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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 5 KB, 200x200, HEX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23502137 No.23502137 [Reply] [Original]

Please resist the FOMO. Use dollar cost averaging. You superfluously drive up the price.

>> No.23503068

time to go all in brah

$1 make u holla!!!

>> No.23503088

shady ass pump considering what's happening in a couple weeks

>> No.23503139
File: 864 KB, 869x583, HEX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ur gay is showing

>> No.23503179

it's called "Pumpamentals" which clearly you know nothing about..

>> No.23503234


Perhaps whales were waiting to accumulate closer to launch to keep price down? Even if you start your stake right now and end it on BPD, you will receive almost 3x HEX that you staked.
Odds are everyone that buys before 1c makes mad gains.

I personally bought 500k more a few days ago. Will have 3m after all my stakes 2 years from now.
Honestly debating a big buy for a 5 year stake. But will this even be around then.

>> No.23503342

yea I staked 800k last nite until the day before BPD but I plan to re-stake it again for maybe a year.

>> No.23504303

So when is the bpd

>> No.23504308

Yeah I'm thinking based

>> No.23504349

What is the main reason for this big pay day...

that's what i've always wondered

>> No.23504366

next month on the 19th

>> No.23504392
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Here u go

>> No.23504435

BTC holders can no longer free claim and all unclaimed HEX from the snapshot is rewarded to the stakers as the first year of the project comes to an end.

>> No.23504445

basically bitcoin started with huge inflation, and that inflation gets cut in half after a certain amount of blocks.

hex said - lets just get the cast majority of the inflation out of the way in the first year. furthermore, they said, let's give the inflation to people who lock up their coins, instead of miners, who just sell the coins on the market to dump the price.

>> No.23504496

So won't people just sell after BPD and rewards drop a lot?

>> No.23504503

I'm in disbelief
you'd think people who use 4chan are smart enough to notice an obvious scam
sure some fall for shilling based pnd's and rug pulls but they make it look professional
hex is not even trying, on the shit looking website they straight up tell you
"it's your last chance to make it"
how is anyone dumb enough to fall for this
plus if you want to get in based on the greater fool theory
it's retarded because the mcap is already in the top 20
that's like investing in ripple and expecting a 3x

at this point just buy legit projects with a low mcap
or if you want something safe, monero.

they will sell BEFORE

>> No.23504517
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What an absolute autistic retard

>> No.23504574

yeah just ignore everything I said, will surely help your argument
literally just talk to me, unless you're unable to

>> No.23504627

You literally said nothing you idiot..
>Duuuuuh how can anybody fall for this obvious scam goys??
>Is literally a scam!!
All very good arguments, but I'm still not fully convinced..

>> No.23504656


>> No.23504707

axion.network instead of this garbage, same thing but eth goes to the stakers

>> No.23504809

I want to believe in axion but I'm pretty sure its on its 5th failed audit due to pajeet devs.

>> No.23505012

they are going through second audit now, results coming monday. if all goes well they announce mainnet countdown on wednesday. even if you dont believe in the project it should be a pretty easy pump from people fomoing in before the launch

>> No.23505374
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mfw I have about 7.5M of HEX that I've bought at the all time low in January for about 4 ETH. If I'd emergency unstake right now i'd probably still get about $40K-$50K out of this whole nonsense

>> No.23505575

Over 8c at new ATH and /biz/ is silent lmao.

Pajeets killed this board.

>> No.23505746

based bought 10 milllion thjanks

>> No.23505897

You don’t know what this word means.

>> No.23505946

you mean 0.8c

>> No.23506029

Sell the interest, restake the principle.

>> No.23506047

Yes, I know what this word means. And I think that it's unnecessary to drive up the price so quick.

>> No.23506055

How long are you staking?

>> No.23506112

Half a dozen or so staggered a across the next 18 months. The largest are due mid 2020 though. Maybe I really should cash out now, in case it all crashes back down hard after the current hype.

>> No.23506127

*mid 2021

>> No.23506290

Its about to dump over the crest, lets see what how much faith people have in this project, the retracement will remove weak hands.

>> No.23506321

pls dont dump on us sir

>> No.23506335

Unless you think it's gonna dump -80% you'd make more from BPD than missing it.

>> No.23506496

You could argue that the project has no long term viable game theory beyond BPD. So -80% is not out of the question to me. Who will be incentivized to buy my inflated tokens next year when all the first year bonuses have gone?

Then again, I haven't invested much in this in the first place, maybe I just ride it out till the end. Served me well so far. And I'm probably too lazy to go through all this unstake business anyway.

