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>> No.23427745
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>> No.23427747



>> No.23427770
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If you mean halts on big green dildos then yes.

>> No.23427771

Reminder from your Cannabro, cannabis stocks are safe during this volatile erection year.

>> No.23427779

Green tomato bitch

>> No.23427784

sorry, your time was in March. Do we have to deal with this every single red day?

>> No.23427786
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>bought the miner hype and now saddled with gdx and gdxj bags that have been crabbing for the last 2 months


>> No.23427790


what is this show?

>> No.23427799

Why the fuck is this show almost always the OP image?

>> No.23427804


>> No.23427808

Star Trek Lower Decks

>> No.23427816

lol all of the miners ive been watching have been crabbing as well

>> No.23427823

hahaha i remember people buying into PMs and shit like SILJ
never buy shit you dont actually understand

>> No.23427828


>> No.23427829

With all this uncertainty I'm fucking glad I'm in C. At least it'll go higher once all this shat blows over. Back to 70 per and collecting divvies along the way while I just kick back and wait.

>> No.23427831

because rkg seems to like the show, and also takes it upon "herself" to make a ton of threads.

>> No.23427842

I got fucked buying a bunch of silver stuff in august too, it was a stimulus inflation play but we should have remembered that are country is run by drooling pants on head ancient mummified retards who who cant do fucking anything productive ever because they know theyll be re-elected anyways

>> No.23427853


>> No.23427859
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i also fell for oilanon and the tanker meme if you remember that shit from march

>> No.23427864

When should the short sellers get out of GME? 15?
Should I be more optimistic than that?

>> No.23427870

What's something everyone thinks is based, but is actually cringe?

>> No.23427872

Investing In the destruction of mother earth is never a solid investment

>> No.23427878


>> No.23427882


>> No.23427888

fuck off cuck

>> No.23427892

why cant you appreciate general feeling of friendship in picute

why you /pol/ brainwashing pollute everything you see :(

>> No.23427893

What do you guys think of HTZ? I missed last week's pump. Is it going to moon again

>> No.23427900

At least the miners didn't go back down to near March lows like oil did. Still green on mine.

>> No.23427902
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im voting trump because the democrats are commies.

>> No.23427903

ah fuck i wish i could unknow this now

>> No.23427904
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Chances on GME beating their next earnings? I know they sold a fuckton of switches this summer.

>> No.23427913

You're right anon. EV's are a complete menace.

>> No.23427916
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>Unrealized profit already down $10 in fees
Just dump already futures, fucking hell

>> No.23427919

Im holding Shell bags right now and feel stupid especially since I missed out on cheaper Apple and Microsoft. At least WKHS wasn't a complete disaster.

>> No.23427920

why can't you just die so the world has one less tranny in it? why? why?

>> No.23427923

why the fuck isnt there a new TSLA stock that only goes up week after week? i just want to make money back from all my losses

>> No.23427933
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help my money is dying

>> No.23427937

OVV was a +400% from March, hardly a bad move if you sold with the June FOMO hype

honestly i made some bad plays too, im just glad i had trailing stops on my REIT plays so at least I came out of it with like a +15% profit
feels bad though since anything else I could have bought before June would have netted me at least 2x instead
For March/April I was just watching from the sidelines since it was way too uncertain, easy for people to say "I should have bought during March" but reality was, it was scary as fuck then
Worst mentality is not getting over missing out, always another opportunity. Fuck, FedEx was a +100% from June. Instead I went with boring tech which only gave me ~50% from June

dont get me started on all the moonshots like TUP, W, PTON, and OSTK
pls GME make me feel better for missing out on those shit

>> No.23427938
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Anyone else invested in the cruise lines?

>> No.23427941

Does implied volatility actually correlate to some tangible expectation of how much the stock will move? Like, if the IV is 50%, clearly that doesn't mean the market thinks the underlying is going to move 50% in the period of the option, but does it tie to any kind of expected percent change or a distribution or something? Or is it literally just a bullshit fudge factor to make option pricing seem legit?

>> No.23427944

some of my juniors are in the green. bought gdx and gdxj close to the top so down a little on those two.

goldbug memes aside is the miner play still worthwhile/will we see a retrace of gold above 2k?

>> No.23427950

who the fuck is going on cruises now?

>> No.23427953

I don’t know if anyone has the time or cares enough to look into my stock that I am bag holding its ITRM. I bought at like $1.90 chasing moon runs posted on /smg like an idiot. It’s at 1.10 now. What’s the game plan? Cut my loses next time it goes up?

>> No.23427960

I don't see why not. I have complete confidence that they will soar.

>> No.23427961
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>Onix in ID

>> No.23427968

Non poor people?

>> No.23427977

It gained immortality from (you)'s unfortunately.

>> No.23427979

The short sellers aren’t going to have a problem finding shares under 50 if there’s no truly radical news, there’s too much selling pressure because every weak hand and their mother is in on this trade. Most non-meme price targets I’ve seen are 30-50. So they’ll cover seriously when management announces GME is getting acquired or share buybacks or something and no sooner. Hitting some arbitrary dollar figure doesn’t do shit.

