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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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23424018 No.23424018 [Reply] [Original]


What did linkies mean by this?

>> No.23424044

Can you link to the speech without some faggot commentator that I assume is you OP?
Thank you.
>Reported for copyright infringement and offensive content

>> No.23424520


>> No.23425255

How come so quiet linkies?

>> No.23425696

Schwab was literally born in Nazi Germany

>> No.23425919

What are you trying to say?

>> No.23426310

>he thinks Klaus Schwab was "born"

>> No.23426617

tfw you realize wearing a mask and social distancing is just social engineering
How do you stop this madness

>> No.23426639


>> No.23426653

>How do you stop this madness
Yoou turn to God and accept your faith
Because that is all you can do for yourself. And on top of it, it is the best thing you can do.
Everything else is just a waste of time

>> No.23426710

Expand on this

>> No.23426764
File: 38 KB, 425x283, 1603317639657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a breadcrumb

>> No.23426803

> globohomo already immigrated foreign pussy
> become rich and fugg
> don't travel
> claim you don't travel so you're saving the planet

>> No.23426913

I realize. Give me a slice of bread at least I’m not asking for the full loaf

>> No.23426928

What causes this incoherent schizophrenia?

>> No.23427142

Bump. Gib gibs

>> No.23427160

The ideals of the great replacement will be bleached

>> No.23427327


>> No.23427489

Klaus S.C.W.A.B. was created as part of a Nazi super-soldier program, designed to create the ultimate bureaucrat, one capable of administering and guiding the thousand year Reich. Only thing is, it worked too well. Long story short, the Nazis realized their mistake and tried to gas him. Their first attempt failed however, due to wooden gas chamber doors and Klaus managed to organize his own escape. Fast forward to today, and he's on the verge of implementing his plan for world domination.

>> No.23428399

yfw Klaus escaped the brapper chamber by walking backwards which confused his guard and then he was able to escape unnoticed

>> No.23428633

Any other red pills for me?

>> No.23428739

>Any other red pills for me?
You can freeze bread without any problems

>> No.23428962

Klaus is quite the mastermind, he figured out a way to reduce the entirety of the worlds data entry workload unto a single angry wagey who they say screams 10 hours a day straight. The rest of the klaus administratum is a bunch of roasties, chads and stacies who take extended 7 hour lunch breaks, do no work and complain about how useless and lazy the angry wagey is.

A dark vision of the future indeed.

>> No.23429319


>> No.23429344
File: 169 KB, 660x977, TK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23430060


>> No.23430297

The world is in the process of reopening despite soaring recorded case numbers they are reopening. The who is urging the world to reopen because world poverty has doubled. This disproves the narrative in that video.

>> No.23430537

I buy bread with no preservatives and freeze half the loaf.