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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23485914 No.23485914 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.23485930


>> No.23485934
File: 6 KB, 300x168, Kramer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any opportunities under 1 mill MC ?

>> No.23485950

$CUM $BLM $NIGS $BIDEN $TRUMP $MAGA are all easy 1000x

>> No.23485957

All above 1 mill MC and not available on UNI

>> No.23485961

The only projects with a x100 potential I know is MFG syncfab & NOIA network. DEV will give you a x10.

>> No.23485976

Not funny, but thanks for the reply

>> No.23485979

RAMP has Blackrock on board, Microsoft and BNP Paribas, stock is less than 0.1p

>> No.23485986


>> No.23485988
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You have two hours 15 minutes

>> No.23486020

MFG has low liquidity and NOIA is 20 mill MC

>> No.23486054

Added $RAMP to my list, thank you!

>> No.23486084

Has to be un CoinGecko and UNI with 50 000 minimum liquidity

>> No.23486109

you can get an 100x on other places than uni

EXP is building uni clone, mc is around 1 mil, on bittrex

>> No.23486111

MFG actually has a use case, it provides a specific service to the aerospace defense industry, with precision engineered parts tracked on the blockchain. They have Raytheon and Lockhead Martin on board, its not a quick turnover but its less than 0.1p, you are right liquidity is crap. Look into RAMP https://blockfyre.com/ramp-defi/

>> No.23486217
File: 62 KB, 640x480, Tuxedo-Obama-laughing-AFP-640x480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has 100K liquidity, Gecko won't list until mainnet is launched.. which is in two hours. You're going to miss the boat and buy in at $100 kek

>> No.23486224

$apeCORE is here!

10.000 total supply
2% burn rate on every transaction
No minting function (VERIFIED CODE ON ETHERSCAN)
100% fair distribution
100% locked liquidity for 80 YEARS on UNICRYPT


DEXTOOLS: https://www.dextools.io/app/uniswap/pair-explorer/0x503952f6a2000d6cba41d03b3f908e981479f0e5

ETHERSCAN: https://etherscan.io/token/0x92722eb937087b28b6f925a994dcff3807d5b3d4

UNISWAP: https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?inputCurrency=0x92722eb937087b28b6f925a994dcff3807d5b3d4

UNICRYPT: https://v2.unicrypt.network/pair/0x503952f6a2000d6cba41d03b3f908e981479f0e5

TELEGRAM: t.me/apeCoreOfficial

>> No.23486257


Don't miss this anon, this is the pick of the day

>> No.23486277


>> No.23486299


>> No.23486304
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>> No.23486323

>Gecko won't list until the main net is launched

>> No.23486384


>> No.23486397

Holy hell anon, it was on Ropsten for two fucking months, if you'd bother to research it you'd realize its not a scam but okay, have fun staying poor fag.

>> No.23486401


>> No.23486606

Why ?

>> No.23486634


>> No.23486697

solves a problem, has a working product, small mcap

>> No.23486707

how is it live on uniswap if its been on testnet? is there gonna be a swap?

>> No.23486721
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>> No.23486742

What is that problem, what is the product?

>> No.23486760

Working scam

>> No.23486761


>> No.23486922

Jesus Christ the testnet tokens were different than the presale it says so on the site, almost all the presalers have already dumped http://humpback.finance ... DYOR, 1 hour 12 minutes left

>> No.23487174

Interesting, why not buy ARTE, it's holding better

>> No.23487482

I personally own both but BUIDL is like HQ where all the main decisions are made you could say

>> No.23487596


>> No.23487614

That's a high MC SCAM

>> No.23487690

it's not on top 100 yet
and it's a trustless ETH-BTC bridge with working product

>> No.23487705
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I tell you what you need...

>> No.23487709

also 45M isn't high LOL
IDIOTA has a 800M capitalization without a working product and years in development

>> No.23487747

For me it’s Startera

>> No.23487909
File: 24 KB, 640x640, 72490C86-35B3-4242-87AB-9F531B2B4B29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most Protocol $MOST
x100 potential from today’s price.
MOST token supply inflates when the price is below $1 and deflates the other way around, which aligns with the Quantity Theory of Money.


>> No.23488075


All european (white) team.

Registered in Lichtenstein.

Try again.

>> No.23488311

Tell me how can i make money with CUR token

>> No.23488327

so like AMPL

>> No.23488350

Sharder $ss
Real product. Decentralized storage going to have its own run soon

>> No.23488433

Looking good, thanks anon

>> No.23488614


>> No.23488780

another good one, thanks anon

>> No.23488868

Here you go anons, a gem from me https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/polypux
Staking and app coming, verified the team, talked with them, working product with Twitter, Instagram.......Youtube and Tik-Tok coming next
Verified the transactions, tokens looked for 6 months and the most important thing they had a fair launch, starting at 8000 USD MC
You don't have to buy the tokens, just earn them on the website, but with DiFi launch, it will bring some gains
Verify everything and you will see I ain't no pajeet scammer

>> No.23488881


>> No.23488942

just another meme scam

>> No.23489142
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Fyooz (FYZ)

>> No.23489214

How is KDA not in this thread you idiots are never gonna make it

>> No.23489235

why such a big crash ?

>> No.23489254

we are talking micro caps, KDA is 10 mill

>> No.23489311

Do people worship rich celebrities and brands enough to literally just donate cash to them for no reason? i guess time will tell, but im betting big on this one

>> No.23489322


>> No.23489679

no token ?

>> No.23489855


>> No.23489876

not on UNI

>> No.23489886

liquidity is locked for 80 years fren

>> No.23489946
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60 $ locked

>> No.23490304

so many scammers on biz

>> No.23490359


>> No.23490467

all above 1 mill MC

>> No.23491511
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That's it ?

>> No.23491862
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Henlo buy my SHIT now.. no you don't lol have fun staying poor. I'm a grown up businessman ehgehehe

>> No.23492043

Zeta Protocol.
