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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23513646 No.23513646 [Reply] [Original]

I created Lazarus.Finance and I successfully scammed 1200+ ETH from you faggots 2 weeks ago. AMA!

>> No.23513661


>> No.23513670

We’re from Thailand by the way

>> No.23513675

before this thread takes off
1.) this guy is copying the idiot booba.finance poster who soon to be investigated
2.) lazarus did not raise 1200 eth, they bribe twitter crypto fags into wash trading their huge eth stacks so it looks like the presale sold out

>> No.23513682

have u ever fucked a tranny?

>> No.23513686


>> No.23513695

Only 100 of the ETH was our own

Booba was a joke compared to what we pulled

>> No.23513704

Also if you check the etherscan, you’ll see it was well over 1200 ETH. You guys are retarded.

Stay salty, Newfag.
Nobody can stop us.

>> No.23513719

>You guys are retarded.
Using marketwatch is pretty clever not gonna lie. Anyways good luck with taxes and all of that.

>> No.23513738

Thailand doesn’t care about taxes lol. If you thought Lazarus was bad, wait 2 days to see our next big masterpiece.

>> No.23513791

I think I cracked the scheme here. This post screams fear.

Lazarus dev created the “I made BOOBA” thread and makes the LUIGI threads to deflect from Lazarus who literally stole over 1,200 ETH from /biz/ and twitter.

OP makes this post as bait, and the Lazarus scammer outs himself right here out of fear. Plan worked out.

Lazarus needs to be investigated.

>> No.23513794

Oh even worse.
>wait 2 days to see our next big masterpiece.
Thanks for letting me know.. i'll keep an eye out for the next rug and warn everyone.

>> No.23513810

We need to scrape all the info from the Lazarus wordpress page. Got any wayback info? Someone said he had some info in his files that exposed him.

>> No.23513822

>Someone said he had some info in his files that exposed him.
Didn't they buy ad space on 4chan or something?

>> No.23513839

This makes sense..
Luigi and Booba took like 100 ETH total at the same time Lazarus took 1200 ETH so he needed to put all the attention on the lesser scams. Not saying Luigi and booba are good, they should go to prison, but Lazarus devs should be sentenced to death.

>> No.23513843

haha thailand. enjoy your 3er world country

>> No.23513853

This is so fucking cringe. I don't care if you really did get 1 bajillion ethereum cocks or whatever. Coming to the board and going "lol look i scam you. aren't i so smart and kewl?? " is so incredibly fucking gay. I am seriously convinced that you are underage just because of this.

>> No.23513854

Lazarus doesn’t get talked about ever. That’s because the dev makes threads about other scams to deflect. Perfect. Someone that stole 1200 ETH should be talked about every hour.

>> No.23513865


>> No.23513867
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>> No.23513877

You’re literally defending Lazarus. Nice work outing yourself. We know who you are.

>> No.23513893



>> No.23513908

How does anyone fall for this shit

>> No.23513932


>> No.23513968

Hahahahahaha you’re Lazarus aren’t you. You can’t wash trade 1200 ETH when all 1200 were in your account you fuckwad.

>> No.23513993

They’re going to find you and you’ll rot in prison

>> No.23514012

You type just like the Lazarus spammer...
Nice work to OP for exposing this


>> No.23514029

you were quick to be like “look at booba! lazarus didn’t really raise that much!” fucking retard. OP just fucked you. Better run.

>> No.23514058

what do you mean "using marketwatch"? what did they do

>> No.23514072
File: 41 KB, 798x644, disgusted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice coordinated 1 post by this id campaign to further hype up the fact that LAZARUS TOOK 1200 ETH FROM /BIZ/!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. You're with op, right? Yes, I'm certain that you are all underage now. You guys are so absurdly fucking cringe. I don't mean that in a reddit way either, I mean I genuinely cringe when I read your posts. Fuck off.

>> No.23514077

You can buy marketwatch press releases on Fiverr which is what Lazarus did. It’s gone now.

>> No.23514086

Fuckoff Lazarus
We won’t forget
Stay scared

>> No.23514091

How did you create that cryptocurrency?

>> No.23514119

pretty dank

only thing I didnt understand about lazarus is how the fuck did they gather 5k followers on twitter for a fucking chimpmail token creator

>> No.23514120

Theres alot of butthurt in this thread. Pease tell me yall dont still fall for these obvious /biz/ shill scams.

>> No.23514136

Reminder that there’s already deflection about exposing Lazarus. Someone is SPOOKED.

>> No.23514142

They do, while i point at them and laugh. Those are sad men that genuinely believe that some random shitcoin that appeared out of nowhere will 148888x and buy fuckton of it.

>> No.23514145

And no matter how hard we warned, people still fell for it. Nothing can prevent blithering idiots from handing their money over to scammers except them not having money.

