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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 317 KB, 640x538, Screen Shot 2020-10-20 at 9.39.00 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23390309 No.23390309 [Reply] [Original]

Is today the day? Will crazy nancy finally capitulate?

>> No.23390366

i'd say 95% no brother, she said some shit about the terms being inadequate still. where's the first place to find out though do you know?

>> No.23390543

They'll happily muttify a population destroying them eternally, why would temporary economic destruction be a problem for her?

>> No.23390571

She's fucking with my shekels! I want to pierce her tits with meat hooks, hang her by her tits, then beat her to death with a crowbar.

>> No.23391297

Fuck this cunt and ((Chuck Schumer))

>> No.23391778

Nope. They just like to dangle meat in front of the starving animals. It gets them off. This is at least the 4th time now.

>> No.23391869

This, there will be nothing before the election.
They think if they hold off it will sway your vote to them at the polls.
But the opposite will be true.

>> No.23391929
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Do you know having a Hot Potato keeps the value of your token intact?
As a holder of Hot Potato if you don't involve in any activity whatsoever be it trading or transfer, and your token still in its original address, then your token held maintains its fixed percentage of the total amount of token issued.

>> No.23392680

They are pretending to disagree. They have been paid to not approve it until Black Friday. They dont want people to use it to pay rent or bills. They want people to blow it all in the stores the second they receive it.

>> No.23392758
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Euroman here watching this closely, if this deadline is not met. any idea when the next one will be in the negotiations?

>> No.23392809

This is probably closest to the truth. I hadn’t considered it til now, but it makes sense.
>consoom, don’t pay your mortgage
>UBI soon, goy! Think of all the online shopping you’ll be able to do!

>> No.23392841


i just want my extra 6 hundy a week back

>> No.23392860
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How long till you all capitulate from putting up with these bullshit people ?

They don't care about you at all, never did

>> No.23393279

>her husband is an investor
>she has made millions in the stock

she will 100% make a no deal and create a second crash. then she will pick up the cheapies and pump in january with new stimulus and blame everything on Trump

>> No.23393299

people aren't going to ignore paying their overdue bills just because it's muh black friday, fag.

>> No.23393326

It's actually the Republitards who need to capitulate. Pelosi was ready to negotiate. If you actually read the text of the proposals, the dems held the line at saving bailout loans for small and medium businesses that REALLY fucking need them.

>> No.23393362

they're both at fault. just pass a bill for $1200 check and $600+ unemployment bennies. nothing else. fuck off with the pork and big business cucking garbage.

>> No.23393390

GFY that cunt is demanding billions for rebuilding democrat run cities they let rioters destroy

>> No.23393421

Where the fuck do you get this stuff about rioters destroying cities? I live in one and everything was fine. The damage was limited to 2 fucking city blocks. Do you really believe the horseshit that Trump spouts? Get the fuck out.

>> No.23393445

I didn't hear it from Trump moron

>> No.23393447

IMO Democrats should not compromise on $600 UI enhancements. $400 per week is not enough for many people, especially in high cost of living areas

>> No.23393452

>money for illegals
>money for bankrupt states
On the other hand, we’ve got
>money Israel
I can’t support either at this point

>> No.23393485

Nancy pelosi gains 100 pounds as brappers hope that she finally makes that sex tape we have all been waiting for

>> No.23393515

Have you ever seen a majority black city on black Friday? They can't help themselves.

>> No.23393530

shut the fuck up faggot. go back to r/antifa or wherever you came from

>> No.23393932

No sane person supports democrats

>> No.23393996

Just watch the market you will definitely know when everything starts to plummet downwards at the exact same time

>> No.23394147

Yo Christmas is cancelled. Not even T-day is going to survive whats coming. By new years people are going to be like eh... why bother

>> No.23394739

>Will crazy nancy finally capitulate?
Yes, she will stimulate my penis today.

>> No.23394776

This is what Republicans proposed. Targeted relief, negotiate on individual stimulus. Nancy loaded up the bill with $1 trillion extra in pork.

>> No.23394788

why would she capitulate now when they're about to take the executive branch and both houses of congress in a few months?

>> No.23394799

she doesn't want a check to arrive in a Trump presidency, all niggers will vote republican if it happens

>> No.23395705

These are the words used by neutral parties with nuanced opinions.

>> No.23395846


Niggaz riding with Trump


>> No.23396612

If republicans agree to have a national testing tracing strategy like civilized people, it's not about handing free money to people

>> No.23397365

Me and 420k NYC refugees disagree

>> No.23397427

It's not happening. They can't agree on whether they should give $1T or $2T to israel.

>> No.23397486

nigger what? You want me to give up my Liberty for bs "safetey"? That's how you end up with neither Liberty or safety

Not to mention the fucking 99.997% survival rate you fucking commie retard

>> No.23397778

massive market dump at the close

>> No.23398686

She already came out with a deal fucking DRUMPF rejected

>> No.23398732

Kys unironically

>> No.23398865

dems want >3 trillion and less than 100 billion would be for that. Kill yourself

>> No.23398931

ah yes that deal for more money for her corporation friends and illegals that dont deserve money....yes why would trump reject that I wonder you dishonest queer

>> No.23398970

You have to go back, John Oliver

>> No.23398990
File: 33 KB, 768x587, AE322E73-2EE4-4A5C-A739-42A0EF341FE7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Nancy tried to push through the 2.2 trillion deal, 45 proposed a 1.8 trillion, and this turkey necked faggot shitted on both of them.

>> No.23399014

Cantillon effect. She wants to pad the pockets of her "friends" and she's calling it stimulus. Traitor politicians should be executed in a just society.

>> No.23399042

One of the most based things I've ever seen

>> No.23399169

Pity it's dubbed with a white guy doing a black voice and the lip sync worked around by tweets across the face, but you knew that... right?

>> No.23399211

That's what makes it hilarious you incel

>> No.23399226

How are these boomers still around?
They all look sewn together barely hanging on.

>> No.23399242

Is this some sort of psyop? I think I’ve seen this headline about 50 times in the past 2 months. Is there no fucking timeline or deadline? I’m losing my mind with how much of a meme this is

>> No.23399384
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>2 fucking city blocks
That's 2 fucking city blocks too many bucko.

>> No.23399471
File: 28 KB, 445x386, F04D72EF-6B71-49DF-9684-D24BE8AC98DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>federal aid shouldn’t apply to every state

>> No.23400344
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>> No.23400405

Republicans push bill to give money to everyone, dems either shoot it down or add that we give money + catch babies on fire and donate 100 trillion to the give people aids and cancer foundation. Politics is so stupid and democracy is the least American thing in the world. Every one of these, leeches should be hanged until dead. The only good politicians are the ones pushing up daisies.

>> No.23400420

Below average volume again though.

>> No.23400439

honked and checked

>> No.23400585

no McDollars for you wagies

>> No.23400586

Were you not here for Gamergate? Media coordinate their headlines and push the same narratives until they get the result they desire.

>> No.23400631

gamergate, when the SJWs finally overran our last mainstream colony, and drove us back to 4chan where we remain fortified to this day.

>> No.23400703

put that in a separate bill then
fuck off with that "attach extra stuff to bill with good stuff so that if president rejects it, he looks bad" shit

>> No.23400797
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Day after night 1 in Minneapolis. Dems are fuckkked

>> No.23401737
File: 935 KB, 2374x1078, boring1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sign out of the traditional finance system already. It's ogre.

We live in the era of unstoppable DAO's.

>> No.23402061

Any News guys from Trump and Senate Deal?