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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 284 KB, 1260x1230, 1598965846309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23410340 No.23410340 [Reply] [Original]

It is literally killing me inside not knowing, without any doubt, who Satoshi Nakamoto is or was.

>> No.23410986

stop worrying about it. try to get someone to make a judgment about it on Kleros. PNK 4 lyyyyyfe

>> No.23411074

In on subtle kleros shilling thread ;) I know what you are saying OP. I can read between the lines. SN=CL

>> No.23411091

also, PNK is the next LINK

>> No.23411105

adam back

>> No.23411277


It's clearly Mr. Craig Wr- PFWAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.23411423
File: 300 KB, 548x527, 45y4y5shr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously it is the illuminati planning to take over the world's wealth by slowly establishing BTC as THE store of value over the coming decades and when it is too late using the actual keys to Satoshi's million by finally being able to rule the world, perhaps even overtly.

>> No.23411459

1. Craig filed restraining order against him.
2. He's currently in prison
3. He created bitcoin to privately fund an army to invade a certain region in Africa

>> No.23411729

See how this thread is burried? It is them.

>> No.23412192

it's n*** s****, but it doesn't matter