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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 683 KB, 825x958, Cloverchan_r34_cencored.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23495271 No.23495271 [Reply] [Original]

Few understand.

>best unofficial 4chan/biz/-centric token of all time
>fairly distributed to only 4chan participants
>tricked jeets into buying 4chan passes
>made a Nigerian a temporary prince

Maximum Supply: 22,222 CLV

Dev tripcode: !!MRjcL2CuF72 and confirmation https://twitter.com/clvfi/status/1315009390693548034

Web (everything is here): http://clover.rocks

Token Address: 0x22222C03318440305aC3e8a7820563d6A9FD777F

COINGECKO: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/clover

ETHERSCAN: https://etherscan.io/address/0x22222c03318440305ac3e8a7820563d6a9fd777f

UNISWAP: https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x22222C03318440305aC3e8a7820563d6A9FD777F

CHART: https://www.dextools.io/app/uniswap/pair-explorer/0x1a455b43e185ecc80b4118a47255bf97cde976fe

CHART 2: https://www.livecoinwatch.com/price/Clover-CLV

CHART 3: https://blockfolio.com/coin/CLV

Simple Youtube guide for how to get ERC-20 coins in Uniswap (Uniswap is the recommended method):

Simple liquidity pooling guide:
go to https://app.uniswap.org/#/create/ETH
add CLV to the pair (this pairs CLV to ETH) using the token address 0x22222C03318440305aC3e8a7820563d6A9FD777F
and then press Approve and then do it again but this time press Pool (it's a 2-stage process, this is normal)
(Recommending anons also add a LINK-CLV pair if possible)

OP template for future /biz/ threads: https://pastebin.com/wtmVFiQn

Trust the plan.

>> No.23495299
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>> No.23495372

Few understand. $222 EOY.

>> No.23495431
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>> No.23495472
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>> No.23495532

>tg talking about how chadmin is spent and the community has to develop the coin

Is this bullish?

>> No.23495555

Good project, I trust this project!

>> No.23495558

When it comes to CLV everything is bullish. You know how Q is always right? It's the same thing.

>> No.23495565
File: 228 KB, 381x709, Stop_The_Fud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chadmin is just drunk right now. He's not "spent"

>> No.23495572

Alright i'll bite

>> No.23495586
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>> No.23495589

Dunno what kind of tg your sitting in, chadmin spends all day doing shit in tandem with the community.

>> No.23495599
File: 53 KB, 640x640, 1566071604198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUD is good. Look at all the memesters who bought CLV after it dipped to 4 dollars. CLV mooned too hard, too fast in the first 3 days and the first 3 weeks. This is not a cope but a fact borne by purchase transactions- people are waiting for a dip to buy in.

>> No.23495601
File: 121 KB, 1080x780, photo_2020-10-24_16-43-41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Community has always been the ones working on the side stuff like NFT's and website front ends. The community has never been this dead or cucked though. It used to be fun in the chats and now it's not. It's actually really sad to me.

>> No.23495614

He is drunk and talking shit about justin trudeau right now.

>> No.23495625

222 incoming

>> No.23495628

I disagree. We are starting to rally.

>> No.23495643

Rallying never mooned clv. Fun did. 4chan vibes. Maybe this time we can actually do something productive but we'll see.

>> No.23495655

What kind of crack are you smoking?

>> No.23495682

When I say rally I mean we are getting our energy back. Lessons were learned and we are stronger for it. It's time to move forward.

>> No.23495700

I'm not seeing energy. How long have you been holding CLV?

>> No.23495763
File: 21 KB, 180x276, 1572094621761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind are YOU smoking?

CLV lost momentum because of VRC. Focus should have been on hyping the CG listing instead of hyping VRC. VRC should have existed to provide liquidity to pump CLV, people should have been forced to hodl both not sell one for the other (CLV to VRC in this case). Too many anons talking about how they did a "quick 2x and got out" while others seethe at their losses. Bad vibes, community turning against itself instead of working towards collective success.

>> No.23495802
File: 145 KB, 1280x853, photo_2020-10-19_22-27-38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our nigerian frens have disappeared. Temmy NFT soon?

>CLV lost momentum because of VRC. Focus should have been on hyping the CG listing instead of hyping VRC. VRC should have existed to provide liquidity to pump CLV, people should have been forced to hodl both not sell one for the other (CLV to VRC in this case). Too many anons talking about how they did a "quick 2x and got out" while others seethe at their losses. Bad vibes, community turning against itself instead of working towards collective success.
VCR? What's that? Are you some kind of schizo like that Brandon guy I keep hearing so much about?

>> No.23495822

>stronger for it
The only bagholders are the few dozen autists in the Telegram chat trying to get each other not to sell. Nobody with a brain wants to touch anything the admin makes with a ten-foot pole because he revealed himself to be a fucking idiot who could fuck it up completely at any second even doing what third-world pajeets manage to do on a daily basis. Stronger my fucking ass.

