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23391115 No.23391115 [Reply] [Original]

Get in here niggers
linktards are welcomed too because link follows bitcoin

>> No.23391166
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>link follows bitcoin


>> No.23391174

Link doesn't follow bitcoin, dumbass

>> No.23391188

All women are whores.

>> No.23391192

what's the name of this bitch
I demand an answer

>> No.23391209

If he thinks I'm cutting 5cm off the end of my cock just to meet his arbitrary standards he's very very wrong

Also representing the

>> No.23391234

oh fug you are right, it was a scam

>> No.23391239

katerina jenkins,

>> No.23391248

Because Fatoshi is dumping on you every week

>> No.23391258

Not all womans are whores, but all whores are woman. But consider this question, will your mother swallow or spit?

>> No.23391270
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No Booba so far?

>> No.23391287


>> No.23391374
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>> No.23391430

58% correlation. It was higher

>> No.23391684
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>> No.23391706

this post has made me want to measure myself

>> No.23391861
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>tfw premature ejaculation
Why bother?

>> No.23391889

You're meant to have a wank before you jump into bed with a gril m8

>> No.23391918

why isn't this whore sucking dick while making a sandwich? whoever gave women entitlement needs to be shot

>> No.23391950

>make her swallow your first load
>wait five minutes
>give her the good D

>> No.23392013
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>implying anyone wants to go throught the annoying logistics of getting laid after cumming

>implying she will call you again after you cum in 30 seconds of a bj

>> No.23392051
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>annoyed by sex

>> No.23392069

Because you were supposed to swing your stack into BTC a week ago, then back into LINK when it bottoms at $7 after you’ve made some gains with BTC at $15-16k

>> No.23392209

women are gross

>> No.23392249
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>annoyed by sex

>> No.23392427

They're just stupid. I have a friend with a huge dick (used to get it out non stop) and he always had problems with it sexually. He could barely ever get it in and any gf would have to endure months of working up to it.

>> No.23392463

yeah i hurt my old gf with my dick she was too tiny and i was too big

>> No.23392477
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inb4 12k

>> No.23392494

9.83 inches.

>> No.23392706

IM ONLY 6 INCHES FUCK. One time a chick said a certain position made my dick feel "big" and I nearly cried. Another chick told me to do a position because it is better for people with smaller dicks

>> No.23392725

eat it

>> No.23392750

stick to your hand or just off yourself, mydude

>> No.23392762
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Aight faggots i pumped 20 bucks on this shit, i really hope you're right

>> No.23392772

how do you find the time to post on biz while driving your lambo and overseeing your massive business empire that u clearly have because of your crystal ball nostradumbass future telling skills

>> No.23392790

I mean, people still have sex with me again after the first time so it's not life ending. Just wish I had GIRTH

>> No.23392815

>whaaaaa I have sex I'm so sad whaaaaaa
fuck of faggot
t.24 y/o KHV

>> No.23392819
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What happens when we finally break $12k?

>> No.23392825

What the name of this bitch ?

>> No.23392831
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w-wait....6 inches is small?

>> No.23392844

Stop fucking roastie size queens

>> No.23392848

I didn’t say I did that, hindsight is 20/20.
That’s what we ALL should have done

>> No.23392851

Dump to $10.5k. When we break $12k for the last time though it will air gap up to $19.666k

>> No.23392904


>> No.23392923


>> No.23392940

all but absolute whorish women have small pussies, they're made for ~5inch dick. Dicks bigger than that become painfully too big really quickly.

>> No.23392947

Who is this?

>> No.23392948


>> No.23392953


>> No.23392973

In his mind it is lol

>> No.23393113

Get yourself on antidepressants. They'll stop you from cooming too soon.

>> No.23393117

ultimate proof women dont have a single idea about dimensions

>> No.23393219


>what is wanting to sleep after ejaculating

Not everyone is a 15 year old virginboy with no refractory period

>> No.23393291

I'll be honest, kinda disappointing.

>> No.23393309

Ive tried priligy which is designed for PE. Maybe it delays involuntary kegels+ejaculation by like 1 minute... it's a joke.

The lidocaine spray works better since it actually numbs the frenulum and gland, however it gives me red spots and makes my dick look as if i had an std... I just cant win.

>> No.23393358


>> No.23393367
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>> No.23393384
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Why are women like this? What the fuck happened? Imagine this was your future wife and you found a video of her lusting after BWC. Men should do this but about weight and tit size.

>> No.23393424

I fucking misclicked. I was going to short at 11,990 and I actually sent in a buy order. I'm legit financially ruined now.

>> No.23393518

>on zoloft. Last for like 20 mins raw dogging
>off zoloft earlier this year.
>Have sex for this first time off of it a month ago
>cum, with a condom on, after like 2 minutes
Not sure if it was the lack of sex but I was embarrassed

>> No.23393547

One of them was my long term girlfriend... who said the thingabout it feeling bigger like 1 year into our relationship lol

>> No.23393628

bruh SSRIs make you fuck like a champ. The best sex I ever had was when I was on an SSRI. Full control, easily fuck for 20-30m slowly. Had women literally soaking the bed with all the orgasms and then when I was finally bored with it could just focus up and nut so hard inside of them.

