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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 54 KB, 1287x789, andremoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23373888 No.23373888 [Reply] [Original]

yearn deployer made a "Keep3r" token about an hour ago,

there are only 40 holders, this is RIDICILIOUSLY early.

andre mentions it just once and it will 10x, what odds do you think a tweet is 10:1? i'd easily take that.

proof it's from andre:


>> No.23373906

not falling for this again kike

>> No.23373908

holy shit thanks anon

>> No.23373919

Isnt he a confirmed scammer though?

>> No.23373918

yeah obviously dont yeet 100% of your portfolio in, but easily worth a 1 eth punt

>> No.23373930


>> No.23373943

you can fail 9 out of 10 times if the 10th is a 10x :)

>> No.23373957

okay I'm in for 0.5

>> No.23373981
File: 88 KB, 1358x796, Screenshot 2020-10-19 at 19.05.29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is this, how do you even know it has a use

>> No.23374001

why doesn't this south african nigger use a new address?

>> No.23374011

50 usdt pushes price 88%. How did you even buy it

>> No.23374016

graph looks from a different contract?

0x9696fea1121c938c861b94fcbee98d971de54b32 is fresh this evening!

yeah it has a use, its an onchain bounty system read the README here: https://github.com/keep3r-network/keep3r.network

>> No.23374032

a 1 usd buy pushes it 8% lol. someone add liquid

>> No.23374034

use eth i guess, but yeah there's only like 10 eth in liquidity, which is why it can EASILY 10x with just afew buys.

>> No.23374041

>3rd times a charm
Fucking lol, you guys just cant get enough of Andres cock can you? Inb4 another prank, experiment or andre "sleeping"

>> No.23374060

yeah I had the wrong one, ok I put 200$ in lets see how it goes. should go 10x as long as it doesn't rug

>> No.23374085

how many tokens are there? can we work out a market cap?

>> No.23374110

up 50% since i posted, dont miss out anon

>> No.23374113

here is the actual chart, fuck it's shooting up

>> No.23374132
File: 76 KB, 1300x766, Screenshot 2020-10-19 at 19.12.56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got 6.3 kpr lets see what happens

>> No.23374160

etherscan says 10,400 but 10k in Andres wallet

so literally only 400 circulating atm, one big buy and there's none left lol

>> No.23374178

Look at this one https://twitter.com/TimviOfficial/status/1311772800009502720

>> No.23374215

huh? thats not $KYP

>> No.23374227

wow this is going to 1k isnt it, only 10k supply haha fuck

>> No.23374233

We'll see how this ages, just to let you know though, I am impervious to fomo

>> No.23374237
File: 673 KB, 1338x1274, 1598032069104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fucking god this shit again
This motherfucker is literally a cockroach who refuses to die

Threw in 2 ETH

>> No.23374242

price up 2.5x since post made KEK

dont say i didnt warn you at 10x

>> No.23374259

should we add liquidity ??

>> No.23374263

he's just a pajeet

>> No.23374279

As more people find out about this, it will hit 1k+ easily ad 10k supply and such a low circulation

>> No.23374301

if you have extra eth yeah, just pool it + your KPR in uni.

(obviously slightly risky, DYOR on benefits) but with more liquidity this could REALLy moon

>> No.23374308


>> No.23374334

OP is fucking based, this is why I love biz, we get to benefit from autists by simply scrolling

>> No.23374354

leave this board

>> No.23374363

Who's going to take the fall this time?

Has to be that faggot banteg right? Andre is running out of cartoon characters

>> No.23374373

im in for a half eth, what the hell

>> No.23374378

dude it's up 4x since I made this thread

so, I'm glad you missed out lol

>> No.23374391

scroll up you dumb nigger

>> No.23374410

Literally put $30 at $150 a token and its already at $250, thx anon lmao lets get that x1000

>> No.23374443

nice anon, you're welcome. bet you wish you had more in at start

>> No.23374459

Idk has he taken a nap yet today?

>> No.23374463

trying to buy 473 of these, why doesn't it work?

I just wanna all-in something

>> No.23374465

already doubled my investment, i'm going to ride this one out a little bit

>> No.23374471

wow, this is going so fucking high. Does twitter know about this yet?

