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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23385080 No.23385080 [Reply] [Original]

You ever have an idea that could make tons of money but don't know how to implement such a thing? I've had so many ideas over the years but they either get made by someone else or someone tells me the idea Is stupid.

Like news media, that's only Taylored to what you want to see.

Or an RPG maker that can publish games to any device using a web interface IO.

What are ideas you had or have that you thought could be the game changer. Something that could have made you the next zuckerberg or the next tiktok?

>> No.23385098

ideas are worthless. only less than 1% of people can execute on any of them effectively

>> No.23385520

That's why you hire a team, but you need the money to hire...

>> No.23385728

you also need the balls to see your idea through anon, any arbitrary amount of money doesnt guarantee success

>> No.23385827

i have an idea, why wont you have sex with yourself and never come back pajeet

>> No.23385843

Are you looking for some short-term fad ideas like MySpace or TikTok. Let us be honest here: fads come and go

Something fundamentally revolutionizing like Smart Contracts are worth to invest in, you should build something along those lines, but if you are looking for the next teen hit sensation you're probably not going to succeed. With smart contracts, and blockchain in general, you are like 10 to 15 years ahead rest of the world to catch up.

>> No.23386536

>Like news media, that's only Taylored to what you want to see.
>Or an RPG maker that can publish games to any device using a web interface IO
No mass market appeal

>> No.23386691

fork of bitcoin onto algorand consesus, no premines; you get together with a bunch of investors and offer to buy the new fork (aBTC) at some fixed price $5, most btc holders at fork time more than happy to sell their worthless fork tokens for usd. Forking like this with no premine completely skirts US security laws. You now have a usable bitcoin with 1000+ tps and one block finality on pure proof of stake. Technical and environmental critics btfo. All algorand code is MIT licensed, so execution requires the code for the fork (enable BTC holders to prove their balances) and getting investors on-board to buy the forked BTC from existing token holders. Youi profit as the sheperd of this new fork in the through the flipping of your forked tokens of bitcoin core bitcoin to algo bitcoin. Of course there is nuance to all of this, but the incentives work out extremely nicely. Bitmain, blockstream, and Algorand foundation will appose. But you'd be fully legally clear and would have provided tremendous value to the crypto space, by making BTC easy to use and legally integrated into finance while not compromising on security

>> No.23386799

Pretty much this >>23385728, you don't need money to make an MVP for most of your ideas, but be prepared to be in a waking nightmare of not being good enough and constantly flooded by hellish doubt about what you're building. Most people drop it before they even have the beginning of what could be called a product.
>t. guy in the middle of trying to build a startup on his own

>> No.23386915

Yeah, I've had plenty ideas like that and I always regret not doing anything about em. In the end it takes hell of a drive to pull them through, and the people who have that drive are the people we now see at the top (Elon Musk, Mark Suckerdude etc).
Altough some dickheads just get there by chance (looking at you, Alan Walker. Worthless piece of fraud who doesn't produce his own tracks).

Anyway, I'm still down to start something revolutionary if you want to go. And then we can put it to rest one month later cuz we too lazy. But hit me up.

>> No.23387000

Your words resonate with me. Got any advice? There's a product I've been obsessing over for the past 3 years, I tried joining the companies that make it, but there are few and far away and don't seem to want or afford me as it's super niche, but they all seem to be dragons den start up vc type people whereas I'd be happy with doing a simple thing in my country that doesn't have a maker of these products. I see a need and so over these years I made connections, grabbed some attention, now I'm doing targeted market research but it's all kind of an airy mess. I've only made 3D concepts of my product and tiny 3D printed prototypes, I assume In my current situation I could ask someone on Instagram if they'd want one for free /pay the shipping and see if they post it. Right now I'm doing a research study involving my product, so that's a start.

>> No.23387511

You got my interest, Mr.7000.
Can you disclose any details about it?

>> No.23387608

All of you fags should just make something together.

>> No.23388250

I'll design the logo

>> No.23389459

your ideas sound fucking shit and generic
put your mcdonalds uniform back on fag

>> No.23389585

Plastic surgery, but with the explicit goal of making ugly. I'm sure this will become trendy in the future.
For example, using plastic surgery to give you a tumour looking bump in your forehead.
Inb4 south park dolphin.

>> No.23389630

I wanted to create a website where people just rate products and can vote on other people's ratings. Kind of like amazon reviews but for all products and services even rating something like CNN or an athlete and anonymous. Itd be like a library of anonymous public ratings.

>> No.23389681

Unfortunately I have no computer skills to design this. But it would only need a sorting algorithem. Then later on i think you could devise more advanced filters and data analysis. But the point of it would be instead of fishing for data let just the public publish themselves anonymously what they think about any subject they want to rate.

>> No.23389759

The design I think would be very minimalistic. Simply two options "rate existing opinions" and "create new opinion". If the subject doesnt exist yet you simply create it with the a new opinion on something somebody never talked about before. Pretty easy. Then later on you could add all kinds of additional sorting mechanisms to search through various topics by different variables and data analysis. Id look at it a bit like the Chainlink of public opinion, decentralized and anonymous.

>> No.23389797

Unlike Chainlike, I imagine it would immediately take off though due to public engagamenet and ease of use. There is really no limit to what could happen you could have an encyclopedic entry on Donald Trump being highly rated or a simple one-liner joke, with a filter that could distinguish between these two you could also allow people to get exactly the data they want too. It could be both Wikipedia and Twitter of opinions in one.

