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23400118 No.23400118 [Reply] [Original]

Any /biz/ oldfags on here? Did any of you actually manage to grab a huge bag of BTC or ETH back in the day? How are you doing now?

>Any projects that catch your eye as going to be big, oldfags?

>> No.23400174
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Fellow oldfag here. First got into crypto in September 2020 when I bought 3 Chainlink tokens.
My fellow Judaism friends recommend Bancor, should be a pretty good buy.
Wait until it gets to zero before buying of course.

>> No.23400193

I was here in 2017 AMA

>> No.23400241

As an oldfag I recommend Haircomb token

>> No.23400256
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>1. Did you make it
>2. How much did you make in the 2017 bullrun
>3. Any projects that look promising to you

>> No.23400257
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Yo, been around for around 7 years. i am what you would refer to as AN ABSOLUTELY INSANE LITECOIN BULL. I basically made it on litecoin, what i thought to be the best coin ever.... until today.
you see... there is a new token on the block. It goes by the name of $BOOB. Its supply being pegged at 50k, h-how in the world does it achieve this!!!?!?!?! this peg is achieved by the burn rate function and the dynamic yield farming APY that changes in relation to the current supply, to ensure that the supply is remaining at around 50k, but at the same time also providing viable APY's for farming

>> No.23400271

boob: the new litecoin...

>> No.23400291

I don't know if i'd consider myself an oldfag, but I've been on biz since early 2017. I got into Antshares at $5, and started filling my Chainlink bags at 20 cents. The project i'm most heavily invested in now (besides eth and btc) is Statera. Alot of people are fudding it hard, but thats only because they're not autistic enough to understand its scope.

>> No.23400302
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Luigi.finance version 2 electric BOOgaloo

>> No.23400349

Alright man I get it. I hold 38k STA. I'm about to load up to 100k+ of STA.
But honestly STA is not a long term hold. No way. I just don't see it happening. It at best has one massive pump left then the train will be derailed. I honestly think Scott has another project in the works.
That being said I am going to sell the next pump and be set for a while. I truly am not trying to fud, I just don't get how people see this as a NEVER SELL hold. It for sure is a short-mid hold but nowhere near long.

>> No.23400370

I was in uni and didn’t make it because I was a poorfag. My big hit was when I pulled in x25 on TRX. Put in $500 and made ~10K which I used to fund my life throughout college to study comp sci instead of working at dumb wagecuck cafe’s and shit. Meanwhile for 3 years I also kept researching crypto and trying to find a moonshot but kept blowing through more and more money. The best holds would of been LINK and BNB, but sadly I didn’t commit to either. In all honesty, the name of the game is to gain as many sats as possible. If you want to know “what projects look promising” it’s BTC and don’t ever think it’ll ever be different. Just buy as much as possible for as long as possible and sooner or later you’ll have 1 MM USD. That’s my plan. DeFi is an easy risk free way to make more sats and dump your bags on plebs.

>> No.23400376

Also want to say that once I sell the next pump at my sell point... If I see that STA is going somewhere again I will buy back in. But as far as a long hold the team will have to do something significant for the project to convince me to hold long term and NEVER SELL.

>> No.23400421

Radix is what you are looking for

>> No.23400427

I think you are right about Defi... At least for the next 5-10 years. Eventually Defi wil grow into it's true potential as a decentralized and autonomous way to make the internet 3.0.

>Why do you discount ETH as being as big as BTC though
>ETH hasn't even been out 10 years like BTC

>> No.23400549

Ok I’ll give a disclaimer. I’m mid-term hard ETH bull. Ever since I got a full time job as a software dev, I’ve been stacking enormous amounts of ETH since $100 ETH prices. But if I double my sats with ETH, I’ll immediately market sell everything into BTC. Ethereum is risky, it’s software that can be hacked and has gotten hacked. Solidity gets the job done, but has its own share of problems. If you get 10 BTC right now at ~10K, you’re guaranteed to be a millionaire in 5-10 years.

