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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23422573 No.23422573 [Reply] [Original]

I come from /adv/

My brother passed away last week. He left me pic related. I know absolutely nothing about these things. What should I do? I had a look at the charts and it seems like it's lost a lot of value since 6mo ago. I have no idea how to interpret them though.

>> No.23422606

a fallen LINK marine..

>> No.23422607

pls be larp

>> No.23422615 [DELETED] 

invest into haircomb token

>> No.23422627

What happened?

Not larp, this is entirely real. There's also £2000 GBP ETH on coinbase.

>> No.23422636

>Walton chain
I see the cause anyway

>> No.23422714

Well, you inherited more or less 8000$ of shitcoins, if you have the password for his accounts you can sell everything and cashout, somehow.

>> No.23422748

Slam everything into STA, forget about it for two years, come back to multiple hundreds of thousands.

>> No.23422752

ok. whatever you do, do not give anyone the mnemonic, password or address. do some research online and find out how to sell those coins for eth/btc and then cash out

>> No.23422794

Sad if true. What happened? I guess you have full access to his accounts since you posted that screenshot?

>> No.23422800

I mean, I don't need the money. Would be fun grow it in to something

>> No.23422804

nice. You will have $600k soon
Sell all the other bullshit for more Chainlink

>> No.23422845

Lorry t-boned him... Fortunately we shared a long time ago "what if" documents with passwords etc..

>> No.23422967

Then don't trust anyone on /biz/ if you're new, pajeets here likes to shark those without experience.

>> No.23422986
File: 78 KB, 846x1024, 152824F5-F99D-4943-9097-19C6B05F233C (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to hear anon. Make sure you hold tight to that Link ETH and XMR.

>> No.23423025
File: 376 KB, 1080x589, Cupace20201021162410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't cash out to his bank and withdraw. You'll be fucked anon. Rip LINK Marine

>> No.23423043

What happened with LINK?

>> No.23423067

>grow it
sell everything for bitcoin

>> No.23423080

We lost a marine

>> No.23423102

Keep them all
Sell these two

>> No.23423104

Sell everything but LINK.
Sorry for your loss..

>> No.23423120
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>> No.23423160

Split it evenly between ETH, BTC, LINK, and RSR. You need nothing else shilled here

>> No.23423172

How come?

What's the deal with link?

>> No.23423214

This but put it all in link, forget btc, eth and rsr

>> No.23423233
File: 37 KB, 400x350, 1583789450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look up the 'oracle problem'
Link solves this.
Research the tech heavily and you'll soon understand what the deal is.

>> No.23423237

I need reasons

>> No.23423240

put it all into monero then use that to buy a gun on the darkweb. you must kill the lorry driver and avenge your brother, or his soul will be unable to rest for eternity.

>> No.23423256


>> No.23423276

Keep it all, anon. Read around here awhile, research the coins he chose to invest in, and enjoy the culture he enjoyed. Don’t take advice from this board. They will scam you, it isn’t personal. Do your own research. I’m sorry for your loss.

>> No.23423277

Link faggots are a cult.

>> No.23423305

Because the possibilities of link are endless and its the last missing piece to make blockchains interoperable with the real world. They provide a way to get real world data onto all the different blockchains using something called oracles and you will be able to stake your link to earn money passively. I havent spoonfed anyone since 2019, im sorry for your brother fren

>> No.23423342

I'm sorry about your brother, anon. Most of his money is in Chainlink, which is this board's favourite project, and we have extremely high hopes for it. If you don't need it urgently my best advice is just to leave it. Your brother knew what he was doing.

>> No.23423381


>> No.23423385

>Solves problem critical to 4IR
Cope harder newfag

>> No.23423388

checked digits confirm.
Sorry for your loss. He was one of us.
I'd sell everything for link and BTC but if you trust your brother I'd hold everything and sell in a year or so slowly during the bull run

>> No.23423392


Just put it all-in Bitcoin then, you'll be solid for the next 20 years.

>> No.23423414

if only he had a 10,000 LINK he would've lived. Its the suicide stack for a reason.

>> No.23423421

Sorry for your loss man. I can tell your brother really got into this stuff late 2017 - early 2018 based on the coins purchased. I know because I played with the same ones.

Step 1. Convert everything that is not LINK, XMR, ETH.... into BTC (Bitcoin). Do that as soon as possible. And then come back in a month for more rebalancing advice

>> No.23423435

>What's the deal with link?

>> No.23423447

/biz/ has been overrun with scammers and shilling bag holders the past few months. Beware.

ETH, XMR, and REQ are indeed the only coins worth holding there. The others are shitcoins.

>> No.23423465

Basically what everyone is saying is good advice. Sell everything but Link/ETH and put it all into LINK or LINK/ETH.

The primary reason is because those are the only two on that entire list that isn't complete shit.

>> No.23423496
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>> No.23423497

based advice

>> No.23423508

Also, this thread has an amazingly high signal:noise ratio - newbies take note

>> No.23423515

second this. you could just try ride out the shitcoins your brother chose but many of them are not exactly quality.

sorry for your loss OP

>> No.23423534


Don't listen to these kikes
Go all in in LINK, not for the money but because it clearly is what your brother would've wanted
Also, my condolences bro

>> No.23423552

When I die bury me with my private keys

>> No.23423572

to add, Monero is also a solid project, get more of them

>> No.23423588
File: 292 KB, 334x506, 1593698226454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you shut your bitch mouth.

>> No.23423598

This but give my private keys to my frens

>> No.23423605

Your brother was a smart man, keep the link.
Sorry for your loss, sad we lost a marine.

