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23472391 No.23472391[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are psychedelic stocks the next big thing after cannabis stocks?

>> No.23472425

Probably. You make more money microdosing LSD and staring at charts all day, though.

>> No.23472426

No, legalizing drugs is bad for business

>> No.23472445
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what about the business of selling them?

>> No.23472454

I wish I knew where to buy a sheet. Most idiots who deal acid are pretentious pricks.

>> No.23472472

Dark web. So easy.

>> No.23472520

All about contacts. My brother met a guy at an action sports camp who sends us sheets of 125ug gel tabs for $250, straight from a chemist in the Netherlands. Keep your eyes and ears open, people like that are everywhere.

>> No.23472539

I don't get out enough then.

>> No.23472594

My primary motivation for going out is the potential to meet people who can help me in some way, try that. It’s a tad sociopathic but it works to get my ass out of the house.

>> No.23472810

Wtf other business is there

>> No.23472862

Based Dr seuss acid, I have some it's always smooth

>> No.23472864

acid was a psyop that completely derailed the counterculture movement.

>> No.23473024

Too many lame ass normies, fuck them. Easier to just grow mushrooms.

>> No.23473057

That's just a bullshit excuse for a generation being dumb as rocks. Acid is pretty based. I've taken plenty and never felt like going full retard communist radical.

>> No.23473147

>microdosing LSD and staring at charts
Do you do that?

>> No.23473163

Do acid or shrooms, but don't mix with too much weed. Makes you a fucking temporary schizo.

>> No.23473224

Anyone wanna suggest a good RC? I’m trying to try new shit not just doing acid / shrooms everytime.

>> No.23473418

No such thing as a good RC. They're chinese designer drugs that will prob make you infertile or something

>> No.23473572

If i get depersonalization from smoking weed that lasts a few days, how bad will mushrooms fuck me up?

>> No.23473632

It might work for a while, but it'll eventually hit you so bad that your bets will not match your predictions.

>> No.23473672

>No, legalizing drugs is bad for business
If it outs pharma at a disadvantage, then no
>what about the business of selling them?
You're taking advantage of addicts, but then again someone else will, so it's only bad if you don't practice quality control.

>> No.23473724

2-FDCK is great if you like dissociatives. Mix in a little nitrous and you’ve got a 1-way ticket to “time does not exist” town. Very interesting experience when you’ve got music playing, and every note is eternity but also ends.

>> No.23473919

Man I miss acid. Probably not gonna take any for at least a year cuz last time I got a sheet I used half of it myself within 3 months and almost went schizo

>> No.23473987

dont mix it, should stay sober for a few days before for chances of a nicer trip

>> No.23474010
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Seems a bit far out for me.

I'm looking at DAO's, particularly BoringDAO.

>Pic Related

>> No.23474069

You know the fbi has taken peoples fingerprints from posting pictures and used that as hard evidence to convict right?
seriously not a smart idea.

>> No.23475019


>> No.23475041

No one can prove that he's holding real drugs or if that's even OP in the picture

>> No.23475070

Agreed don't smoke on acid

>> No.23475080

One day, perhaps.
Cannabis will only take off end of decade in the US. Lsd and shrooms are at least 20 years out from even having medicinal use federally recognized

>> No.23475110
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It was ahead of its time.

>> No.23475117


best in the sector imo. i already did the TA. worth a look

>> No.23475353

Have you ever tested it? I spent from 18 to 27 being involved in the scene and most all the stuff I would test came back as bunk. Was it acid, x, pills, coke? Sure, it was some form of it but it was never 100 percent the real deal. I knew some very wealthy people late into my 20s and it was the same deal. It was obviously cleaner and you could easily tell. Was it legitimate? No. And you got this nigga working at some retail wagie job getting you pure acid from the Netherlands? Mmhmm.

>> No.23475556
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My money is here.

