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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 116 KB, 1280x944, 03D8B8A1-E273-4E54-90EB-FC204786CCB0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23376752 No.23376752 [Reply] [Original]

This is THE /biz/coin anons, why are you still sleeping on it? Do you want Plebbit and normies to get in on it before you do and have to buy their bags once you realize this isn’t a scam and FOMO in? Twitter is already starting to notice it.

C2D is now out, everyone is making a lot of money and you’re missing out on what could possibly be the /biz/ YFI.

Get the fuck in already before Coingecko lists the project and more people find out about it.

>> No.23376790

Ok, i will hold for $22,222

>> No.23376819

Tripled my stack... Everyone is adding in hands are strong here

>> No.23376824

Sleeping on it? CLV has been feeding the village for weeks sir. With VRC on the move I might be able to buy the neighbor village.

>> No.23376830

All-in on C2D, boosted my stack about 15% overnight. This is such a no-brainer. Perfect time to buy before it boosts back over $20, $50 EONW

>> No.23376873

Made $120 in dividends last night for pressing a button. Nice.

>> No.23376912
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Uniswap: https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?inputCurrency=0x22222c03318440305ac3e8a7820563d6a9fd777f

Dextools: https://www.dextools.io/app/uniswap/pair-explorer/0x1a455b43e185ecc80b4118a47255bf97cde976fe

Website: clv.surge.sh
Telegram: t.me/clvfi
Discord: d7HM9wC
Twitter: https://twitter.com/clvfi

>> No.23376946

get in before coingecko listing retards
the website doesn't show the fucking apy on C2D and C3D yet, normies are still out.

>> No.23376947

i put 40clv in c2d tonight and it doesnt make much really. im too late

>> No.23377006

literally wait, bigger things are coming

>> No.23377079

i will. been here for long. im just always late

>> No.23377173

I'm not gonna lie, I'm new and retarded to this stuff. How do I even buy things not listed on some exchange? I see all these things talked about but not supported by this or that.

>> No.23377188
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yhhea well being late is a thing of the past now, c2d rewards are supper comfy so you can stop worryng now and lean back

>> No.23377268

you can buy it with local currency like this

or you can swap any crypto you have for for CLV on Uniswap.
when you click buy or sell you are going to be directed to a uniswap trade.

>> No.23377319

It's not even late, some people just got in extremely early. It's literally only day 2 and there's only 35% of the supply locked.

>> No.23377620

CLV is growing organically, those looking to 2x their money in 5 minutes need to look elsewhere to get rugged. CLV is comfy af right now

>> No.23377703
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But I was promised $100 EOW two weeks ago! Now I have to wait until the end of this week? Fuck it, selling.

>> No.23377739

Yeah I probably should too

>> No.23377953

$100 is FUD this where retards will want to take profits and will make holders earn even more
$222 is the real first target

>> No.23378037

how much supply is locked in lp tokens staked on clv3d?

>> No.23378273


>> No.23378500
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Note that it's 63% of LP tokens specifically. Not 63% of all CLV tokens.

>> No.23378556

so ~1200 clv tokens locked in c3d?

>> No.23378625

vrc3d fucking when

>> No.23378633


>> No.23378670

checked and thanks

>> No.23378672

I think chadmin was saying tomorrow. I have my lp's ready

>> No.23378802

Fuck off crackrock

>> No.23378869
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sr for being a brainlet, but whats the fundamental difeence betwee vrc3d and adding liquidity via uniswap? I dont quite get it

>> No.23378926

You put your uniswap liquidity tokens into VRC3D. It's the same, except whenever anyone enters or leaves VRC3D you get a cut of the entrance and exit fees. It's for longterm holding.

>> No.23378987

Gains on top of gains for holders. Have a read about c2d and c3d and see how it benefited clv

>> No.23379031

i don't post in the gay tg

>> No.23379625
File: 86 KB, 750x1000, 3C57170F-8925-4140-B82C-821EACA5A4D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chadmin is supposedly planning on maybe holding another airdrop for /biz/ so you guys better not fuck it up this time if true.


>> No.23380330

airdrop of what?

>> No.23380412


>> No.23380481
File: 91 KB, 600x840, Chadmin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

altruistic dev wants to share his burgers with /biz/ bros

>> No.23380487

35.8% of supply is now locked in farming C2D kek send it to 50%

>> No.23380492

Get in and Trust the Plan!

>> No.23380511
File: 73 KB, 500x701, 1603084209484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was the first one into C2D and now is giving back his dividends earned from staking instead of ordering uber eats for life. Faggot leaf dev is too nice to us

>> No.23380518

OK, noob question:
if it was originally airdropped as fairly as possible, where is the dev getting even more to airdrop?

also, where can I read more about c2d vs c3d?