Haven't been on SSRIs for years, typically capable of nutting in under 1 minute realistically, usually pull out and let my dick adjust then can go like 3-5. For most women they will orgasm before 5 minutes anyway, but women like to have multiple orgasms.

And I don't want to hear any of this "why do you care about the girl orgasming" shit. IYKYK. Being able to make women cum hard guarantees they will fuck you whenever you want. It literally makes it so that you can just text them "come over" and they will be there within 20 minutes knowing the only thing that's about to happen is sex.

>> No.23393630
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Shes perfect bros

>> No.23393657

You probably just have performance anxiety and it effects more than just your sex life.

>> No.23393699

post the other 5 jerking pepes bro

>> No.23393828

Upside is that not a lot of women cum from penetration alone. But women don't always like to be fingered/ate out after you cum.
Fuck maybe I should get back on zoloft. A couple of beers usually helps me last long, though

>> No.23393914

Try weed

>> No.23394469

R u gay?

>> No.23394504


>> No.23394513

Very true. Lexapro made me fuck like a champ. Unfortunately it made me want to kill myself everyday so I stopped taking it lol

>> No.23394916

look how big she is, you just know her vag is loose as a subway tunnel and has had as much traffic

>> No.23394953

btc $14k by end of week

>> No.23394967

that is a MAN anon! stop getting fooled by these tranny whores

>> No.23394996
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bros I wanna fuck her

>> No.23395098

in her mind too. roasties sleep with 50 guys before the age of 25 these days. incase you're bad at maths anon that means you have a 1/50 chance of being the biggest

>> No.23395129

Sell at 12k or is this the POOOOOMP?

>> No.23395164

>What the fuck happened?
birth control, collapse of christianity in the west, mass media agendas, liberation of women. in that order.

>> No.23395211

Maybe iIl have an insensitive dick. It takes me ages to cum with a condom on. Most girls seems to get sore after 45 minutes of fucking even if the came a few times. Switching to magnums helped, I found out my dick isn't amazingly long. But it abhorrently thick, which was causing a painful red ring around my constricted dick with normal condoms. My gf only let me fuck her raw when I get her horny enough to forget.

>> No.23395227

Do the cannabis instead. Zoloft makes you feel okay with the shit that happens to you, not happy in general. Fuck being a zombie.

>> No.23395256

I have the same problem. There are websites where you can get custom sized conforms for lowish prices, it’s the only thing that works for me. I still have never completed the act of intercourse with a condom on though, my parents got tricked into cutting my foreskin off and I literally can’t tell where my dick is with a condom.

>> No.23395306


>> No.23395315

Shut up and find a non-roastie unironic church girl and get yourself straight too.

>> No.23395335

16cm dick here, can touch my gf's cervic if I go all in, last 1 hour sometimes when we fuck twice a day, never made her orgasm from penetration alone.
Are some girls like this or am I just not good in bed?
Been 3 years together met at 25 now I'm 28, she's my first gf only fucked hookers before that.

>> No.23395340

>all this degenerate talk
This place is a den of vipers but link and alts will lag behind following BTC before they pump too

>> No.23395341

>Literally 99.9 percentile in penis size
This means put her in a room with 1000 women and her pussy is the loosest

>> No.23395371

This. I have to really focus on cumming and when I cum with a condom its far more pycologially me getting off on the idea of cumming inside my gf's cumming pussy. Fuck raw is 100x better and anyone who says otherwise is a lair. Last time I fucked raw my gf said "just the tip". As if she thought I wouldn't go balls deep and savor that shit with some degenerate hand holding and kissing balls deep.

But yea, I heard about customs. The other trick i learned is putting a little lube in the tip of the condom on your dick head. I hate condoms because it also makes it harder to get feedback on making your girl cum.

>> No.23395395

I know my cock better than some random whores

>> No.23395421


>> No.23395483

practice reverse kegels and learn breathing exercises, also deep squats.
the website pegym is a good place to start, good advices
worked for me when I started practicing this
t. still premature because I'm an incel now and probably won't have sex for at least another year

>> No.23395521

Some girls are like that. I have only fucked a handful of girls but one gf can only occasionally cum only from penetration. One could only cum if she was on top and literally hated clit stimulation. The also came different. Girl A would be one or 2 big volcano cums. Girl B would have a bunch of mini-orgasms I didn't even notice at first, but would never big cum. Girl B made me realise a girl riding your cock is actaully fucking terrible with a condoms on. They just kind of want to grind back and forth and if you have a condom on it feels unremarkable and the condom forces the blood out of your dick. Visually it fun and it nice to not be the one doing all the work. With a condom on it's literally un-cummable.

>> No.23395566

You mean BBC right

>> No.23395750

11,988 right now. Is it happening or not!

>> No.23395817

Ok guys, it seems that we did it.

>> No.23395842

and BAM here we go

>> No.23395886
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We did it!

