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23486316 No.23486316 [Reply] [Original]

What should I do with my 75 link?
I want to earn interest on it but I've got no idea what I'm doing.

>> No.23486336

Staking is out yet, so just hold. Maybe swing trade if you're brave enough

>> No.23486346

Is not out*

>> No.23486386

Celsius network gives 4.5% interest, use ref code 172413ebdb and we get 20 bucks of btc too.
Also there is nexo but that has Simeon drama, and crypto dot com but their rates aren’t as good for small deposits.

>> No.23486394

Heard. But what if i want to earn interest on the shit? What would be the best platform and why?

>> No.23486412

Congratulations, I just purchased 107 link. I mostly invest in managed funds but am dipping my toes into crypto with Chainlink, getting ready for the ride.

>> No.23486455

Giving my LINK to a centralized high value contract for a measly 4.5% APR doesn't seem like a reasonable decisions and $20 in BTC I scoff at.

>> No.23486570

Well I wasn’t talking to you fuckface

>> No.23486580
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Buy more Link

>> No.23486594

Dodo? Dracula.sucks?

Just choose bro

>> No.23486623

swing it until you have 0 link and a bunch of worthless shitcoins.

>> No.23487467

what is it?

>> No.23487503
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check out dodo you can get 5% farming link or you can try swing trading it on the exchange with the least slippage and lowest fees

>> No.23487514

Put it into aave as collateral, take out a USDT loan, buy LINK with that USDT, put that link into aave as collateral, rinse and repeat

>> No.23488237


>> No.23488402

This is a good threat I have been wondering what those of us who don't have f*** you money are supposed to do I have been dedicated to link since $3 but never had a bunch to put in

I would love to hold forever and be part of the never selling crew but how exactly are we supposed to make money then?

T.100 linklet

>> No.23488408

NEXO wallet app gives 4% interest on LINK

>> No.23488428
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i only have 11 LINK. Fuck you larpers.

>> No.23488429


I have a coinbase wallet am I going to have to kyc again or can I just do this now

>> No.23488441
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>> No.23488447

How safe is this any other annons ?

Isn't nexi with the ZC fudd crew

>> No.23488517

I have mine split between Celsius, nexo, and YFI right now. I would have CDC in there as well but they really made their link rates shiet.

>> No.23488922

>buy used car with 75 link
>be a taxi service or material delivery service
>earn $15 an hr
>car breaks down
>sell car
>can only buy 15 Link
> post on biz
>What should I do with my 15 Link?

>> No.23489196

Put it in a wallet and forget about it for 3000 years.

>> No.23489471

Nexo has drama whereas Celsius actually has done talks with link which is why I chose cel over nex.

>> No.23489508

hold for 25$ pump then dump it and fill LITbag

>> No.23490327

put it on AAVE and get aLINK, then either deposit the aLINK in the yearn vault (easiest) or borrow some stablecoins from AAVE and lend/provide liquidity with those. You can lend on sites like compound, cream, bzx, etc (some yield rewards in their own token, some allow link deposits directly) or provide liquidity on curve, uniswap, etc. Or really get risky providing liquidity on some food token site

>> No.23490379

>my 75 link

>> No.23490420

Better- deposit link to defisaver aave smart wallet and boost to 150% with flash loan