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23451403 No.23451403 [Reply] [Original]

I just want my real life to start.

>> No.23451429

Just su all your classes and go ez mode.

>> No.23451501

>Fell for the school meme

>> No.23451623

College is literally the easiest shit ever. You work like 20 hours/week and just do drugs and fuck around the rest of the time. Why do you think people pay millions of dollars to go to college in America? So they can spend less years in a wage cage.

>> No.23451774
File: 128 KB, 432x478, studycel2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You work like 20 hours/week and just do drugs and fuck around the rest of the time.
Not the people on here though

>> No.23452410
File: 42 KB, 300x337, chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Goes to college to fuck girls
>Resides in mansion
>Lost virginity at 14, to two girls at the same time
>More confident than anyone
>Not active in any clubs but is the captain for 3 of them
>Fingerbangs chicks at events with guest speakers
>Often found fucking chicks behind the bleachers
>Studies in a group sometimes, but only for a few minutes because he finds something fun to do
>Is indifferent about group projects but fucks all the hot women in his group
>Fingerbangs women during exams
>Doesn't give a fuck about anything
>Doesn't graduate, no fucks given
>Doesn't need a job, already made it in 2012
>Multiple girlfriends, all at the age of consent
>Will not die
>No one will grieve because he won't die

>> No.23452649

I got just under a 4.0 GPA, didn't network for shit, had like 5 "friends" and spent most of my freetime tutoring people for money to buy drugs and playing video games. I also somehow had 3 different girlfriends despite being, objectively, a huge loser. Idk, the relative freedom to do what I wanted with my schedule really filled my with an energy that was BTFO as soon as I started waging. I literally just turn off my brain at work and wait to leave. I can't wait to escape this shit.

>> No.23452688

i really really wish i had fucked around in college. there were guys uglier and more autistic than me having the time of their lives but i ignored it because "muh normies". fucking hate /r9k/ for tainting my mind with that shit at the time

>> No.23452749

>literally cannot die
>leads such an entertaining life that God suspends laws of existence to allow gigachad more time to fingerbang thots
>fingerbangs androids in the year 80,000 while orbiting Earth 5 in his space yacht.

>> No.23452980

going to university as an older student(23 year old second year) is prime shit. I spent my post high school years traveling around the world and working, now I'm in a california school surrounded by hot girls and their anxious, timid, no experiences, socially retarded male peers. Literally just having the confidence to sit right next to the hot girls in class already puts you in the top 5%. I dont have to live in the shitty dorms, or participate in any of the "college life" bullshit. I go to class, go to the library, live in my own apartment i bring fresh 18-20 year olds in that easily impresses them, and work on my own hobbies in a beautiful beach town. Most of what I am learning in school I've already studied on my own outside of school so the work is easy. I have time to do whatever I want. And since I'm older and willingly chose to be in university I'm actually interested in all of my subjects and take full advantage of the resources, I have built deep relationships with my professors already because I now value being in an open environment with the top experts in my field.
Going to uni at 18 would have been a waste

>> No.23453064

It’s worth it IMO because my uni pays me to attend

>> No.23453106

There's a middle ground between being an overly socialized retard that gets depressed if they haven't had social affirmation in 30 seconds and being a sock pooping autist. r9ktards are terrible people and want you to be as terrible as them. Simple as.

>> No.23453272

Based fucking based

>> No.23453299

People on 4chan who have to brag about their lives are probably the biggest homos on earth.

>> No.23453380

Sorry, homie, it's gonna be the same most likely. Just get a good enough job and ty enjoy your weekends/vacations. Maybe you'll get some cool dream job. Good luck, friend. I wake up, work, cook, shower, sleep, repeat. Luckily I get paid enough to do pretty much whatever I want when I'm not working

>> No.23453404

I was just getting Chaded up junior year and then COVID happened so I can’t even stay on campus senior year. Gay virus.

>> No.23453896

stop cooming and start networking early

>> No.23453933

>wasting prime earning years for a piece of paper you can easily forge

>> No.23453994

>prime earning years
Besides that for my career choice there is no way to forge that shit, you also tons of testing and licensing in order to practice(architecture/structural engineering). That's just asking for a prison sentence

>> No.23454074

This. I’m also an engineer, you can’t just fucking fake that shit

>> No.23454078

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