>> No.23475629

lsd is off the streets, only crap circulating now

>> No.23475820

>le netherlands meme
you're getting tasteless research chemicals guaranteed. even if your shit is actually made in the netherlands and shipped internationally (unlikely, they've caught onto that shit in europe and cracked down hard), you'll be getting whatever new bullshit analog those truffle loving faggots first synthesized under a decade ago. don't trust any "LSD" that supposedly originates east of the atlantic ocean. they can even spoof at home test kits, but they usually fail a more strict analysis. your best bet is domestic suppliers based in the west coast, the footprint left by the grateful dead era hippies has not been washed away in those parts yet
>t. been buying and flipping dark net lucy since the silk road in minecraft

>> No.23475836

need a source on how to make your own everything ive seen smells like bullshit

>> No.23475842

Idk but i took two blots once and was certain I was going to die. It was a pretty terrible fucking experience all around; mentslly excruciating and physically uncomfortable. Idk why people like it.

>> No.23475884

if you mean lsd analog rc then try ald 52 which is the best analog or eth-lad which is also really good
you can try 1p also but it feels different maybe it was just placebo but i didnt like that and im a psych veteran took almost everything and 1p was somehow worst

>> No.23475908

>buying lsd from the street
kek you can buy 105ugs legit and tested lsd25 for less than 2$ on tor

>> No.23476042

>buying from the darknet
maybe if you're a retarded consumer, we're on biz here this is about money

>> No.23476104
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>street vendors who almost definitely just but from the dark markets and resell are cheaper and more convenient than just ordering yourself

>> No.23476166
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>the only way to get good acid is through pretentious know-it-all lazy faggots who vote democrat and come from rich families 98% of times and think they are deep because they can afford to spend years living off mommy and daddy dropping acid and playing videogames all day and are surrounded by junkie pseudo hippie thots just looking for sex on drugs

I hate this fucking timeline

>> No.23476203

synthesizing LSD is a very intricate and convoluted process, it is not something that somebody without a degree in chemistry and several thousands of dollars worth of equipment can undertake

>> No.23476230

this, but making mdma and amphetamine is quite easy

>> No.23476236

You cant legalize something that could cause a (normal) person to have a psychotic breakdown in public
weed/alcohol only does that to someone who is already crazy to begin with

>> No.23476245

I was on the original silk road in minecraft, but I'm way behind on everything.

What's a relatively "reputable" place that provides similar services in minecraft nowadays?

>> No.23476256

its easy if you can get the ingredients. A barrel of sas moving anywhere is going to raise every red flag of 3 letter agencies

>> No.23476289

This is exactly the mentality I was talking about
> everyone's but my acid is fake, you can trust me I'm totally a shaman bro!!!

>> No.23476299

check dark dot fail

>> No.23476314

Dropped a tab last week, some friends came over and offered the bong to me. I was confirmed a schizo for 2 hours. Eventually I just decided to stop talking and go mute. That fixed everything

>> No.23476324


>> No.23476349

well i am from poland our 3 letter agencies cant even stop 20yo wannabe hackers behind russian vpns

>> No.23476393

Sounds like bullshit, homeless people know how to synthesize it lmfao.

>> No.23476414

do you send it straight to your home?

>> No.23476445

How to enjoy lsd? Every time it's just a weird experience that is either too long or too intense. Much prefer shrooms. Not sure if I'll ever drop cid again unless it's like half a normal dose while hiking or something active. Get way too much energy.

>> No.23476478

no reason why you need L if that’s the case desu

>> No.23476491

i don't think i'm a shaman you pencil necked nigger, but i've been doing this longer than you and at the time genuinely cared about what I was taking/selling, by all means go buy $2/tab sheets of who knows what and potentially end up having a fucking seizure and becoming a vegetable if you'd like faggot

>> No.23476511

I will bet you $50k in a smart contract right now if you can find a single homeless person who can produce lab tested LSD of any purity

>> No.23476599
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>no u can't use certain substances goy
>think of all the addicts

>> No.23476757

you should stop weed and drugs asap before you turn schizo.

>> No.23476769

wtf you doing anon

>> No.23477020

yea thats what i heard, but i also heard about some cheap methods using rye beer, are they bullshit?

