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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 50 KB, 568x416, mr.-robot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23514419 No.23514419 [Reply] [Original]

Why hasn't anyone hacked the big Financial elite like in Mr Robot?

Also /biz/ related movies/tv thread.

>> No.23514448

It happens all the time, especially in crypto. There are tools out there to bypass 2FA but they're costly.

The reason you don't hear about it is simple, the institutions don't want you to know. Would you be comfortable putting your life savings into a bank that was recently breached? They need to keep this shit undercover to preserve wealth and stop FUD.

>> No.23514479

Holy kek that show is amazing, on topic tho, what do you refer to as "elite". Elite to me are the biggest companies that are almost like monopolies. I don't think it would be very beneficial destroying them, or maybe i'm wrong.

>> No.23514487
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Why didn't they honor his free milkshake?

>> No.23514500

The first season was pretty good, I’ll give it that

>> No.23514521

Elites to me are billionaires and those who attend those private annual retreats in Colorado. Why haven't people hacked CEOs of their assets?

>> No.23514585

Mr Robot is a dumb show.

>> No.23514615
File: 101 KB, 992x558, 200802_wfts_twitterhacker2_hpMain_16x9_992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They do

>> No.23514667

Low iq

Meh he only scammed dumbasses on twitter. Not actual CEOs and awful corporations.

>> No.23514672

That kid was an idiot and nothing that he did was revolutionary or honorable. He phished a twitter employee then scammed some boomers out of 100k.
If he way any kind of smart he could have sold the hack to Russia or China for many millions.
t. penetration tester

>> No.23514710

Because the financial infrastructure is still built on disconnected COBOL systems from the 80s

>> No.23514735

>Low iq
>he thinks le edgy hackerman is smart
shouldn't you be licking windows?

>> No.23514798
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They hire these types of people when they indicate they have a chance to could become even a tiny threat, and subsequently give them a very comfy salary to work for them instead. It’s effective. Give them more than the average wagie but still it’s less than pennies to the big boys. They are well aware outliers in intelligence and capability exist. This is well understood and pipelines have been established for 100+ years for these types of people. I know because I am one.
I’m paid a pretty comfy salary for a company that you’ve all heard of to be complacent and occasionally build something if I feel like it but I’m never forced to do anything. I sometimes feel bad about it, but then I think of the alternative and shrug my shoulders.

>> No.23514800

What do you watch?

>> No.23514862

Your LARP is entertaining to read, I give you that.

>> No.23514978
File: 84 KB, 1400x964, UNNliu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


UNN fixes this.


>> No.23514991

Let’s say for a second I wasn’t in this type of program. Do you really find this so hard to believe? That certain powerful groups, even if it’s just individual companies, would want to hold onto gifted people and enable them to do whatever they want in the off chance they created something very valuable for the company... but more importantly so they don’t leave for any of their competitors? We are talking about companies and institutions that spend billions on “R&D” here. Doesn’t sound so crazy when you put it like that, does it?
If you think these types of programs are possible, all that is changing is a matter of perspective on the outcome in regards to why they employ those types of people.

>> No.23515014

Well then if this shit is so fucking easy, why don't you go do it yourself?

>> No.23515024

alright smart guy
if you're so smart
tell us
when link moon

>> No.23515025

Mr robot is cringy and way to edgy. Its how a Redditor imagines a hacker. Also the show is full of trannys, niggers, faggots and women who are always portrayed as beeing better as their male counterparts. Season 1 was alright tho. But when the retard hackerman pulls up his hood I always get angry knowing how Redditards copy it and think its cool.

>> No.23515038

What do you watch them? Sam Hyde? Lmao black people and Jews suck!! Right my fellow maga pedes?

>> No.23515086

Bro... take 5

>> No.23515099

Jew bootlicker. High IQ people don’t watch propaganda media.

>> No.23515112


>> No.23515181


>> No.23515183

>penetration tester


>> No.23515196

There will be multiple moons. Unfortunately the world is not ready for what LINK can provide. It will take years to reach the “singularity” as it’s called here. Most large companies outside of a tiny few (mostly the big tech companies) don’t have their off chain data processes robust enough to be ready for smart contracts. The ones who are ready for smart contracts now happen to own most of the cloud infrastructure and are existentially threatened by LINK if it’s fully realized.
You would be so shocked as to how behind most enterprise systems actually are outside of those few companies I mentioned. This is not the fault of the enterprise system, but the implantation of them. You can blame offshoring and pajeets fucking things up for 20 years with horrible quality code for this failure. But LINK is quite literally “paradigm shifting” in terms of capability, and is the single best investment you could make right now. Happy?

>> No.23515214

How about we go rob the queen of england and her flipping $30 trillion?
Let's assemble a team and go kill the old bag.

>> No.23515216

Implementation *. Forgive me, for I am phonefagging

>> No.23515300

Eastbound and down, one of the best shows ever made. I mostly read and watch animes tho. Oh I almost forgot, NIGGER NIGGER NiGGER

>> No.23515326
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We don't care about the truth, we only care about $1000 eoy.

>> No.23515336

Praise kek Shadilay brethren xD

>> No.23515343

2 questions if I may mr. smartman
Have you set up your own Node yet?
Do you have a 100k+ stack?

>> No.23515375

what do you mean by multiple moons? multiple cycles like BTC? what i gathered from LINK is it has the same network effect as BTC but the booms and busts would be more of a straight trajectory as it isn't mined or halved. by more i mean, as its network effect grows so will the price aside from speculation.