>> No.23427980


>> No.23427986

Boomers, my mom is leaving for Finland in a few days

>> No.23427992

What like the propagation of niggers?

>> No.23427995


>> No.23428008

RKG is the only tranny I like, even if it types like an autistic 11 year old

>> No.23428009

everything is on stand by until after the election

>> No.23428010
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you new or something?

>> No.23428012

Anon, it might be a bit early to invest in them, but to be fair, you invest in things you think will make money in the future, not things already making money.
I live near one of the major ports in Florida, and I can tell you that Cruises will be packed as soon as they get the greenlight.

>> No.23428030

>For March/April I was just watching from the sidelines since it was way too uncertain, easy for people to say "I should have bought during March" but reality was, it was scary as fuck then

this is really true. i wish i knew about the VIX>80 rule back then though. i'll know for next time but who knows whenever that time will come. but i still remember how fucking frightening it was watching this in real time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FItEjc6VtuU

i mean just imagine watching this when you didn't know shit about what covid would do, when we didn't know if it was a new plague, when people were still going crazy about buying up all the toilet paper. it was fucking terrifying watching this shit in real time, real talk. im not gonna lie.

now i realize he had a gigantic short position on the market before even doing that interview and i know. i know the jew now. i know. and im fucking mad. for the rest of my life whenever anyone says some apocalyptic shit on national television i won't be able to help myself in assuming they have a huge short position open they are trying to profit from. fuck humanity. i hate this shit.

>> No.23428032

I did a brief flip on norwegian last month but that's about it. I don't like the chart yet for a longer hold.

>> No.23428036

shit I remember the XOM and RDSB hype

my biggest regret was not buying WKHS

>> No.23428055

Yeah I’m not getting tricked like that again.

>> No.23428057

Imagine not being able to understand shiny rock

>> No.23428069

hindsight everything

wish i knew how to recognize undervalued picks vs value traps better, kinda silly to see so many of the retail stocks far outperform the picks I actually picked through fundamentals
e.g. Party City, Bed Bath Beyond, ...
not sure why Tupperware was a 20x this year but yeah that kinda shit

>> No.23428087
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I wish I could go back to the days before I even traded. I was so much happier when I was all cash.
Just feel kind of hopeless bros. All I wanted was to gain money to spread the word of God.

>> No.23428089

Do you mean, giving money into a sinking blackhole the size of my asshole when I've finished fucking it over trap porn?

>> No.23428097

>MSM doesn't report on corona
>only mentioned on zerohedge

>MSM picks up on corona
>ZH doom porn on steriods
>crashes the market
>no idea where this will end
hindsight is always 20/20 anons

this tbqh
i'd be way up if I bought normie meme stocks

>> No.23428100

all i know is opportunity cost and i'd have been fucked if i also fell for the SILJ shilling. I don't fall for FOMO shit anymore purely because I make a rule for myself not to buy shit where I don't actually understand the sector
crabbing = losing money when even SPY is outperforming you

and well, where has precious metals taken you so far

>> No.23428114


>> No.23428117

Go tell that to old ladies and theyll give you money, and maybe you could even get a gum job

>> No.23428129

>24th century
>Racism does no longer exists in human culture
>Lower deck mostly black people, bridge crew mostly white people
What did they mean by this?
Is this based?

>> No.23428130

im gonna be real though: honestly it was genius, as fully described in detail here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PejJZIlqRQE

if anything i wish i knew how i could do something like that myself. at this point in human history i realize that shit is corrupt and the world economy is a scam, all im trying to do in all honesty is just try to be on the side of the scammers instead of on the side of the scammed. those are your only 2 choices in life. you start learning about the banks and you realize how fucked everything is. i mean how can you not get furious watching some of these videos in all honesty: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yipV_pK6HXw

>> No.23428164

You invest things that also have a secure method of raking in profits in a said envioment.

Cruises might be able to become profitable in the future, but the "fear" of another pandemic/further restrictions even years to come will put a damper/volatility, Hazzard, on cruises and airlines.

You invest things which are making money today, and will be making money tommorrow, even if a nuclear bomb goes off.

>> No.23428172

got my whole family to vote biden because weed stocks in florida

>> No.23428181
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>> No.23428198
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>only mentioned on zerohedge
and /pol

>> No.23428210

>even in 24th century, the fight against the patriarchy exists


>> No.23428223

>racism no longer exists
>people are judged on ability and intellect
>black people are in lower decks because they have neither
Idk anon, it seems like it makes sense

>> No.23428237

the problem i have with this is that for every 1 of these that is correct there are at least 10 or 20 that are incorrect. i mean, congrats, but idk how you're supposed to filter that shit exactly.

>> No.23428255


>> No.23428259

see the thing is with that was that it had some correct guesses but a whole load of shit like the mutation LARP and divesting in to eurocuck shit

>> No.23428260

cringe and faggotpilled

>> No.23428265


>> No.23428304
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bearish wedge spotted

>> No.23428310


>> No.23428314

spotted the long nose tribe

>> No.23428316
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>> No.23428320

having sex

>> No.23428325

Pol was talking about the virus when it first started in China.
I remember asking smg about it and they told me to fuck off, that it was just another nothingburger plague.
I pulled my money out of the stock market in January.
Pol saved me, unironically.

