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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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23395377 No.23395377 [Reply] [Original]


Relevant post title. This has just dipped into its lower channel and will break out soon with the upcoming news/governance.

Stupid people are comparing the price to CORE, but have no idea that the supply is only 1000.

10x less. This is like getting CORE at $120.

Not a fork or copied code. Devs have been vouched for, and they have implemented a new feature. Huge CORE wallets have been accumulating uVault.

This one got lost in the hype of KORE, which is on its way down as people have started to realise it's just a shitty clone. This is your opportunity.

Only 300 or so wallets, destined for 10k minimum in the next 5-7 days. Twitter hasn't really picked up on it because $UNICORE doesn't work on Twitter. People are going to change that to $UVAULT, so look out as it's going to start trending on crypto twitter soon.

This is your chance to be early to a solid, non-rug project with massive upside potential mid to long term.

>> No.23395440

the fact that there only 1000 and not 10000 is really dumb. people think there are 10000 and will probably just skip it, mcap of this is only 1,2 mil, around 800k if we dont count the ones in uniswap

>> No.23395469

>Not a fork or copied code. Devs have been vouched for, and they have implemented a new feature. Huge CORE wallets have been accumulating uVault.

didnt CORE devs say unicore was the first fork who's devs know solidity

>> No.23395545

Buy low sell high anons...

>> No.23395609


like i said, this is a sleeping giant. under 1k in the tg as well. CMC already listed, not even on CG.

its going to 10k.

>> No.23395625

Gonna follow this close.
Thanks anon.

>> No.23395637

This one looks very different from other clones.
They improved the weakness from the original Core. If Unicore can capture 10 % of Core Marketcap its a only a x6.

>> No.23395773

this, I'm in for 20 eth at ~$1250, but it's frustrating that a few of my crypto friends immediately dismissed it because they mistakenly thought the supply was 10k and that it had already 10x'd

It's such a good fucking fork. Literally fixes concrete issues with the original core, and devs are competent enough to engineer newer features; update should be out later today

>> No.23395870


yeah its not a fork either. competent devs who wanna build, not just cash grab. they added to LGE, but didnt even buy on listing.

this. people have no idea.

>> No.23396006

its is actually laughable how this is still so low MC, considering it is the first LEGIT CORE clone, and a fucking good one. Like said earlier, this is like buying CORE at $120. It will go parabolic and $10k is FUD, it will go past that once the fomo kicks in.

>> No.23396099

$10k in this equals to $1000 in CORE. And this is the only fork of CORE that will be here for the long run. If we go even 50% of COREs ATH, we will be hitting $50k. Just to remind, don't sell this one too early ;)

>> No.23396206

should hit 5-10k, market cap is still very low. Pretty hyped about this one

>> No.23396207

Just aped into this! Here is the dex if anyone wants it

>> No.23396282

just reviewed the code and it looks way cleaner then core! Might buy some tonight and see what will happen

>> No.23396394

You wont be disappointed. Ape in at these prices and you are going to make it.

>> No.23396576

anyone got the tg?

>> No.23396584


>> No.23396604

Wrapped Liquidity Pool Tokens (new concept)

The base uni-V2 Liquidity Pool token has some limitations. Due to the order of operations in uniswap transactions, LP tokens get burned before the transfer is completed, allowing people to withdraw liquidity. For coins like CORE and its offspring, locking liquidity is obviously critical.
CORE itself reduced this bug by bringing the process of adding additional liquidity to their own site, using ‘swaps’. But while this system ‘does not allow more to be withdrawn than deposited’, it’s still not perfect.

The solution? Wrapped Liquidity Pool tokens (wUNIv2).
We created our wrapper and now control the code that the token gets deployed on. By separating it from the base UNI LP token, we take back control of our own liquidity, away from Uniswap’s limitations. This allows for a bug-free withdrawal lock, as well as the possibility for it to be traded directly on Uniswap as it’s own pair, instead of on other less liquid exchanges like Balancer. Due to this, liquidity is TRULY locked with the wrapper. Though still allowing non-farmers to add traditional unlocked-liquidity, if they’d want to for whatever reason. Another step towards decentralization.

An in depth article on this will be released shortly.

> this is how you know they mean business.

>> No.23396793

this. Its gonna moon so fucking hard once people realize this is genious and LEGIT.

>> No.23396936

Bullish as fuck.

>> No.23397003

you just sold this for me god damn

>> No.23397246

My favorite thing is how much easier REACTOR is to manage compared to the core LP tokens

>> No.23397522

this is a real advantage in this project, and that is a real improvement when comparing this to CORE.

>> No.23397544

They just posted this update:

-So what’s next for UNICORE? There are many things in the pipeline.
Firstly, within the next 24 hours we will hold a vote on our very own Snapshot page, allowing you, the users, to vote on whether or not you want a penaltyfee on wrapping new REACTOR, and how high it should be. Once finished, voting on other proposals will happen too. This will allow the community to decide on key features for this project going forward.

-An article describing our long term plan / roadmap is coming within the end of this week. This takes some more time to plan out and design properly, it is not something we want to rush or edit too much later.
We can give one teaser a little early to the loyal reader…

-The team is working hard on designing the perfect system for a UNICORE/USDT trading pair & pool, taking into account various issues and formulas. This is the next step in building out our ecosystem in line with our long term vision. More on this shortly!

>> No.23397558

nice project sir

>> No.23397605

another pajeet village fed with the latest .finance project

>> No.23397740

Every time I get rugged, it just warms my heart a little to know that a jeet is sleeping warm at night because of my sacrifice.