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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23381887 No.23381887 [Reply] [Original]

>newbie into cryptos
>got shilled by XSN pajeets
>didn't make gains
>at least i withdrawed all my money before the big dump
>bought $10k of AVAX
>all or nothing this time

>> No.23381911
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Nice choice, if you have some more money to spend, go with LINK

>> No.23381933

Make safer investments, retard.

>> No.23381967

i've been researching sorta hard for around 1 month, and AVAX technological background makes me feel safe. Do u have any better idea?

plus it's a newcomer so larger gains are assured.

>> No.23382025

No avax has trash tokenomics, You'll get dumped on relentlessly. Also it's not a "potential" buy, It's already valued at near 2B for non used network, In a way avax getting use cases is already priced in (Even if they might not even get them) You bought inflationary overvalued asset.

>> No.23382045

Shit man you need to do more research, not about specific projects but on how markets work at all.

>> No.23382059
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>No avax has trash tokenomics
u should check out a little better then pal

>It's already valued at near 2B for non used network
i've seen some estimations of Avalanche being $10 eoy

>> No.23382897

That's probably the scammiest pic i've seen all week. Man you're clearly uninformed about how all this work, The scammers got you trapped.

>Pic claim avax has 100M in comparison to DOT/Cosmos but fail to explain that this is with 3% circulated supply in comparison to 100% in dot/cosmos, making avax valued equally or MORE than both
>Pic claim avax is deflationary is the biggest joke i've seen holy kek, AVAX has more inflation to go through the next 3 years than Cosmos and DOT have COMBINED THE NEXT 100 YEARS loll
>Avax fees structure is one of their biggest disadvantages, See EOS problem.
>The rest are just not unique or anything special

Why this pic don't mention that cosmos and especially DOT has actual project built on them? A mature ecosystem? An ACTUAL VALUE that the network produce? The fact big companies are on their side? Avax is inflated and overpriced, sorry, horrifying investment.

Pic clearly made to shill avax, not only that but filled with lies and misinformation, anyone with above average IQ know to ignore those pics, I can make one for Sparkster scam and make it look better than anything crypto has to offer.

>> No.23383700
File: 38 KB, 250x201, bigsuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retard alert.