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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 40 KB, 563x562, Poloniex_HACKED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2347937 No.2347937 [Reply] [Original]

>removing trollbox

>disabling withdrawals

>banning complainers

Post yfw Polo decided to cash out

>> No.2347948

Cashed out yesterday

>> No.2347952

That would be pretty much the end of crypto for awhile. Would be a bigger crash than 2013 that's for sure.

>> No.2347960
File: 202 KB, 500x281, Everybody Hurts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank god I moved my stuff out of there months ago.

>> No.2347959

Good job, I'd sell my crypto right now if I were you.

The impact of this will be tremendous

>> No.2347972

bring back trollbox T-T

>> No.2348002

You fucking newfags are retarded.

>> No.2348003

>literally have had no issues withdrawing

>> No.2348007

Sia disabling is fault of sia team, trollbox disabling is to accommodate to users (moderators now assigned to do support)

Never had a single issue with them, and the site is great

>> No.2348023

ahahahhaahah, oh wow will tomorrow hurt.

I feel for you guys. I really do.

It's like sheep before slaughter

>> No.2348033

>disabling withdrawals
What? I've had no problems withdrawing at all.
The only thing that sucks about polo are their shitty servers, otherwise they're fine.

>> No.2348052

Yeah, sure you can withdraw like 0.1 BTC, look what happens when you try anything higher.

Expect an announcement soon and prepare your anus

>> No.2348069

How long should it typically take for your open Poloniex orders to go through?

When I first started, they would take no less than a minute. It's been 30-45 minutes the past few days.

>> No.2348082

if it was hacked it would be down immediately.don't write bullshit..

>> No.2348083

Someone should report this post, because its just a lie.

>> No.2348096

>if it was hacked it would be down immediately.don't write bullshit..

You do realise they are hiding it? They will soon go public with the unfortunate announcement.

>> No.2348098

Withdrew 5 eth no issues.

>> No.2348129

but really. How could you possibly know that? or you are workin as admin in their dc

>> No.2348136

retard alert

>> No.2348141

itll be great for bittrex desu

>> No.2348149

I can't reveal much, just informing my bizbros.

Some of you guys are alright. Keep your cryptos safe and don't buy crypto tomorrow.

>> No.2348174
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>polocucks btfo
>100% delicia

>> No.2348406

Is Poloniex going to get GOXXED or Cryptsy'd?

>> No.2348508

just withdrew with no issues

>> No.2348551
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>> No.2348578

I've got all my dgb in there. How am I supposed to pull it out when it's mooning atm?

>> No.2348612

How the hell are you retards falling so hard for the bait

>> No.2348615


I don't believe they have been hacked, but I am going to pull all my fund out just due to the fact they removed the trollbox

>> No.2348645

right in the middle of depositing to polo, you had me scared there for a moment

>> No.2348743
File: 311 KB, 439x456, 1494313376472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I opened a ticket on June 5th, ticket number was around #199000.

Just opened a new ticket now: Ticket number close to #211000

That's 11,000 tickets in 3 days. Jesus christ. I'm never going to get my money out am I?

>> No.2348780

a few people in my whale discord were talking about this. most smart money came out of polo a few weeks ago

>> No.2348785

send them to bittrex

>> No.2348883
File: 20 KB, 552x367, firstworld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been trying to move my $50,000 out of there for ages but my portfolio keeps fucking growing faster than I can withdraw with this $2,000 daily limit. I've been withdrawing every day for a month and there's $55,000 in there now.

>> No.2349117

Say goodbye to your money, bucko

>> No.2349156

Moved all my business to Bittrex like 3 weeks ago. Poloniex is fucking cancer. Learned on Twitter Bittrex is getting a night mode anyway, so the only reason I ever went to Polo - the charting - is now irrelevant.

>> No.2349169


until Bittrex allows margin trading, it will always be shit compared to Polo IMO

>> No.2349203

Been waiting 3 weeks for my BURST to show up on Bittrex. Opened a ticket on both sides. Bittrex simply just gave me the money. Polo still has not even responded to the ticket on their side.