>> No.23374480

lol you cant buy 473

only like 24 KPR left in uniswap liquidity.

just DCA, buy 2 then wait a minute then buy another 2.

>> No.23374483

1 ETH = 1 KPR

>> No.23374490

I lost 15 eth on EMN, yes I bought KPR

>> No.23374492

I took out my initial 400$ , now this is free money lets ride this to 1k at least

>> No.23374499


>> No.23374527

we pretty much are surpassing that right now lol, KPR will get to 1k as soon as a couple twitter accounts mention it

>> No.23374535

Imma sell this shit at 10k n buy chainlink!

>> No.23374568

Where are the 10,000 ones sitting?

>> No.23374572
File: 22 KB, 968x410, box.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on chain bounty system? Where have I seen this before?

>> No.23374580

this is hilarious

>> No.23374586

andre's wallet, he doesnt dump randomly.

400 KPR right now, thats why its 5x since this thread

>> No.23374621

Holy fuck i haven’t had a 10x in a while, thanks bros

>> No.23374626

thanks OP! I didn't have much on hand to spend unfortunately, but I've 7x'd since I saw your post and decided to ape!

>> No.23374629

fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck, why am I always to late

>> No.23374635

boooom past 1 Eth each now

>> No.23374638


>> No.23374678

Holy hell ,thanks OP !

>> No.23374681

man this tokens really needs more liquidity lmao

only like 16 out of 400 KPR in uniswap

>> No.23374747


>> No.23374753

okay that dip was me taking profit, sorry anons I'm riding my last KPR left to $10.000 though

>> No.23374783
File: 9 KB, 200x200, Vl5pZJ2S2k4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same. I've already taken my initial out + 2 ETH along with it.

Won't be selling anymore til shit stabilizes or until another "hack" comes along

>> No.23374823

Took out my 2x, i don’t give a shit what happens next, i’m holding

>> No.23374848

this is going to crash so hard lmfao
>still buying cronje tokens
I bet you guys bought mcafee hypecoins too, kill yourselves

>> No.23374849

i got my initial out as well, holding to see what happens, fuck it.

>> No.23374868

That’s why you take profits my nig

>> No.23374878

Wish I’d seen this earlier ffs

>> No.23374888

This guy has ass raped investors like 30 times now and it still only takes a single whiff of his cock for people to clamor around him once again


>> No.23374893

why are you faggots selling. this is going much much higher

>> No.23374911

sure is hard to get an order throug when everyone's apeing in

>> No.23374914

nigger i put in $150 and took out more than that, I don't know what else you want out of this place.

>> No.23374921
File: 21 KB, 240x240, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23374924

dude, check price when i posted this thread and check price now.

as promised, but face it you're just salty you missed out :)

gonna use my 2 remaining KPR profit for a 100x moonshot chance

>> No.23374944

Leave retard.
Fuck jews and niggers. 2 of them, pls dont fuck me senpai.

>> No.23374979
File: 955 KB, 1920x1080, 1590984296812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are hundreds of jeet "gems" raiding this board a day by trannygram indians and their "GEM FINDER" groups and in the end an autistic anon digs up the biggest diamond of them all

>> No.23374983

How did you manage to find this so fast tho?
>no site
>still no twitter announcement
literally followed him on github or what?

>> No.23374993

fair warning. andre holds 10k our of 10,400 tokens and is testing the contract. this either gets rugged like the last project, cause it's a worthless token, or he goes live with it....in which case he would dump it way down again to add liquidy. you gotta be retarded to buy at $8M mc...which is where it currently is, with only 20 ETH or so in the pool. i mean...all he's gotta do is sell like 10 kpr to dump this down to like 1M mc again.

>> No.23374995

post an address OP, I usually hodl things into the ground but if this manages to keep going up, I'll show my appreciation

>> No.23375004
File: 7 KB, 250x217, RARE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open uniswap for first time in months
>WTF they're giving out free UNI?
>claim UNI, holy fuck free $1200
>put all into KPR because why not
>1 minute later im down 30%
t-thanks i guess

>> No.23375038

if this moons you can tip me your appreciation here:

>> No.23375041

imagine being this retarded.

