally have more Trump supports there than his own.

Protest votes never win. Voting "not trump" doesn't work. You need a candidate to vote for.

>> No.23524861

Trump kinda implies if Biden wins he won’t take it lying down. Realistically can he do anything about it if Biden wins? What if the race war isn’t started by the dems but the pubs?

>> No.23524866

>t. schizo hick who has too much time on their hands after being laid off from low skilled job

>> No.23524888
File: 3.51 MB, 1515x1318, 1603648214545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, the Laptop is real, all you have to do is go over to /pol/ to see pictures and videos of Hunter Biden's dick from every conceivable angle. The footjob video. The skittles penis. The thong pic. The crackpipe pictures. The text messages, Etc. I mean just go fucking look for yourself, you have eyes right? It all came from the hard drives.

>> No.23524889

>Yet they're giving distinctly different odds.
I'm ready to make 20,000 again just like I did in 2016.

Bookies make money no matter who wins/loses retard. Do you not know how sports books work?

>> No.23524946
File: 212 KB, 720x1560, 1603577676815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If Joe somehow manages to cheat his way into the presidency, he will be removed by the military. The reason the laptop contents are being leaked now to destroy his campaign is to prevent them having to do that - it would case way too much social chaos.

So now we get to watch the comfy destruction of Joe Biden through these leaks instead.

>> No.23525074

anyone have proof that dems all mostly already early voted and only a quarter of trumpsters have so far?

>> No.23525256

If this faggot virus hysteria isn't over by the end of the year, I'm turning my back on this gay society forever.

>> No.23525920

Americans are so deep into their bubble that they cannot even concieve of alternative outcomes and explanations for their own fake news narrative. They're complety indoctrinated, it's fucking terrifying.

>> No.23526443

>all that damage control
lmao, bidens finished

>> No.23526500


>> No.23526565

The president doesn't have the authority to lock down the country.

>> No.23526573
File: 51 KB, 517x852, bet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can. Use mybookie. With my referral code your first deposit is free. I have nearly 5k bet on Trump winning.

>> No.23526816

I can't because I live with my parents and I don't have a job .

>> No.23527271

>1) he's about to drop out
>2) he's about to flee the country
>3) he's about to off himself
>4) he's about to get indicted

this, again, is dumb/detached from reality... you have no clue how the real world works, none of those things are remotely true as you'll see in the next week

>> No.23527311

sure... we'll see soon enough

if they've had the laptop for months then why no arrest? Your world view doesn't add up

Hunter has some dodgy e-mails that put him closer to being dodgy like the Trump offspring... nothing that is a slam dunk on Joe though.... and no blatant criminality else the FBI would have arrested him

>> No.23527360


so the FBI is currupt and hasn't acted on the laptop, MSM aren't giving it much attention...

yet, magically, after ost voters are already pot committed to one candidate and a bunch have already voted... Trump is suddenly going to win over a load of people to his side.... because of the laptop story?????

that, is a big big cope by you... it's pretty much over, Trump will very likely fail to win

>> No.23527541


People actually think Biden has a chance?

Trump will have the largest win in the history of US elections.

>> No.23527567

who leaked this if the FBI has had it for ten months?

>> No.23527664

The store owner made copies and sent one to Trumps lawyer from what I read.

>> No.23527690

i hope trump wins, but every poll is saying otherwise and on top of that he's gaining traction in battleground states like texas and florida.. god a biden and harris presidency would absolutely gut america

>> No.23527760

I think the Biden shills here are actually Trump supporters. If enough people larp as retards, will scare more people to go and vote for Trump.

>> No.23527780
File: 913 KB, 1141x503, 1603649846628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knowing that libshits like you will have a mental breakdown and your brain will literally snap as your delusions are shattered on election day just like in 2016 gives me immense pleasure.

Just remember what I have written in this thread. Take a screenshot, save the archive. Then look back on this on November 4th when you sit with a shotgun shoved up your tranny hole preparing to exit this world, you will remember these posts. And you will know in that moment, that I am out here laughing hysterically at you.