>> No.2349262

bittrex is the superior exchange by far

>> No.2349315

If polo goes under, and bittrex is king.. no doubt they will have these problems too. I just want my fucking coins on my local wallet. I do not trust these fucks

>> No.2349327

Fuck poloniex

>> No.2349336

>Only $50k

ahahaha please

>> No.2349345

yea possibly, if they decide to become conceited retards and that blinds them from doing the right things necessary to accommodate growth.

>> No.2349375
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>Bittrex is getting a night mode

>> No.2349378

Nice bait op

>> No.2349425
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>TFW your capital gains taxes are higher than the GDP of a small african nation

>> No.2349461

working fine for me

the trollbox was fuckin stupid anyways, just the same shit over and over

"omg eth !" and its only up/down like 2%
just a bunch of indians

>> No.2349486

Thats hilarious, what country?

>> No.2349612

Any non-burger here using bittrex on normal DSL? Everyone says it's great but it takes me seconds to load every page, sometimes up to half a minute

>> No.2349627

Literally just withdrew from Polo and it worked. What's the issue?

>> No.2349638


last week was the final nail in the coffin

cash out before tomorrow

thank me later

>> No.2349675

literally FUD: the thread

>> No.2349723

You are one of the lucky ones.

>> No.2349734

wtf is a night mode

>> No.2349758

So retards on /biz/ are just trying to spread lies and bullshit. That's what's going on. They lost $500 in shitty coins that got delisted by the exchange, and have filed so many bitchy support tickets that the three helpdesk employees are fucking swamped.

Now instead of being mature adults and waiting for a resolution, they're trying to make other people panic.

These threads are created by the same three retards every day.

>> No.2349845
File: 43 KB, 460x763, photo_2017-06-07_15-03-36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the SC wallet is live. Its now working for me on polo. Go check.

>> No.2349906

I hope it does go down, btc will crash and normies will fuck off a while longer. Literally no downside

>> No.2349942

wtf i have been waiting for 4 days

>> No.2350029

Why don't you get lvl 2 verification to withdraw 25k per day?

>> No.2350045

A darker interface that doesn't destroy your eyes if you're trading at night or just generally in a dark room
i.e. the equivalent of the tomorrow style on 4chan

>> No.2350269

I really want this to happen to buy in really low.

>> No.2350352

Good to hear, been using Stylish for awhile now but it'll be nice to get blacked out graphs too

>> No.2350360

>Not using Bittrex
>Not keeping at least half your shit in wallets.
Do people actually keep everything on Polo? I have literally never used it because it always seemed shady.

Oh Jesus yes please. Bitcoin will need to go through more of these so people learn to actually decentralize and not store everything on a fucking exchange.

>> No.2350410

which market is that? Looks comfy

>> No.2350429


GDAX, owned by Coinbase. Best interface, zero maker fees, but only has three coins (BTC, ETH, LTC).

>> No.2350510

Nothings happening

>> No.2350528

I've been waiting for months.

>> No.2350591

GDAX , top notch interface

No shitcoins however, only blue chip. After all,Coinbase is like the Goldman Sachs of this world. Digital Currencies are supposedly insured, oh and the USD doesnt have a fucking T at the end. It's actually real USD in custodial accounts with FDIC insurance.

>> No.2350618

I got approved in less than 24 hours like 2 weeks ago. The FAQ says the process is automated so it failed to validate you for some reason, probably the pics you sent were blurry/dark or something.

I recommend to politely pester them with support tickets, maybe you'll get lucky.

>> No.2350687

I've been doing that to no avail. Like 2 months. still at level 1. And im in USA, not fucking Krzyzgstan

>> No.2350773

Hmm, I think its probably worse to be American in this instance, they probably don't give a shit about KYC for people who aren't US citizens. I'm Chilean so maybe that's why they just went "fuck it" and approved me immediately.

>> No.2351357

Did my approval yesterday, woke up and now it's approved!

