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23477886 No.23477886 [Reply] [Original]

Should I kill myself?

>> No.23477913

not until you can do it like Ryan Dunn
then you will have made it

>> No.23477950

suicide is a meme made up by the jews

>> No.23477965

If you really wanna die so bad atleast take some jews with you

>> No.23477971

If you kill yourself you can't make it

>> No.23477982


>> No.23478001

Are you terminally ill or severely disabled? Got ALS or that shit that fucked up Robin Williams?
If not then no

>> No.23478060
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Absolutely. The way I see it: even if you do make it (the odds of which are slim to none) you’ll only have a few years at most to enjoy your earnings before the next elite-sponsored cataclysmic event that wipes out the majority of the population. You will never win so why even bother?

>> No.23478263

How can you restore the glory of your ancestors from a casket?

>> No.23478289

nope, you're just running low in dopamine, stay with us and get some kek

>> No.23478296

Should i?

>> No.23478441

Suicide is weakness, it means you surrendered to this shitty world. Fight until the end.

>> No.23478470

It would be worst. After a timeless season in Hades, you will be reincarnated in the same level shit life you are now.

>> No.23478532

I dont know.. would you?

>> No.23478544

never. exercise, trust me.

>> No.23478549


>> No.23478558

dont do it anon.
i felt the same when i lost all my money in the safex scam.
buy gold next time

>> No.23478651

not yet fren

>> No.23478654

naw homie

>> No.23478671

No. Absolutely not. You are probably an American. Declare bankruptcy and do something nuts. Life can be fun anon!

>> No.23478702
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it doesn't even matter

>> No.23478736

why not at least wait long enough to see us go to mars?
inb4 nasa conspiracy schizos

>> No.23479064

Learn2quantumimmortality. You can't die. You raced a billion different sperm and won. You weren't stillborn when millions were. Billions of people die every day from millions of different ways but you survive every single day because you CAN'T DIE, even if you wanted to. You are immortal. Death is an illusion. The people who die from your point of view are actually alive in theirs. We each live our own immortal lives.

>> No.23479341

Yes but do it very slowly by smoking mad weed and drinking every day

>> No.23479355

Nah don’t

>> No.23479360

That’s dumb as fuck because I am definitely aging as I get older and my body sure as shit ain’t what it used to be. This is empirical proof of my decay and descent to death.

>> No.23479415

We'll suffer, but we won't die.

>> No.23479429
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I fully agree with the idea of quantum immortality. However one thing that concerns me is that I could suffer from a freak accident and be a vegetable forever as long as my brain is still functional. Thus, I gotta play it safe until they can put my brain into a machine.

>> No.23479448

shit man thats me

>> No.23479462


>> No.23479537

I am a physicist. WTF is this shit?

>> No.23479554

Not the right decision.

>> No.23479563
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Tried doing this but I'm not pulling enough income in to eat healthy and keep myself motivated :(

>> No.23479719

Don't do it I love you

>> No.23479798

I'd love to hear your input, but the way I understand quantum immortality is that if something is supposed to kill me, I won't be around to know that it did. Thus, in the infinite universes that exist, I will only continue on in the one where I survived. Like let's say I put a gun to my head and pull the trigger, and I have a 99% chance of dying. In your universe, I die, but in mine, I live, because that's the only way that my consciousness continues on. I probably didn't explain it very well but that's my theory on why any of us exist at all; if life never came about the way it did on earth, which the probably of happening was infinitely small, we wouldn't be around to think about it anyway. So, since we are here, the only way to explain it is that the random things that happen every day happen for a reason, which is to never let our universe/consciousness die out.

>> No.23479940

its a nice cope, but it doesnt work like that. Reality is kinda cruel.. immortality exists but it must be achieved in the flesh through extreme efforts, people that cant do this in multiple lifestimes die away and so does their soul until they are not born again anymore

>> No.23479941

Why would you commit suicide right before the biggest bull run in history and you one of the few that knows about it.