>> No.23527786
File: 298 KB, 768x433, bestbitcoincasino_blog_banner-768x433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then it would simply be the time for me to play mods games on my mobile using #Earnbet blockchain casino, I mean there is nothing anyone can do about it right. That's why I want a Trump win so bad lol

>> No.23527829

Alibaba, pinduoduo, baidu

>> No.23527859

Wasn’t this same stuff said about Trump in the lead-up to 2016?

>> No.23527880

The cope on this board on election night when trump loses is going to be delicious

>> No.23527943

lmao typical republicans leeching off blue states

>> No.23527979

Yep. All of it. Trump has only become more popular since than.

>> No.23527991
File: 2.86 MB, 960x540, tuc_oct_2020.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another person who will likely rope.

>> No.23528003

Lmao wow

>> No.23528016


What do you mean "if i could"? You know with just a much certainty as you'll ever have the outcome of this bet. Do it or regret it.

>> No.23528039

When you look at the crowd sizes it says a different story. Trump was also drawing much larger crowds in 2016 than Hillary.

>> No.23528121


wait so Trump intentionally appointed a corrupt FBI director, Wray, after he told Comey you're fired? Why? Can you substantiate the claim that Trump is also complicit in covering up the pedo and treason evidence?

>> No.23528193

>FBI director is the entire organization
You people really are all sub 120 huh?

>> No.23528201

you're the kind of guy that actually believed hillary was going to prison if trump got elected in 2016
this stuff doesnt happen in reality
inb4 libshit accusations.

>> No.23528344
File: 1.29 MB, 1440x1080, 1597438966227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Video game stock. Younger gens will continue to compulsively overspend on gaming shit no matter how bad things get.

>> No.23528398

haha - the fact you think you can guess which candidate I support based on just giving you realistic odds on the chances of each shows how deranged you are

in fact you're so far gone that you're still missing the key word in the question - "assuming Biden wins"... note again "assuming"... you were instantly triggered and just went off on one because you can't even comprehend the idea that Trump might not win

>> No.23528573
File: 1.51 MB, 960x540, SAdTC8EVb1w6CMuM.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep the crowds are massive. These libshits have no idea what they are up against. They consume a fake news parallel reality all day every day, which is why their brain will BREAK when Trump wins in a landslide.

They don't understand that this is the 2nd American revolution - and it will not be televised (at least not on libshit channels kek)

>> No.23528672
File: 145 KB, 1055x593, a8a7c510db198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah?

They are all going to prison. Most will be executed for treason.

>> No.23528695
File: 131 KB, 851x638, EjiA0v6XcAILH10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep coping

>> No.23529097

What about Kanye?

>> No.23529317

>One of the videos is that Hunter Biden used his 9.5 INCH GENITALS to continuously poke a girl's vagina after taking drugs

>> No.23529341


>> No.23529473
File: 167 KB, 1024x989, 1603673438846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have the receipts. Laptop content is all over the internet now, and millions have seen the dumps already so you can keep attacking the messenger but it is futile.

>> No.23529710
File: 1.34 MB, 468x512, biden2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't understand how it isnt it clear to anyone by now that there is no left and right.
There are just globalists and nationalists.
The globalists just care about more migrant cattle to keep wages low and kill off culture and waging wars to keep the MIC (military industrial complex) fat and happy so they can fill their own pockets with MIC or foreign dictator money. And they happily support super national organisations that are infiltrated by the Chinese like the UN and the WHO.

The globalist outnumber the nationalists 10 to 1 in positions of power (politics, media, banking)

Biden is clearly a globalist puppet getting support from globalist republicans (Romney, McCain's widow, Colin Powell etc) and enjoying some globalist corruption from China and Ukraine dealings. Trump's a nationalist. And you may think that's a dirty word but it's just the same as being a patriot. And he is. Very very flawed in many ways, but he has the best of the country and it's people in mind and wants to be remembered as a great leader. Biden just want to gain power and influence and money for his cronies.

It's so obvious to me that sometimes i read these threads and think you all must be using sarcasm but then i need to remind myself how potent the propaganda used to work on myself.

I hope so anon, but the propaganda works pretty well. Be sure to ram this down the throat of every democrat you know, especially women.

>> No.23529737
File: 849 KB, 1280x720, biden3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think I wanted to post this one...

>> No.23529752
File: 1.50 MB, 1920x1080, biden1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no no, it was this one...