>> No.23514149

fake accounts I’d imagine

>> No.23514153

It feels like some weird shill or disinfo campaign in here

>> No.23514158


>> No.23514164

So Lazarus creates booba or luigi babyscam threads to stop /biz/ from talking about how he robbed the everliving fuck out of us. Actually smart deflection tactic. Kudos to the Lazarus dev if this is actually you.

>> No.23514174

These rugpull scams happen literaly every week here and yet they dont learn. Good for the scamers desu if /biz/ is too dumb not to fall into a trap.

>> No.23514188

all 3 can fuckoff
all devs of these should go to hell
but I agree the lazarus scam is the worst and the fact that it doesn’t get talked about is concerning

>> No.23514212

What is this piece of shit
Two team of scammers fighting?
Kys faggots and gtfo my board ur niggers

>> No.23514229

fucking kek
Lazarus should get 300 years in prison though


>> No.23514262

I think we should all really focus on booba.finance instead

>> No.23514268

I was in the TG to watch the trainwreck, knowing it was a scam. There were a lot of Chinese accounts, not sure if they were bots. But I don't think many biztards actually bought this shit. I guess a few bought thinking they could exit before the rug was pulled.

>> No.23514306

Fuckoff Lazarus
Both you and the booba fag are going to rot in prison.

>> No.23514338

Agreed, BOOBA was way worse then LAZARUS. LAZARUS had working product.

>> No.23514372

kill yourself

>> No.23514378

Also have u seem that screenshot on lazarus tg? i dont think that anatha have flagged lazarus for copyright for their website, for me they are gtfo. As u can see in their tg they say that they are creating their website from scratch

>> No.23514406

Lazarus.finance never happened
It never existed

>> No.23514443

Good work dude but be safe

>> No.23514463

Troll or not, thanks for reminding us that we need to send INTERPOL after this douchebag

>> No.23514489


>> No.23514593

I kekked 10/10

>> No.23514613

1200 ETH Damn!!!!! Congrats!!!!!

>> No.23514644

>i'll keep an eye out for the next rug and warn everyone.
fucking retard, you're literally just wasting oxygen

>> No.23514646

The guy who exit scammer goes by the name of NANANANANABATMAN and his other accounts ESHLINKETHBTC on discord. If you want to find the lazarus guys , this is where you start. Take care anon.

>> No.23514676
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>Yes, I'm certain that you are all underage now. You guys are so absurdly fucking cringe. I don't mean that in a reddit way either, I mean I genuinely cringe when I read your posts. Fuck off.

>> No.23514724
File: 134 KB, 764x764, 1592643094832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was eating my dinner while watching the discord and telegram that night. Legit retards in tears over how they threw their mortgage payments into it as it bled to below $10.
You could literally feel the heartbreak from the way they typed. Euphoric.

>> No.23514797

Kill yourself

>> No.23514993

How many boys will you buy ladydrinks for?

I bet you're going to a special kind of Thai hell.

Will you be putting the money into Bonded.Finance?

>> No.23515064

>Legit retards in tears over how they threw their mortgage payments into it
Many such cases, it's incredible. Years ago I was part of a gambling group and learned later that complete normies, clueless and uncritical, gave their last €5,000 to it and lost it all. Complained a bit and that's it.

>> No.23515153


Some people legit deserve to be poor. They are just too dumb to handle money.

>> No.23515217

Not sure. Often it's a lack of financial education, healthy skepticism, and some wisdom about life. Those things can be taught, they don't come natural to the majority of people. People deserve help.

>> No.23515385

There's also emotional thinking and lack of risk management. They picture a future scenario where it goes up, and make no allowance that it might go down.

>> No.23515448

Why are people so retarded?

>> No.23515507

I don't want to be moralfagging here, but those things as well are often something that need to be taught or learned from bitter experience. Human fallacies are a bitch and instead of abusing that we're so error-prone and biased, we should help people to understand and control themselves better. The less fraud, the more stable an economic system to all people's benefit. It's pure long-term self-interest to be against fraud.

>> No.23515663


>> No.23515705

He’s smart. Deflection is a scammer’s best tool.

>> No.23515790

I quite agree. I'm still not immune to baseless optimism, or on the other hand baseless pessimism when I'm slightly down in a holding. Correct risk management must be learned.

>> No.23515873

The big take away from this is that

A) Anons are retarded and still invested in something that was a blatant rip of another website/logo/everything

B) Every one wants "muh decentralized currency of the future" until they get exit scammed

>> No.23515876
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I watched their addresses intently as it happened, it is obvious this is what happened. Among those who laundered funds include the group that did YF moonshot, they didn't even bother using tornado for that one.

>> No.23515911
File: 85 KB, 645x773, 1522806396458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi guys >>23513675 here
I think people misread my message.
lazarus finance is most definitely a scam.
like every other scam here (booba/luigi/puff)
I'm just pointing out a common tactic in making a "sale" look legit.
by all means, hunt down the faggot. do your best in doxxing them

>> No.23516268

Fuck this Pajeet