>> No.23428337

so these chart patterns... they're right 100% of the time, yes? sounds pretty profitable, fren :^)

>> No.23428347

You should short GME
What could go wrong?

>> No.23428353




>> No.23428359
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>stock can go up or down
this pattern thing is so bullshit

>> No.23428416

Lol I remember this.
>if it gets to Brazil expect many millions to die
And what did we get? Comparatively NOTHING, even literal Boomers have the sniffles for a bit and shrug it off.
Send the bioweapon back for a refund, shoulda known from the start from the "Made in China" sticker on it.

>> No.23428429

dream morning to wake up to desu.
Only thing missing is a pair of mtn bikes

>> No.23428463

IV is back calculated from the Black Scholes model
Prices are (mostly) determined by supply and demand. Then you plug the prices and greeks into the model to see what the volatility would have to be for that option price.
>This has been described as using "the wrong number in the wrong formula to get the right price".

>> No.23428464
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>> No.23428474

Nope, I'm a finngolian potato nigger, a vote for Biden is a vote for geriatric senile out of touch fuck heads and bitchy wishy washy niggers with room temperature IQs

>> No.23428487

I though that was a bull flag

>> No.23428491

why the nose???

>> No.23428508

I understand how we arrive at the number, I'm just trying to figure out if it actually means anything in pragmatic terms for understanding how risky a stock is or if it's literally just a fudge factor

>> No.23428525

I've seen anons say that anything over 100% is too expensive

>> No.23428529

It's mental wankery, it actually doesn't have practical use.

>> No.23428545

Why do you keep asking this every thread? Zoom out. Go look at a local Hertz location.

>> No.23428557

It's a decent predictor of how much volatility the market has priced in under "normal" conditions

the Black Scholes model is horrible at accounting for tail risk though. that's why Black and Scholes quickly went bankrupt when trying to actually run a fund based on their model

>> No.23428566

It’s going to the moon after the election. Get it at under2$ now, 25$ by eoy. Guaranteed

>> No.23428568

idk, snot is probably a delicacy. Asians are weird.

>> No.23428578

HTZ is actively going through bankrupcy. I'm surprised it even had a second pump after the short squeeze

>> No.23428584

while we're on the subject of black-scholes:

how do i profit from this? i've got an old book on the subject but after reading some of it i didn't understand how to actually make money from it.

>> No.23428603


You’re doing it wrong

>> No.23428609

I'm $10k deep into tankers and plan on holding. Funny enough a biden presidency would increase environmental regulations and tanker companies would have to scrap ships. Once ships start scrapping, rates increase and the "super cycle" starts. I would short and buy back, but I'm in too deep and it feels wrong selling a stock trading below its NAV.

>> No.23428630
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>> No.23428632

you can't. Black and Scholes went bankrupt trying to. It's a purely academic excercise

>> No.23428644
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Someone give me the truth about GME

What is the potential of the squeeze, and what will it come down to afterwards?

>> No.23428645

buy married puts to be safe, it's probably going to be shitty since it ends at October so no new consoles

the only real certainty is that they are not going to use up their share buybacks this year. GME has no interest in purposely fucking over short sellers right now when covid continues to be an uncertainty for retail

>> No.23428656

$10k in cash between roth and taxable, what do I buy?

>> No.23428665

The potential is very high.
The company is still undervalued, without a squeeze it will still continue to rise.
Who the fuck knows where it will come down to.
GME is turning its ship around and heading in the right direction.

>> No.23428687

>all tech and acquisition stocks
you deserve it

>> No.23428713

Previous squeezes have gone up anywhere from 6-12x (KODK, HTZ) the pre-squeeze price to a more conservative 4x if its a slow melt-up like OSTK

That puts the PT anywhere from $45-$100+ depending on how violent the squeeze is. Afterwards it will return to fair value, which is likely $15-$20. Maybe $30 if the revenue share agreements are with more than microsoft and are really decent (~10%)

>> No.23428744
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>> No.23428745

I gambled a few thousand dollars on TSLA because I want to buy a new iPhone 12 but I don’t want to pay for it because it’s disgustingly expensive.

Don’t judge me.

>> No.23428755

You bought calls right?

>> No.23428768

>buying TSLA to get an Iphone
how tacky

>> No.23428778

fuck. what isn't a purely academic exercise nowadays? any researched shit that actually works for making money in the markets or is it all bullshit? i want something mathematically proven but it feels like that doesn't exist for some reason.

>> No.23428785

I feel like the TSLA ship sailed as soon as roasties got into the stock

Shoulda been coomin with us

>> No.23428786

Nope the stocks, bought @ 411$ and now I’m waiting to see what happens.

>> No.23428788

I just came here to press f to the amc shill. You didn't listen.

>> No.23428804

I know right?

