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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23517756 No.23517756 [Reply] [Original]

You do own at least 10k BAT, don’t you /biz/?

>> No.23517768

because im not supposed to be held in a mental institution

>> No.23517849

the only BAT i own and ever will own is the free shit Brave is handing out with these ads, this is a gimmick token and the only thing it has going for it is a nice chrome clone with built-in adblock and siteblockers. not much but its nice. never will go higher than 50c in my mind.

>> No.23517874

lol no

>> No.23517942
File: 1.74 MB, 443x250, C0625186-499D-4EB1-9227-A957A80F4417.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BATchads will make it

>> No.23517970

bat is a reddit shitcoin, its a stablecoin, literally the most boring coin of them all. PAJEETS and GOOKS get it for free, thirdworlders sell BAT for market value , how do you think the price will create value and drive up? Advertisers are smart, they just buy a few tokens all at once and get advertising for a long amount of time you see it when BAT pumps crazily to 40 cents and within a week its back to its stable price of 20-25 cents sideways FOREVER.

>> No.23517974

perfect swing coin

>> No.23518003

People that dont have at least 10k of this have no idea how big digital advertising is or what exactly it is brave is doing. Could pull a 250x or more off this one.

>> No.23518018
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>> No.23518039

Overpriced and literally, actually a useless coin. Eich thanks you for the millionaire coke and hooker fund!

VALUE (previously YFV) is probably the most undervalued project in the space.

>> No.23518109

Theres a reason some of top link whales hold BAT. You dont want to miss this one. The accumulation window is shrinking. Its building itself up for one of the biggest pumps we have ever seen.

>> No.23518219
File: 3.38 MB, 1536x2048, BATMEN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23518642

That is fucking amazing.

>> No.23518770

At least it actually does something

>> No.23518779

>actually a useless coin.
>has a usecase

>> No.23518966

in on $40 telegram group shill thread hello wide dicks!! in on explot browser datamining vietnam bat mining rig comp yield farming rugpull for bat form autofiller stealing bat sent to unverified accounts homophobic bigot ceo thread

>> No.23518996

I own almost exactly 10k BAT. Kinda wish I just bought LINK again but oh well.

>> No.23519072

got them from the browser thanks fren. also wanna get about that many PNK for my kids tho

>> No.23519304

Correction, owned. Looking at market futures I'm sold at break-even and rebuying at 20c or lower.

>> No.23519539

5 days until the updated MAU. Im going to guess we are just a little over 21m

>> No.23519579
File: 18 KB, 430x343, 20milwhen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would be surprised and impressed if we got into the 21 mil range. I think it will be mid-high 20's

>> No.23519594

BAT not only lacks pumpamentals but is the only I know of with the exception of XRP that actually has dumpamentals.

>> No.23519840

I think between 50 to $1 cents is a more realistic price for BAT

>> No.23519855

>20k BAT
>20k ALGO
>50k XRP

I literally hate money. 1% per year is FUCKING AMAZING. I will work until the ripe age of 72.

>> No.23519860

Stopped using the browser on iOS. It was constantly crashing. And you can’t even get the bat out to your wallet to sell

>> No.23519870

for reference luke mulks in his AMA said why stop at $1 per token. they must be planning higher values somewhere at brave.

>> No.23519872


>> No.23519877
File: 14 KB, 340x350, Thomasmagruder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

50 dollars EOY!

>> No.23519879

isnt this coin connected to the dai stable coin?

>> No.23520778

I think last month was 1.3m, not sure if they rounded up or down but 1.4m is possible. Going off alexa analytics last month saw a climb from 9,000 to 6,500 in the span of 15 days, while this month has been a steady month hovering at 6,500 the entire time. I guess we will see in a few days but my guess is between 21.3m and 20.6m. If its the higher bound its insanely bullish.

>> No.23520827

swapped my 20k for linkpool yesterday, had enough

i sincerely hope BATbros still make it

>> No.23520957
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>> No.23521255

From what I've read there's some strong adoption there (sirs).

>> No.23522263

Im taking you to kleros court for this FUD. Brave has a strong global presence

>> No.23522499

So undervalued

>> No.23522690

Bat stopped showing me ads all of a sudden. Deleted everything even registry remains and reinstalled, still no ads. Fucking noggers cant even do 1 thing right of course the token is going to be stuck under 40 cents forever.

>> No.23523201

2017 called, they want their token back.

>> No.23523652

I get a fuck ton of ads daily. Have since day one. Its most likely location based. You live in some poor pajeet place that companies dont want to advert to

>> No.23523724

The only BAT I own is the one by my bed that I use to cave BATards 'eads in

>> No.23524061

>implying it would stand a chance against Eichs massive cranium

>> No.23524257
File: 178 KB, 1280x1186, 1599769625035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

12k BAT, hoping to get more at .20 or below. Altogether my bag is up $300 in profit