>> No.23395890

>falling for the vaginal jew
no one here finna make it.

>> No.23396043

No. Only roasties with no class get the herp.

>> No.23397143

up your tongue game!
most women can't even cum from penetration it's all pretend.
but any woman can get off from clitoral stimulation. they will cum buckets in fact.
won't really care if you are a two pump chump after that.

>> No.23397301
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> all caps id

>> No.23397395
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>sex tip'n

>> No.23398083

this cope

>> No.23398110

I really hate this bitches face and expressions

>> No.23398190

these are the equivalent of mewing, it doesnt work. my kegel is so strong that i can cut the ejaculation and cause retrograde ejaculation. pegym autists are retarded. ejaculating is a reflex, you can't control it without changing your hormones/chemicals or reducing nerve density via numbing cream. im uncut and have an intact frenulum so it feels x1000 better than the average amerifag. also im very high dht my cock and balls are darker than usual. i have a deformed chest so missed on intimacy with hot jailbaits during key development years

you need drugs and desintiziving treatments like numbing sprays for real premature ejaculation cases.if you dont agree you dont have premature ejaculation

>> No.23398217

reverse kegels are cope

you need chemicals and numbing creams for true premature ejaculation. you cant fix a reflex by clenching a muscle like a retard. my pc muscle is strong enough to cause retrograde ejaculation, its not the problem. chemicals cause the involuntary reaction, and higher nerve density than usual. the average doomedcel in amurrica is cut and has a keratinised dick

>> No.23398244

So why the fuck doesn't dapoxetine work for me? I took 30 and then 60mg and in both ocasions involuntary kegels came quick, and i was fapping so with a 8/10 escort it would be even worse

>> No.23398313

different girls are different. the dream girl has a nice tight pussy and vums from vaginal sex. i had a gf like that for a few years. she was multi-orgasmic. i would fuck her through 3 orgasms minimum every time.

>> No.23398363

it's not cope when i was younger i used to not be able to cum i was doing the bitches for hours and they were screaming and all but i could tell they are not cumming. it's totally different when you go down right.

>> No.23398389

qt tranny

>> No.23398693

Thanks for the tips, I'm also uncut so yeah
Frankly, I haven't practiced much reverse kegels and breathing techniques (going with mindfulness etc.) but I really already noticed a difference
I don't think you need to go towards drugs or treatments to overcome this problem (except maybe for some cases)
Also, I think premature ejaculation is also very psychological. Look, I've been premature pretty much my whole life, first two times with my last ex I could not see the end of it, for some reason I could last forever. Then it was all downhill from there, except when I practiced RK/breathing techniques.
Not to mention that sex and arousal is also in the mind.

>> No.23398957
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I made two women orgasm with the spider man hands.

>> No.23399582

grab em by the g-spot?

>> No.23399706


>> No.23399746

what can i say it's been a long 3 years we deserve it, but it could really go fuck above $20k now.

>> No.23399884

Just shove your Dick up her/his ass and aint no body will complain it's too small

>> No.23399890
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Yes. My father taught me that, and it worked! When you find a concave space in the vagina with the spider man's hands, you press that gently with your fingers, go back and forth, apply force and/or velocity if needed, but be careful not to hurt her tho. It's great to feel her squirting all over your hand.

>> No.23399979

yeah start gently when she starts arching that's when you go nuts

>> No.23399995
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>link follows btc
>btc is gonna pump
>stay in btc instead of getting better gains with link

>> No.23400479

Wrong. You push a reverse level as your close to climax and it completely backs off the climax.

>> No.23400510


Stop banging chicks that like niggers. 6 inches is the average size dude.

>> No.23400570

Massive cock holder, reminder that 8 inches is the 99th percentile
9-10 inch dicks practically don't exist, and in many cock size studies don't show up at all.

Women like this will also look at a guy who is 5'10, and believe it when he says he's 6'5"

>> No.23400618

it is

>> No.23400641

It does if you dont have premature ejaculation, retard

>> No.23400678

wrong. people have different nerve density on their dicks, i dont know whats so difficult to understand about this. same as different chemicals depending on the people. sex is basic as fuck theres no science about it, forums like pegym are autistic. any retard can fuck because by default they have the right convinations that allow them to smash a girl, then there's unlucky ones like me that cum too fast, which can only be patched with drugs and numbing creams.

>> No.23400727

PE isn't a medical disease or something lmao, it just means you nut quick.

>> No.23400776

women who fuck niggers are worthless, they're the single moms you see walking around with mixed kids at the store, with that dead look in their eyes.

>> No.23400781


>> No.23401281

Fucking right anon thanks !

>> No.23401315

take phenibut beforehand
can get hard but makes it impossible to cum

>> No.23401342

actually half of it is about cardio

>> No.23401454
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>find a non-roastie unironic church girl


>> No.23401583

Did I write this? Had the same exact problem, regular condoms would leave me with that red ring, made me look huge though, was like wearing a cock ring, but just could not cum in them. Regular magnums helped a lot. I thought I was sexually dysfunctional as a teen until I switched.