>> No.23428813
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there is

>> No.23428834

https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2020-10-21/fed-going-create-mother-all-bubbles What do you guys think about this? They're saying pretty much to buy SSO going forward. Seems a bit fishy, but then again I never thought there would be a V correction in march.

>> No.23428860

AOC walks in to your room, slowly strips her shirt off, then let’s you take off her bra. She pulls your face into her perfect breasts and you kiss them and suck them. Then you two begin to kiss and she takes your shirt off. The two of you kiss passionately and she slowly works her way down to your pants and unbuttons them. Your throbbing cock is ready for her mouth and she puts her warm Latina mouth on it. She sucks you until you almost bust then she takes off her pants and sits on you. She rides you to completion as you cum inside her warm tight pussy.

>> No.23428880

I'm not econ (engineering), but I have a close buddy who's got a bs in stats and is now doing a PhD in econ.

Direct quote from him:
>I prefer the statistics side and am even doing a class in statistical thermodynamics now
>economists, and particularly PhD students are just devising new "economic theories" and fucked up models
>It's just an art now
>nothing practical, nothing real
>just jacking off for your own intellectual fulfillment

>> No.23428881

Still voting trump

>> No.23428882
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Buy the NAIL dip?

>> No.23428884

She doesn't >pull her hot throbbing cock out smacking you in the face with it
It's like you don't even want me to get off

>> No.23428885


i did sell everything before the crash

401k, roth, brokerage

>> No.23428892

then she says "and thus the pact is sealed".

>> No.23428907

medallion fund is a physicists and statisticians.
They mock economists

>> No.23428925

> i want something mathematically proven but it feels like that doesn't exist for some reason.
ah missed this part
start with the kelly criterion

>> No.23428935

it's comforting to know to a certain degree that im on my own out here. no one actually has any holy grail so im blazing my own trail on the new frontier of making money in the current markets.

so far i've got a pretty good indicator system set up but it's made to only be able to have a high degree of success with predicting whether it will go in your direction for at least one candle. so i scalp with it.

>> No.23429000

it probably won't do an infinite squeeze because shorts can cover gradually. lots of retards getting baited by the 100%+ short interest like it's going to be the next KODK, but it'll probably be much more gradual

so dont be greedy and make sure you're trimming your position (or at least start putting trailing stops on separate chunks of your position) over time or when you hit your price targets

>> No.23429007

Anons positioning for trump landslide...how we feeling?

>> No.23429017

shouldnt have touched 401k senpai

>> No.23429028

WTF do I buy? I want to catch these dips, but want to keep cash until the election.

>> No.23429037

thanks, i'll check it out. i've heard the kelly criterion mentioned before. mind giving a brief summary and how im supposed to profit from it in the stock market, exactly? like a tl;dr?

>> No.23429058

>like it's going to be the next KODK,
what made KODK squeeze the way it did? why couldnt the shorts gradually of covered on that?

>> No.23429060

White, straight and extremely non-jewish

>> No.23429065

SSO most likely

>> No.23429090


>> No.23429120

Wkhs bros.....me no feel am good

>> No.23429131

kelly criterion is a tool for determining position sizing based on your odds of succesful bet (say your predictors getting the next candle right) to maximize EV in the long run

It's based on a log-EV payoff function, and accounts for the non-ergodicity of our bets

>> No.23429136

This is what I've been wondering. I think it's probably the right time to buy but if there's bad stimulus news it'll probably go down a few more bucks. Also looking at BLDR and BMCH

>> No.23429145

probably the very crooked deal from the gov

but i could be wrong

>> No.23429146

retail short sellers being forcefully liquidated, massive FOMO, trump tweet

the short sellers on GME are big hedge funds, they're not going to get margin called. They're probably the ones sweeping up all available calls right now for their exit strategy
while we're all profiting right now anyways, i think we're going to be sorely disappointed if we keep expecting some ludicrous 10x

>> No.23429156

A sudden unexpected pivot to covid vaccines

and a big unexpected news item (say Cohen is named CEO or does a tender offer, or a 10% revenue sharing deal with sony is announced) could totally trigger one

>> No.23429177

gonna read it more deeply tomorrow with my coffee, hope it helps me make money. funny how out of all of my engineering education, probability and statistics is what ends up making me the most money in the end, lol.

>> No.23429189

i put in back in around march and made idk 20 or 30%

i would know the exact number but we moved over to Voya recently and i lost that information

this year was a great year in all my accounts. somehow timed it all perfectly. mainly because i had a trip to japan planned so i had to monitor the coronavirus closely.

>> No.23429226

the 250% move was probably most of the move

>> No.23429229

Jesus christ, that shit dumped over 90% during the corona crash. There's less risky things to buy out there anons

>> No.23429233

What's a good free stock data api?

>> No.23429261
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>> No.23429268

there's not enough options volume to hedge their position, especially as the shorts have doubled down.

