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File: 72 KB, 750x359, IMG_3662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2349130 No.2349130 [Reply] [Original]


Post retard DGB fudders you've screencapped

>> No.2349139
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>> No.2349174
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I love these threads. Please post more.

>> No.2349229
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>> No.2349235
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This is great. I bought more at 1950 just in case it was the moon mission starting early. Love that i may have bought his coins. God bless DGB and kek bless all my digibros. Today is a good day.

>> No.2349281
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This is a good one lmao

>> No.2349308
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>> No.2349317
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>> No.2349343

:( gratz guys i guess. i sold at a loss because im bad at this fuckin shit

>> No.2349432
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>> No.2349451
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>> No.2349459
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>> No.2349464
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>> No.2349644
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imagine how many screencaps there's going to be in 24 hours time when the Asian market has started buying in and news from the first presentation are out and being digested, DGB finally getting social media coverage etc.

It's going to be like Lib tears on Trump's election day

>> No.2349715

Let's go digibros. In at sub 100 reporting in

>> No.2349756

I envy you for getting in so early.

>> No.2349768

>tfw 101 sats
Will never be able to smug about two digit sats

>> No.2349826

10k reporting in. LETS GO TO THE LAMBO SECTOR

>> No.2349913

Uh OP, sorry to burst your bubble but that was me and I already bought back in lower.
My point was that when a coins price is bouncing between two ranges, I think it was like 1950 and as low as 1800 at the time, you don't buy at the ceiling. You sell at the ceiling like I did, and buy back at the floor or anything lower than what you sold for. This makes you money.

The ranges then got closer and closer until today when the ceiling was tested and the floor kept rising enough times and it broke through. A phenomenon most of you would call a "meme triangle" but is actually just common sense.

>> No.2349937

top fucking kek

>> No.2349958

Got in at 2400 and never even considered letting my hands go soft. Fuck these fudders

>> No.2349976

Minor slowdown while Europe goes to sleep, waiting for Asia to go crazy.
Checking in, 80sat here

>> No.2350020

Amazing thread but i feel pain in my heart. I only bought 60dgb for the lulz back when it was 1759. A digibro added 41 so i'm sitting on 101 dgb which is like 6$. Feels bad and good man.

>> No.2350025


>admitting he's gonna likely suffer a significant loss or barely break even if he's lucky because he bought at ATH.

screencapping this for deliciousness later.

>> No.2350071
File: 2.03 MB, 2049x1536, Nigel-Farage-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>screencapping this for deliciousness later.
i'm screencapping your screencap because the ath is 2700 and he bought in 300 below that and this is all before the event you utter mongoloid

>> No.2350124
File: 49 KB, 580x624, Screen Shot 2017-06-08 at 5.55.31 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol. that ATH lasted what, halt a second on a wick?

screencapping your screencap of my screencap because you're a delusional retard.

screencap this!

>> No.2350155

DGB gonna dump to 10 sat

>> No.2350159

you are delusional if you don't think that even just being present at a major event and getting the word out there won't bring at least a temporary moon higher than we we've seen so far.

>> No.2350173

That 2600 ATH was very real at the time

Don't pretend like you know how this shit is gonna play out

>> No.2350178

This guy didn't do so bad though. If he indeed bought 1.1 mil at 100 sat, which is probably a lie.

>> No.2350181

The fuck?

>> No.2350190

This guy is an idiot but his bottom section is actually great

>> No.2350203

And why wouldn't their opportunity to be there already be factored into the price long ago? You do realize THAT is the reason people bought it right?

>> No.2350204

Exactly. The word is out...and while it's a gamble, if Digibyte wins the Citibank competition, we are in for an incredible moon. It will for sure go over it's last ATH, even though that was brief.

Let's not forget that Bitcoin was cheaper when it hit its ATH, in terms of it's worth in USD it is quite close right now.

>> No.2350227


what the fuck what?

>> No.2350234

>You do realize THAT is the reason people bought it right?
what do you mean people? retards like us and some whales. This is about exposing it to what are basically normies

>> No.2350264

a future meme detected.

>> No.2350280


normies are still years from a) Understanding this shit, or b) Trusting this shit to not be a scam or online gambling, or c) monopoly money

at the most it'll bring the few stragglers who trade crypto but haven't heard of DGB yet. which isn't gonna make this shit go up to even 15 cents.

