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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23442047 No.23442047[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Umm EXCUSE ME! Can you cover your nose with your mask PLEASE!?

>> No.23442067
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I SURE CAN! I love wearing a mask and being a good citizen. Please buy more link to make it marine.

>> No.23442084

Could you please fuck off? Thank you.

>> No.23442087

dude how do you think this is a fucking joking matter?
200,000 people have died in america alone and probably millions more will by the end of it because of idiots who can't listen to the science or what the experts tell us to do
this is a fucking global pandemic you retard, start acting like it. wear the mask, social distance if you need to go outside, and listen to what Fauci and the other experts tell us to do. not that hard.

>> No.23442104
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Make me you nigger cattle
*draws gun and fires*
Heh...too slow. Another communist down.

>> No.23442107

lol nice one

>> No.23442123
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>> No.23442138


>> No.23442147
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>> No.23442237

Nice. Yeah masks are gay but you smug retards are preventing me from going back to bars and concerts and doing drugs. Resisting against a piece of cloth. Epic own. Totally fucking dunked on. Wait until /biz/ sees this post, heh. I troll people when I don't wear a mask. Epic Frank Hassle style. Women can finally see the layers of filth on my tongue and teeth and cringe irl. Heh.

>> No.23442415

schizos working overtime hahaha I guess you hicks got alot of free time on your hands after being laid off from your low skill jobs

>> No.23442449

I don’t get it. How do the Jews-Bigfoot-CCP-NWO-Illuminati-Lizard people-Skull and Bones-CIA “win” if you wear a mask during a pandemic?

>> No.23442486


Ironically it’s all conservative hick dumbasses who don’t believe in epidemiology that are croaking. Red states are leasing the way in new cases and deaths.

>> No.23443026

fucking saved

>> No.23443196

>Red states are leasing the way
Look out, we've got a galaxy brain here!

>> No.23443224
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Thanks jews!

>> No.23443259


Sounds like the conservative wet dream to me. Mega corporations controlling everything because “at least it’s not the government”.

>> No.23443294

>best defense for someone calling him retarded is to point out an obvious typo
Really though you guys in red states are low functioning.

>> No.23443346

Covid-19 couldn't even kill an elderly man (Trump). Get fucked, pussy!

>> No.23443364

It's a satanic ritual. Participants are made to wear masks because it removes their humanity and is a shameful rejection of any connection with God.

>> No.23443373

No it's pointing out that you are blatantly and proveably shamelessly retarded.

>> No.23443427

sure np

>> No.23443447
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Do you have any definitive evidence that he was legitimately infected? It was all a PR stunt. I'm actually impressed he didn't do a press conference just boasting how COVID can't do shit to him thanks to his boomer genes. I wouldn't put it past Trump to just go around saying that COVID didn't infect him, he infected COVID and destroyed it like the boomer god he is.

>> No.23443462

shitty fud attempt
not selling

>> No.23443642

Isn't it disproportionately affecting blacks?

>> No.23443646
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I like the masks. It's personal preference to have some anonymity in public.
But I wear a piece of cloth, where i can breathe almost freely through.

It's statistically proven that this 'pandemic' is bullshit. Not worse than flu. Stop being retarded, retards.

>> No.23443723

I remember at the start when WTO said masks were useless and people wearing them were selfish for taking supply from medical workers. Then wearing a mask was the rebellious, "I'm not a sheep" thing to do.

We really are just contrarians.

>> No.23443967
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>> No.23443983

The anonymity aspect is kinda cool. It is cool knowing CCTV/Facial Recognition Software is having trouble right now. Somebody wearing a mask killed someone near me and they can't seem to find him because there is almost no description besides "wearing a hoodie, mask, possibly black".

I just got off the phone with a coworker is a huge Trump supporter but all about masks/lockdown because she has an immunocompromised son. Her uncle (who lives in the rural areas getting fucked in our state) had a bonfire with some friends recently. One guy showed up KNOWING he had COVID and everyone that attended was cool with it. Over half the people there contracted it and tested positive that week. Half have mild symptoms, the other half have bad symptoms. Her uncle got put on a ventilator yesterday and she's saying that she will most likely be out next week because he isn't looking like he's going to make it.

It is just insane to me that it has gotten to the point that people are so distrusting of our government that they believe it is fine to hang out and drink with something that actually has the virus.

>> No.23443992

you need to go back to /pol/

>> No.23444004

I just lie everytime somebody asks me to wear a mask, I say I have a medical condition then turn it on them and tell them not be within 6 feet of me or even talk to me since I’m at more (((risk))) for not wearing a mask bc of my (((condition))) I don’t want their (((particles))) to leak from their mask due to raising their voice. Best part is the retards fall for it and leave me completely alone, based or autisticpilled?

>> No.23444007

niggers can't meme

>> No.23444026

Based AND autismpilled

>> No.23444046

I thought alt right hicks were supposed to be the ones dunking on snowflakes with facts and logic? how the tables have turned, now getting triggered by science in the same way that flatearthsisterfucker69 from Alabama gets triggered in youtube comments

>> No.23444067

Never 5get the 6 gorillion octogenarians in nursing homes who died from blormph's virus!!!

>> No.23444083

i refuse to wear a mask in the rare event that i'm an asymptomatic carrier. i want to see thousands of nigger cattle die. risking my own life to carry this out is acceptable.