>> No.23400583

Came here late 2017 and started buying Chainlink at .18$ just before the first bullrun. I hold a 100k Link stack. I really miss Assblaster and the Larps. 2017-2018 Biz was peak.

>> No.23400602

I bought BTC for $6 per BTC as a hobbyist
I am all in LINK
Top 300 wallet

>> No.23400606

trying to accumulate ETH and BTC by making money with STA... How much time do you think I have left to accumulate ETH and BTC?

>> No.23400609

I guess so, I remember when this board was first made to clean up /g/. I also remember when bitcoin giveaway threads, usually on /b/ (that actually gave away btc because it was like $.50 each and had basically no market) were banned just because no one took bitcoin seriously and everyone thought it was a huge meme. I thought it was a scam for miners with prohibitively expensive rigs to con people into giving them money for magic internet coins for the longest time, until I bought 150 eth for around $1usd each in 2015 or 2016. I didn't have any money or a good computer (when you could actually mine fucktons of btc with a single gpu gaming rig) before then anyways.

This was all fine and dandy until 2018 when the CEO of Quadrigacx "died in india" and I lost all my fucking eth.
I only used that piece of shit because I'm Canadian and Quadrigacx was one of the few places that e-transfers would go through for at the time here. I didn't want to have to transfer between various services getting middled each time and losing 20% of my deposit. Never trusting a cex ever again.

Now, after like 2 years of seething, I'm slowly building myself up and am at around 10eth... Life is suffering

>> No.23400626

Ok let me ask you something. I was here when LINK was at .20 cents. I knew it was going to be big. I was just a poorfag then so I couldn't buy any. How can I actually bring myself to buy LINK in 2020 when the price is so high? It makes me feel stupid.

>> No.23400651

I sold all my BTC for $6.67

>> No.23400762

I'm falling asleep so prob no answers
here since 2013, Got in BTC at 100, eth at 2.
Sold ETH at 9 and re-bought at 35
Did not buy any trash "eth killer"
Bought loom and dice
Got in polkadot at 4$
Got into defi, holding FARM, YFV, PICKLE
Sold SAFE2 and YFI
Got up to $1.45mil in 2017 and doped to 170k in the bear market.

>> No.23400800

Don’t. You missed the moon mission.

>> No.23400813

That's what I'm saying.

>> No.23400959

There's other moon missions to be had though. All the big brains (correctly) point to Polkadot as a safe and long term investment that will likely x5 or x10, but if you want x100s look for the smart contract parachain that will get the most adoption. That will be worth $500 to a billion in a few years, and they are all worth peanuts right now.

>> No.23401094
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Holy fucking what the fucking fuck. How did you fuck up so hard? I am a terrible trader and I am above my 2017 peak right now. That's insane.

>> No.23401183

I bought btc at 700 dollars ish. Squandered most of it in shitcoins that went nowhere. Still have 10 btc.

I considered buying when it was 5 dollars, purely so I could buy drugs off the dark net. Not buying drugs turned out to be a ruinous financialdecision.

>> No.23401242

By being greedy.
>Btc in the $700's
>Eth at $7
>Link $1
>Ripple at .015c(launch)

This stack has made it and evaporated, more than half the eth lost on shitcoins.
Greed is kill.

>> No.23401524
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>> No.23401547

Pretty good, but I'll feel better by the end of the week when BTC reaches $16,000!

>> No.23401608
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First bought BTC at $500, ETH at $10.00, LINK at $1.00. Sold my LINK @ $16.70. I am currently all in BTC and only accumulating ONE alt coin since I bought it at $.008 and sold it at .17. That alt coin is no other than PNK. Don't fall for the FUD, I am going to use my BTC gains to accumulate more PNK for the next 2 months. BTC will be back to 14-15k in November and 16-18k in December. Again, these gains will be going into PNK. Believe me or not I don't give a shit, I told all of you to dump your shit coins about over a month ago for BTC but you were too busy chasing the dragon. Good luck frens.