They're only hope is a 2nd lockdown or a really bad Q3 murdering momentum
Personally I hope a big ticket news item will force them to capitulate before Q3

>> No.23429286

SI has also been prone to underpredicting the SI (as of 9/15 and 9/30) when the 10/15 comes out it's likely to be around 70 M

>> No.23429295

It's going to 40 by May with or without the squeeze

>> No.23429299

S3* (shortsight) has been under-predicting the SI

>> No.23429306


and options too pls

>> No.23429310
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>He bought a miner without any indication of future projects
Lmaoing @ ur lyef
Buy KGC if you're just trying to gain exposure to the gold market breh, they crab plenty but they have some pretty good numbers for growth in the upcoming years, just started a divvie, and most importantly, they have weekly options so you can just condor or wheel it to benefit from the crab.

>> No.23429333

>there's not enough options volume to hedge their position, especially as the shorts have doubled down.
oh i understand that but there's no reason they wouldn't be buying up all the calls they can now

only one day so far but ortex estimate for yesterday was a few million lower. Of course that's probably just noise/variability with the estimates being estimates, but give it a few more days, we'll see if a downward trend is forming

>> No.23429345

Why is AMD dying?

>> No.23429363

that chart matches pretty well to the biweekly official exchange reports
they must have corrected it

>> No.23429383
File: 66 KB, 1021x330, 90 percent of SNL sketches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>twitter: mad about jim carrey's portrayal as Biden on SNL
>me: "people still watch SNL?"

>> No.23429390

I'm sure some smart shorts are hoovering up calls to hedge, but I know for a fact a lot of calls are us degen speculators, and that some fags have been selling naked calls (those will get the shortest stick of them all as shorts transfer the risk to them)

Ortex finally updated? For a long time I wasn't able to get anything newer than last tuesday. Makes sense, the share availability on iBorrow desk has been slowly rising. No one wants to add marginal shorts

If shorts are losing their will to fight that makes me think the next news spike will be the big one

>> No.23429395

because of american political bullshit that has nothing to do with AMD itself, unfortunately. uncertainty over the stimulus is fucking the market and tech in particular in general.

don't worry though, fren. get your cheapies now. ER soon.

>> No.23429399

yeah, back previously S3 was predicting as low as 48M for 9/15

>> No.23429410
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I think I'm exiting GME tomorrow.
So many moon missions have been missed from being tied up in this thing that in all reality probably won't squeeze.
I dunno, I guess the magic has been lost for me since 13 happened.

>> No.23429412

Stock goes up, stock goes down, you can't explain that

>> No.23429417

Have you not been seeing all of those call sweeps?

>> No.23429423

Nobody is this retarded right?

>> No.23429433

get rid of the chink shit like nio

>> No.23429434

I would suggest TSLA, it seems to go up week after week, but if you want a stock LIKE TSLA you could always buy NIO.

>> No.23429439

Dead serious bro, it performs well but I've seen moon missions take off on this same general over and over meanwhile I'm here waiting for ATLEAST $30.
I used to believe $100 was possible but nah.

>> No.23429456

Besides, I've been riding since 8 and already coomed pretty hard multiple times.

>> No.23429459

>up 150% over the last year

its not dying

>> No.23429478

thats kinda what im referring to
someone on stocktwits also mentioned his Oct 30 calls got assigned already
it would explain the dip on ortex, though again i wouldn't put too much faith on ortex estimates changes over a few days

could also explain the +2% today, they're starting to cover

>> No.23429490

shut the fuck up and don't tell people to buy chinese shit. listen to an interview with jack ma for fucks sake. he is a god damn retard. look at luckin coffee. look at how chinese people run over babies in the streets and nobody stops to help. you think they won't fuck you with scams since they can list on us exchanges with zero regulation? get real dipshit

>> No.23429497

good luck

>> No.23429500

>forcefully liquidated, massive FOMO, trump tweet
so aside from the trump tweet, none of that can happen to GME? Not even a tender offer or other news that can propel the squeeze?

>> No.23429507

intel is, though :^)

>> No.23429513

If stocks are only going to go up from now to 2023 why not 3X leverage then? TQQQ

>> No.23429534

NIO is definitely risky though. But Reward potential greater imo

>> No.23429544
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>> No.23429549

>So many moon missions have been missed from being tied up in this thing
if you have such godly timing that you could have caught these moon missions, why are you still here in /smg/?

it's funny how you don't realize how overconfident you are acting now just because you got lucky with GME

>> No.23429561

But the captain is black

>> No.23429570
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>> No.23429573

How far are we dipping tomorrow?

>> No.23429582
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>> No.23429585

Nice. How much are you up by? And did you ever buy back in?

>> No.23429588

Yeah there are people here that retarded. Remember the dude that sold less than an hour before the halt?

>> No.23429598

>why are you still here in /smg/?
lol this place is a gold mine for easy money, if you dont see it idk what to tell you
>got lucky with GME
read above, anyone can do some light dd on the things shilled here and make their account grow exponentially atleast 2wice every 3 months

my point is, GME has gone nowhere while other stocks have gone EVERYWHERE
i ain't trying to spread FUD, just saying there is better money to be made

>> No.23429600

A lot. Cheapies time.

>> No.23429604

Buying leaps on it soon. Feel like it will have really exploded by the end of next year.

