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File: 269 KB, 1552x1491, hexcrypto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23485248 No.23485248[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.23485275

Imagine not staking before the BOD. Chase your shitcoins, peasants. We aren’t returning to this galaxy

>> No.23485318

Suicide stack?

>> No.23485363
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Alright, so here's the thing. This project was started to solve a personal problem, that is why it's more legit than any other project in crypto right now. As many of you know, I was barely getting by doing hourly magician gigs, you know, sleight of hand card tricks, long ass handkerchiefs, shit like that. I was sinking fast and had been going to my magician gigs hungover. Most of the time I would have to take a flask of bourbon along just to make it thru the gig. One Monday I started, well... continued, a gnarly bender after doing tricks for some rich banker's kid's bar mitzvah. I was so depressed hearing them talk about their parents money I just kept smashing whisky shots and doing insane amounts of blow I got off this gayboi designer I met at some club. We fucking went apeshit man.. when I woke up the next friday afternoon I saw all the ideas we came up with in our coked out frenzy to start an Ethereum token ponzi scheme. I used to be a BTC maximalist before I got into magic so I kinda know the crypto scene. The logo was so good and apparently I promised this gayboi that he would make millions off this logo so he would keep fronting me blow... I don't want to fuck that up cuz he's super hot and I don't get that type of boi pussy as much these days. Anyhow I have to do this thing now so check out Hex and if you are early enough you might make a few bucks, but probably not.

>> No.23485766
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Could you possibly cope or seethe any harder?

>> No.23485787
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>> No.23486052
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>> No.23486222

Hex is the shittiest fucking project I've seen I quick a while.

>> No.23486264
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>Up 13,000%

>> No.23486505

Getting more expensive by the day.
100k-1M suicide stack
10M+ to make it.

>> No.23486534

Which you cant take out.

>> No.23486541

The new bitconnect, I hope I can cash out before this shit burns ans falls

>> No.23486563

If you are worried about it, you can report it to SEC

It might be a good test to see if it holds up against them

>> No.23486581
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Why not?

>> No.23486595


>> No.23486601

I have a micro free claim stack. I need this shit to 100x for it to really matter.

>> No.23486624

said the bitcoin maximalist, as he drooled onto his velcro moonboots

>> No.23486730

It will. Meanwhile your BTC might do a 3X

>> No.23486757 [DELETED] 
File: 164 KB, 800x800, IMG-20201012-WA0068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Injective Protocol as a Decentralized exchange Network and an uninfluenced Network the contract price is purely market motivated and is set by individuals, independent of the oracle price.

>> No.23486836

We all know Richard that you pumped it over 10k% before anyone invested so you could have at least 1 interesting thing to say and prove its a Ponzi.

>> No.23486869

axion.network takes the eth and gives it back to the community instead of the founder, unlike hex.

second audit results coming on monday, mainnet launch date coming wednesday. iykyk, done spoonfeeding

>> No.23486984

the rest of these cunts have gotten fucked by oracles and exit scammed. Hex out performing them all

>> No.23487025

>10M to make it

Wow that's a lot.

t. Million Hex holder

>> No.23487052

based loaded up on hex2t/axion

>> No.23487094

1M+ is still good. And in HEX a lot depends on how long you stake it.

>> No.23487129

LMAO imagine being happy about having your tokens locked for 1 year and being unable to unstake to selll at any major pump xd. Your locked money goes into previous stakers APY and now twitter shills are convincing people to buy this peace of shit tokens so new "investor" (read retard) can pay for your APY. Amazing scheme, and very transparent PONZI I must say.

>> No.23487132
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What an absolute coping idiot

>> No.23487178

yea, richard has the off switch to all of ethereum's AMMs

>> No.23487224

LMAO, says the guy who is throwing HEX's only slogan

>> No.23487341

It's another scam, Richard Heart created.

>> No.23487756

One dollar EOY


>> No.23487789
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It's coming

>> No.23488477


did you even look at it?

