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2022-11: Warosu is now out of maintenance. Become a Patron!

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 13 KB, 256x256, b358109f-cb6e-4941-aeca-858b5ea493b7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23440315 No.23440315 [Reply] [Original] [archived.moe]


>> No.23440352

Nice name supercore lol


>> No.23440359

another core clone? What does this one do?

>> No.23440361

EARLYYYY!!! time to catch the train

>> No.23440366


>> No.23440393

the fuck that shit is trending? why?

>> No.23440415


>> No.23440438

So early guys - this is going to 10x minimum

>> No.23440450

Garbage token made by pajeets for pajeets. Doesnt do anything, buy and get dumped

>> No.23440470

is the team from the United States of America?
Is it under SEC jurisdiction or what?

>> No.23440508

20x token

>> No.23440547

thanks OP. actually early enough to mmon

>> No.23440584

>no information whatsoever
smelling curry

>> No.23440601
File: 461 KB, 600x600, dark wojak 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23440803

ok I bought the dump you fuckers, just because i'm feeling degen

>> No.23441006

Degen play of the day, I expect at least 500. Dont disappoint me faggots

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