You do realise them closing the Troll box, was to move the Mods to work on things that matter, other than keeping you twelvies inline. Good riddance to it. Polo has never been faster!

>> No.2351378
File: 99 KB, 902x530, Screenshot_8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CNN biz thread

>> No.2351417


You're spot on. I've never had a problem with poloniex. Seems like people are butthurt and want to wreak mayhem

>> No.2351476

Polo has been shit for weeks. I cashed out a few days ago.

>> No.2351852

Why do I need the trollbox when I can just keep refreshing this shithole.

>> No.2351867

Not really. Vast majority of people that have crypto don't trade shitcoins on shady exchanges, I tried to warn you faggots about polio.

>> No.2351915
File: 44 KB, 352x512, 1496045214434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a polio at first but ultimately decided to move to bittrex


>> No.2351917

you lose $5000 on your position, or lose over $2000 worth of coins, and we'll see how you act.

>> No.2352156
File: 23 KB, 532x211, hack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The trollbox was pointless anyways, it was just people spamming the mods with their support tickets.

>> No.2352193

You can already switch the graphs to black.

>> No.2352229

Get anything not being traded off the exchanges. Do not fuck around. If Russians can hack an idiot into office in a US election, they can damned sure steal your coins. Be careful.

>> No.2352240
File: 1.17 MB, 279x157, 1446249301682.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I recommend to politely pester them with support tickets
>I've been doing that

You're part of the problem you fucking idiots.

>> No.2352259

>actually believing the Russian hackers story
Podesta was a stupid fuck that left his smartphone unlocked in multiple ubers and his email password was something as ridiculous as p4ssword1

>> No.2352272


butthurt confirmed

>> No.2352277

Screenshotting to laugh at you fudders the next time you inevitably make this thread again.

>> No.2352281
File: 58 KB, 500x498, 1492861756781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure if antifa retard or woman

>> No.2352304

Shareblue fags can't even stay on /pol. So busy being a faggot he can't even keep up with the Russian narrative was 100% completely shut down in the past 48 hours. The new angle that will waste 3 more months to nothing burger land is muh Obstruction, which won't stick. 7.5 more years fuck fag.

>> No.2352445
File: 53 KB, 500x675, ctkek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they never listen
>3x the GOX
>to the floor
>no one makes it out alive

>> No.2352446


Literally what are you saying?

Comey confirmed Trump asked him to freeze the investigation.

A former FBI director and every Senator on that committee unanimously agreed Russia hacked the election. They were deeply worried about it. That isn't even debatable.

Are Donald Dumbfuckers just this deep in denial about Russia?

>> No.2352490
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>> No.2352538
File: 592 KB, 847x639, spiralintotheflames.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"From: *Stan Stalnaker* <stan.stalnaker@hubculture.com>
> Date: Wednesday, May 13, 2015
> Subject: Digital Currency for Hillary
> To: john.podesta@gmail.com
> Cc: Dan Rosenthal <drosenthal@albrightstonebridge.com>, Karen Poreh <
> kporeh@albrightstonebridge.com>, Sara Latham <saramlatham@gmail.com>
> Dear John
> It was nice to meet you at the London fundraiser for Hillary on Monday.
> Further to our brief chat, I’d be happy to meet with the technology team in
> New York between 25-28 May to discuss how we can use Ven digital currency
> to enable single click micro-payments and other fundraising activities for
> the campaign.
> As we discussed, Bitcoin is being used on the Republican side and could be
> a useful tool, but we think Ven is a better choice for your campaign due to
> its environmental benefits, identity metrics and closed loop status. The
> FEC has indicated that digital currencies are acceptable for donations in
> campaigns.
> More on Ven here: http://ven.vc and in snapshot attached.
> In DC, I’m coping in Dan and Karen and Albright Stonebridge - we are
> working closely with their firm, as well as Edelman in New York.
> Best
> Stan
> Stan Stalnaker: Strategic
> +447974156458
> London. New York. Bermuda. L.A.
> HubCulture.com: Humanizing Digital
> VEN.VC: Digital assets, better world"