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23413120 No.23413120 [Reply] [Original]

> All the maxis suddenly parading

>> No.23413133

it's pretty cringe.

>> No.23413191
File: 2.76 MB, 640x800, 1588042634697.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. mad lowcoiner who hasn't secured his 6.15 BTC for ERABTB

keep seething

>> No.23413197

> +5%

How desperate can they be?

>> No.23413202

They are unironically r/bitcoin posters who are salty they fell for the LINK fud and think they can rub 4% gains in our face (despite them being down 40% from their buy in).
Prove me wrong maxipad redditors.
Protip: you can't.

>> No.23413231

Do you know why? Hint: possibly the most bullish news since buttcorn was created was announced today.

>> No.23413240

Let them have their fun while it lasts

>> No.23413278

Posting on this reddit tier board is fucking painful when shitcoiners are running around spewing uneducated child-like investment advice. So I came out of the woodwork to laugh now BTC is breaking critical resistance and shitcoins are going the other way at last.

>> No.23413311

Seething poor shitcoiners in this thread. 10% btc pumps for the old whales here is more than you poorfags will ever make.

>> No.23413324

>dude my advice is gold
>that's why it has taken years but at last it has moved 4%

>> No.23413338

bandwagoners with <1 BTC spotted

>> No.23413342


>> No.23413366
File: 306 KB, 1000x666, 56892582-F446-4221-B8D3-4BC63A745575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so much salt
I keep telling every day that sats is all that matters but you won’t listen

>> No.23413372


>still referring to other coins as "shitcoins"

OK boomer

>> No.23413394

6 btc here

>> No.23413404

>you had 4 years to accumulate
>you were playing with shitcoins

im anonymous why would i care what you think i have? im here to laugh at you not talk about me

>> No.23413429

0.15 more to go then you made it

>> No.23413471
File: 137 KB, 400x388, pepe crying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aliens stored data in those crystals. That library in particular concerns the future of Chainlink.

>> No.23413497

$18k buyer who never moved to LINK here despite being here since ICO. Can confirm.

>> No.23413532
File: 29 KB, 280x305, 6234256C-2C9B-4E07-96D4-1FACED818AC0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boomer coin

>> No.23413574

Yeah, all of those pesky little altcoins are gonna disappear overnight, any day now!

>> No.23413622

shitcoiners are going to disappear without a trace.
there wont even be any juicy rekt suicide threads. they'll just vanish and we'll be left wondering where they went

>> No.23413677

nah, you're still going to see the occasional shitcoiner.
from your balcony in the citadel you will be able to see them digging thru trash heaps.
remember, its fully legal to shoot them, so have fun.

>> No.23413710
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>1.10 btc

>> No.23413798

Checked, we finna bouta make it with our $100 bitcorn investment on etoro! We stackin' sats nigga!

>> No.23413847
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Poorfag alt hodlers on suicide watch

Thanks for buying my alts off me in august new fags, your funds went straight back into BTC ETH & LINK.

>> No.23413918

you wouldn't believe how poor and worthless you are. no wonder why dad left.

>> No.23413968
File: 1.29 MB, 1194x1194, boomercoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look, it's a boomer. How is that 401k going BOOMER?

>> No.23414044

As someone who is 99.5% in link and 0.5% in btc I'm quite happy about my epic bitcoin gains today.

>> No.23414215
File: 45 KB, 500x413, 1390633_526041047483372_1501186949_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or oldfags who spent so long on /fit/ they forgot the other bit... LINK passed me by. Not salty. Happy I've stacked BTC right as people slightly more clueless than myself adopt en masse. I'm good brah. We're all gonna make it (except FTM they're fuct).

>> No.23414301

Same feels so comfy

>> No.23414831
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> shits on alts
>owns link and eth

>> No.23414968

Nice cope newfag, not all alts are equal, my eth and link stacks are the perfect hedge against potential black swan events with bitcoin. The alts new fags like you bought off me in august and plan to hold long term might not ever even see ATH again, we dont share comparable strategies, you aren't on my level.

>> No.23414982

>Almost like they want you to buy in


>> No.23415038

>buys btc
>calls himself an investor

>> No.23415086

>cant read

>> No.23415154

Your little 4% pump is over, any shitcoin is a better investment than btc

>> No.23415175

>calls it an investment

>> No.23415180

Yeah sure buddy, you actually found the best alts, congrats champ

>> No.23415259

Why consider altcoins a competition to bitcoin instead of treating them like tech stocks? "Bitcoin maximalists" vs "shitcoiners" sounds to me like "gold bugs" vs "stock traders". Such a comparison makes no sense to me.

>> No.23415303

Of course it makes no sense to you, because you don't know what you're talking about just like all the other shitcoiners lmfao

>> No.23415311
File: 89 KB, 351x512, 1583689464656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's literally no point in buying Bitcoin instead of buying LINK. Bitcoin has some vague value attached to itself. Some vague vision about it being used everyday or being a "digital gold" whatever the fuck that is supposed to mean. Bitcoin is just babbys first introduction to crypto/blockchain. After that it's all about smartcontracts. But hey keep buying the same thing that all the boomers and niggers on YouTube are buying. I'm sure you are early enough.

>> No.23415340

This is the truth.
I agree with this tweet. Dominance has to be changed as a metric to end this constant shit throwing.

>> No.23415372
File: 12 KB, 194x259, china_bots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah exactly, its like a narrative being forced on people

Look at all the astroturfing

smells like china, want to save their miners

>> No.23415771

t. delusional brainlet

>> No.23416368


>> No.23416663
File: 56 KB, 960x425, bitcoin-value.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ERABTB = BTC era?

>> No.23417133

Thanks to delusion I'm up from $3k to $210k in 3 years with LINK while BTC has basically crabbed at $7k-$12k

>> No.23417303

Honestly sometimes crypto feels like people calling Lebron James a shitty basketball player because he isn't as good as Michael Jordan.

I know it's shocking to some people here but there could be multiple good investments and those investments can be different depending on time preference and risk tolerance.

>> No.23417926

gamblers sometimes win

>> No.23417964

You've been here for 3 years and have no clue about btc's price action. You're a newfag larp who bought link at $10, didn't you?

>> No.23418067
File: 557 KB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20201021-201231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao seethe more

Not even 3 years. Joined biz in 2018 january as an 18yo. This is almost half of my links on CB. Others are on Aave and Binance. If you think BTC will reach $100k before LINK reaches $100 you are delusional.

>> No.23418087

> Lmao seethe more

It's a logical argument. Gamblers sometimes win. Refute that.

>> No.23418123

If you call holding LINK for nearly 3 years through pumps and dumps gambling then basically all crypto "investing" is gambling.

>> No.23418146
File: 46 KB, 355x355, bitcoinmaxipads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23418167

Explain to me how holding LINK for 3 years is not gambling.

>> No.23418794

Explain to me how it is you dumbass boomer.

>> No.23418832

Don't bother replying to the low IQ bitcoin boomer. You'll be a multimillionaire soon enough.

>> No.23418914

>he doesn’t know
6.15 is the amount for Eternal Riches And Big Titty Bitches