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23512577 No.23512577[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are we getting a Bush/Gore spoiled ballot situation where Trump will win no matter what? Should I give myself an easy 3x here?

>> No.23512609

You’d have to be mentally ill to think Trump isn’t getting a second term regardless of the actual results.

>> No.23512618

Yes, bet everything you have on Trump winning

>> No.23512634

nobody likes democrats in the usa. theyre literally lazy faggots

>> No.23512696


>> No.23512745

Trump supporters remind me Hilary trannies from 2016, completely overconfident.

>> No.23512766

If you put any money on trump winning anything you deserve to be poor forever

>> No.23512826

Trump is going to lose the popular vote but the electorate is going to vote him in.
They'll use second wave of corona as 'emergency situation' where 'a leadership change at this critical time would be detrimental'
Side note, a lot of electorates have been replaced with GOP cronies.
Blue states will riot and burn their cities down again, completing the destruction of the urban small business.
Trump will get his SCOTUS pick in.
4 more years of a crazy good economy with a 3rd world urban cancer devouring itself.

>> No.23512885

Good patriots, I can feel your passion through the computer screen. Keep this thread alive with your shit takes while I wait for a nonpartisan opinion

>> No.23513100

I voted for Trump this time around, but my gut feeling is a Biden win.

I have also never once voted for a President that ended up winning the election. I was actually considering voting for Biden for that reason alone.

Take this as you will. I may put $1,000 on Biden winning the election if I can figure out what I can legally do that.

>> No.23513110


>> No.23513201
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This is from an outside perspective (Australian).
Looking at the facts here,
1. There are a lot more faggots passionate about trump getting out of office this time round because those people didn't actually expect him to win.
2. His handling of the coronavirus and riots earlier in the year would be a big factor in how people vote as they need someone to blame for all this shit happening.
3. Joe Biden has been peddling the "memba obama? i membaaa" mentality which no doubt will chime a note for some.
4. As >>23512745 said
this is purely from an outside perspective, in the grand scheme i dont care either way no matter what Bitcoin goes up from this so do with this information whatever you want. But I would say this time round Trump has a decent chance of losing, but it will be very close.

>> No.23513330

every state goes red.

electoral college landslide 2020

>> No.23513369

Spaniard here, biden looks like might die any second, trump is the only real option i guess.

>> No.23513398

Hi Anon, I'm a statistics nerd first I bet on Trump early on because the electoral college has always leaned towards Republicans in the presidential election and I see Joe Biden as a candidate who's major appeal is not being Trump and that's not great. I see Trump locking up Florida ( his push in the Venezuelan and Cuban Expat community is being really ignored) and has a strong chance of taking Pennsylvania ( rural, Pennsylvania being more MAGA and having growing voter registration). These two were enough to get me to put my money on Trump but I'm not willing to double down on it.

>> No.23513414

He will lose and go out with a whimper.

>> No.23513447

It should be noted that EVEN IF the polls are skewed against Trump to the same extent they were in 2016, Biden still ends up with like 300 electoral votes.

Then factor in that voter turnout is way up which is always good for democrats and bad for Republicans plus mail in ballots make people who probably might not have voted before vote which is once again good for democrats and bad for Republicans

>> No.23513462

>Biden is +10 over Trump

>> No.23513498

From what I've heard it's only a (somewhat dubious) broad popularity poll that's putting Biden ahead by several points. All other indicators (satisfaction, economic figures, etc) give Trump a smaller, though comfortable lead. Other popularity based polls conducted by non-American pollsters also point more towards Trump, so there might be a shy Tory effect due to the BLM riots and antifa fucking about.

>> No.23513521

Non ironic answer, I think Biden will win. I don’t care what pol says, they’re biased as fuck

>> No.23513529

Both candidates had equal viewership numbers for their town halls, which was shocking to me as Trump has been their #1 entertainment meme for 5 years. Elections can't be won by not being the other guy and I agree with that but boomers might see themselves in Biden.
Thnak you for the analysis fren

>> No.23513531

you literally get fired if anyone finds out you support trump lmao. of course there's a 'shy tory effect', half of trump voters would never admit to it because we don't want to lose our jobs and become homeless/blacklisted from employment. this is going to be a landslide victory for trump, democrats will riot like mad.

>> No.23513538
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Anti Trump groups are paying thousands for bill boards in the centre of New York, a state that is always blue. That should tell you everything you need to know.

>> No.23513551

Trump will win, every one even here is pro-Trump, he is the people's choice, only the elites are pro Biden. And the media.