>> No.23380542
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VOID3D almost here I'm gonna be first in I can feel it

>> No.23380543

>He was the first one into C2D and now is giving back his dividends earned from staking

>also, where can I read more about c2d vs c3d?
Medium, telegram, clv.surge.sh
It's really simple though, c2d is staking CLV and c3d is staking LP tokens.

>> No.23380546

The core models of $clv have barely even begun to be implemented, once the true functions of the coin rolls out CT won't stop talking about it and it will be too late for /biz/, again.
Wait until CG lists it and watch the plan unfold.
Grab a stack of 22 $clv for the airdrop in November, if you can, and stick the rest in c2d for the long run.

>> No.23380572


>> No.23380593
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Softcore. Faggots need to get in before big eyes catch notice of this. CLV tokenomics are rock solid

>> No.23380730

Dev actually going to airdrop his own clv earned from staking...bullish

>> No.23380774
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>gave blowjobs and sold my cat's food to ape in into this
>could only afford 30 CLV
>staked them in C2D yesterday, after reading stories like yours
>check today: 0.056 CLV dividends

I have been bamboozled even rot offers higher apy than this I sucked dicks just to get some clovies and it was for nothing

>> No.23380793
File: 2.89 MB, 500x697, COOM.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need to onboard more /biz/ oldfags. Too many nigerians and pajeets have flocked to us. The next airdrop form will try to filter out these cockroaches as much as possible

>> No.23380818

Trust the plan and be patient. Be productive instead of being a whiny little bitch. Or you can sell, and I'll enjoy your sweet dividends you paperhanded faggot

>> No.23380857

You fucking idiots are going to lose everything

>> No.23380864


>> No.23380876

The 2D/3D stuff is all a pyramid scheme. If you don't get in early, you might as well not go in at all.
That's not to say CLV won't have value in the future, just know that with the 2D/3D stuff the idea is literally get in early, get money.

>> No.23380882

enjoy your captchas faggot


>> No.23380897

Too bad u didnt get in earlier in the pyramid scheme. There are people sitting on 5x profits with 100s of clvs. Dont really see why I anyone would add at this point.

>> No.23380911
File: 47 KB, 591x631, 1597523536751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh 4% fee
>all of crypto is a pyramid scheme, those who got in early made the most!
>why buy bitcoin at 1k when people got it for 10 dollars? HECKIN PYRAMID SCHEME

>> No.23380913
File: 21 KB, 480x477, please.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I trust the plan which is why I want MORE clovies, thats why Im thinking it was a mistake to stake on C2D because if I had used that $ to stake on something offering much higher apy=more money=more clovies I can buy.

I want at least 1000 clovies but I cannot afford them so I need to find the best use for the funds I used to buy those 30 clv. I was bamboozled by stories of anons quadrupling their stacks in 1 day of staking C2D and now I want to die

>> No.23380916

see >>23376946

>> No.23380940

Yea im not putting money into a badly launched powh. He should have made it have 0% fee the first 24-48 hours so people could actually get in without whaling up the first degens.

>> No.23380956
File: 25 KB, 320x240, 1556793535976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been literally one day. c2d has been out for about 25 hours now. Yes, you missed the initial wave I'm sorry. Remember you profit from people exiting as well, but why would anyone in 25 hours?

>> No.23380957
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I am a fucking idiot then I specifically asked about this in threads to see if it was worth getting into C2D at this point or if it was better to use that $ to stake on other high yield apy projects and use the rewards to buy more clovies. I want 1000 clovies. I need them. I have to have them. I sold my dignity to get the $ just to buy 30 of them and stake I should have tried farming something else. Why did you lie to me? 0.056 CLV dividends after 24 hours is fucking terrible I want to die

>> No.23380994

1000 CLV was never obtainable for someone as poor and dumb as you. The functionality of c2d was explained very clearly to you yesterday. How could I predict how many would enter after you? I'm surprised we're still only at 37% when c3d went over 70% in 24 hours.

>> No.23381000

You do also realize this is not like normal staking. At any point the guys who is sitting on 5x profit can cash out and this can go to 0,

>> No.23381236
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>1000 CLV was never obtainable for someone as poor and dumb as you
thats why I asked for help from anons and all I got was knives in the back
what did kek mean by this? he's telling me to just pull the trigger already isnt he...