>> No.23477155

a skilled chemist could but anything the average joe creates would likely just result in ergot poisoning

>> No.23477165

i dont think it's as profitable nobody binges psychedelics, cannabis smokers consume a lot more weed in a week

>> No.23477178

An acid trip essentially is ergot poisoning

>> No.23477186

erm 2ci derp

acid is not sufficently cartoonish

>> No.23477206

>trans women

>> No.23477213

incorrect, egot poisoning can cause gangrene and can kill you very easily

>> No.23477217

Curious how this affects you anon. When I trip money just seems ridiculous as a concept. Can you predict the future or is it more of a being in tune with market emotions type of deal

>> No.23477232

meet me at the starbucks

>> No.23477252

I think that's why i always had trouble on acid. There was always weed involved, and I'd end up running face first into solid objects thinking I could phase thru it. Or yeah, going full blown schizophrenic

>> No.23477288

Can't imagine psychedelics being profitable at all. I've done a lot of psychedelics, and it isn't a daily or weekly thing, further It isn't a pleasant experience anon.

People who do psychedelics regularly mainly looking to explore their subconscious.

>> No.23477298

but you know the process? or you dont? they say to mix the ergotamine with lysine to get lysergic acid would that be correct?

>> No.23477308

>psychedelic drugs
i know 3 people who have ruined their lives as a result from these kinds of drugs.
one of them killed (intentionally murdered) a guy while he was on LSD.
another one jumped off the top of his 6 story apt building bc he believed he could fly.
last guy i knew in this big circle of druggies i used to hang out with was stopped by the cops while he had a head full of acid, cops started to arrest him at which point he pulled a big knife on them, cops shot him dead.

my experience with various drugs and mental states has led me to no longer use them.
ive seen first hand drugs destroy too many lives, only idiots use them.

i asked myself one day if doing drugs had ever made my life any better, i answered it with a no. havent touched them in almost 7 years now. ive saved 10's of thousands since i havnt bouight drugs, turned all that money into crypto and am sitting very comfy financially.

another thing, more than half of ALL arrests made daily in the USA involve alcohol or drugs at some level. consider that before you get stupid with the shit.

as an adult there should be only 2 things you will never gamble with:
1) your health
2) your freedom

hope this helps some of you younger misguided fags who grew up without dads. its always the single mom kids who go all into the drug culture, ik i was one too. my point is, take Jordan Belforts advice, solve all your problems by becoming rich, not wasting it on substances that will never make your life any better.

>> No.23477324
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Good thing I’m a permanent schizo

>> No.23477330

I'm very disappointed by how many people in this thread get acid anywhere other than a darknet market. Cheap, pure, safe, reviewed, tested, convenient. It's a stark reminder of the decline of this shitpile.

Love the Dr Seuss. My very first trip. Got it from dream when that was still around.

LSD is hard to synthesise and purify, but since it's so potent (ten million doses per kilo) a single skilled chemist making small batches can supply the world. It's distribution that's the problem, and the combination of anonymous cryptocurrencies and onion routing makes that so much easier.

Don't try making your own unless you're already a keen amateur chemist.

>> No.23477346


>> No.23477364

Checked, and I agree
Unironically good advice, I've also been totally clean besides an occasional drink for years now. I've done a lot of drugs and I'm glad I learned about myself along the way but the risks I have taken were just fucking stupid and I'm lucky to be alive desu.

>> No.23477368

the formula i have doesnt look too complicated. This sounds like 'hey goyy dont try to make your own its too hard you will harm yourself or others, buy from this established mafia, guaranteed 100% pure" bullshit

>> No.23477410

>Can't imagine psychedelics being profitable at all
There is currently a big explosion in research on psychedelics for their potential therapatic benefits. There are a bunch pharmaceutical startups right now that specialize in psychedelics

>> No.23477453

>the virgin microdose placebo
>the chad macrodose 4d technical analysis

>> No.23477478

Thanks, and congratz. The hardest part of leaving the drug scene for me boiled down to just deleting numbers from my phone, and eventually changing my number and address. If i didnt have connections with any druggie gateways i couldnt buy drugs. Hardest part is just letting some rotten people go it seems.