>> No.23513552

I'd be actually surprised if Trump doesn't win with all that BLM shit currently happening

>> No.23513555
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Bettin big on trump

We’ll see a bull run if he wins anyway

>> No.23513557

What you heard is wrong. Biden is leading Trump on all issues INCLUDING the economy now. And then of course the most important issue to voters is the coronavirus which given trumps huge failure on, makes him super unpalatable. Idk how anyone objectively looks at this situation and thinks it looks even close for Trump.

>> No.23513604
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>and that's their problem
>and that's a good thing
im sick of this shit
>Jared Kushner
>Raised in a Modern Orthodox Jewish family,[13] Kushner graduated from the Frisch School, a Modern Orthodox yeshiva high school, in 1999.

>> No.23513623

The media and rich elite are pro trump as fuck. It is literally a psy op taking advantage of underdog syndrome so the masses actually welcome this leader to shed regulations and line the pockets of the wealthy.

>> No.23513685

This. But the ensuing civil conflict(driven by Trump) will be awful for the market

>> No.23513700

>the media and rich elite are pro Trump
Imagine being this brain dead that you can utter such a sentence and actually believe it. EVEN THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE won't donate to Republicans because they want a dem senate, house and presidency. How do you square away that the most powerful business lobbying group(probably the most powerful lobby) which has historically only donated to Republicans has now flipped to the democrats with your view that the rich elite love Trump?

>> No.23513740

This. Whole lot of confidence, not a lot of energy. The enthusiasm is not there like 2016, especially from the moderates. I can't see Trump winning, it will be a narrow Biden victory.

>> No.23513800

I think a lot of outward trump supporters are going to secretly vote for Biden. Best of both worlds, they get their mistake out of office, don't have to admit they picked wrong, and they get to shit on the POTUS for the next 4 years.

>> No.23513847

But didn't Hillary lead by 60% just like Biden is doing now? or even worse Hillary was leading by 80% before the final day?

>> No.23513852

Holy fuck you are way off.
1. No those assholes are just the loudest and we cant wait to shut them the fuck up. Again.
2. Chinks caused corona. No one whose sane blames the president.
3. Kek what the fuck do you even think Trumps win was if not a referendum on Obama? The bloom has long since faded from that rose. I dare wager to say not even present day Obama could beat Trump. A lot of people waking up to the harsh reality that after all the pretty speeches and the media blowing him everyday that he really did fuck all.
5. Wont be close at all. Bigger win than last time. Cap this post.

>> No.23513863

Fucked the numbering but ehhh you get it.

>> No.23513875

Who says the most important issue is the virus and more importantly are you unaware that most Americans are short sighted babies who really buy into the idea that an emergency shutdown to prevent an unknown viral outbreak is somehow a tyrannical over reach and they are voting. I think the shy tory/Trump/quietly conservative number is high enough to keep Trump a likely winner still.

>> No.23513881

Difference faggots thought Hillary was 100% going to win and didn't vote. Won't happen again (in theory).

>> No.23513928

again, i am just giving you the perception outside of the US.

>> No.23513929

Trump can still win, but in order to do so, he will need to thread the needle, because he won't win the popular vote. The only way Trump can win is by turning out the dumbest Americans in key states. It's possible, but it'll be like drawing pocket aces twice in a row,.

>> No.23513939

You're correct. Trumptards and anyone believing the media is anti Trump is a huge retard. Trump even get's easier questions lol.


>> No.23513951

No. There is no benefit of being an outward Trump supporter when you're not, especially in the current climate when you can be easily doxed by the left. The core right and Trump base will still vote for Trump, but the moderates that got swept up in the energy of 2016 will probably just vote Biden. I don't think many people actually like Biden, I think many are just voting against Trump.
I'm not talking about polls, just the feel on the ground, but as >>23513881 says, many dems thought it was a sure win in 2016 and didn't vote. Dems are doing their best to get people to actually vote this time, another reason Trump will lose.

>> No.23513975

I'm not talking social media when I mean TrumpTurncoats, I mean more the people at work who are boomer tier who swear up and down Trump isn't a huge mistake but they're having a rough time believing it themselves.
On the flipside, I don't want 4 more of Trump but my portfolio is screaming at me to vote for him.

>> No.23514032

The only way this results in less violence all around and brings the country closer together is if trump wins the popular vote

>> No.23514045

You're right but under estimating the chance, especially since his victory last time had a lot to do with micro targeting key areas to flip.

