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23447650 No.23447650 [Reply] [Original]

>be American
>be a functioning human, work hard in school, get a good white collar job e.g. doctor
>literally GUARANTEED to die being worth 10mil+

>be born in any country outside the USA
>be a functioning human, work hard in school, get a good white collar job e.g. doctor
>die worth a couple mil at absolute best

How do you cope with this? I thought I was “making it” until recently as an extremely strong British med student with 10 btc but it doesn’t even compare to being some barely passing idiot in the USA?

>> No.23447763

stop being a pussy and move to the greatest nation God has ever seen

>> No.23447785

couple million dollars at best

try half a million at best total assets

>> No.23447788


>> No.23447904

Imagine caring how much money you die with. Planning to be in a coffin made from filthy fiat? Sad

>> No.23447978

>doctor in America
>10 mil
you will be in your 30s by the time you become a doctor and will be swamped with debt you'll be paying off into your 40s.

>> No.23448290
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Fuck off we're full

>> No.23448472

Exactly, he should move to Switzerland

>> No.23448504
File: 270 KB, 720x1280, comeherebwc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Move here to Israel.

>> No.23448524

most doctors only make like $200-250k and goy taxes take about 40% of that, so figure $150k a year actually hits your bank account when you're finished with training @ 30 years old. then $200-500k of student loans to repay.

>> No.23448539
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>live in country outside of USA
>1 million buys a luxury residence in a nice neighborhood
>peaceful, calm retirement

>be American
>10 million dollar home in nice neighborhood
>fear for own life when BLM niggers and leftists start rioting in your street

>> No.23448540
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>> No.23448615

An American working the same job I studied for earns more than thrice than I would here and has a much MUCH easier time finding employment.

It's one of these trades that you can end up making six figures in. In Europe it barely earns you a decent living at the cost of your long term health.

>> No.23448671
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>> No.23448710

American doctors on average make $300k with ridiculously generous benefits packages. If you go for a lucrative (but not ridiculously competitive) specialty like anaesthetics and work in an "undesirable" but still nice area e.g. dallas you can easily hit $500k. If you go for one of the ultra competitive specialties and work in bumfuck nowhere you can easily hit $1 mil.

$200k is what you'd earn in an absolute worst case scenario/

>> No.23448804

>not ridiculously competitive
dumbass , you also have to take into account how absolutely shit the lifestyle is for most specialties, you're never going to have a regular 9-5, 40 hour a week job unless you either own your own practice or get into the highly competitive specialties like derm/anesthesiology/emergency medicine .

>> No.23448877

Dollar won't be worth shit soon, US has got absolutely rekt by its (((dual-citizen))) Government, probably not the country you want to be immigrating to anon.

>> No.23449046

majority of med school graduates go into family medicine. also lifestyle of pretty much any doctor is shit. no idea how it is in the UK but in the USA you're working 70-80+ hours a week in residency and fellowship, followed by 55-60 hours a week for the rest of your life even as an attending physician (not by choice.)

t. US med school dropout

>> No.23449133

But hey at least you get “free” healthcare and “free” college right? That’s worth staying poor your whole life right?

>> No.23449245

That’s called socialism. You get lots of gibs, take like 6 weeks of vacation every year, and it’s essentially impossible to get fired. But in exchange you have no upward mobility and your economy sucks.

>> No.23449578
File: 19 KB, 327x316, 1983030C-9AEF-41F6-9715-949AE2508147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be American
>get shot