>> No.23429616

tender offer or all shareholders calling back their shares, yes

very naive to bet on that though, it should be clear by now that GME does not give a shit about the short-term (stock price). They've made it very clear in the proxy war that they're focused on long-term and their view is that Burry/Hestia/Permit are just being short-sighted vultures pushing for share buybacks (especially now with covid and the upcoming 2021 bonds)
if you're only in GME for the short squeeze, then i dunno what to say

>> No.23429617

you are dumb, you will lose everything

>> No.23429624

Let the retard go, don't waste your time.

>> No.23429627

>have gone
hindsight is a lovely thing

>> No.23429638

trump is going to lose covid is taking over no stimulus DUMP DUMP

>> No.23429643

i hope a lot so i don't have to dump cash into the btc top

>> No.23429647

That shit was golden. I'm sure a few silent retards followed him.

>> No.23429651

Did something happen?

Was it more pointless news about "stimulus" that algos keep taking into account?

>> No.23429657

Did you actually go all in? I left 1k in cash in my account to buy any GME dips, but I've 4x'd it in the last 3 weeks playing pump and dumps. Why not just do the same? Random shit pumps everyday and you still have your shares in case le ebin squeeze happens.

>> No.23429665

If China Biden wins (doubtful) it will probably go up.

>> No.23429669

i bought back in. i started buying back in on those circuit breaker down days.

just good luck this year. 100% luck.

my 401k could only do SP500. my other accounts were up 40%.

back in cash waiting to see if it drops in the winter. and waiting for Airbnb to IPO. and i owe a lot of cap gains taxes.

sorry if that was too much info.

>> No.23429671

please post with a trip and report your progress, i'd like to see how your overconfidence and selective memory works out by Spring

>> No.23429678
File: 90 KB, 1600x900, the smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this mad that someone wants to explore greener pastures and increase their ROI
sorry little guy, maybe stay in GME and give me a report every once in a while :+)

>> No.23429681

>very naive to bet on that though
why did people bet on KODK before the trump tweet?

>> No.23429686
File: 9 KB, 247x204, su.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Puts on intel, Friday intel will see 40s.

Screencap this

>> No.23429693

Outside of my personal stack (which is relatively small) paper like SILJ and SLV moves like a shitcoin and should be traded as such. Doesn't have any affect on physical save for a few cents up or down.
Makes me wonder about the dam in China that's due to collapse at any given moment. I got rekt by corona (I was too new to this to understand how to just hold and not try and swing) and kind of want another opportunity at the expense of a few million people.

>> No.23429706

i went 158%
thats how confident I am in a squeeze.

i like my chances better with having my full amount available for p&d's

>> No.23429715

The market seems like it still hasn't priced in no stimulus and there's just a lot of uncertainty in general going on internationally imo

things just don't feel right

>> No.23429717

No it was just what I wanted to know.

Gratz, man.

>> No.23429722
File: 31 KB, 640x594, FDCFC3DC-6512-4395-BADF-21A931E2B1D4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post with a trip
no, but you'll know me by my portfolio screenshots
>overconfidence and selective memory
these p&d are so easy to catch if you have even the most remote clue of what is going on

>> No.23429723

only if you keep posting cartoons

>> No.23429742

Go on. You have my ear, shill. But first, just how heavy are your bags?

>> No.23429743

If you’re in GME for the long term or some other gay fundamental play you’re a retard and need to stop huffing the bald Seeking Alpha guy’s farts. GME is a POS company and dead by the end of the decade and was only ever a squeeze gamble around here at the start and if you’re not in it only for that gamble you need to GTFO.

>> No.23429744
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>> No.23429751

Guys HYLN almost 20 a share, is it time to buy?

>> No.23429761

>why did people bet on KODK before the trump tweet?
KODK itself is quite an unusual company. Irrc, I think KODK is sort of the only competitor to ASML (lithography). They also had crypto currency stunt a while ago, and that they used to have a nuclear reactor

no one had money in KODK because they expected a short squeeze though

>> No.23429767
File: 112 KB, 807x444, 1603148326134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you're that dude that has 30k in it. Still think you should hold on to some shares, but its your money. Do whatever you think is best.

>> No.23429792

no, im not 30k in
my buying power is about half that size
ive been coom posting since like 8 and did some swinging, i'm just bored of the stock
might keep like 100 shares or whatever
>but its your money. Do whatever you think is best.

>> No.23429810

I want to believe anon, but I think we still have to approach it as speculative. I have more faith in it than any other spac or EV speculation play though.

>> No.23429816

Weed stocks are never safe

>> No.23429821

youre obviously new here, let me give you a quick rundown. /pol/ thought that the entire population of china was going to be depopulated by corona virus, turned out to be a nothing burger; then this past summer /pol/ was convinced that the three gorges dam was going to burst any moment. I vaguely remember they had a specific date, like they literally thought it was going to happen in july or something. I dont remember exactly, anyways it was another nothing burger where /pol/ turned out to be embarrassingly wrong.

on the rare occasions when /pol/ is right its simply because of the broken clock is right twice a day phenomena, its really that simple. /pol/ constantly thinks happenings are happening, like every single day, however the vast majority of the time nothing happens at all lol. IOW /pol/ is usually wrong, just FYI

>> No.23429851

well if that's what you're in GME for, you're already failing hard because no one is fucking covering you humongous retard
you dont even realize you're only gaining money from GME because of the speculative recovery play
you don't understand the play at all

the short squeeze is only possible in the first place if the fundamentals for GME actually turns around
fuck off retard

>> No.23429859

Take your meds.