>> No.2350334

Why are you celebrating now? Citibank is DGB make or break and it isn't looking good.

>> No.2350351

haha glad you got this one

>> No.2350373

>Citibank is DGB make or break

the lengths you people go to convince yourselves not to buy in... must be the same mental glitch that makes poor people vote against their interests too. or maybe you just love punishment

>> No.2350421

I did buy in you idiot shill, the point is Citibank will be the moment DGB is revealed to be either a shitcoin or an okcoin.

>> No.2350435

Most people buying DGB aren't even aware of the Citi contest.

Even if it fails massively (which it won't), it won't drop below 1500 sats.

>> No.2350457


I can't wait until they win the contest.

You're a fucking faggot and people like you have been bitching the whole month shilling DGB.

Kill yourself. You're wrong.

>> No.2350484

No it isn't. Do you even know what they are going there to present? They aren't going to go to get ob stage and shill their coin to the companies and people there, they are there to present a product. It's essentially completely seperate from DGB.

The thing is the shills have gone so overboard that I doubt that there is anyone who wants to get in that hasn't already. If someone hasn't bought in its because they are waiting for actual results before they do. If there are no tesults, no one has any reason to buy in. If no one's buying in, all the people shilled into believing there would be price action will be scrambling to get out and then brings the avalanche. This contest really is make or break for it.

Luckily~ chances are VERY high, almost guaranteed, that DGB will win.

I don't know how you can say that, all the shilling using the citi thing as a base is what has propped the price up this high.

>> No.2350517

I bought in at 2300. Does that make me a retard?

>> No.2350534

>I bought in at 2300. Does that make me a retard?
not really, it will dip a bit and then rise again as it has many times. just hold.

>> No.2350594

Not in the long term. This coming from someone who bought into ETH at the "all time high" of $20.

>> No.2350650
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Looks like it won't even last until then. Your scamcoin is falling apart and I can't wait for judgement day. Your going receive your karma for shitting up this board jerking it to a shitcoin

>> No.2350672

Projections for tommorow price?

>> No.2350673

Reminder: even if Citi doesn't want DGB/Digusign, someone else *will*.

>> No.2350708

3,000 sat, then back down to 2,000 after the whale dump

Source: My ass

>> No.2350739

Do you know the exact time of the presentation? A massive dump will probably happen after it, so I would sell it to then buy again at the dip, but I just can't find the exact time this shit will happen.

>> No.2350835

It's a secret~
If you happen to find out though, you would also be wise not to share as you'll lose your only leg up and chance to get out before the dump, in case things go south.

>> No.2350867 [DELETED] 
File: 109 KB, 1275x507, but muh panic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread



>> No.2350894

dgb and ark are going to make us rich

>> No.2350969
File: 34 KB, 480x369, deer lick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

somewhere between 12-3pm singapore time.

>> No.2350991

Let's buy the blockchain with digibytes if it doesn't win the Citi contest.

>> No.2351073

That's around 4:00 AM in my country. Looks like I'll need to set an alarm

>> No.2351198


>> No.2351233
File: 556 KB, 1440x2880, 1495560675414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was at sub 500 sats

>> No.2351350

what about that retarded faggot who said myriad will be worth more than dgb by 9th june? anyone screenshot him?

>> No.2351977
File: 578 KB, 371x769, needleskaine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck, mfw reading that and refreshing the price and seeing it go up even more

>> No.2352111

I'm not too familiar with DGB. Why are there a lot of threads in favor of it? What is it that makes it good?

>> No.2352184

im dropping ark tonight.

>> No.2352192
File: 40 KB, 580x499, 2b17db6fd38c1bc67a920acdd85f835893e2bc32c1bdbcfd6b2753e864152c2a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it a good or bad sign that i was present at pic related and copied his actions relatively?

>> No.2352200

its in competition with other crypto for citibanks approval.

dgb is getting recognized as other coins are getting hacked and shit.

>> No.2352233

Post# 2222222 told me to buy it.

>> No.2352343
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>> No.2352353
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>> No.2352369
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>> No.2352400

This has been me all day.

>> No.2352572

Hey guys, good job.

- Merk

>> No.2352685

sent :)