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23382470 No.23382470 [Reply] [Original]

>if trump wins, my crypto moons from $200 to $2000
>if Biden wins, he pays off my $15k student loan debt

Sorry bois but Biden makes more sense for me

>> No.23382500

>$200 in crypto
>$15k in student debt
get back in your cage

>> No.23382510

15? God you`re a fuckin pussy. My friends from college graduated with $280000, in college loans. You read that right 280 thousand. God what a non issue those fucking loans sound like.

>> No.23382606

So if your crypto went 10x, it wouldn't be more than $15k.
So you have less than $150 in crypto.

Stupid dumbass faggot pajeet.
True biztard.

>> No.23382626

biden is giving SJW free student debt forgiveness? fuck im voting trump, fuck those snowflakes

>> No.23382634

I'd kick start your fucking head if i knew where you were.

Fucking loser.
Your mom said its bed time.

>> No.23382667

lmao 15k is like nothing. I was underage and a 3rd worlder and I had that, fucking poorfag get a grip

>> No.23382677
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Biden doesn’t have the power to do that without Congress dummy

>> No.23382684

>if Biden wins, he pays off my $15k student loan debt
Not if you're white lol

>> No.23382705

You got shafter by the long dick of professor noseberg if you can't manage 15k in college debt. What the fuck did you get a degree in that 15k is some kind of existential burden?

>> No.23382714

ohh no bernbros we got 2cocky

>> No.23382732
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>> No.23382736
File: 82 KB, 1080x841, Why Bernie lost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23382742
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>If Trump wins my crypto goes from 3k to 30k
>If Biden wins he pays off my $30k student loan debt
I win either way.

>> No.23382744

crypto is going to moon to 6 gorillion dorrars no matter which candidate wins

>> No.23382770

it's only paying off $10k but for that reason I'm glad Biden's gonna win as well. Millenials who haven't finish paying off their student loans but also didn't spend 6 figures at some retarded private school are the ones who win out here. Fucking based that finally someone does something for the middle class.

>> No.23382787

Sorry anon but Trump is winning prepare yourself for another 4 years. 15k people show up to his rallies in every single city he goes to and Biden cant get 1000 people to show up to his. You would have to be delusional to believe the lying polls that its somehow close.

>> No.23382891

Why would crypto moon?

>> No.23382917

Cope Putin

>> No.23383487
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My crypto already went to 2k earlier, but I didn't sell and now it's back at like 1400 or something. If Trump gets me from 1.4k to 20k then fuck yes I'm voting for him.

>> No.23383498
File: 59 KB, 569x398, STUDENT DEBT OR WHY HOS BE MAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This but unironically, women already get preferential hiring so the fact they're all in debt is my biggest advantage over them.

>> No.23383500

>if Biden wins, he pays off my $15k student loan debt

Kek imagine believing this

>> No.23383509

no wonder you post a pepe sucking his own cock. thats you.

>> No.23383535

wtf is a biden?

>> No.23384568

dont pay your student loans you fucking idiot. do the research, there are plenty of ways to avoid paying them.

>> No.23384578

your math is a bit off anon

>> No.23384591

>he thinks the DNC is actually going to relieve student loan debt
you'll get a slightly less strict forgiveness plan, if you're lucky

>> No.23385458

Biden cant get 1000.
Can you even show me a crowd of 100?

>> No.23385534

if trump wins, my stocks go up. if biden wins, my PMs and gun collection go up. whoever wins, i win, and if your situation is different you're insufficiently diversified.

>> No.23385549

> 15k debt
just flip burgers at mcdonalds for a few months you dumb nigger

>> No.23385563

They are only forgiving 10k

>> No.23385632

typical selfish leftist scum, fuck off and die OP

>> No.23385704

This. Biden will make money printer go brrrrrrr which will moon bitcone

>> No.23385716

he won't do that ratard you'll stay poor and miserable

>> No.23385808

Only has $200 to invest. Get off the board poorfag you're an embarrassment.

>> No.23385824

>retards think biden will actually pay off student debt

Fucking kek

>> No.23385864

Why would you moon if Trump wins? I thought Biden was better for crypto, and wanted lower taxes for average people who invest.

>> No.23386719
File: 367 KB, 2200x1600, 1601190289034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should I get back to study at 30 considering it will cost me around 6k total to graduate?

>> No.23386789

biden isnt lowering taxes for anyone, he's raising capital gains tax, which is the only tax that impacts anyone who invests in terms of their investing gains. biden has no incentive to lower taxes for anyone, because his base, democrats, are on welfare, and do not pay taxes.

>> No.23387839
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Actually believing empty promises from politicians, definitely ngmi

>> No.23388613

sir use coinbase earn to get $50 by just watching some videos and answering questions
if you use these codes you wont have to be on waiting list


>> No.23388715

Why would trump winning make your crypto moon? Look at the US right now... trump tweets and crashes the stonks like 3 times per week, which also puts selling pressure on btc. Why do ppl think trump winning will make them rich? I don’t get it.

>> No.23388762

People claim shit all the time to win elections man. Biden will never pay off all college loans. I forget where, but someone showed the math where you could tax the rich at 100% and it wouldn't touch the debt owed by college students. And removing that debt eliminates the motivation for higher educated americans to apply themselves 100%, thereby breaking the chain and ultimately hurting america as a whole. Even if he could force the money printer to 88 miles an hour indefinitely without totally fucking the whole of america to pay that off, the collective (they) wouldn't allow him to do it. So vote with that topic out of mind... Because it's not going to happen

>> No.23388861

>his base is on welfare
Biden doesn’t really have a base outside of middle class liberals who want Obama or Bill Clinton 2
Anyone on welfare would prefer Bernie

>> No.23388882

Go to community college