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23449028 No.23449028 [Reply] [Original]

Make sure to donate some of your gains to needy black folx.

>> No.23449055

Yeah that’s what we need, more free no-effort scholarships for blacks who get diversity quota’d into jobs they’re not qualified for.

>> No.23449097

>gib me dat fo free
The memes write themselves at this point. Also, I already give them handouts by paying taxes to subsidize their kind. Despite this, they’re still a net economic negative on average.

>> No.23449215

These people are pathetic, and the Whites supporting them are even worse.

How in the fuck do you Amerisharts put up with these low IQ eternal victims?

If niggers acted in China like they do in America they'd be sterilized and death camped in seconds.

>> No.23449333

personally I don't give a FUCK about black people im gonna get my bag and spit on all races equally go fuck yourself

>> No.23449358

>systemic racism
is the most jewish term I've ever heard and it's all these porch monkey pickaninnies parrot nowadays

>> No.23449439


>> No.23449703


>> No.23449719

I'm so fucking tired of jews and their pet niggers man

>> No.23449785
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Based. Everyone sucks anon. Look out for you and yours. The people that matter, regardless of race, will rise to the occasion.

>> No.23449887

>regardless of race, will rise to the occasion.
sheltered faggot detected
do not relax around blacks nigger

>> No.23449969

Dude I'm pretty much the opposite of sheltered don't you worry about me. I'm just saying, if someone REALLY wants to make something of themselves, they won't use their race as an excuse for "having it harder" or not being able to do whatever they want to do. Using race as a crutch for "I coulda been xxxxx if it weren't for these damn white people" is just PURE bullshit.

>> No.23450034

>pretty much
>don't worry about me
holy fuck you're a massive gaping faggot

>> No.23450068

Oh jeez, you alright there bud? Wait lemme try

>green text
general rehashed insult

>> No.23450119

niggers solution to all problems:
>Step 1. Gibs
>Step 2. Me
>Step 3. Dat

>> No.23450135

Never relax

>> No.23450159


>> No.23450260

true nigger behavior:
>engage nigger walk
>encounter something
>can I fuck it? if no
>can I steal it? if no
>can I destroy it?
>try destruction anyways
>re-engage nigger walk.....

>> No.23450312

I told my black friend to buy bitconnect and i bought chainlink in 2017 or 18.

>> No.23450323

>How in the fuck do you Amerisharts put up with these low IQ eternal victims?

Our government forces us to.

>> No.23450443

seriously enough with the plebbit spacing faggots
and left wing ideology now plagues our school systems and big tech worse than our gov
we need to bring back public shaming and exposing jews and communism in all their forms

>> No.23450449

>if you care about black people, you'll start giving us jobs and scholarships!

Why do they think every random white person is a wealthy Jew? Do you want a scholarship to clean my garage? Maybe a job mowing my lawn 1 hour per week? Wtf

>> No.23450555
File: 1.07 MB, 1920x1200, ARPARPAWEWWEWEWEW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be putting them all into privacy coins and donating them to no one.

Just try and take muh ARPA.

>> No.23451035
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>hows abouts some more gibsmedats
well i never

>> No.23451097

> gibs
> blame Whytie
> muh victimhood
kek never ever support charities anons ever. This is the information age the only thing holding these niggers back and keeping them down is themselves.
> offices
not a thing anymore
> hire me cuz I'm black
don't even need a job anymore
Where are all the tiktok nigresses?

>> No.23451704
File: 48 KB, 324x360, 1583697358035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not just whites... everyone is tired of jews and niggers

>> No.23451869

I only want to get rich off crypto so I don’t have to worry about getting fired over my racist social media posts

>> No.23451889

>regardless of race will rise to the occassion.
Very true. Asians and white anons will make it.
Not blacks, though. Blacks don't invest.

>> No.23452088

no, what's keeping niggers down is their genetic defects; low IQ, poor impulse control, propensity to violence, etc. their problem is genetic, niggers are no more capable of 'joining the rest of us in civilization' than your typical pet gerbil. the gerbil is also less violent.

>> No.23452113

really encourage by this thread. There's hope for our young people.

>> No.23452247

I was going to post debunked but digits confirm nogs are slow