>> No.23514050

Trump is going to win, Biden voters only exist on twitter.

>> No.23514085

Yeah, but Twitter controls the world

>> No.23514108

And that won't happen.

>> No.23514129

Biden will win, 4chan is a trump echo chamber with no basis in reality.

>> No.23514146
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>> No.23514160

>boomer tier who swear up and down Trump isn't a huge mistake but they're having a rough time believing it themselves
I've never really seen any of those outside a few articles about neocons online.
Between Trump and Biden, I'd rather Trump. I don't think Biden is fit enough for the job and would have to resign after a year, and I think much of the controversies and negativeness of the last 4 years is more the fault of the media and the dems in congress. But judging from what I'm seeing (admittedly mostly from social media and the mainstream media who loath Trump), Trump will not win.

>> No.23514173
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That just means it’s highly efficient. Everyone thinks what people say on Twitter is gospel

>> No.23514185

Holy shit he's sitting at just 34.8% ? Where do I go to long Trump 100x or even 1000x without getting liquidated?

>> No.23514192

>Only a small percentage of the US population is on twitter
>most of the tweets are coming from the minority
Put two together.

>> No.23514226

Trump is literally retarded. He will lose and I hope Biden slaps his old hairy nuts on Trumps face.

>> No.23514240

I have no idea. I live in a blue state but I've seen a good amount of Trump signs.

>> No.23514249

My brother, I’m not disagreeing with you, I’m just saying the site is very influential

>> No.23514251


>> No.23514254

voting ballots should read as follows:


no candidate names, no party names.

>> No.23514290
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Dunno Joe being a compromised sock puppet for foreign powers might swing things. He's gone to ground for 9 days. Grand jury? Plea bargain to escape the death penalty? You decide!

>> No.23514292

Russia will have its way and Trump, that facist, will win again

>> No.23514309

All Trump had to do was pretend to give 2 shits about Covid & the election would have been a lock for him. Pretty amazing how badly he sabotaged himself

>> No.23514342
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Treat it like an options strategy and do a straddle. Bet on both sides, but ensure your win potential is greater then the buy-in for both combined. You win regardless of who wins.

>> No.23514364

You may be right but I think a lot of zoomers are mad that Bernie didn't get the nomination and are in a full "voting doesn't matter" doomer mentality

>> No.23514368

If I long 100x won't I also owe 100x of what I invested if the other party loses?

>> No.23514468

The incumbent president wins re-election. Trump will win this time. Then the pendulum will swing and we'll get 8 years of a Democrat president.

>> No.23514471

Covid is definitely his weakest issue but I'm honestly more pissed at the fact he's shilling the vaccine so hard instead of trying to open up the country

>> No.23514478

No because you only lose max what you put into the bet, but the win potential can be much better. So if the entry position is for example 100$ for each party, and the win potential is 1000$, risk the 200 for the guaranteed 1000, and make 800$. >Look into options straddle spread for more info

>> No.23514496

Trump is obviously the better bet here if you're looking to make money

>> No.23514549


bookies aren't retarded anon

>> No.23514555

Most likely this.

>> No.23514559

>instead of trying to open up the country
Thats really not his call though, its the governors. If this pandemic has taught me anything, its that when shit hits the fan, its every state for themselves

>> No.23514573

Jesus fucking Christ anon stop listening to the mainstream media

>> No.23514651

two different sites

>> No.23514669
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>Paid for by the Lincoln Project

>> No.23514731

anon i think hes implying hes not leaving even he loses

>> No.23515049


>> No.23515941

we need a final solution

>> No.23515970

This will be so close I can feel the G forces on the rocket or roller coaster of the united states

>> No.23516087

it's actually not influential at all.

>> No.23516117

i believe that trump has the better chance of wining...he is the incumbent and most people will take the devil they know..riots were a big part of what put Nixon in office in 68, the DNC riots turned lots of middle america off..though i wouldnt say it is a lock..last time he was against Hillary..and lots of people really didnt like the Clintons...however, i cant imagine anyone who voted for him last time changing their mind for Biden..i voted Hillary last time and im voting Trump this time..first time but will most likely not be the last for a Republican..

>> No.23516138
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Trump's betting odds were lower in 2016.

If he can win with worse odds then why not this time around?

>> No.23516231
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I notice constant similarities between this election and 2016. Even though there might be a period of confusion and a contested election, it doesn't seem like Biden will win. Can't see why betting on Trump wouldn't be a good idea.

>> No.23516256

Um can Trump or any president even theoretically do that?