>> No.23506517


>> No.23506615

We've known about the flush address since day one of this project, anon.

>> No.23506677
File: 107 KB, 820x1024, 1567283784020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The question is what is RH going to do with 23,000 ETH in the flush? I'm thinking something based af honestly.

>> No.23506749


There is a logical fallacy in your fantasy reality. If bitcoin can be #1 with 900 BTC ($12m ish) dumped a day by miners, then surely Hex has a good chance at surviving long-term too huh?

>> No.23506837

My hands are shaky and my knees are weak. The weekly candle is insane. Gotta take some profits right about now.

>> No.23506981

RH always said the whole purpose was to pump hex, and use all the commonly understood methods of doing so.

After BPD, given the massive flush wallet, and HEX horde under his command, the logical move is supply manipulation. Using ETH to support & drive market price... burning the unspent hex to constrain supply- or staking & unstaking it to reward stakers... use your imagination, there are lots of things you could do with it to pump the price beyond all reason..

>> No.23506988

The flush address only had about 12 Ethereum in it, that has been flushed.
This scam has failed, hard.

>> No.23507117

yea but in order fo rhte price to pump there has to be incentive for people to buy

why would someone buy after BPD?

>> No.23507173

Good point.. not sure what the motive is.
I can't believe the 3% interest or whatever, is that attractive to that many people.

>> No.23507180

Another one to bite the dust lol. Retards like you who stake are the ones who drive the price up. Make a 1 year countdown and watch your portfolio turn into ash.

>> No.23507205

Unless RH keeps pumping it to make it worthwhile
That's the problem when you have these coins basically controlled by one or couple people

>> No.23507533

I actually agree with you. That's the reason I bought into it in the first place. It could survive in the long run, or it could be dumped into oblivion. Just like Bitcoin could. Or any other "currency" whose value is determined by social consensus of sorts.

>> No.23507637

Hex already dumped. Richard Heart cashed out the Ethereum in the flush address. Anyone holding hex, is holding the literal equivalent, of post 2017 bitconnect.

>> No.23507706

>Richard Heart cashed out the Ethereum in the flush address.
post proof

>> No.23507710


Good thing that Hex has a founder doing interviews with like half of the Youtubers. The community is big, lots of tools, billboards, Hex on cars. A solid Community is literally everything. I used to hold ICX before realizing the truth about what the market wants.

Bitcoin would be worth 0 without a community.

>> No.23507747

You realize the ETH in the flush address really has nothing to do with HEX itself? As long as people believe in its long term viability, it literally doesn't matter what Richard does with that ETH.

It's basically a copy of the EOS launch process, FYI.

>> No.23507756


>> No.23507772

You do realize, hex holders can't cash out, don't you, Richard?

>> No.23507813

Lolwhat, you can just trade your HEX with anything you like, at any moment, say on uniswap. It's a fucking ERC20 token.

>> No.23507828

Same with bitconnect, no one wants it.

>> No.23507830

Those transaction could mean anything. This proofs nothing.

>> No.23507846

You can trade HEX with Tether on Uniswap anytime and transact it to an exchange that has a USDT/fiat pair anytime.

>> No.23507883


Why do you think anyone buys Bitcoin? Because they think it will go up.

Why do you think anyone will buy Hex? Same reason times 10000x.

That's all crypto is. Take it or leave it.

>> No.23508051

He has autism, I'm not sure there's much of a point to try and explain stuff to him..

>> No.23508129

20k members, only 1k online.

Big red flag for me

>> No.23508166


They are literally banning bots all day. Trust me, it's impossible to stop it completely. Look at the code instead you brainlet.

>> No.23508263
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>It's not only americans
>Big red flag for me!!

>> No.23508282

we'll make it bruh

>> No.23508333
File: 2.34 MB, 2880x2560, bella.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Resist the urge to rek yourself with HEX.

Look into Bella instead.

>> No.23508351

Almost 1 cent... holy shit

>> No.23508426


I'm sorry you guys do not have the correct address, I do. Its got 23,000 ETH in it.

>> No.23508452
File: 40 KB, 1243x607, hex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See you niggers at a cent

>> No.23508509

Not really, there are people that short too
They play both sides

>> No.23508514

>440 bill hex unstaked - NOT LOCKED
>50 bill staked
you all will get rekt so hard its going to be hilarious. FOMO

>> No.23508529

yeah this isnt stopping until BPD

>> No.23508543

Is there a way to short this ?