>> No.23529840
File: 62 KB, 600x385, 1541360659958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just remember: a pollsters job is not actually to measure public opinion - their job is to shape it.

It's a social engineering psy-op.

>> No.23529945
File: 118 KB, 998x502, We_will_no_longer_surrender_to_false_song_of_globalism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good comment, friend.

Dark vs Light
Traitors vs Patriots
Globalists/communists vs Nationalists
Christians vs Satanists

God wins.

>> No.23530330
File: 2.01 MB, 320x180, biden4 (1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, forgot to add this webm though.

>> No.23530360

This dude almost whipped his dick out to get an HJ during an interview I would not trust a single thing coming out of his dentures senpai.

>> No.23530433

53 million ballots by mail have already been cast. The laptop was about 3 weeks too late.

>> No.23530435

So theyre covering for Biden and also covering for Trump and also covering for Epstein? Sounds like I should invest in the U S A G O V T if i want something thatll never fail to cover

>> No.23530495
File: 243 KB, 613x534, 1470354486-screen-shot-2016-08-04-at-74730-pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not gonna defend ghouliani in any way, but that the Biden's are kidfuckers is widely established.

>> No.23530528
File: 278 KB, 2000x1333, joe-bide-and-grand-daughter-ap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have a name and a date of birth you can still overwrite these ballots, anon.

>> No.23530538

>>T. Boomer

We dont watch tv anymore fagit, save yourself the 300 cable/phone/internet bill your wife refuses to let you cancel

>> No.23530660

>100,000s of small businesses already bankrupt
>this isn’t already a massive depression


>> No.23530736

my sides why the hel did they need to measure it for

>> No.23531198

Ron Paul also drew huge crowds for a primary candidate.
Didn't translate in votes.
It's not because you're twice as excited that your vote counts twice as hard.

>> No.23531242

same polls that said hillary had over a 90% chance of winning XD

>> No.23531272

They're holding the country hostage and the second Biden takes office this meme flu will mysteriously disappear

>> No.23531334

unironically smartest post in this thread
MSFT’s move to a subscription service with no up front cost, fostered at POS by GameStop, is going to make a killing
Likewise buy as much AMD as you can

>> No.23531341
File: 52 KB, 556x611, 1597691849370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no they didn't

>> No.23531361
File: 165 KB, 1199x668, biden_trump_toxic_masculinity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can see you foaming at the mouth from here dude, relax

>> No.23531442

reddit spacing, tl;dr ure a homo

>> No.23531450
File: 363 KB, 1880x682, MW-EY771_biden__ZDR_20161026100652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23531467
File: 389 KB, 1050x987, 120736677_775941652984134_2432240882634414330_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you forgot your schizo meds bro, moms gonna get mad again

>> No.23531493
File: 621 KB, 1050x700, shutterstock-686588020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alhamdulillah Daddy Biden will emerge victorious as we all know, prais Allah for his mercy in giving us biden! BIDEN 2020!!!!!!!!! WWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.23531532
File: 23 KB, 800x480, 223dc270e416f18da4975c5c68d7bc0135c3172e_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.23531590
File: 16 KB, 645x770, 1601950609811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your dad beat your ass last time you started running outside naked chasing the neighbors while foaming at the mouth screaming "tRuMp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!". Take your meds and put a straight jacket on when the elections start because when daddy biden wins, you will most likely try to kill yourself, wait, nvm, no straight jacket, just have the gun ready and pull the trigger, your saving your parents a lot of trouble.

>> No.23531604
File: 161 KB, 347x280, 67955545_353269365586403_7355325283324395520_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23532733

Nothing. There will be no safe haven investments. The speculation attack is going to be conducted by countries into an IMF-issued currency and this will render our assets worthless because a price discovery in IMF-credits will need to happen anew. Crypto, real-estate, whatever. It'll all be shit with the exception of art objects. You will not be able to preserve your value because you will be left behind and only able to earn and transact in currencies that are worthless and inflated away in real time. That is what is planned. That is what Biden will get back on track. That is what Trump interrupted when he somehow weaponized the Federal Reserve and decided to stop playing cowboys and indians with repo and debt markets.

I guess buy art objects that are 1 million plus USD.

>> No.23532748

>based on polls

retard alert