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23491832 No.23491832[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Everyone on this board was saying khabib would lose, where you at you pussy ass fucking racsist bitches, aAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAH, get raped by a muslim you white american cuck faggots

>> No.23491857

>Everyone on this board was saying khabib would lose
There's one other MMA thread in the catalog and it says Khabib is a lock.
You don't get to invent imaginary opposition, make up what you want them to say, then pretend you've BTFO'd them.

>> No.23491883
File: 29 KB, 603x550, 062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cope Islamophobic faggot, everyone on this board is a white loving trash bag, just like you, keep getting mad, pic related. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

>> No.23491916


>> No.23492855

I’m white, and I bet on Khabib. He’s a savage. Tough as nails regardless of his religion. He could worship Satan and I’d still bet on him.

>> No.23492978

Never bet against Khabib, he has the cheat code to the MMA game.

>> No.23493026

We all knew Khabib would win, we were just hoping Gaethje would send him home in a bodybag. Now that he's retired we'll never have to see him or hear you stupid fucking faggot worshipping cocksuckers again. So go back to fucking donkeys and crawl back into your camel shit covered hole in the ground and shut the fuck up.

>> No.23493055

Based. Angry arab poster has no more heroes. The UFC continues as if nothing happened. Also, Yair Rodriguez KO's Zabit in 3.

>> No.23493066

Lol u mad white boy

>> No.23493085
File: 7 KB, 236x151, p1479571956718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey dude keep it cool, you're insecurity is showing

>> No.23493137

the problem is that every fighter in ufc now only knows how to stand and fight...once on the floor they don't know what to do. that gives khabib huge advantage.

>> No.23493140

Disappointed he is retiring. Was always my fav MMA bet. And the anti Muslim rhetoric here is unfortunate. I’m more frightened of antifa and BLM then any Muslim boogeyman. I’ve only met and known the kindest most generous muslims in my lifetime. But I have met and known the most hateful and destructive progressive liberals in the US and Canada. People directing their venom at the wrong group of people.

>> No.23493165
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>> No.23493174

Khabib is a white muslim

>> No.23493218

You reek of sadness, subhuman non-white.

>> No.23493498

>He could worship Satan and I’d still bet on him.
yes, he's a muslim, we already told you.