>> No.23516892

lmao. my brother in law is an aussie. look, I love the block (tv series), and house rules is alright. but M8, he is an absolute cuck and he is OBSESSED with trump to the point where he's trying to tell me sister certain things to vote on (but he himself obviously can't vote). it's actually quote hysterical. oh and he washes his hands about 50 times a day.

>> No.23517023

IMO Trump is probably going to win. This entire thing feels like 2016 all over again, where everyone was saying Hillary was going to win in a landslide and all the polls showed her ahead. Nobody actually likes Joe Biden, people who are voting for him are only doing so because they dislike Trump. There's no excitement over him and he got rekt in the last debate. Trump has an army of devoted followers that would drag their nutsacks through broken glass to go vote for him.

My cousin was a Bernie bro in 2016 and he's voting for Trump this time. I don't have anything other than anecdotal evidence to say Trump will win, but that's my gut feeling based on what I see.

>> No.23517133

>Everyone said Hillary will win.
>She lost.
>Now everyone says Trump will win.
Yeaaaaah, right. I would bet on Biden here.
I would also bet on /pol/fags seriously need to go back.

>> No.23517166

>>Now everyone says Trump will win.
Have you tried checking out anywhere besides /biz/ or /pol/? Everyone is saying Biden will win again yet they are hedging their bets by giving him a much lower percentage this time so when they're wrong they can just claim "margin of error! woops!"

>> No.23517204
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Hope nobody actually believes polls desu

>> No.23517220

xBTC is good either way so FUCK jannies and FUCK YOUR MOTHER IF YOU WANT TO FUCK

>> No.23517234

Republicans hate polls and/or are usually too busy working to answer them.

>> No.23517250

>First Option
No wonder these polls are always wrong.

>> No.23517314
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lol, replying to somebody with a female name who has your personal information on whether or not you'd vote to re-elect orange cheeto dust Hitler

>> No.23517511
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I already get 3 or 4 Chinese robot calls a week so a poll or two isn't bad. I should change my number

>> No.23517885
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Where do I bet all my LINK on Trump?

>> No.23517936

Yes, you should give yourself the easy 3x. Biden has no paths to victory this year. Dems said they needed 2-3x the early voters over Trump early voters. They're at like 1.25x. It's unironically over except for downballots.

>> No.23517978

Biden is only like 0.2% ahead in the battleground state average compared to Clinton at this point in 2016

I think Biden probably wins just because of higher Dem turnout but all the bullshit around the polls being way worse for Trump this time is absolute bullshit. The polls in the state’s that matter are almost exactly the same

>> No.23517997

i still don’t understand how the pareto principle is hardcoded into the framework of existence but god it’s ubiquitous

>> No.23517998

10% of 10% is 1%
He's saying it's a tiny bubble.

>> No.23518017

Trump has lost support from alot of his high energy base because he constantly sucks up to nigs and jews. Hasnt followed up on alot of his promises.

>> No.23518045

It's called a swing trade and most people do it with matched betting on a betting exchange. He mentioned doing it with different bookies which people also do.

Gamblers have hedging calculators for it.

>> No.23518127

>he doesn't understand what 'odds' mean
Kek. i love this board, it's like coming to a retard zoo

>> No.23518153

Nearly all the betting sites I look at have similar odds. Can you explain how to do it in more detail?

>> No.23518180

im blaming every goddamn jew kike if the republicans scam us again.

>> No.23518203

Twitter controls the narrative. It isn't representative of the majority opinion, though it does give you a view into what niggers and antifa thinks

I drive a lot for work in Iowa. There are Trump signs everywhere. A lot more than in 2016. Feels as if they aren't afraid to show support for him this time around. In more liberal areas (Cedar Falls, Des Moines) there isn't a lot of Biden signs. A lot of times you'll see Theresa Greenfield (Dem Senate candidate) signs in yards but they won't have Biden signs. I don't think Trump will have it easy but I can tell you for sure he's winning Iowa. Feels like Biden supporters are embarassed by him or don't like him and will only vote for him to get Trump out.

I can't tell you what Michigan or Pennsylvania or Florida will do. But I know that Iowa doesn't pick wrong often

>> No.23518280

Where should I go if I want to bet on Trump, but I don't want a measly 3x, I want at least a 100x ?

>> No.23518388

>anyone believing the media is anti Trump is a huge retard.

Wtf? Are you trolling or really that god damn stupid?

>> No.23518394


>> No.23518444

Biden will win. It's all planned. Lol if you think that you have a democracy. All political parties are puppets.