>> No.23429864

I think i'm going to capture all my premium this week

>> No.23429867

Trump aint winning

>> No.23429871
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>> No.23429882

>chinese people run over babies in the streets and nobody stops to help
I actually have seen webm's of people getting squished by trucks in china, they really are bug people.

>> No.23429888

im not a bear faggot

>> No.23429903
File: 118 KB, 1199x752, Screen Shot 2020-10-21 at 7.32.55 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate my fucking life zomg

I am once again at new lows and going lower...

>> No.23429919
File: 575 KB, 944x720, smug55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear you were that guy with 30k in. He always posted with pic related. The GME crab has opened my eyes to penny plays. I typically post what penny play I'm in, but I'm never flashy with it or anything. I posted about WEI, MRIN, ASTC and ISIG just as an example. So if you see some random ticker posted here give it a look. It always isn't gonna play out, but I've been on fire this week.

>> No.23429927
File: 46 KB, 800x555, A0BA998A-E644-42B3-A30D-925FF5E8560D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related you

>> No.23429936

>holding weeklies
>buying uvxy
I have found your issues

>> No.23429952

If you think trump will win you're delusional

>> No.23429966

I've been here too long and lost too much money

>> No.23429972

yeah im pretty mad how could you tell, cant believe that other anon didn't even realize that GME turning around is necessary for the short squeeze to even happen

>> No.23429978 [DELETED] 

The people getting squished will be the retards that bought NIO et all chinese and the truck will be CCP. It is just a matter of time. Figurately and unironically.

>> No.23429998

>GME turning around
that's part of the plan?

>> No.23430003

What's your all time look like?

>> No.23430007

The people getting squished will be the retards that bought NIO et all chinese and the truck will be CCP. It is just a matter of time. Figuratively of course and unironically.

>> No.23430013

If you think Biden will win you suck old man dementia cock

>> No.23430015

Most likely yea. I wouldn't ever touch chink shit. Way too scammy, very unethical. There is a very obvious conflict of interest between a chinese company and an american shareholder.

>> No.23430016
File: 279 KB, 828x546, 6F7AE2E6-881A-4026-ABEE-8DE77725F5DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeah im pretty mad how could you tell, cant believe that other anon didn't even realize that GME turning around is necessary for the short squeeze to even happen

>> No.23430049
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Yeah... I'm thinking we're back bobos! Red train to the election, time to make Bulls seethe again

>> No.23430051

true but I absolutely hate myself for not buying BYDDY (BYD)
Apparently Berkshire is an investor or something? Shit. batteries/electric china with a real business. I fucked up so bad.

>> No.23430057

Delusional trumpfag stuck in 2016

>> No.23430061

So if trump wins, how will the stock market be like during the impending civil war?

>> No.23430065


>> No.23430068
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>it's another dump day tomorrow
It's so fucking tiresome bros please just end it already for the love of God. Please.

>> No.23430082


>> No.23430087
File: 91 KB, 512x338, 1600888181244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Bullfags have had their share of good days over the last month, it's only fair that a bobo gets his due every now and again. I hope it dumps hard, fast, pumping and dumping vigorously.

>> No.23430089

Retarded dumbass who wants a bitchy nigger cunt as commander in queef

>> No.23430120


>> No.23430122

no shit

do you think shorts are going to start covering if Q3 or Q4 is shit?

>> No.23430140


>> No.23430141
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>> No.23430151
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>> No.23430158

Is Ford a buy? They e been doing pretty well this week all things considered. They had that self driving electric car announcement and have been keeping green and steady since.

>> No.23430162
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Shhhh..... sleep now

>> No.23430164
File: 34 KB, 600x360, BigGreenWads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy beat down stock with a sweet sweet dividend yield of 5-7%
>SP drops by 10% in a quarter
The biggest green wads make you work for 'em. They don't make 'em like they used to

>> No.23430172

Evens FB go down
Odds FB crashes to 260

>> No.23430191

Nah it’s gonna pump

>> No.23430209

post it so i can either praise you or laugh at you by the end of it

>> No.23430211

anyone else buying NFLX, FSLY, TGTX?

Is this coomcat gme thing an smg thing, or is this part of the twitter/ST/reddit/discord/youtube GME movement?

>> No.23430303

Kind of a gamble I think. Their original series are terrible and their competition is getting more fierce. They could turn things around but as far as I can see they don't really have a game plan for stable growth.

They only make Money from TikTok, a fad that's already dying a gradual death even without the political shitfest surrounding it. The reason why Snap is mooning is because Zoomers are migrating from TikTok. You're too late to follow the trend.

