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File: 26 KB, 450x450, The-bit-logo-e1575819611411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23386900 No.23386900 [Reply] [Original]

First of all - I am not a BTC maxi. I believe smart contracts will take over the jobs in finance in the future (escrow, etc) causing a lot of people lose their jobs.

BUT how can you even compete with something named BitCoin? I mean the name is so perfect there is no way it will just disappear. It will always be there. Perhaps as a store of value, but I dont see how it could just disappear or be surpassed by something else.

>> No.23386911

True, that's why Chainlink is also powerful, same name construction.

>> No.23386925

There is absolutely no way another shitcoin can overtake Bitcoin. Bitcoin has reached critical mass for organically crystallisation to occur without effect. The network will continue to grow and it will become unfavourable for people to use anything other than Bitcoin. Anyone who refutes this is delusional.

>> No.23386936

organic crystallisation without effort*

>> No.23386946

If it resolve the scaling problem maybe, but if it don't what are people gonna "use it" for?

>> No.23386972

I think Bitcoin can never work as a real money since its deflationary. Why would you spend something that will most likely have more value in the future? It could be the worlds reserve currency though. I can imagine that.

>> No.23386989

Scaling issues can be easily solved by layer 2 and layer 3 protocols built on top of the blockchain. Just like the archaic TCP/IP is still used for email when there are hundreds of "better" protocols. Bitcoin will have value if it achieves only one of these two:
-A store of value
-Transactional currency

Store of value alone is enough to propel BTC to 500k

>> No.23387127

This is a Quant board now.

>> No.23387136

All Bitcoin will be wrapped and used on ETH so the network itself will pretty much stop moving and it won't need to scale.

>> No.23387170

BSV = BitCoin and has smart contracts.
BTC is only segwit fork.

>> No.23387216

The value of a network is the number of participants willing to use that network and participate within it. Why would 50% of BTC users all of a sudden migrate to BSV? And it has to be a co-ordinated effort for that to work, which requires infinite amounts of resources and is almost impossible to achieve by any government, let alone institution. Additionally there are thousands of other forks and shitcoins to choose from. Why should they single out and choose BSV?

>> No.23387234

The real important question here is actually not why, but HOW will 50% of BTC users suddenly migrate AT THE SAME TIME to BSV. Not gonna happen. BSV is dead

>> No.23387272

Yeah, bitcoin has already won just be being the first and by getting the most generic but recognizable name. Imagine someone saying "I've invested in ethereum" ethewhat? but when someone says bitcoin, everyone who is not a tech illiterate boomer knows it's The Cryptocoin.

>> No.23387283
File: 8 KB, 335x335, 20201018_080924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the Hot Potato system, what is the meaning of HOT ONE?
The Hot One is the last address to purchase Hot Potato (HP) within the specified time and it is the purchase amount of 0.5ETH or more that's considered a valid transaction in Hot Potato's system.

>> No.23387311

Lets just reserve the 'never', as crazier things have happened and really anything is possible. Bitcoin could be easily hacked or something and people might want to switch. Or rather 1 big hack might have been done that kills the coin.

>> No.23387409

Do you realise the astronomical amounts of computing resources one needs in order to hack the Bitcoin network?And not only that, if one entity has the resources to penetrate Bitcoin, the first thing under threat is not Bitcoin, but the current Banking system with all the money that relies on computers and cryptographic encryption. Secondly, all cryptocurrencies will be dead along with it, so you can forget about another altcoin taking over. Until this unlikely event takes place, every second another Bitcoin block is created, every new investor who joins the network increases the security of the network.

>> No.23387440

Bsv nigger

>> No.23387936
File: 801 KB, 1125x902, 1581940735686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe 0,01% people can use BTC. Only 7txs. This coin is dead.

Real Bitcoin was for all, can do anything, and scale.

>> No.23388545
File: 1.52 MB, 865x861, 1601573133960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people misunderstand the 'digital gold' to mean the best or some shit. No, gold is and has been shit for hundred of years. But it was the first, and it's always worth something. That's BTC.

>> No.23388598

go away boomer, no one cares about your crap coin

>> No.23389779
File: 160 KB, 800x1200, Bitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23389888

>I think Bitcoin can never work as a real money since its deflationary.
here is one of the retarded guys that keeps saying i will not buy chairs if they get cheaper next year
well, i stack sats and i just bought a nice chair
you can divide sats and things will get cheaper, and this is a good thing, it means you are not losing value to give it away to niggers and governments

>> No.23389938

Btc has something that no other shitcoin will have and that is time. It has proven with time it is a reliable protocol for what it does. Other invocations will occur and I believe some shitcoins will have their use, but nothing will beat btc for store of value

>> No.23390125

it sounds cheap / tacky. like

"oh bitcoin you mean like a bit of a coin? no i prefer a whole coin, thanks"

its over