I will say this tho, the only drug I'd ever do if it was just right there in front of me is DMT - its essentially impossible to overdose on it, isnt addicting, and is the only drug experience ever worth having assuming you close your eyes and leave your body, ie blast off. I'd pay $10kl for a pure gram of it. And pro tip to anyone looking to explore the afterlife or inbetween life on DMT, if it doesnt taste like fish and pennies, it isnt pure DMT.

I've never heard of anyone dying on DMT or otherwise killing anyone or whatever as some of the lower psychedelics have been known to have happen.

>> No.23477495

you dont trip when you microdose lmao

>> No.23477545

it will fuck you up mentally tho

>> No.23477554

They don't need to prove it, they just use it as probable cause to search your house. They won't bother unless they also think you're a dealer though.
>they've caught onto that shit in europe and cracked down hard
Netherlands remains a hub for drug synthesis and distribution. Acid is really easy to smuggle since it's odorless and very value dense. If you ship it laid on blotters it's indistinguishable from paper to any machine or dog.
There are risks, but also benefits. Loads of people take psychedelics and have neutral or positive outcomes. You hear more about the negative ones.
What precursors would you be starting with? It's not like you can just buy lysergic acid without a problem. Any simple synthesis will be starting with reagents that are themselves tightly controlled.

>> No.23477561

i'm fine. only done about 3 grams of it as its pretty difficult to find.

only thing it changed mentally with me permanelty is that i no longer fear death.

>> No.23477587

> but i've been doing this longer than you
You fit the description.

>> No.23477601
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You wouldn't even know how to properly test it.
I swear acid fags are the fucking worst.

>> No.23477653

rye beer and skimmed milk

>> No.23477676

death should be feared, as we're not actually wired for death unlike animals

>> No.23477717

that's retarded even if the rye is completely infested with ergot

>> No.23477754

I guess the hope is they happened to make a batch with ergot contamination, and you're hoping to extract some ergotamine? You're better off trying to distil it out from the piss of someone with a real source.

>> No.23477812

so how hard is it to infest the beer with or even find this ergot? cant be that hard right?

>> No.23477815
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You definitely don't need to pay $10k

>> No.23477851

The ergot grows on the rye, not the beer. You'd need to cultivate the fungus without contamination, extract and purify the ergotamine, and only then can you start the real synthesis process. And if you're getting into amateur mycology anyway, you may as well just grow shrooms.

>> No.23477902

>if it doesnt taste like fish and pennies
I've done my own extracts from MHRB and I'd say the closest smell/taste is candy peanuts, like those big soft orange peanuts you get at the circus. Doesn't do it justice but that's my closest olfactory association, ultimately the taste is completely unique and not relatable to anything else on earth. Everyone else seems to think it smells rubbery like tennis balls or cut-up sneakers, which I never really understood.

>> No.23477925

Much eaiser and much more effective.

>> No.23477956

>i asked myself one day if doing drugs had ever made my life any better, i answered it with a no.
funny, psychedelics are one of the few things in my entire life that have made my life measurably and durably better. There is a strong neurogenic period after taking a heavy dose of a psychedelic that can last for months, if you take advantage of it you can leverage the trip and the afterglow to self-improve in ways that you just can't when you're sober.

People will call it druggie cope but if I haven't had a strong /psy/ trip in about 3-4 months, I can feel all my usual bad habits and depressive tendencies start to creep back in. Once every 2-3 months keeps that shit at bay and keeps me on a much more positive life path.

>> No.23477964

Who is that faggot that was shilling $SHRM.F in here for like a month? And then it dumped. Fucking faggot. Always talking about "oh it's in my notes".

>> No.23477976

acid is easy to smuggle anywhere, that doesn't mean chemists in the netherlands are honest. research chemicals can be produced quicker, cheaper, easier, and with a much greater profit margin. many of them are virtually indistinguishable from real LSD in effects.