>> No.23518628

predictit is filled with coping leftist retards who can't escape their blue pill box. Easy money there. I made $6000 on election night in 2016. Also made $1400 with Kavanaugh.
The retards think Biden has a 31% chance of winning Texas.

>> No.23519070

>Both candidates had equal viewership numbers for their town halls
You cuck they split Trump's stream.

>> No.23519087

TA on Google trends. Compare historical elections, lead up to elections and dem/rep primaries. Trump is winning.. assuming they are not fucking with search data, and if they did that you assume they would put biden related searches higher. Polls are not too be trusted

>> No.23519105

>The retards think Biden has a 31% chance of winning Texas.
They said the same thing about Cruz in the 2018 election. If Cruz can still win Texas Trump can. Cruz isn't very popular and still won.

>> No.23519128

Asking this on 4channel is like asking jehovah's witnesses whether jesus will come back one day

>> No.23519136

Your analogy would make sense on /pol/ but this is /biz/ not /pol/

>> No.23519393

I think too many Trump voters think he’ll win anyhow and decide not to go out and vote. Whilst the Biden voters are coming out in droves for the anti-vote. Not such a sure bet IMO.

>> No.23519501

Trump would win in a fair race but Dems have a huge advantage because of the Covid shit leading to easy mail in ballots in every state. California, Oregon, Washington, Colorado, and most recently Utah swung +15 Democrat the first election they had implemented universal mail in ballots. Whether it's because of making it easier for poor people to vote dem who would have otherwise forgotten or just blatent fraud, universal mail in balloting makes any election a Democrat lock. The only way Trump could win is with a contested challenge to all of the mail in ballots eventually leading to a supreme court decision, or Biden dying and/or Hunter Biden CP tapes being released tomorrow.

>> No.23519523
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>> No.23519538

Hillary was planned to lose in 2016?

>> No.23519570

Isn't this what happened last time?
>invent fake stats
>ohhh look guys Hilary will win by a land slide
>more people go out and vote for trump, more than usual

they are making the same mistakes as last time.
>pick an old, slimy person
>has a history of being shady
>expect lefties to not notice this

>> No.23519572

i plan to start voting democrat after i die

>> No.23519601

It's kinda beautiful desu

>> No.23519626


>> No.23519643

You better fucking vote then, literally the biggest thing that could screw over Trump is people not voting because they are so sure he will win. >>23513201 is on the money, I'm from Australia as well - I am very confident he will win, which is why I am worried not enough people are going to vote for him. If you want him to be guaranteed you're gonna wanna knock it out of the park to reduce the chances of some slimy shit happening with vote counting

>> No.23519644

Twitter is mostly bots fyi

>> No.23519686

I normally bet on political elections but this cycle is hard to predict. 2016 was easy, 2018 also was pretty easy to call. The issue with this election cycle is energy is harder to see due to rallies being mostly closed down due to the chink flu. But my gut feeling is saying Trump will lose, despite Biden being a real shitty candidate. Its just that too much went wrong economically for a president who banked on that being his winning ticket for re-election. I think Biden still does have a chance of losing (everyone voting for biden is voting against Trump, which is terrible for your brand, talk to Hillary and Kerry.) I'd give it a 60 Biden 40 Trump, I want Trump to win mind you, I just am not putting money down this election cycle due to it being too close to call for me.

>> No.23519741

The people that would usually vote dems are divided on Biden and the people that would normally voting rebp are supporting trump.
I think it's a lot closer than you think.

>> No.23519832

Alright these are clear tranny shills. Enthusiasm for trump is actually sky high given how consequential it is. They're the most packed and highest energy events during Corona. That said, anyone know how a frog leaf can bet on this election?

>> No.23519861

as a non poltard bong here is my view:
biden will obviously win this election, but the election will likely be contested. since a lot of dems voted by mail it may take a long time (weeks) for the final result; this also means it is possible for trump to claim he won on election night because he wins if u only count votes at polling stations. u can see the ground being prepared for this with trump lamenting the alleged corruption of postal ballots.

i am considering liquidating most of my positions because of this. a contested result will tank the market, an uncontested win (for either candidate, however unlikely for trump) will result in a massive green dildo.

cant wait to get called a tranny for this god i hate 2016

>> No.23520019

There is absolutely no hype for Biden other than mainstream media trying their hardest to boost him. He stopped campaigning like halfway through the year and did basement rallying. If he does somehow win, then it would be through massive amounts of cheating, which they are already attempting. Neither candidates or the outcomes, whether stalled or contested, matter for crypto imo so I guess /biz/raelis are set no matter what.