>> No.23508564
File: 570 KB, 1122x1066, 1584625665587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't get it do you

>> No.23508573

It's an easy play to ride the BPD pump, but it's too risky for me to extend past that. I'm sure some people will get rekt.

>> No.23508579

yeah nothing wrong with a billion $ market cap and 5 mill liquidity. Kek. Get rekt nigger

>> No.23508617

Muthafockers it's crashed hard in just 5 min.

>> No.23508618
File: 37 KB, 600x400, 1f1tm9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems funny how there isn't much sell pressure for that much supply though doesn't it?

>> No.23508633


No please make sure to stake, don't just hold. Nooo.

>meanwhile BPD bonus is juicer the less people stake

>> No.23508666

Big psychological barrier at 1 cent, but the fact it almost touched it weeks before the BPD is pretty bullish,

>> No.23508674

I agree. RH already has enough money - for ages I've been predicting he's going to do something benevolent which will benefit the stalkers and rocket him to become legendary in both the crypto and financial industries.

>he's after the fame now, not the bucks.

>> No.23508679

Its called luring the crowd in and fomo. how new are you? The red dildo will be glorious and everyone be like: what? how?

>> No.23508705
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>> No.23508714

We need to find a way to short this

It sucks not much shorting options for erc20's

>> No.23508738

Please figure out a way to short it

>> No.23508751

I don't think anyone will be surprised at all, Hex holders even admit there'll be a big dump. But call it delusion or blind optimism a lot of these people have 1 to 11 year stakes where the unstake penalties would wipe their entire investment. I don't think the long term holders are going to care all that much.

>> No.23508802

yes satan

>> No.23508805

That was idiots who didn't get it.

RH warned everybody about the dangers of day one fomo.

>> No.23508888

Well, that's the reason why I opened this thread.

>> No.23508956

thats actually a lie by richard and he was getting everyone to fomo into hex hard at launch. just look at his tweets around the hex launch

>> No.23509321

Not an argument, dumb fuck.

>> No.23509335

Stopped reading there.

>> No.23509355

what else?

>> No.23509431

Right, it's a simple statement of fact retard
Kek what an absolute moron

>> No.23509464
File: 461 KB, 812x634, 1556207382291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just flipped my free eth from the uni airdrop into hex

Lets gooooooooooo!

>> No.23509683
File: 1.06 MB, 1596x1080, 1025090923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>resist to fomo on the greatest crypto ever invented
Screw that just go all in. The bigpayday and the staking interest has got you covered.

>> No.23509704
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>> No.23509877
File: 58 KB, 1072x422, Screenshot_2020-08-28-21-04-53_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he still doesnt have at least 1 million HEX staked
This is unironically the only legit opportunity in crypto to become a millionaire

>> No.23509979

imagine when axion flips hex mcap in a few months.
its literally a better version of hex, where 80% of the eth from AA goes into market buying axion and giving to stakers.

>> No.23510141

Nothing wrong with competition. Im invested in both project but i see HEX as more legit. It wouldnt suprise me to get rugged with Axion but then again it was only 170 bux for a chance to make a million.

>> No.23510219

>fact retard
fact, retard.

>> No.23510350

naw we fomo'ing all the way to 5 cents. this baby has the juice. number go up baby

>> No.23510392

Richard Heart cashed out, just report the thread, and all other hex threads.

>> No.23510641

>Richard Heart cashed out
RH is already a retired billionaire. Hes not a burger flipping warehouse slaving milenial trying to "make it".

>> No.23510845

post the link where I can freeclaim axion and I stop believing that it's a scam.

>> No.23511154

why report this thread?

>> No.23511320
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>> No.23511414

Everything here has been either debunked, or entirely dependent on the whole RH pulling the rug argument which makes no sense at all.

>> No.23511461

My nigger I don't even know anything about this project
I just saw it on multiple top eth addresses and instantly wrote it off as a scam kek

to me its the most obvious thing in the word but seeing people itt makes my day

>> No.23511745

Still holding track of 1c by Tues. 6c by mid-Nov.

>> No.23511838

>to me its the most obvious thing in the word but seeing people itt make it makes me seethe

FTFY. That's what it always comes down to. You were too pussy to buy and missed mad gains.
It's ok bro. You can still do well with BPD.

>> No.23511857

Its kind of laughable people point at HEX as a scam with the shady shit going on in a typical defi project.

Buying HEX in an effective presale with etherium? OH NO, WHAT A SCAM. Meanwhile idiots are throwing money into booba.finance.

>> No.23511943

bizarre argument
>waaahh waaahh people fall for scams so my scam is not a scam!!!