>> No.23401646

What about ETH? You don't think it will moon next month?
How much time do you think I have to dump all my alts into BTC?

>> No.23401675

Says in the pic, I expect ETH to move ~$250.00 by December and boom from Jan-March to $500-750

>> No.23401683

I own 100 BTC. AMA

>> No.23401707

How long do I have to accumulate BTC before the moon mission?

Why does your pic say that BTC will have it's last reign? What did he mean by this?

>> No.23401724

I meant it's going to out perform all other cryptocurrencies for the last time till ETH outperforms it throughout 2021.

>> No.23401757

If you are actually an oldfag and hold utter shitcoins like STA you clearly still haven't learned your lesson

>> No.23401800
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You don't have anymore time (pic related).

>> No.23401888

So I am waiting until around November 7th to sell my alts. What do you think my play should be after I sell all my alts on the 7th?
You are saying that ETH will drop in November and that it's too late for BTC by then. What should I do? Buy into BTC then anyway or will it be too late?

>> No.23401891

I agree, I hold a big bag of KSM.

OP I've been here since 2017. I have about 1k ETH and 10 BTC. I am also holding KSM, OCEAN, and EWT. One thing I've learned is that if you're going to hold a shitcoin, at least hold a shitcoin that has a lot of traction already. And you should never be holding a shitcoin for longer than a few months.

>> No.23401911

Move into BTC now and go back into ETH in late November / Early December. Should have sold your alts into BTC a month ago.

>> No.23401924

Yeah that's kind of how I am feeling about alts. I see no reason to hold super long term...
Can you redpill me on KSM? Is that the exception to the rule of holding long term?

>> No.23401979

KSM will moon when DOT has its moon mission sometime in 2021, till then I will hold and accumulate. I see KSM as trading DOT on leverage. It has a higher potential in terms of ROI IMO

>> No.23402066

Will remember. What's a make it stack brother. How long do you think I have to accumulate until KSM moon mission?

>> No.23402080

Been here since 2016. Had some winners and losers. Research before you invest. I held XRP, XLM, BTC, ETH, BAT, XVG, LINK and ETN(shitcoin a friend had me buy) through the last bull run, and the crash. This time feels a lot like 2016 now. Everything started slow and right after the election blew through everyone’s expectations. My ~1500 investment I made in college is now worth over 10k, if another bull run happens, it will be worth some real money and I can finally sell off some of my shot coins. I just kind of bought into hype last run, have since really studied the fundamentals and have learned jumping on hype trains is like playing a casino game.

>> No.23402085

Also what price do you see KSM at the top next year realistically?

>> No.23402103

How do you suggest I be prepared for the next bullrun? Should I set price points for selling? What do you think I should buy into for the bullrun?

>> No.23402234

Like I said, I picked some winners and some losers. Be diverse. I learned when your Uber driver is asking if you’ve bought crypto, it’s time to get out. I have a feeling we’ll see another run here starting in the next few months, and they typically last ~5 months. $LINK has always been a meme here, even more so when I first came to biz. But it is the real deal. Can’t go wrong with ETH and BTC and I would say that those three should make up 50% of a solid portfolio. Don’t chase small caps looking for huge gains. The gains in crypto are huge anyway, stock guys make 10% on a good year. But I don’t really know shit, and I think anyone who does who doesn’t spend their career in this stuff is foolish to try and guess what’s coming. So take what I say with a grain of salt.

>> No.23402255

I owned Bitcoin before the bullrun.
I only had $90 though. It turned into 3k.

>> No.23402271

One thing I have always been proud of, one of my fathers friends came to me and basically gave me control of one of his bank accounts with $35k in it. We decided to put it all on ETH, and got out two months later when the account was worth $50k. I was smart enough to tell him not to keep parlaying but kept doing it myself, but I’m greedy and don’t mind taking more risk with my own stack.

