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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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23378282 No.23378282 [Reply] [Original]

>More tx and active live projects than DOT, KSM and ATOM combined
>Valued at less than 1% of them combined

This is going to moon back up so fucking hard.

>> No.23378301

kek is this true? a redneck sidechain has more projects than dot?

>> No.23378439

Russian, but yeah it's true.

>> No.23378460
File: 81 KB, 1078x844, perpprotocol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dot has 2k tx today. xDai has 40k.
Also another project just migrated. This is looking really bad for other projects lmao. No other scaling solution will be ready for at least 6 months it seems. Also, this will moon so hard when full POSDAO comes out.

>> No.23378467

redneck in the sense of hacked together and not very elegant

>> No.23378499

Completely incorrect, Igor even bested Sergey in a hackathon. He's autistic, but a genius.

>> No.23378536

It isn't trustless. It's a poa/pos sidechain with a bridge. It's a simple solution that kinda works but it isn't pretty.

>> No.23378916
File: 15 KB, 733x165, POAP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Igor is already working on a trustless bridge though. I'm pretty sure this is going to be the best ETH scaling solution for a while. POAP decided they want to be on xDai a few weeks ago as well.

>> No.23378970

let's see the design. as i understand it this really isn't possible without a "collapsible" sidechain design. not saying it's not possible, saying I'll believe it when i see a high level explanation.

i have a feeling his definition of trustless will not be the same as mine.

>> No.23379106

Delete this shit anon. I’m accumulating. XDai is a gay scam poopcoin and going to zero

>> No.23380180

I fud'd this shit so hard by saying it was only reddit keeping it afloat. Now that the competition was delayed and real projects are boarding, I decided it was time to buy. It would be hilarious if it still ends up winning. Based on the POAP medium post, it seems it has some chance.

>> No.23380483

how much for a suicide stack?

>> No.23381150

I'd say 100 STAKE could be worth quite a bit in the future if you hold. Keep in mind, the supply is only going to be around 8 million.

>> No.23381863

isn't this a short-medium hold tho? as soon as optimism comes out, STAKE will be useless. Unless you think STAKE will explode to a multi-billion mcap in the short-medium timeframe?

>> No.23382090

The benefits of optimism will have to be substantial to stop Xdai's expansion. They really aren't there, the dispute windows and fraud proofs are actually bad for many use cases.

it's pushed hard by eth ogs, for reasons regarding their own vision for eth 2.0, but these visions are not necessarily destiny.

I've already migrated most of my trading and speculating over to the chain, if you haven't tried it, I would recommend it. I've spent maybe 1 dai in fees overall. Trading, staking, farming, its all already up and running. It's fast, familiar and most importantly, it's cheap.

>> No.23382473

I would say that pretty much what >>23382090
>The benefits of optimism will have to be substantial to stop Xdai's expansion. They really aren't there, the dispute windows and fraud proofs are actually bad for many use cases.

Most people aren't going to want to wait a full week to get off their rollup. This adds a learning curve. Using the rollup will be slightly different than using ETH. xDai is literally exactly the same in almost every aspect. It's just on a different chain. People like the fact you can hop on in two minutes or less and get out within a minute. Maybe it's not as secure as a roll-up, but most people feel comfortable leaving their entire stack on CEX, so why not feel comfortable leaving their stack on xDai, which is much more secure than a CEX?

I also think if Roll-ups were that crucial all these chains wouldn't be moving to xDai. You don't need ETH's level of security for some of these applications. Most DAOs/games/POAP seem to think their migration to xDai is permanent.

>> No.23382564

I don't think you realize that xDai isn't scalable. It's just a fork of parity. It's maybe 1k TPS.
This isn't enough for these applications, especially because games require lots of low value transactions.

EOS completely threw away decentralization - eg. every ethereum block has a hash of the current state which is stored in a merkle tree, but eos doesn't. As a result, there's no way at to verify the state - block producers can just return whatever.
They also wrote everything in C++ with JIT and stored state in a ram database (ethereum uses on-disk) at the cost of higher server requirements.
The result:

You seem to think that rollups are some trick that's only needed on ethereum. That's not true. Rollups with sharding is literally the only way to scale blockchains even if you are ok with DPoS. Eth2 with zkrollups scales potentially to 1M TPS.

>> No.23382616

to add, a zkrollup on eth1 is more scalable than xDai.
https://zksync.curve.fi/ a demo on rinkeby of curve.fi

>> No.23382737

do you fags even understand the value of "stable chain"?

>> No.23382991

nope please explain