>> No.23477979

Thoughts on 1P-LSD?

>> No.23477980

And what's your net worth? What's your situation like?

>> No.23478000

ok hylic

>> No.23478003

Use hawaiian wood rose seeds as your precursor. They contain endogenous LSA.

>> No.23478011

There definitely are people out there who shouldn't touch psychedelics, but I never had an issue.
The only drug I would use regularly though is weed. It gives me by far the greatest amount of benefits.

>> No.23478037

Have fun living under a bridge/in a van asking people for scraps all day, nigger

>> No.23478052

What is this magic compound that's just as potent, has the same effects, easier to make, and shows up as acid on tests? It sounds fucking awesome.

>> No.23478072

never tried it nor sold it so i have none

>> No.23478084

Seriously? $1.2MM mostly made through LINK gains and a $40k starting investment. Waiting to hit $2MM for enough margin of safety to comfortably retire from my soulless but extremely well-paying job. I'm going to go on a deprogramming hike (pacific crest, hopefully) and when I get back I want start reconnecting with the things I used to enjoy when I was a child, before adulthood and fulltime employment ground all the fun and enchantment out of my life.

>> No.23478087

post portfolio

>> No.23478100

1P-LSD and ALD-52. they both IIRC metabolize almost instantly into bioactive LSD-50 in the body, but are not themselves scheduled substances.

>> No.23478131

the chemical itself doesn't show up as LSD, although the effects can be almost identical, most household test kits test for only the presence of LSD and not the dosage, suppliers can and have laid a solution of both real LSD and research chemicals in a specific ratio to spoof tests. it is essentially the same as cutting cocaine before resale

>> No.23478135

where can you find this fungus naturally?

>> No.23478158
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I don't need to compensate by posting proof. Top 1.5% of the country here. All I got is a GED, half mixed mestizo bloodline, and a sub 90 IQ. Pee pee poo poo motherfucker.

>> No.23478160

And Charlie Manson was a CIA plant that they supplied with acid, hypnotizedHim and his (family) into violence to the point of murdering people. This was done to counteract the counter culture movement and be a point of reference for, “see! This is what acid makes you do”

They even forcefully dosed him in absurd amounts after he was in prison, so he’d sound even crazier during his testimonies

>> No.23478162

Haha. I'm actually so down to try DMT too, only psychedelic I haven't explored.
True. Still wonder what it would do besides a confidence boost

>> No.23478209

that explains everything then

>> No.23478223

These I know of. 1P is a prodrug, ALD is an analogue. They're not easier to make, just legally privileged for the moment.
I have never seen or heard of anyone cutting LSD with 1P. If you have a supply of acid, it's less work to just use it pure. See comments above about how once you have a lab making any quantity, your problem becomes distribution.
Why are you still pursuing this track? Your options, ordered by ease: buy anything on the darknet > Buy locally >> Grow your own shrooms >>>>>>>>>>>>> Grow ergot and synthesise LSD
Microdosing doesn't fare well against placebo

>> No.23478284

linkies are going to troll entire countries out of billions of dollars in five to ten years

>> No.23478304

dont try to avoid the subject, neither of those options is as good as doing what im saying well and you know it, tell me where this fungus is found pls, you dont know why i insist, im not in your precious country where everything is done online even buying drugs lol

>> No.23478306

>once you have a lab making any quantity
most chemists in the netherlands do not have this. it is much easier to procure LSD than to synthesize it, even if you are already able to synthesize research chemicals

>> No.23478369

holy fuck you're stupid or trolling

>> No.23478434

>neither of those options is as good as doing what Im saying well
I doubt you can do it at all, let alone "well"
Whatever country you're in, the darknet is there and it is revolutionary
I have no idea where you'd find ergot, or how to do any of the subsequent steps.
>most chemists in the netherlands do not have this
It only takes one. The bottleneck is distribution.
>much easier procure LSD than to synthesize it
If you're procuring it in enough quantity to meaningfully cut it, then you have easy access to enough to sell it straight. Price goes down and down as quantities go up.