All suicide memes and kidding aside anons, I get this isnt something that just gives you a set % apy bc returns are based on fees from people buying and selling to reward long time staking. But can you explain why "it can go to 0 in a flash from someone cashing out"? wouldn't I still be able to turn my C2D back into clv and sell for whatever value clv is going at that time

>> No.23381242

4% is nothing, especially when most people have double digit stacks. The only way to make money with 2D/3D is to have more people buy in after you so your 2D/3D token increases in value. But no, your bitcoin comparison does not work because say if 1 million dollars were dumped into btc right now, it'd pump right? But if 1 million dollars were dumped into clv right now, the 2D/3D variant wouldn't pump. They rely on people putting clv into the pools but less and less people do that as time progresses because they don't have as much to gain. If the pool is at 50%, what seems more likely? That it goes up substantially from there or that it goes down substantially? To people getting in late, it's safer to just hold clv.

>> No.23381261
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>But can you explain why "it can go to 0 in a flash from someone cashing out"?
This is fud or someone who doesn't understand the system.
>wouldn't I still be able to turn my C2D back into clv and sell for whatever value clv is going at that time
Yes, you'd get even better rates on it.

>> No.23381281

>But if 1 million dollars were dumped into clv right now, the 2D/3D variant wouldn't pump.
W R O N G. That's 2 dimensional thinking.

>> No.23381296

Dont listen to this spastic who obviously got in early. Keep your clv away from the ponzi.

>> No.23381319

They're already in it and i'm trying to help them....

>> No.23381365

Technically if everyone sells C2D at once, CLV / C2D would drop way below 1:1 and you'd be turning 80 C3D into 20 CLV. But if a single whale dumps it from 1.29:1 to sub 1:1, it would spike the dividends for everyone else and be a perfect time to reinvest any divvies you already have. It's a game of chicken, but technically if the first 10 or 20 people cashed out all at once, C2D would get buttfucked into the core of the earth. There's no incentive to pull out as a whale if another whale dumps because you just gain a bigger piece of the pie in the future too. It's all game theory.

>> No.23381416

I only have a bag of VRC. Will this be enough to make a little profit? I don't even have ETH left to be a liquidity provider. I just want to taste success only once but the more I read about the initial token distribution, the more I get scared and doubtful about VRC. I should have bought Clover instead

>> No.23381509

> the more I read about the initial token distribution, the more I get scared and doubtful about VRC.
In what way? Dev will likely release features for it tomorrow, like a C3D clone to improve liquidity. Just give it 42-48 hours, it'll do a quick 4 or 5x. And the token distribution was fine, it's been airdrops to CLV holders, lp providers and RUGZ holders.
Also just curious, is it a 1m+ bag or a baby stack?

>> No.23381510

Nice way of saying it can and most likely will go close to 0 when people lose interest, the big gainers cash out, and in general would rather hold actual CLV

>> No.23381537

Dev has more than clone stuff in mind for it too. Now is the time to get a stack

>> No.23381546

1m+ stack, which is in my opinion a baby bag still when looking at the total supply.
Thanks for the hopium nonetheless, anon.

>> No.23381600
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>Technically if everyone sells C2D at once, CLV / C2D would drop way below 1:1 and you'd be turning 80 C3D into 20 CLV.
>technically if the first 10 or 20 people cashed out all at once
Thats the part I still dont understand because Im a retard how do you determine what # of people or liquidity has to be pulled out to activate this apocalypse scenario? what catalyst would be needed to make "the first 20 anons" who got in to just sell at once? for example would they be able to coordinate in a group to do a mass exit just to crash the price?
I dont want to lose my clovies its all I have in life but apparently I got in too late to the staking game

Also what is the FUD about the anon dev being a leaf....surely /biz/ would never trust their money to a fucking leaf so where did this FUD originate from

>> No.23381619

Take care of your precious clovies. Try to get out of the ponzi that is c2d and dont listen to anons trying to shill it on you.

>> No.23381626

I got in with a triple digit stack after the 2-4x gains (I was over an hour late to the party) and I've already generated 2 clovies overnight. If you have a sizeable stack it's retarded not to put money in. I seriously don't see C2D going to 0 if it's so directly tied to CLV's success either. It's just a way to add to your stack. If you're long on this C2D is a good move, if you're looking for ADHD zoomer gains with a small stack this ain't it.

>> No.23381648
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>> No.23381655

Bigger the stack bigger the risk. Im sure people will lure some more innocent anons into it in the close future so be careful.

>> No.23381708
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They're going to be on CG soon. How much will this pump the price?

>> No.23381734
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Probably unpopular opinion but I wouldn't oppose a sales tax for CLV, I'm tired of bots and swingies keeping the price suppressed while we wait for twitter to figure out what's happening.