>That's what it always comes down to
Well see a pattern? I'd call myself a rather experienced trader, me being able to filter shitcoins from legitimate projects is just a gut feeling at this point
sure I could waste my time explaining to you why but let's be real, why should I
if I wasn't bored on a Sunday night I wouldn't even be talking to you

>> No.23512009

how is hex a scam?

>> No.23512207
File: 183 KB, 926x741, shitcoins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im starting to see a pattern of weird arguments and questions
alright, maybe answer me this
>how is hex not a scam?
Why do the top eth addresses have it in their wallet?
Generally you can see a pattern with scams and shitcoins, if they land in your wallet without you doing anything, its 100% a scam or shitcoin.
see with uni how you had to claim it?
why is it not on the front page of coingecko?
why does the website look so shit and low effort?
why does the official website say "you could have made millions, many did. Life-changing wealth"
does that sound like a legit project to you?
why does the website not only have a link to buy the coin but literally uniswap integrated via iframes? I mean that's just fucking insane
generally if a project has a "buy on x" as a button ON THE WEBSITE, it's a shitcoin, notice how every legit project does not do that
why do you never see people like me in threads like this, there is no reason for me to write all this to you, you won't believe me
and im not telling you to sell or anything,
in fact, I'd advise you to hold

>> No.23512294

It’s a coin. And it’s purpose is to go up in price. It is just designed more efficiently than bitcoin.
You do realize that’s why bitcoin has the halfening right? So it goes up in price. Hex is just as legit as bitcoin

>> No.23512407


>I'm in disbelief you'd think people who use 4chan are smart enough....

>> No.23512409
File: 448 KB, 698x650, F4ZqhDhpHddfAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to just ignore your post but you actually managed to hit a spot with that halfening comment

halfening has nothing to do with price, why?
Because it's a set date. We can calculate exactly when it happens. The halfening is already priced in, anyone who thinks it means anything for the price of bitcoin is a retard (you)
If, the halfening were to happen randomly, then it would affect price, but (and that's in every finical market the case, when the date of an event is known or set in stone) you can be certain that the price is already priced in.

>> No.23512489

the steadily lowing of inflation has everything to do with the price. if satoshi didnt care about the price why did he put in the halfening?
hex does everything bitcoin does, and more. still waiting to hear how it's a scam.

>> No.23512576

>still waiting to hear how it's a scam.
sure here is a link boards.4channel.org/biz/thread/23502137#m23512207:~:text=Why%20do%20the%20top%20eth%20addresses,telling%20you%20to%20sell%20or%20anything%2C

>> No.23512582

You are just retarded and low iq and will never understand. That's allright. Not everyone can have intelligence.

>> No.23512603

so basically you cant answer... you can leave the thread now

>> No.23512606
File: 362 KB, 1920x1200, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bait post
(if not, then just refute my arguments (you cant))

>> No.23512641

I can. I just don't take the time to do it. Enjoy your lazy Sunday.

>> No.23512662

Stop changing IP addresses.

>> No.23512663

op whats the connection with hex2t aka axion?

>> No.23512689

thanks, im actually working on webshit currently, its comfy talking to kinder gardeners about finance while doing so

>I just don't take the time to do it
cope'd and kek'd

>> No.23512694

It's another scam, promulgated by, Richard Heart.

>> No.23512701

kinda like bcash/bsv
some randos trying to profit off hex's success

>> No.23512799

fck.. scam or not, if i can make monies then ill go with it

>> No.23512817

i guess i can put something in both coins

>> No.23512876

you are obviously an axion shill lol
fuck off pajeet

>> No.23512974

What pisses me off is I shilled the everliving fuck out of this thing for 6 months. Basically spoonfeeding people on how it wasn't a scam, carefully articulating each of their points. Eventually I gave up and sold 3/4 my stack @ .0057. I thought the price would dump again because people so far have been idiots.

Made money, but good lord timing is a bitch.

And OP, just hodl and make your interest. That's what this is designed for.

>> No.23513085

>1 post by this ID
Just give up, Richard.

>> No.23513817

Case in point.

>> No.23513835

Again, not an argument.

>> No.23513902

What are you talking about?
I'm beginning to think these guys are being payed to suppress the price. Try to come up with one single fucking argument against Hex and I'll carefully lay out why it's wrong and you're an idiot.

>> No.23513941

Still not an argument, dumb fuck.

>> No.23513984

I had a feeling you were going to say either that, or something about Richard. If you're too insecure to even present an argument I can't help you. Go ahead and have the last word, see how that mindset works out for you.