>> No.23478471

be extremely careful with DMT tho, in the USA getting caught with it in most states is an extremely elevated felony charge.
and in almost every case where someone is found in possession of it prison time is served.

the only way i'd do any of it would be if it was delivered to me at a secure place where i could flush it in the event of talking to the roberts.
it is a schedule 1 drug. never forget that.

>> No.23478494

Any opinions on shrmf?

>> No.23478519

you know where to find it? no? then stfu
very helpful fren, couldve said you have no idea how to synthetize from the start

>> No.23478572

Crypto became popular in the first place because of dark net markets. Why the fuck are there people on here, on the online crypto board, who don't know to buy drugs online with cryptocurrency?

>> No.23478578

Why would you assume I did? Just because I know things about the synthesis doesn't mean I know it in detail. I just wanted to tell you to grow shrooms instead. Try /r/unclebens (yes I know, stone me for sending you to leddit)

>> No.23478607

It literally grows on rye berries and rye grass you fucking imbecile. Go search a field of rye or a granary of unwashed rye berries for a dark sooty smut and use that to inoculate more damp rye until you have enough ergot infested rye to extract a usable amount of ergotamine. How fucking stupid are you?

>> No.23478622

now you're being useful. See you can share info without being an asshole? thx fren

>> No.23478627

Seems like a recipe for ending up with a fungal medley. How do you ensure you end up with only rye?

>> No.23478644

i wanted to do the shroom thing long time ago, spores never arrived, also its disgusting, people much praper the tab or paper thing

>> No.23478659


>> No.23478678

this guy doesnt agree with your method, and you sound like an expert, what say you?

>> No.23478683

>le i trolt u to give me information XDDDD

>> No.23478698

*only ergot?
You could probably extract the psilocybin/psylocin easier than trying to turn mixed ergotamines to LSD
This guy intends to sell. I'd like to reduce the chance he kills his customers

>> No.23478699

yea go be a dick somewhere else, fuck off none of you know shit

>> No.23478717

just how stupid do u think i am

>> No.23478734

see my post above. FUCK shrmf.

>> No.23478784

>People will call it druggie cope but if I haven't had a strong /psy/ trip in about 3-4 months, I can feel all my usual bad habits and depressive tendencies start to creep back in.
what's the point of continuing to use psychs if the bad habits start coming back? at some point you have to deal with your problems sober, which you should have realized on one of your trips

>> No.23478791

you have to isolate ergot spores from anything else that might be growing on your sample and grow those on a petri dish. it is a tedious process, but once you have isolated a culture, you can easily use that to inoculate sterilized grains and then extract the ergot alkaloids using chemistry. it is more difficult than growing mushrooms from a spore syringe, but still 100x easier and cheaper than turning ergotamine into lsd. the poster you've been arguing with is not lying to you. also, there are dozens of guides that can teach you how to do this all if you would just learn how to use google.

>> No.23478840

You still haven't answered my question nigger. >>23477980

>> No.23478845

I don't smoke weed, I tried it a few times years ago and the side effects turned me away from it. I would feel completely disconnected from my body for a few days after smoking. After hearing that psilocybin has helped some people overcome anxiety disorders, I've been interested in trying it out. The fear of going irreversibly schizo is the only concern I have.

>> No.23478847

1P-LSD is literally identical to LSD in high, by literally, I mean your liver literally breaks down 1P-LSD into LSD.

There are some people who claim that it's weaker/stronger, but that's only because 1P has more reliable dosages so the people probably just got a much stronger LSD tab than they thought.