I know nothing about biopharm so go for it.

>> No.23430395

It's definitely schitzo central over there, that much is obvious. The election is definitely going to have an effect on things one way or another. This would be the second of the broken clock analogy. How to play it is another story.

>> No.23430427
File: 1.22 MB, 2000x1000, goodcoom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/smg/ oc fren

I've made several of these images myself

>> No.23430434

Sigh, my big regret is not holding and not buying more NET when it was under 20 per... If I'd dumped 14,000 in it @ 20 per well it'd be worth around 39,000 today. Fucking hell. At least I got C at a big discount..

>> No.23430455

My folio is only GME and TSLA

>> No.23430457

How far out you guys picking your TWTR puts?

>> No.23430460

Remember what happened to solemani, if you're with Iran your fates will be the same.

>> No.23430486
File: 1.07 MB, 1125x1104, 1595609162321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ has a HAPPENING fetish so will exaggerate the severity of absolutely everything. I can't believe they still have coronavorus generals over there. It's been what, 8 months now? How many more "two more weeks" until we are all dropping like flies from le permanent brain/lung/nervous system/infertility due to covid?

>> No.23430489

thats pretty bearish for gme desu

>> No.23430494

>At least I got C at a big discount
thoughts on PFSI?

>> No.23430505

>"If only I had perfect knowledge of the future!"
Quit being a faggot, nothing's a given in this clown market we live in.

>> No.23430522
File: 469 KB, 1021x1920, B4B4761F-DCF7-4E13-AFED-82628ACFEF68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When GME finishes I’ll commission some art like this for you coomers so you can remember it and all the memes and shitposting.

>> No.23430542
File: 54 KB, 419x248, 1555750406735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that'd be dope

>> No.23430546

I forgot baggie bought calls today... I should have sold then re-bought in the morning

>> No.23430549

is that a reference to BIRD JESUS

>> No.23430553
File: 86 KB, 639x382, 3337B4D4-994F-4314-B7D4-D58FFD743AAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember who was based and the biggest money maker for who listened to him. BUY

>> No.23430591

So how much will TSLA pump tomorrow? They beat the earnings

>> No.23430617

DXY is ripping

>> No.23430667

Every single futures index is red except vix uh oh

>> No.23430709

>only possible if the fundamentals actually turn around

Fuck you niggerfaggot, No ones buying it to hold long term. I could give a flying fuck whether all that fluff turnaround and Microsoft bullshit is true or works out. It’s been volatile enough since Cohen that the squeeze makes it worth paying for such a piece of shit company for anyone who isn’t poor to throw a thousand or two at it without actually having to convince themselves that it will ever compete with Amazon or digital long term. If you’re not out of this stock by April permanently you are a fucking retarded bagholder. Kill yourself.

>> No.23430717

How do you filter out the 10 lies for every 1 truth in every single other form of media? Better learn...

>> No.23430735

If there is just a little pump Ill sell. I don't feel so good anymore.

>> No.23430740

Not necessarily.
Sell the top yes, but buy back in if you think the company can succeed. I don't think anyone believe it will go to 2k per share, but If they do reinvent the company? Sure maybe it can go somewhere.

>> No.23430767
File: 206 KB, 990x1200, 1599467313803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WEWWWW this gorgeous british brunette on Bloomberg... what a classic beauty

anyone here follow what's going on with batteries?

Cute korean analyst talking about panasonic's cylindrical batteries they make for tesla... I'm getting curious.

As a man balls deep in UVXY, buy the opening if it's down, and take profits on your hedges ASAP


>this year was a great year in all my accounts. somehow timed it all perfectly. mainly because i had a trip to japan planned so i had to monitor the coronavirus closely.
congrats and fuck you
what's the status with Japan accepting foreigners right now?

>> No.23430797

>random shit pumps everyday

how are you fuckers finding this shit allegedly? i have doubts

>> No.23430799

Any of you fags baking or do you need me to?

>> No.23430812


>implying im a thread cuck
make that shit for me, bitch

>> No.23430813

I think TAOP will be the next chinaman stock to explode

>> No.23430819


>> No.23430830

are we gonna enter a multi year bear market if Biden wins?

>> No.23430832


>> No.23430893

I found out how by lurking these threads

>> No.23430926

stop sperging out on me you loser
just sell your GME in November with console hype if that's all you're hoping for
that April timeline is exactly what i'm betting on for Gamestop's turnaround, this was initially a November squeeze play but it should be clear by now that's not happening with how stubborn shorts are
again, you don't understand the play at all but that's fine, selling prematurely like a pussy will still leave you with profit

>> No.23431086

I don't see gold dropping tho

>> No.23431124

Do coinfags actually make real cash money?

>> No.23431801
File: 273 KB, 640x1136, 4C522C15-1B1D-4AA3-AD92-06C9A614D711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Parents from shithole country want to invest 40k dollar equivalent. Any tips on how to divide % in stocks, funds, gold, dollar, crypto etc

>> No.23431829

And the head doctor is a cat. The show is dumb and I don't know why I'm half way done with the 10 episodes.