>> No.23495837

This, sell your CLV.

>> No.23495859
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>> No.23495913

Admittedly I wasn't here for the airdrop. I first bought in at $13 during that first massive pump.
What the fuck is VRC? Never heard of it.

>> No.23495939
File: 887 KB, 2307x2059, FudEndsHereFaggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>checks etherscan
>981 addresses holding

>> No.23495975

>.22 airdrop to any random pajeet who filled out a google form
you absolute fucking idiot, nobody anywhere cares about this piece of shit outside of a circlejerking telegram. why even bother making threads on /biz/ when it's blatantly obvious the threads are populated solely by telegram autists, and nobody is even buying the token as it slowly bleeds out the entire day?

>> No.23495992
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>seething this hard
I wonder why.

>> No.23496080

i put a whopping $20 bucks into it, still hold two CLV. i am genuinely mad because the first week was genuinely the most fun i've had on /biz/ in years, but now it's clear that it's dead in the water when not a single person wants to hold the admin accountable for being so fucking stupid and sabotaging what could have been a massive success. when every single argument you fucking morons have is calling the people you should be marketing to pajeets or seething, and the only remotely positive thing you can manage to say after a massive disaster is "trust the plan", alarm bells should be ringing in your head.

>> No.23496118
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>dead in the water
Nah. Development is ongoing, marketing plan is being conceived, but feel free to believe what you want.

>> No.23496124

Your one of the pajeets who fell for the 4chan pass psyop aren't you?

>> No.23496164

Newfag. I was here for the airdrop and the week of being dead at 4 dollars with 0 volume.

>> No.23496183
File: 84 KB, 601x960, 1552496090085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seething over 20 dollars
>caring this much
rent free nigger

>> No.23496188

DVD was a dumb distraction, onigiriswap will also be a dumb distraction. Should have copied and created Cloverswap instead of trying to annex projects with massive numbers of baghodlers who instantly dumped.

>> No.23496207

I'm in here just because of the clickbait, which I saved for research purposes, have a nice day

>> No.23496220

There's a full nude version but /biz/ is a blue board.

>> No.23496245

CLV is doomed for failure. Dev lost 40% of total money invested in VRC because “the button doesn’t work”. CLV apologists blame VRC’s failure on pajeets and nignogs but fail to acknowledge the incompetence + retardation of the dev. Dev changes his mind every five minutes like a true schizo. And yes I’m seething because I’m financially ruined from VRC.

>> No.23496247

Dubs confirm that this project is dead. If you made money on the initial pump then good for you, but it will never happen again. Anyone reading this now would be a complete fool to buy this useless shitcoin. I happily await the day this dogshit is no longer shilled on /biz/

>> No.23496258

>development is ongoing
great, another shitcoin "acquisition" where he buys up shit right before announcing he's reviving it, and then market dumps, and then announces that he gives up when there's no gains? another "liquidity game" that chadmin will fuck up and permanently lose your funds in?
>marketing plan
making /biz/ threads that you literally advertise in the telegram chat begging people to bump? making posts on twitter with zero retweets and zero likes? DMing actual twitter accounts and hoping they mention CLV for a temporary bump? begging people in the chat to thumbs up on coingecko in the vain hope it won't fade into complete obscurity?

>> No.23496264

Anyone have a folder?

>> No.23496442

A lot of these people seething bought VRC and it shows

>> No.23496590

You seem quite obsessed with the project though. Ill sell you all the r34 for 5 clovies.

>> No.23496637
File: 415 KB, 654x702, 1444725396528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so obsessed I have it all. I think I have autism or assburgers or something

>> No.23496725

jesus this thread is bad vibes wtf happened

>> No.23496734
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>it's worse than a rugpull because in a rugpull SOOMEONE would be making money, but here everyone lost including the deve because he is a dumb

And he put a bunch of liquidity into VRC like 4 days ago, when he could have put that into CLV. Many such cases.

>> No.23496738

reee wheres the full image of this?

>> No.23496747
File: 246 KB, 527x500, 1586154687481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>initial pump

There were like 8 different pumps though over a period of three weeks.

>> No.23496757

VRC got fucked and people are seething over chadmin not giving NRCT retards a third chance to get out.

>> No.23496769

The term is asspie you fucking shitlord/chud

Congrats what you're seeing is an actual project instead of pajeets and bots reposting stock phrases.

>> No.23496792

I don't know what the dev has planned, but in the whale chat he confirmed that he just pulled some his dev fund out of C2D today for marketing purposes. I and my threads aren't directly affiliated with him.
I do it for free.

>> No.23496851

>project launched less than a month ago. At literally $0.
>has some ups and downs
By the way, I will never stop shilling this coin, and I will never pull my liquidity, because I love it. Seethe harder, nigger