>> No.23402281

Kek, this is an actual oldfag

>> No.23402289

Been here since 2015. You only need eth link and pnk. If this strikes you as odd, dyor for once.

>> No.23402365

Can you legit redpill me on Kleros/PNK?
Kleros seems like it has some applications, but idk if it will ever reach it's full potential.

>> No.23402395

2017 chad here ama

>> No.23402426

>When did you sell during the bullrun
>How do I not get cucked during the upcoming bullrun
>What coins do you think I should hold for the next bullrun

Give me tips on what I should do for the upcoming bullrun and how to avoid getting cucked.

>> No.23402550

i've learned many lessons over the past couple years. hence the reason i'm balls deep in Statera. Read the whitepaper instead of listening to the collective fud of biz, and put on your thinking cap. You're guaranteed to make money with STA, it's not a matter of if, its a matter of when.

>> No.23402596

kleros isn't going anywhere.

>> No.23402609
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Been in crypto since November 2013 bullrun. Have seen plenty of alts come and go. Have held so many of them LTC, Doge, Pandacoin, Stratis etc. etc.
Didn't buy into ETH ICO because nach then their economic model was very flawed and holding ETH wouldn't have made much sense. However, they just fucking changed the rules. Yeah... so much for the chain is the law.
Could say so much.. What is important and difficult? Timing the flows of money into Fiat/BTC/quality alts/shitty alts.
Take your personal situation into account. Probably its best to balance quality coins with a few moonshots.
Right now I'm just 1/3 BTC and 2/3 XMR

>> No.23402613

Well my portfolio peaked at about 3.1M usd, cashed out a ml ish usd but I bought into a few scam icos that never listed so since my folio peaked in early 2018 I’ve lost maybe a ml from hodling, there’s two types of people, those who trade and sell before the main move thinking they’ll buy back lower, those who simply never sell and those who follow google trends and see that once we hit an 80-90 again it’s time to begin selling, if you got big bags by then you never sell all at once you simply have a price in mind and you liquidate a few % at a time. I’m all in btc, eth, dot and nucypher. Once btc goes on it’s tear back to aths and beyond it’ll rek all shitcoins for a long while, remember each run is different and this run it’s about companies and no doubt next countries putting btc on their balance sheets and they won’t touch shitcoins so I expect there’ll be times where btc actually outperforms. We’re passing 12k btc yet google trends Are at an 11, they were at a 100 in December 2017. We are simply early, this is smart money accumulation before launch. Begin to look to sell 6 months after cnn have a live bitcoin ticker up on their news channel again, btc will hit 100k for next halving, the real bull runs in 2022, btc will hit aths before mid 2021 though. Bitcoin will outperform and bitcoin will get an Etf this time, stack sats. They’re simply all that matters.

>> No.23402672
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>Have seen plenty of alts come and go.
the feels

>> No.23402746
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Forgot one thing:
Don't lose sight of the tax implications and make preparations early. Next bull market will be so big that all the tax authorities will be going at crypto for real.

>> No.23402781

My largest bag is XMR, my second largest is ARPA.

>> No.23402786


>> No.23402962

What coins will be best during next bullring? Btc/eth?

>> No.23403400

Likely BTC, ETH will pump first then quality alts and finally all remaining shit coins. DeFi might be a wild card with unknown effects.

>> No.23403460

On average quality alts (top 30 or so) will be your best bet on average. BTC and ETH can't pump hard enugh because of their size while Shitcoins can pump very hard but picking the right ones is unlikely. What remains are proven Altcoins with still plenty of upside potential.

>> No.23403491
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Regret not buying Darkcoin before it became Dash - privacy coins were a no brainer.

I would say follow your intuition, but it was a simpler time - less scammers and more people into it for the tech/ethics. Just try to be on the right side of market sentiment rather than timing tops or bottoms.

>> No.23404405


>> No.23404462
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Yikes. My 2017 peak was 800k, now it's back at 500k

>> No.23404588
