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File: 521 KB, 750x678, 1603308831146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23433453 No.23433453 [Reply] [Original]

Dna is worth more than gold, be careful what you stick your cock in guys.

>> No.23433468

You can tell top right was an absolute lady killer

>> No.23433476

Not until crispr comes along

>> No.23433515

christ what the fuck happened there? somebody must have mated with a guinea pig or something

>> No.23433547

America happened

>> No.23433564

>not groomed
>shit t-shirt
>bad lighting
>entire day of grooming
>top tier clothes
>sepia/bw makes everybody look decent

Yeah he looks like a mutt but he could look like an average italian if he lost some weight and shaved that soi beard

>> No.23433574

His dad literally fucked a pig

>> No.23433604
File: 142 KB, 512x512, 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can see, this faggot is drinking gallons of beer, whiskey, soda, eating shitty fast food, tons of carbs, bread, sugar. And because of that, he has disgusting bloated face.
If this faggot lose weight, get a haircut, trim beard and put on some suit like his grafathers, he would look the same

>> No.23433618
File: 301 KB, 1125x2001, 9184136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you mean italian-american or just italian? Because that isn't an ethnicity, italians are rape babies

>> No.23433644

his eye area, skull shape and nose are fucked up compared to his ancesters no matter how much weight he will lose he will always be subhuman

>> No.23433691

>Him wearing some superhero comic shirt compared to them wearing some lady wetting smart tux

>> No.23434070

what are you laking about, literally the same hook nose covered in fat.
Look at his disgusting sow face

>> No.23434101

What went so wrong? Seriously wtf. Is it the garbage in our food? Onions? He looks like he was switched at birth come on man

>> No.23434123


>> No.23434143

I don't see the problem

>> No.23434209

Nah, he’s really just fat and has bad skin (from shitty diet, hygiene, etc). If the soi faggot drops 50 pounds, gets a proper haircut, and loses the soi beard, he would look similar to his Chad granddads.