>> No.23488600


>> No.23488666
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What is the madman going to do? I am enjoying the fact that A) My stakes are golden and B) the haters are going to burn for a decade or more

>> No.23488754

>380,000,000,000 supply

>> No.23488820

my stakes are for 5+ years i'm not letting anything get me off hex. its a completed project there's nothing that's gonna change to get me off my initial investment thesis that hex is gonna be the actual one. the one to get us all to the promised land of being rich af

>> No.23488823

You could at least inform yourself about HEX before spreading stupidity. This ain't December 1st 2019 anymore. People had a chance to learn about HEX and try it out, so they know that what you are saying is BE.

>> No.23488982
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See you in Valhalla

>> No.23489123

Andreas Antonopoulos, said it's a scam.

>> No.23489280


>> No.23489304

He is literally a closet fag that hates women.

>> No.23489318

He's an early Bitcoin developer, Richard Heart is a nobody.

>> No.23489370

Wrong on both accounts.

>> No.23489378

Nope, I'm right, you're wrong.

>> No.23489523
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What an actual real life retard

>> No.23489538


>> No.23489576

It's going to be so amusing to see the biggest dump since BCC

>> No.23489734

The new bitconnect.

500000% profit, but you cant take your money out and sell.
We all know how this will end.

>> No.23489771

Seek mental help, Richard.

>> No.23489858

HEX triggers derangement syndrome. Nohexies become irrational and animalistic

>> No.23489900

How much did it cost to get @BTCTN to shill hex? Try bribing Nick Szabo, or Vitalik. Let's see what they say about hex.

>> No.23489932

Vitalik will have to acknowledge HEX one day and I patiently await that day.

>> No.23489962

Some people in London think your hex advertisements, have to do with an Instagram promotion.

>> No.23489975

If it's a scam it would've dumped by now anon lmao.

>> No.23490132

the peter mccormack / RH interview is the most embarrassing thing ive ever seen. not even trump haters reee that much

>> No.23490187

I know, Richard Heart is bad at arguing.

>> No.23490264

hi peter! congrats on the 5% gains

>> No.23490377

they can hate all they want but hex is working exactly as promised...number go up bitch

>> No.23490391

>1 post by this ID
Ok Richard Heart

>> No.23490397

andreas is certainly not in the closet. he's a full blown sjw homosexual w an agenda. trust. hes a smart guy

>> No.23490625

Why would I trust a communist/socialist?

>> No.23490649

i'm saying not to trust him. trust that he's bad news

>> No.23490953

Brainlet newfag here. How does it differ from a ponzi? Honest question, haven't looked into it yet

>> No.23490966

>would've dumped by now


>> No.23491009

how is any crypto token different than a ponzi?

>> No.23491112

If it actually provides economic value in some way, then it's no more a ponzi than stock shares are

>> No.23491138

richard heart is unironically the most honest and intelligent man in crypto

>> No.23491152

It's a trustless interest generating machine. You become the FED.

>> No.23491229

Interest based on loans kind of like Aave?
Does it have a fixed supply?

>> No.23491801

Total supply will be around 600B after Big Payday with 3.69% yearly inflation distributed as interest to the staker class.

>> No.23492092

google "time locked deposit"
its very common outside of crypto

>> No.23492110
File: 157 KB, 1754x1567, 36434563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like you will be one of the unstaked proletariat underclass. ye need not concern thyself with the detailed intricacies involving advanced mathematics.

>> No.23492653

nigga it's impossible for HEX to not hit $1. When I happens I will be set for life. Having established generational wealth by risking only $500 from my wagekeking and 2 stimulus checks. All because I could predict the future and could see the writing on the wall.

>> No.23492718
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>> No.23492807
File: 181 KB, 1440x900, EAD765CE-0EF2-452A-9B59-45ABDA305073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care about this thread. I just post memes.

>> No.23492834

Absolutely bizarre. Not sure what type of human being posts this. Not even sure what they're trying to say.

>> No.23492839
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Based. Same here. Cheers.

>> No.23493189

how much HEX you own nigga ?

>> No.23493273

U can swap it for any other token, anon. What a rediculous statement u made.

>> No.23493368
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