>> No.23514099

can november get any more packed?
>burger elections
>hex price gambling
>bcash fork shitshow
>uniswap v3
>calvin ayre fucking underage brown prostitute
>george floyd case dropping all murder allegations
>roger ver suicide livestream

>> No.23514140

Cyberpunk 2033 out same day as BPD I think too woot

>roger ver suicide livestream

>> No.23514353

All these losers acting like fomo is a bad thing... Fomo is going to make me rich

>> No.23514776

you're mentally ill, my friend

>> No.23514880

>Try to come up with one single fucking argument against Hex and I'll carefully lay out why it's wrong and you're an idiot.

try my shit, you wont
here >>23512207
and >>23511320

>> No.23515083
File: 6 KB, 225x225, 1596989637954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking about going in before .01. I'm thinking max of 650k HEX. Anyone have a guess to what the price could be by EOY?

>> No.23515167
File: 549 KB, 498x370, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its sky rocketing in price and if the rest of the market stays bullish until january i can see it going to a dollar

>> No.23515226

none of those are arguments... they are questions

>> No.23515444
File: 317 KB, 758x351, 156452646846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't reply to those points because they are stated as questions
This is the single biggest cope I've ever come across in this board

>> No.23515455


>> No.23515851


>> No.23515909
File: 28 KB, 720x645, 1539119801396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

loving it but gotta echo those saying to look at axion. you are literally retarded to not scoop up a few million before it launches and pulls a HEX

>> No.23515959

ok lets see
>Why do the top eth addresses have it in their wallet?
i dont know, what does this imply?
>Generally you can see a pattern with scams and shitcoins, if they land in your wallet without you doing anything, its 100% a scam or shitcoin.
what do you mean? i think tons of coins on eth were like this
>see with uni how you had to claim it?
>why is it not on the front page of coingecko?
i dont know, maybe ask the coingecko staff... it's on nomics
>why does the website look so shit and low effort?
how should i know?
>why does the official website say "you could have made millions, many did. Life-changing wealth"
that seems like a true statement to me, with btc, eth, link, xrp, (insert huge gaining coin here)
>does that sound like a legit project to you?
>why does the website not only have a link to buy the coin but literally uniswap integrated via iframes? I mean that's just fucking insane
generally if a project has a "buy on x" as a button ON THE WEBSITE, it's a shitcoin, notice how every legit project does not do that
why do you never see people like me in threads like this, there is no reason for me to write all this to you, you won't believe me
and im not telling you to sell or anything,
what are you talking about? what's wrong with the team of a coin selling it during the sale phase?

>> No.23515974

Unironically better SOV than BTC in every way

>> No.23516031

HEX is great but HEX2T is better
it also isn't ran by RH kek

>> No.23516082

your counterpoint boils down to

>yeah i guess
>i dont know..
>whats wrong with that??

anon, be honest with me, how old are you and how much profit did you make?

>> No.23516365

see thats the thing. you think you are making scathing points... but they are just observations. not proof that anything is a scam.
so you end up looking like a lunatic, and everyone else is just like... yea ok?

>> No.23516444

my points boil down to
>legit projects would never do x
>hex does x
thus making it shady, it's pretty reasonable

do you really think everyone is conspiring against you? and never thought about everyone else being right as opposed to you being right
the entire crypto community dislikes this scam, why would you cling to it so desperately

also, hex is probably the most obvious scam right next to defi meme rug pulls, you have to be mentally ill or a newfag to take those seriously

the fact you are unavailable to see that is insanity

>> No.23516458

if you think hex is good. imagine 80% of all eth that goes into the AA everyday goes instead into market buying on uniswap exactly when someone puts in eth.

read this and youll see


>> No.23516507
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the same trips two times in a row..
kek is literally telling you I'm right

>> No.23516596

ok but in order for it to be a real point you have to explain why.
you cant just say "legit projects woudl never do x"

>> No.23516694
File: 2.03 MB, 1557x2048, Screenshot_20201026-044341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not gonna sit here and teach you how to spot a scam
i only post because it's fun, best outcome for me is for you to lose all your money on hex and become a better person

honestly I still think you're just larping

>> No.23516911

no gains are promised
you dont have to invite anyone... you can either buy the coins or not
they dont ask for your keys...
there is no history of scamming within the project
the code is available to review and underwent multiple security audits

>> No.23516962

The only realistic FUD against hex is that OA controls majority of supply. Which is not really FUD if you have an IQ above 100 and think about it for longer than 5 seconds.