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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 486 KB, 709x476, Richard Heart HEX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23477318 No.23477318 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.23477381

Yeah... watch you fuck my wife!

>> No.23478510

Yeah will be watching him get life in prison for running a Ponzi.

>> No.23478675

the tears of hex haters taste so good. especially as we just zoomed past all time high today. fucking shit i've made over 50 eth in the past 2 weeks lmao. HEX NIGGGGGA

>> No.23478776

Go suck balls Richard and go back to shilling it on twitter and keep paying some whores to make an ad for it so horny kids buy into your Ponzi.

>> No.23478822

this is gonna dump so hard when the 1 year stake rewards hit

>> No.23478839

It's cascading

>> No.23478891

bro it could lose 80% and i'd still be destroying the ROI i would have made if i kept it as bitcoin. wake up noob you're missing a once in a lifetime opp to fuck expensive thai trannys and snort cocaine

>> No.23478979

Those are some nice tits for a little boy

>> No.23479257
File: 330 KB, 743x417, robinaxion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based richard making us all rich. dont miss out on the axion pump though lads. axion.network its HEX all over again but with the ETH going to the community

>> No.23479275
File: 433 KB, 505x500, Hexconnect.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23479414

nice im gonna use the axion pump and dump to get more hex lol

>> No.23479550
File: 20 KB, 657x527, 1602201037134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit! maybe I'll care more about the day to day in 5 years when my first stakes are up.

>> No.23479597

Richard is a jitt. Used to smoke kryp with this herb jittt

>> No.23479740
File: 34 KB, 686x473, EG6PvVjUEAAsEbe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this retarded.

There is no organic volume on this shit, richard is a spammer and knows how to spam txs

Watch this shit dump after bpd

>> No.23479749

Friendly fire

>> No.23479815
File: 80 KB, 786x934, 1603497554730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

somebody please tell me how to buy hex

>> No.23479834


>> No.23479882
File: 29 KB, 679x516, 1603421089721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks fren, now one more question. where do i get eth from and how do i hold onto it?

>> No.23480069

NGL, im bullish on hex, which makes me even more bullish on axion

>> No.23480250


>> No.23480260


>> No.23480345

Ha - wish i had done the freeclaim earlier, but hey I still have some free hex. We'll see how this shit looks in 1 year.

>> No.23480359

Why would anyone hold it after the big pay day?

>> No.23480369
File: 171 KB, 1222x945, ElEVINkWAAED8hJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does your chart look like

>> No.23480379

When you freeclaim you are locked in for about a year. No option but to wait and see how it goes and dump in a year if things turn south. At least my only investment is the eth fees.

>> No.23480505
File: 1.00 MB, 2786x1418, Screen Shot 2020-10-23 at 10.06.35 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Up over 300,000%.

Absolutely roasted lad

>> No.23480531

For someone new to HEX how much more steam does this really have in its engines? Does anyone have some guesses as to what the price could be after the BPD?

>> No.23480546

You can roast us when you are in the top 10

>> No.23480567

All I know is I'm staking my BPD bonus for 15 years and claiming my axion whenever these niggers get around to free claiming.

>> No.23480606

I just looked at the Axion whitepaper. I've already missed the snapshot for Hex. So no freeclaim for me.

>> No.23480613
File: 61 KB, 513x715, UNiOnPeWpEw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop giving this fucking trash attention. Wait for Union.

>> No.23480658

not the end of the world. freeclaims get autostaked for a year anyway

>> No.23480742
File: 43 KB, 1155x547, 3423543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigger you literally just dropped %50. straight flash crash. you are subhumans and you lie. this is why your "devs" are anonymous and you have no audits.

>> No.23480776

Axion is near all time high
devs are public, and we have three audits.

Thats a literal strikeout 0/3 by you

>> No.23480787
File: 104 KB, 1630x792, Screen Shot 2020-10-23 at 11.25.01 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what mickey mouse website are you using. axion about to break all time highs

>> No.23480857


>> No.23481017

redpill me on axion. because there are alot of sus claims being made

>> No.23481051

i don't really want to know what hex is or does. the guy looks like a total 2017 'genius' trader who got rich after the 5th dart he threw landed on a coin that he went all in on and it pamped 50x or something stupid.
I'm trying to play it smart on zeta protocol

>> No.23481077

Did he really say that it isn't audited? I just looked at the axion website and they are. This video is already just wrong so far. Also he is clearly just trying to shill wise. Not really convincing to me

>> No.23481100

not a redpill. i posted his video because you have literally no axion shills willing to show their face. why are your devs anonymous and why do they deserve to profit off of the work of richard heart?

>> No.23481266

I haven't read the white paper but but it looks like the dev team is roadblock? They aren't anonymous. Also they apparently aren't even a fork from the hex code. I am just briefly looking around their information though. I guess if you think that they are lying then you should avoid them and it sounds like you are

>> No.23481319

The dev team is publicly rocknblock. They've been the devs for months already.

many people on youtube are public with promo. the search bar might help you find some videos.

>> No.23481354

dev is rocknblock. originally it was somish, the same team that coded HEX. then the presale token started mooning, and their pajeet asses demanded to renegotiate. so they were ditched and replaced by rocknblock

axion has already been audited by hacken and will be finished with another audit by certik this week. imagine missing this

>> No.23482109

someone has to lose for someone else to make money? how much new people does hex need to support the price? a lot. do they have a lot of people? no. just dont be the one holding the bag in the end.

>> No.23482123
File: 652 KB, 1600x1202, 25r1124eds31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A founder so based he creates the base for the future of finance in his free time just so he could brag about the fact that he did it.