>> No.23479961

Why do you want to kill yourself, anon? If you're comfortable sharing with us

>> No.23480087

I agree that it is a cope. The way I see death is like unplugging a computer. Just nothing. It could be off for a billion years and not know it, just like how I wasn't born for billions of years and didn't know that either. And same when I die, except it will be nothing forever. All I know is that I'm alive right now. I don't think it is a coincidence that I was born in time to see technology start to utterly change humanity. if you ask me, the people who are rich in 50-70 years are going to be immortals because of the synchronization between humanity and technology.

>> No.23480133

It all else fails just play video games

>> No.23480155

Why? Are you close to dying or have an incurable disease? If so, well, it's up to you, but there's a lot to live for. You just need to look for it. I'd do some reading about emerging tech. It might make you feel better / have some hope. Take some time to do Yoga. Travel. Read about others situations. Read about this like MultiParty Computation and how cool it will be. ARPA / Bella Protocol is the future IMO and imagine not seeing it all go down. You live in amazing times. No real war. Safety.


>> No.23480179

Watch GP penetiary Wes watson on Youtube he will change your life perspective. I don't put criminals on a pedestal, but listen to what he has to say he will turn your life around.

>> No.23480191

Except you will be reborn, it is inevitable given a long enough timespan.

It happened, therefore it must happen again.

>> No.23480200

>1 post by this ID
No point asking this then since you've likely fled, but why do you want to kill yourself?

>> No.23480237

no, technology is not the means, it will never accomplish what is your natural born power, the means are the most guarded secret in the world and is known since millenia

>> No.23480243

yes be an hero anon.

>> No.23480280

Huh. I haven't thought about that. Reading about rebirth is interesting. But overall, the evidence supporting quantum immortality is stronger than the anecdotes of people being reborn. I "know" that I should probably be dead by now, but here I am. Meanwhile, I just read this article about a navy pilot being reborn in a kid's body. I have to trust that that's true, versus I know for certain that the things in my life that've happened have all been for a reason. I can either spend my energy in this life making a better world for my reborn self, or grinding to reach immortality through technology. Idk which is right.

>> No.23480349

>muh global conspiracy
Idk man. I don't think that something like immortality could stay secret for that long. It is the one thing the most powerful people lust after. I think technology is the missing puzzle piece.

>> No.23480401
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no. God, your savior Christ, loves you. even if you are a heathen or yude. I am a poorfag nose tribe member who found Christ at my lowest, it saved me. money is nothing, you will find a way to survive worldly failures or temptations

>> No.23480491

Only if youre Jewish.

>> No.23480513

its not this magic potion u just drink retard, read what i said it takes extreme efforts and most people are lazy

>> No.23480523

>1 post by this ID
Jidf is working overtime

>> No.23480609

I did read what you said. Retard. What are these "extreme efforts" then? And what does technology do other than reduce the amount of effort we need to put into doing things?

>> No.23480920

I personally keep myself alive just in case society collapses or the US goes into civil war and the Northern Red States need Gun runners or something.
So I keep myself in peak physical health and it keeps me from wanting to end it all.

Find a purpose anon even if its made up and stupid.

>> No.23480977

if this guy believed his post he wouldn't be here making this post

>> No.23481026

why even bother trying to explain you, most of you types thay think first in tech when thinking immortality have your head shaped by sci fi and modern atheism, you'd just call my stuff mumbo jumbo.. high chances u dont believe anything spiritual at all

>> No.23481048

Same, but I think stickmen are more aesthetic than musclebound.

>> No.23481078

Don't just atleast until after the election. So many political happenings keep happening, it keeps me alive don't know about you. Also the hope that one day the masses shed their ignorance, programming, and behavior to become the next golden age. Atleast consider becoming the next Hitler before you go.

>> No.23481104

Immortality is eternal torture for human intellect. The rich will be paying to afford to die.

>> No.23481114

I do. And I am open to explanation. So explain.

>> No.23481145

>never exercise
I won't! Thanks chief!

>> No.23481254

you can't buy motivation, healthy food is just as cheap as takeaway. stop making excuses and dedicate yourself to a healthier lifestyle and reap the mental benefits

>> No.23481272

the original religious symbols of every civ were always serpents, which is dormant in your body and you must wake up through certain practices, all this stuff was called evil after ((they)) got powerful and buried underground. You go from there