>> No.23478852

Good for you

>> No.23478858

thats the thing there is conflicting information, its a delicate subject and its 2020 kinda like shitcoins, so excuse me if i dont trust 'guides' on the internet into one of the most illegal and and dangerous substances, you have to really understand the process not just follow a guide thats why im asking

>> No.23478872

he's just an underage troll
i left out the process of inoculating petri dishes with smut until you find an ergot colony

>> No.23478984

Yeah I don't know why you think a bunch of dropout shitcoin peddlers are going to be a better source of knowledge than your own due dilligence into previously vetted guides and syntheses with plenty of second hand documentary writeups. If you're serious about this, you will need to learn how to grow fungus anyway so just start with mushrooms. Many secrets await if only you aren't a petty low attention span zoomer. Also, the LSD synthesis, even starting with tartaric acid, is beyond the abilities of even middling bachelor level organic chemists so be prepared to study and practice your ass off, not memeing.

>> No.23479022

idk would your serious own dilligence lead you into LINK on your own? no you got it from this board, there are strange and wise minds here. You led me into the right direction and i thank u for that, guess itll be the shrooms for now

>> No.23479100

thx. sounds kino.

>> No.23479132

> your liver breaks down 1P-LSD into LSD

>> No.23479168

>knows weed and alcohol only cause psychosis in those predisposed
>Thinks other drugs somehow work different
>thinks people take psychedelics in public
you a retard

>> No.23479194


this anon is right. cannabis stocks has been an absolute disaster for everyone involved.

>> No.23479214
File: 443 KB, 840x854, 1601824078489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take them in public, dozens of times, it's a miracle I was never institutionalized.

>> No.23479329
File: 15 KB, 243x208, 9A875C79-F69B-47CA-8913-7FDD9D721AB9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took everything from Mushrooms to LSD to RCs and DMT. I will tell any anons reading this - don’t go down this rabbit hole. It ends in a self-absorbed black hole of retardedness. I was initiated into the GD Family and was ready to get my wings. I was learning telepathy and talking to bees etc.

Jesus is the answer. You will only find the freedom and identity you are seeking in the Kingdom.
Pic related.

>> No.23479493


User reports indicate that the subjective effects of 1P-LSD are extremely similar to those of LSD. 1P-LSD is theorized to act as a prodrug for LSD.[3] This hypothesis is supported by the results of a study, showing 1P-LSD is metabolized to LSD in rats.[2] This predicts a near-identical effect profile, likely differing mainly in its rate of absorption and duration.

>> No.23479496

Pattern recognition enhancement

>> No.23479510

Are you a fed now?

>> No.23479522

Not a reliable source...

>> No.23479546

it literally links cites a scientific journal to back it's evidence retard, what better source can you get?

>> No.23479559

If you smoke regularly it’s fine. I used to have no problem smoking while tripping when I was a heavy user of cannabis. These days it gets too intense too fast for me.

>> No.23479578

> (((Scientific journal)))
Fuck you.

>> No.23479587

what would a better source be?

>> No.23479604

It's just eaiser and healthier to fuck with mushrooms instead.

>> No.23479644

> takes psychedelics, the perfect tool to experience first hand how all mysticism is just the brain acting funny
> but brainlet so instead becomes engulfed in woo, to the point of joining cults
> but don’t worry guys I left all that crazy nonsense behind me now, haha

> h-have you heard about jeebus?

>> No.23479651
File: 443 KB, 220x162, f3fd7d0dd751e7af5a547f81d8278e04.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon.... I

>> No.23479668

The highest levels of the LSD network are all spooks you absolute newfag. Read Weird Scenes.

>> No.23479738

This is some of the best advice you’ll get on biz.

>> No.23479744

Hes right man. People have been using shrooms for a very long time. LSD has only been around for a couple decades. Shrooms are quite easy to grow but lsd is pretty hard for a layman to synthesize. I havent done lsd but people say shrooms feel much more natural

>> No.23479768
File: 161 KB, 828x449, 7A102737-F654-4ED2-A3E3-D66D736FC08C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to go back. Psychedelics are the ultimate cult. Who do you look up to? Beta male Cuck Terrence McKenna? Glowie Rogan? MK Ultra Ram Dass and Ken Kesey? The entire movement from start to finish is rooted in glowie psyops and anti-Masculinity.

Sure maybe there’s some therapeutic benefits. 99.999% of psychedelic users advocate for multiculturalism and globalism. Really makes ya think eh?