>> No.23423621

We lost a marine today frens, this reminds me to find a way to transmit my linkies to my family if I die.
It's on my trezor and I have the seed and passphrase remembered without backups... I repeat them everyday to not forget but fuck if I die my 55k link will go out of circulation forever.

>> No.23423693

/biz/ is ridden with cults. You might want to lurk this board for some time and see how various "predictions" and opinions play out in time.
Time is the worst enemy to scams. And there are lot of scams and poorfags who have no dignity. You literally need to lurk more.
Never reach for your wallet even if thread promises you x1000 your investment. Just watch and learn for few monts. It took me a year before I actually bought LINK, and that investment turned out good.

>> No.23423851

Sorry for your loss OP
The majority of those holdings are shitcoins during the last bull run. Not to diss your brother or anything (everyone here got swindled by trash projects whether they admit it or not...it tends to happen during the mania of the bull run) but even so you can probably salvage money by selling it and putting it into legit projects. The only three projects worth having are Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Monero. Each of those coins has demonstrated use case, thriving communities, and potential to grow over the future. Good luck and do some research before committing.

>> No.23423931

stick to btc, eth, link, and xmr

do not buy anything else.

>> No.23423974


Consolidate that other garbage into link and leave it be, he would’ve wanted to hold

>> No.23424180

I agree with everyone saying to keep LINK and ETH. I also suggest you hold the XMR, it has a niche that will never go away.
I also think you should keep the ARK. Not because it isn't garbage, but because we ARKies had great times together. Chances are your bro and I traded bantz back in the old days. ARK threads were max comfy. And that stack is only worth like $3 now anyway. I still hold mine for the nostalgia, and I'm gonna go spin the /biz/ ARK faucet if it still exists, in memory of your brother.

>> No.23424412

Thanks for your advice brothers. I'll take a ponderance.

>> No.23424757


>> No.23425091

buy a hardware wallet first though, get your brother's coins off the exchange, the exchanges are not safe

>> No.23425489
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Fellow XLM bro. Hold till you make it

>> No.23425535

ignore people telling you to buy shitcoins, they are just shilling their bags. None of these tokens have any value.
Sell everything either to eth or to usd. Eth has value because it generates millions in daily fees and it's going to be possible to eth owners to earn that soon.

>> No.23425544


>> No.23425604

Be sure to get a ledger or a trezor.

Never keep funds on exchanges. Swap everything for BTC, ETH, LINK, and XMR. Transfer everything to your hardware wallet. Forget about it for 5 years, do not touch your wallet at all and you will make it.

>> No.23425618


>> No.23425657

1. Get a hardware wallet
2. Sell the rest and all in Link
3. Wait a couple of years
4 Profit

>> No.23425668

Your brother hodld link to the bitter end. Take up his torch anon, I only hope my hands are that strong

>> No.23425807

thats sad F

>> No.23426306


you'll notice when people give advice, some try to slip a shitcoin in with the legitimate coins eg:
>sell all for BTC, ETH, LINK, PNK
>nothing but BTC, LINK, RSR
pretty much, BTC is the baseline that all crypto currencies are measured against. Every serious crypto trader holds a large chunk of BTC. ETH is the currency for smart contracts & LINK is the /biz/ coin + helps make smart contracts actually useful. all three of these are serious projects and are 10+ year holds.
XMR gets an honourable mention because it has real world use but people have mixed feelings on whether it will moon or not.
everything else is a shitcoin, and is highly speculative. expect to lose everything you put in, and you may get lucky and make a 10x. probably not tho
chances are, if someone is shilling you a shitcoin not on the [BTC, ETH, LINK] list, you'll be buying their bags.

OP, you brother was a marine, he clearly believed in LINK. it may not be the ideal circumstance, but welcome to our community.


>> No.23426444

And you'll get faggots like this spreading Fear uncertainty and doubt (FUD) over legitimate projects because they haven't read about them on reddit (you can tell by the spacing).
Guaranteed would have called LINK a shitcoin in 2018.
ALWAYS do your own research OP

>> No.23426525

RSR is dog shit garbage

>> No.23427370

Exit all cryptoshit and invest in actual financial instruments. Your brother's ghost will then accompany your children through college safely.

>> No.23428102

This anon is correct

>> No.23428607

F.....please just sell everything there but LINK into BTC or all LINK. Once a link marine always a link marine.

>> No.23428649

>Muh cult
God I wish you cunts were all brave enough to stand in front of a trolley after missing the >19usd ath.

>> No.23429360

You’re gonna wanna sell everything for the top one (LINK) and then come back in a year

>> No.23429405

Sorry for your loss

>> No.23429408

See you on the moon space cowboy

>> No.23429463

Your brother was a Link Marine, do not sell the LINK.

Keep the ETH, Link, and maybe the XLM and XMR. Everything else is trash, exchange it for Bitcoin, Eth, or Link.
If you want a moonshot, get yourself a small bag of XRP.

>> No.23429495

Also, I am sorry for your loss. If you really want to be respectful of his picks and not exchange any of it, you can hold onto all of it, and then follow the anon advice in this thread to put more money into it.

>> No.23429503


Keep the Link he accumulated as a memory

>> No.23429523

rolling for this

>> No.23429536

Sympathies about your brother, OP. I hope your family is doing as well as can be expected under the circumstances.

Shitcoins aren't going to grow. They're just slowly going to evaporate away. ETH and LINK are the only two on that list that have any chance of being useful and surviving, the rest were all pump-and-dump scams.

Convert them to Bitcoin (BTC, not the various shitcoins that borrowed the name to try to meme themselves as competition), and either leave it as that, or cash it out in your preferred national currency.

>> No.23429901

He probably would have held the link while gambling on the others for more XMR. If you don't have time to watch for pumps to sell on just consolidate the rest into Monero now and let it ride.