>> No.23520386

that principle is racist!

>> No.23520411

Media is mostly controlled through democratic parties. All networks our mostly democratic. So they preach it to convince the mass that this is the right choice.

>> No.23520432

>not a lot of energy
No one is showing up to Bidens rallies. There was more Trump supporters trolling them outside of one.

>> No.23520477

you're the type of delusional idiot that sees these posters and think " ya mane!!" instead of "im tired of these fucking rich cunts always telling me how to think"

>> No.23520488
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>> No.23520497

I see a lot of uninformed fools in these threads, pretty pathetic.

Metrics that worked for 2016:
>amount of people in rallies
>like/dislike ratio on youtube vids from both sides
>MSM viewership ratings
>the rest is vibe shit from following forums, street conversations, co-workers, etc

>> No.23520501

Australian here.
Trump will win.

>> No.23520512

According to Tradingview, the betting odds are 51.7% Biden and 42.8% Trump.
Don't you think the betting odds would be more trustworthy than the polling because there's money at stake?

>> No.23520524

I don't understand what your criticism is. It sounds like you just wanted to post something to vent because it doesn't apply to my post. You should get some help anon.

>> No.23520527
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Exactly imagine saying "I'll vote for Trump" to literally anyone who isn't 100% trustworthy in this climate. There's no benefit to telling the truth when you can get cancelled by some sjws or worse.

>> No.23520536

If there is a bush gore situation or a lot of optical violence and riots will Bitcoin and precious metals go up and by how much?

>> No.23520733

The saddest thing is how whites have already lost the ability to choose their government, Republicans win almost every time in a white America, there has only ever been a dozen or so Democrat Presidents in the entire history.

>> No.23520903

I just placed a bet,100€, at Trump

>> No.23520924

Any1 have a decent hedge bet with decent odds if trump loses ( like a state he will win but still lose over all ) also already loaded up trump win @2.40 , @2.50 , @2.80

>> No.23521018

I don't know about any other Aussies ITT but our (((media))) is or has reached American bias lvls against TRUMP hope they all get BTFO

>> No.23521053

FL is almost guaranteed red, but not so good returns

>> No.23521066

Imagine caring about polls, previous US elections had Hillary winning and UK staying in EU and look how that turned out.

>> No.23521090

I hope Trump loses so this site can finally end the endless retardation of /ptg/ retards
Single handedly ruined this site by endless Trump cock sucking

>> No.23521106

Trump was a total wildcard and everyone thought "hey let's see what this retard non politician can do"

Now he is a known quantity running against a far more likable version of Hillary

>> No.23521118

Sky News seems to be very pro Trump compared to the rest of the media.

>> No.23521120

I wonder how many of Trump's dumbass base owns crypto
I bet they're all boomers who still pay by check at Walmart

>> No.23521135

It's like the golden ratio of statistics. It's every fucking where

>> No.23521148

>against a far more likeable version of Hillary
I honestly don't even know if thats true. Hillary was doing much better crowd numbers than Biden is now and Hillary at least had the 'first woman president thing going for her.

>> No.23521151

>people voting Biden aren't voting for him but against Trump, historically this favors Trump
>primary model predicts Trump win with more certainty than 2016

Easy money.

>> No.23521156

Someone make sure to record the TYT meltdown of this year, last election was hilarious

>> No.23521173

i want biden to win just to see the absolute meltdown trump will have when he loses

>> No.23521212

Can't wait for /pol/ to implode on election day

>> No.23521267
File: 54 KB, 320x240, 1603614356123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we hava a Florida Recount situation, I’ll have some fiat ready to long the bottom.

>> No.23521318

Doubt you're going to get much crowds with Biden's base
> More likely to believe in corona and stay at home
> More likely to have work from home jobs

>> No.23521355

No ones tried it before

>> No.23521401

I also got Arizona @2.25 Wisconsin @2.05 NC@1.80 NJ@11 Minnesota @2.20
All baby bets tho get 50-100$ back if win

>> No.23521422


I've never bet on an election before, where do I go to do it?

>> No.23521507

Dems are in full 1,000% cheat mode they arent going to allow a Trump victory they are cheating like crazy to make sure they can steal the election

so this time i actualy think Trump might lose

>> No.23521559
File: 99 KB, 973x744, 2DCE8158-CCF2-4106-B138-35DB565C1151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy the taste of bac.