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23451776 No.23451776 [Reply] [Original]

What would happen if they made Monero illegal?

>> No.23451791

then only criminals would have monero!

>> No.23451935
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>> No.23452002

number would go up unironically

>> No.23452027

Isn't it kinda already

>> No.23452083

nothing would change. no one who is using crypto legally is using monero.
>b-but muh
shut up. you know it's true. any normie is just gonna go with the easiest option (btc) and paranoid schizos are just gonna go through multiple wallets/etc (with btc) to keep their selves sane.
the only fucking people using monero are pedos/junkies

>> No.23452098

that’s bullish for xmr

>> No.23452195

all the exact same fud for bitcoin in the early days is coming out for xmr.

>> No.23452202

wallet 1 -> tornadocash -> wallet 2 ->swap to monero -> send monero -> wallet 3 -> swap to eth -> tornadocash -> wallet 4

as long as wallets 2 and 3 aren't connected to anything KYC'd you could literally never stop this unless you managed to ban any DEX from listing monero and even then how do you enforce that

>> No.23452355

would dump in the short term then recover

>> No.23452812

or just wait until xmr atomic swaps are implemented

>> No.23452940

biggest brainlet in all of biz
monero benefits the nomies more than pedos

>> No.23452984

nothing would change. no one who is making legal purchases is using bitcoin
>b-but muh
shut up. you know its true. any normie is just gonna go with the easiest option (fiat) and paranoid schizos are just gonna go through multiple wallets/etc (with tumblers) to keep their selves sane.
the only fucking people using Bitcoin are pedos/junkies

>> No.23453079

It would crash hard. I'm talking 80% loss overnight. Then it would recover slowly and continue to uptrend for decades to come

>> No.23453080


>> No.23453509

nothing would change. no one who is making legal purchases is using fiat
>b-but muh
shut up. you know its true. any normie is just gonna go with the easiest option (commodity money) and paranoid schizos are just gonna go through multiple central banks (with kikes) to keep their selves sane.
the only fucking people using fiat are pedos/junkies

>> No.23453560

prove someone owns any lmao

>> No.23453641

monero is too advanced for normies. we're talking decades

>> No.23453685

i have time

>> No.23453975

Monero is a honeypot, use 0x--MR

>> No.23454131

Show proof
I own no Monero or 0x--MR, convince me Monero is a honeypot and maybe I will buy some of your 0x scam

>> No.23454193

it's trash and so are you

>> No.23454981

Great explanation anon you are truly a special breed of deceitful retard and your parents would be proud of how retarded you came out

>> No.23455048
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>> No.23455061
File: 418 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20201022-221920_Galeria.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