>> No.23382010

so what is VRC and why should I give a shit? all I know is that it was airdropped to CLV holders, can't find anything substantial about it

>> No.23382094

It's a scam

>> No.23382195
File: 84 KB, 1280x849, 59164886-9E95-4F0B-AC49-C88FABAA0EE8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It forked from a dead token called NRCT. Any unfortunate nigerian that was in NRCT was airdropped an equivalent radio’d stack of VRC. Chadmin also didn’t fork the former dev’s tokens so he can’t dump anymore as he didn’t receive any VRC and is left with useless and worthless tokens. There’s already plans for it in the pipeline, it has a ridiculously low mcap (like sub 100k) so the upside is pretty high. Also pic related, dev shared it to the secret Clover group, I wouldn’t be surprised if it launches tomorrow.

>> No.23382221

Oh yeah and chadmin bought the project from the former dev for something ridiculous like 0.5 ETH, but since he’s slightly staking his reputation on the outcome of VRC I wouldn’t be surprised to see it skyrocket soon, similar to CLV

>> No.23382254

O boy another powh copy where the first to get in (dev and friends) gets an instant 5x.

>> No.23382373

I missed the airdrop but I heard about CLV later. what's the minimum I should be holding for full participation in the future? 41 because that's how it started?

>> No.23382446


>> No.23382469

22 to receive NFT's and potentially participate in governance. And you're still top 200/624 holders, 66th percentile. 41 is definitely unironically a make-it stack though. So many people sold their airdrop that 41 is almost top 100 holders now kek, triple digits is top 25 disregarding early C2D holders that all-in'd and earned hundreds within 30 minutes, but they'll show up on the c2d etherscan, not clv

>> No.23383126

Im not lying when I say I dont know who to believe and its driving me fucking insane

>> No.23383579

I’ll be honest with you. Unless you have 70+ clovies it’s not worth it putting it in C2D based on DIVIDENDS. You’ll be basing the potential of you earning more clovies by the PRICE of CLV / C2D, which is at 1.30 (aka you’re spending 1.30 CLV to buy 1 C2D). If that PRICE goes up, your C2D + Div value will be greater than what it was, and that’s based on new people entering C2D. You won’t generate enough divvies at a relatively decent pace without a large stack. HOWEVER, I really don’t think C2D will crash because of the collective autism that has gotten CLV this far alone. No one wants to be the first out because everyone else will scoop their 4% fee, and they want that 4% fee from a whale dumping

>> No.23383647

>I really don’t think C2D will crash because of the collective autism that has gotten CLV this far alone.
>collective autism

>> No.23383800

wait, really?

>> No.23383867

Does NRCT even have a website?
VOID just got listed but I was trying to help get NRCT listed as well and blockchain requested it

>> No.23383872
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Blockfolio* I mean
My bad anons

>> No.23383913

NRCT is dead, chadmin even told everyone today to send their NRCT to the dev fund or VRC smart contract. I think he had a website for void yesterday but I forget the URL and it was under maintenance last night

>> No.23383942

Gotcha, if anyone has that I would highly appreciate it
Bought some VRC to stack on top of my airdrop and also some NRCT because I thought I missed out on a previous one

>> No.23384199

digits once again. Yes really those were my returns in 24hrs of having 30 clv in c2d

>> No.23384437

>le epic /biz/ coin bros, this is for the board!!
>haha look it's called clover and the logo is like the 4chan logo
>$22222 price target get it, it's quints like epic dubsman posts on the 'chon xD
Fuck off. Do you seriously think that people are going to fall for this when every second shitcoin says the same thing? Oh, but this time it's totally different, I'm sure. The dev is totally cool, it's not a pyramid, it's a "reverse funnel", we're all going to be rich because we shitpost! Hey retard, that doesn't make this any different from any of the other DeFi scams running on the exact same principle of just having more and more people put their money into it. Airdrops and burning governance don't fucking matter, this guy clearly has more brain cells than the average pump and dump scam shilled on here, and when you finally figure it out, he's going to make out with magnitudes greater stolen gains than any fucking piece of shit like $LUIGI. Here's another fucking epic 4chan reference for you retards: enjoy your $0.0000 quints after he finally gets you gullible retards.

>> No.23384478

What's all the fud about? This coin has done nothing but benefit it's community.

>> No.23384534 [DELETED] 

>it's community ?
you mean the pajeet leaf and his 400 bots ?

>> No.23384868

I got 41 coins for nothing. With the shit he's released so far, I've managed to double it to 80. And they are trading at ~20 per
A grand and a half for nothing but gas costs is nothing.
Sorry you didn't know I comes after N pajeet

>> No.23385076

I also bought VRC, just in case. I hope I won't come to regret this decision anons