>> No.23389839

Just an advice if you plan to pitch an idea to a developer. Never say things like "it would only need a sorting algorithm". Especially if you have no idea what you are talking about and don't want them to know upfront. Rather, ask how complex your idea is.
So far I can see you'd need sorting out results, gathering data from users, tons of images for the different products, website, hosting, database, security.
My point is that it never is "just a X here and there". If it were that trivial to make the idea happen, then everyone you know would be selling a product.

>> No.23389840

I would market the thing as "The Forum" in the sense of antiquity, a space we really dont have anymore. A space where you could hear very intellectualy solid opinions being proclaimed next to drunkards making one line jokes. A true public space of opinion.

>> No.23389882

You can also make a fortune with completely mundane ideas.
Coca-Cola: flavoured water
McDonald's: burgers and fries
Walmart: a general store

>> No.23389897

How complex is it? It doesnt seem more complex than twitter, facebook or reddit.

>> No.23389914
File: 120 KB, 1400x964, UNNzargham.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probs insurance (GOOD insurance) and gas stuff for ETH.

probs UNN.

>> No.23390138

It depends. I've read your next posts. I'm not saying it looks complex as fuck. I'm saying that none of that shit is trivial and easy or simple to do.
You are right to assume that your idea seems far simpler than projects that have been going for a decade or more, have thousands of employees, dozens of new features every few weeks, and are used by people from all parts of the planet.

>> No.23390737

I know its not simple. But assuming somebody could raise capital for it, it should not be too complex to carry out. With little capital I think you could do a bare bones version that would still hit some public numbers that would in turn bring in more capital. Its not necessary to start with any data analysis or complex sorting mechanisms just the bare bones abillity for people to post opinions, the ability to rate opinions (as simple as perhaps as "upvoting", a tool that pushes the higher rated things up top and a search mechanism so that people who search "donald trump" get opinions pertaining to that theme. Ideally from the start you would also have something basic that prevents people voting multiple times or spamming votes on the same thing. As the thing grows you can of course add complexity and additional security. I dont think this would be rocket science to start exactly but there is always the possibility that I am wrong.

>> No.23390799

The "ideas guy" is always the most retarded poorfag

>> No.23390844

Just because we shell money to the government, doesn’t mean they do anything worthwhile with it
If you want to lead a team, you need to be a master of a skill first anon. Then people/money will follow.
It’t not so simple as just paying people to create a great product

>> No.23390977

There are so many factors as to why I think it would work too. The polls are a joke and people increasingly feel like their voice isnt being heard and that the media is only pushing narratives that suit their owners. I think a decentralized and anonymous forum for public opinion that would function somewhat like the social function of a Roman forum has become a necessity. Of course Im flexible on a number of parameters: whether it should be fully anonymous or not, whether there should be a standard for the quality of opinion or not in what way(s) to monetize it etc. But the main tenet that such a virtual public space would flourish I have no doubts about. Think of all the people debating and voicing their views and opinions right now on all the other platforms that are not really primarily designed for that and moving them to the same platform. Not to mention that several others whether institutions or hobbyists would salivate at having the opportunity to perform analytics on public data like this and derive their politics/business/etc.-related conclusions from it.

>> No.23391147

The intention would not be to arrive at some non-partisan high quality opinion (though im sure some would arrive at that). The intention is simply to subsume the current tendecy for the multitude of views people hold and their desire to express them and put them out echo-chambers into one big public forum (im using forum strictly in the Roman sense). The rating mechanism would work as the equivalent of a person walking through the forum and hearing the sentiment from the people. What CNN or FOX says becomes secondary, they are narrative pushers, but a public space like this provides you with a fairer picture of general public sentiment.

>> No.23391227

Why I think this would work? On the user end it weaponizes people having such a multitude of views and their desire to express them, be heard and be validated for it. One would get a dopamine hit seeing his opinion generate upvotes. On the insitutional side this would provide a fairer public sentiment, ease of access and the abillity to mine it for qualitative and quantitative analytics. Which given where we are at politically and technologically would certainly serve as a goldmine of information for political and business isntitutions as well as for media and individual experts.

>> No.23391433

Just my idea. I imagine the capital would not be huge at least to start. It "only" takes a website that can have a bare-bones mechanism i described earlier. No physical product, no service in traditional sense. Only weaponizing people's desire and letting them do the work while providing the functional website where this can take place. Perhaps some marketing costs before it starts being shared on its own. How delusional am I? Looking for critiques.

>> No.23391441

Sounds like you're powering through it anon
>now I'm doing targeted market research but it's all kind of an airy mess
I'm very much feeling this right now too, what im working on focuses on online content creators and their income, im finding it super hard to contact them without it sounding like some shitty spam email - i'm juggling building an mvp along with this. if anyone has advice for cold emailing people and convincing them to try your product lmk

for advice, the little of it that i have - i'd highly recommend you check out StartupSchool https://www.startupschool.org for making connections with other startup people, gotten some great leads from it and its really good for pitching your idea
connections are probably your best bet at building a successful business without unnessesary strain on yourself
as for working by yourself, it may be a personal thing but i find it more motivating not to tell people what im working on, as it prevents unnessesary pressure and stops you from feeling proud of youself when you have nothing to show for it
>wow thats really cool anon, nice to see you're doing xyz!
id be interested to hear what your product is

>> No.23391481

Great things to invest in already exist

>> No.23391504
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like what?