>> No.23515394

Mr. Robot is still a cringe show. TV and movies are low iq

>> No.23515413

I like Bladerunner. Can I short AI and blockchain as a whole on PlotX? Feeling saucy.

>> No.23515416

Based! I agree. I just work out and go to church. TRAD as fuck!!!

>> No.23515440

Before $1000 EOY, the 650 million LINK in the dev fund has to be neutralized. “They” will never allow Sergey to become the most powerful man on the planet. While he was put in place by “them”, all bets are off when the flip is switched. Expect Sergey to be quietly taken care of and replaced with a body double by 2025, around the time the NYSE decides to use Chainlink as the first oracle service for price information with trades being executed on arbitrum. That is when it will begin. This isn’t set in stone but it’s the current plan. I’m not even supposed to know this, much less say it, but fuck it... I had a few glasses of wine. You’ll never believe me anyway.

>> No.23515463
File: 107 KB, 540x695, 1601666090562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the gayest larp I've seen in a long time, I'll give you that.

>> No.23515483

I literally just rewatched the final.episode of op.pic() and wtf that show turned to total horsehit in the end.

>> No.23515493


Because he was a jew

>> No.23515494

If you watch tv, you're never going to make it.

>> No.23515498

When are the central bank coins coming? When Libra? When derivative smartcontracts? and most importantly, when staking?

>> No.23515501

answer my question faggot.

>> No.23515509

No node for me yet but might soon I’m more involved in helping companies improve the off chain processes right now and that takes up my work time.
Yes 100K stack, bought in 2018
Meaning there isn’t going to be one $12 to $1000 instant jack beanstock green cock bar and it will take years

>> No.23515518

>If you watch tv, you're never going to make it.

>> No.23515542

I will admit I made all of that post up but I couldn’t resist
I’m not tied into the central banks much. They’ll never let LIBRA become big is my opinion. Not all of this is set in stone, and there’s multiple parties at play here
Fuck off

>> No.23515551

ok thanks retard. christ, i judged your typing style and thought you might actually be one of those rare high IQ anons that show up, but guess i was wrong.

>> No.23515587

Twitter is one of those awful corporations you fucking dolt.

>> No.23515625

Dont start too late with your Node you‘ll want to earn reputation as soon as possible when it comes out. How old are you and what have you studied? Im pretty young also with a 100k+ I need some direction in my life

>> No.23515629

There’s zero reason to correlate BTC and LINK price action. No need to go any deeper than that. I’m not here to educate you, I’m here to shitpost.

>> No.23515655

>super genius hacker
>orders his drugs from some street dealer wigger instead of the dark net

>> No.23515702

I plan on looking into it soon. Thanks for the advice anon. I’m currently 27, I turn 28 in December. I phoned it in while in college mostly, skipped most my classes and learned whatever I found interesting which ended up being systems architecture for big data systems, primarily for arbitrage trading strategies for typical equities. My formal education is in business, but most of my time went into learning to program and building my arbitrage strategies. I grew up somewhat poor so I was highly interested in developing a virtual money printer. From there I met a few people that worked in LIBOR and that’s as far as I’ll go personally.
How old are you anon? What are you interested in?

>> No.23515854

I‘m 21 and also studying business. I‘m learning to programm because I see lots of potential with smartcontracts where I live and its fun to build things with them. Im not motivated at all with studying because most subjects are old models and I cant see how the fit in the modern landscape but I already fucked around for 2 years as a neet and need to do something. I was always interested in money so I started stacking money since I was young (btc and illegal things I rather not get into) hence the 100k+ stack. I could get a Job at a crypto bank as a salesman but I cant build up much from there. Check out Climeworks

>> No.23515887

Because they’d probably go after you by paying bad people to do very bad things.

>> No.23515908

cope and seethe

>> No.23516074

You will be very thankful for the work you’re putting in now. 0.1% of people really understand the use case potential of this next generation of financial products, and 0.1% of that group can actually develop them. You didn’t ask for any advice but the only advice I would give for you is to not worry so much about career pathing yet. There are plenty of emergent jobs in this field that will be very high paying and the more important question is which place do you want to be in - project ownership, development, or architecture... those are the three big areas of traditional software development that institutions will initially try to copy in crypto management, unless you want to get into the financial services side in which case start looking into your CFA.
Sounds like you are already doing great with a 100K LINK stack and by the time you’re my age you might not even have to work ever. Best of luck to you.

>> No.23516096

Because Mr Robot doesnt even make sense but season 4 Vera was based so who cares

>> No.23516200

Thank you my friend. I wish you the best. Maybe we‘ll bump into each other at the Yacht party.

>> No.23516267

>Why hasn't anyone hacked the big Financial elite
What do you mean? Banks get hacked all the time

>> No.23516299

I forgot one question. How/where do I find like minded people?

>> No.23516381

mr robot should've ended season 1. show became plagued by the shows sjw creator feminist whore, people who think otherwise and actually sat through its entirety are fucking downies honestly, dont even value their opinion. review with myles barlow, workaholics, nathan for you. all kino biz esque tv

>> No.23516417

Your larp is getting worse, quit while youre ahead.

>> No.23516483
File: 254 KB, 1920x1080, wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit this reads like bad fanfiction. I pity any anon who is actually listening to this fag.

>> No.23516737
File: 20 KB, 292x326, b57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a "OP suddenly goes full sperg out of nowhere" episode

>> No.23516948
File: 113 KB, 533x800, succession.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best /biz show