>> No.23479772

I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with that, I just find the goalpost moving of that anon to be unbelievable.

In the original post he asked me for a source that supported the claim that 1P-LSD synthesizes to LSD in the liver, I linked a scholarly source, he discredited the source, I asked what a reputable source would be. He made a completely different statment.

I'm guessing he just wanted to say >>23479604 in the first place.

>> No.23479848

>Y-yeah anon, acid is a totally right wing thing. Look at how many strong alpha males take psychedelics

Start a family
Become Christian
Take the stoic pill
Disregard degenerate people who don’t own land or have children

>> No.23479881

looking back, yea you're right

>> No.23479924

Well well well its the apocryphal story man

>> No.23479975

The problem as I see it with these stocks is that the drugs market has a very defined profit margin; the legal market does not. Sure, if there is some sort of protected patent pipeline with insurance or Health Canada picking up the tab, and they can pull the old Homeopathy trick and split a gram into a million nanograms and make a subscription platform, the question is will they ever recoup their costs and pay a shareholder dividend?

>> No.23479979

>Who do you look up to?
Stanislav Grof.

>> No.23480003

> start a family, buy land

> b-but don’t forget to believe in jeebus and indoctrinate your kids so they can become the laughing stock of their school

>> No.23480415

Sounds like some DO* type experience. The real LSD is not painful so much. It can be, but DOB for instance is frequently rough.

>> No.23480456

Is dread up?

>> No.23480524

Stocks are a meme, especially drug stocks. Also, the police are on the way. SEE YOU IN KLEROS COURT!

>> No.23480573

>Look at how many strong alpha males take psychedelics
tons of them. im not kidding

>> No.23480637

No, he was a crazy psychopath earlier then that. Surrounding that guy... there are stories...

>> No.23480686

Nah, people bring their issues into their trips with them. The death trip is practically a bad trip archetype. Tim Leary and his cohorts wrote about it a lot in the early days of LSD research, before it was driven to black markets and you didn't what you were really getting anymore. Not saying DOs couldn't be the culprit. Just that death obsession is a pretty common human hangup that can become the focus nearly any mind alteration experience for some people.

>> No.23480693

The ole' thought he could fly story. Not only has is this probaboy never happened, if it did good riddance. Seriously the person who got a lil high and thought "my god I can fly!" Wins a darwin award, not a fucking cautionary tale.

>> No.23480784
File: 165 KB, 701x1023, 701px-Reefer_Madness_(1936).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta love the classics.

>> No.23480797

Why does everyone i know get acid from the Netherlands?

>> No.23480801

Hey I know three people who died from acid, the first thought he could fly and jumped from a roof, the second stared into the sun until he went blind and killed himself when he realized what he had done and the third thought he was an orange and peeled himself with a cheese grater. Ok I didn’t know them personally but my buddy’s dad did, and are you calling him a liar?

>> No.23481072
File: 333 KB, 450x800, 1601923646462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've heard Dream and Alphabay were taken down like 2 years ago, ever since then it's been drug bust after drug bust. Trees and Treats and Sticky Kitty's Chocolate Fuckery were the absolute best. Not that I ever bought anything haha just browsed haha.
Probably cause of Gamma Goblin, one of the best sellers of acid of all time sells from there. Also, nobody has ever really died "because of" acid, come now children.

>> No.23481093

These are common bullshit stories intended to scare people away from acid. You are definitely a liar

>> No.23481121

How safe is it to order tabs from NL to the states?
anyone have tips

>> No.23481548

just buy domestic
much lower chance of love letter

>> No.23482029

I've worked in Cannabis for a while, and if you're a good manipulator, sociopath, marketer (liar), so on, who isn't zooted on coke or doing dabs every day, you'll probably make more money working a job in weed than investing in it.

>> No.23482246

You can make your own and its not even hard

>> No.23482720

>Yeah if you’re a good sociopath bro you’ll be set, just manipulate everyone man and lie

The state of this board