>> No.23375069

lol i followed his address on etherscan:

paid off got 10x on 1 eth and now i got 2 KPR left for $10,000 moon

>> No.23375089

Twitter has yet to pick up on it, not trending on Dext and even if it was they'd have no idea what the fuck it was.

Most trannygram raid groups atm are jerking each other off about their Hard Burn Token or Shoot.finance or Metacore.
you'd have to have been actively browsing this board to have found out about this

>> No.23375130

yeah agreed, /biz/ needs to spread the word to turn this $500 coin to $5,000

>> No.23375137

You’re LATE
I got an easy 12x

>> No.23375144

>tfw when saw the thread right after it was posted
>tfw missed it because waging
I also missed EMN for the same reason, so I guess it evens out.

>> No.23375145
File: 49 KB, 760x428, a_ov_Pepe_160928.focal-760x428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice bro, I will do the same with github from now on, might repay the favor if he releases another pump n dump token

>> No.23375153

you are braindead.
airdropped to all yearn addresses as a thank you from Andre

>> No.23375154

there's 21 KRP tokens in the pool brainlet. this isn't a moon mission until liquidity is added, and that's not gonna happen while it's traded at $800 a token. you guys are gonna get wrecked...again

>> No.23375165

thanks i bought for 14 dollars i have 0.019

>> No.23375176
File: 101 KB, 798x610, Screenshot 2020-10-19 at 20.02.02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

400 in, 2782 out. with 0.7 KPR left in to ride. Thanks op, I'll send you 50

>> No.23375186

oh wow, if he does that (he's not) maybe one of them can cash out a few eth. nice. motherfucker....theres 26 ETH in the pool right now. selling a dozen KPR would crater the price over 50%.

>> No.23375191

defi is fucking gay. during the 5 min it took to sell my free UNI to buy this all the profits evaporated

>> No.23375192

remember blue kirby?

>> No.23375200

just let them get fucked for a third time, it's ok. /biz/ will never learn.

>> No.23375207

this does make sense, holding 1 kpr, but saving my large buy for later

>> No.23375222

this was a great buy for a quick 10x an hour ago....easy money cause you know people will fomo. you'd be retarded to buy now though.

>> No.23375223

thanks fren :)

>> No.23375227

Any1 here got 10 of these? willing to pay 500 USDC each

>> No.23375250

just buy 1 then wait 2 mins then buy another then repeat till you have your 10

i'm sure you'll get them for 500 USDC average

>> No.23375260

You should have it now in USDT

>> No.23375281

welp I saw this thread in the first ten minutes and said "ugh another Andre token? no thanks" so of course it 10x'ed.

>> No.23375282

awesome, thanks -enjoy your gains & hope we hit $10,000 soon for your remaining 0.7 KPR!

>> No.23375312

only 16 left..

>> No.23375315

Everyone donate to OP. You would never have had these gains if it wasn't for him, a bunch of insiders would have gotten in first. Keep up the work OP

>> No.23375329

why wont uniswap load chart for this coin? any one got some other link for watching the price?

>> No.23375341


>> No.23375361

Tipped you some, thanks a lot dude. for real man. I lost all my money gambling on shitcoins the past month and you helped me break even.
Thank you man, once I'm done with this I'm never touching crypto again. thanks

>> No.23375382

appreciated! stay safe anon

>> No.23375391

it's alright man, you probably would have held past the dump anyway. easy come easy go. congrats on teh anons who've pulled profits already though.

>> No.23375397

wouldn't touch this...

>> No.23375401

thank you

>> No.23375407
File: 79 KB, 982x330, Screen Shot 2020-10-20 at 4.46.38 am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post an address OP, I usually hodl things into the ground but if this manages to keep going up, I'll show my appreciation

Hey anon I have 9 of these willing to sell

>> No.23375416
File: 37 KB, 680x441, 1602973233959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Andre's boring at this point.

>He's not waiting for Union...

>> No.23375423

wow 2 Eth each now, soon 10 Eth!

>> No.23375457
File: 17 KB, 1000x425, kGWSI5T.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this will surely end well

>> No.23375466

lol when gecko, someone get the submission in haha

>> No.23375479

Low supply, 400, will pump way more.

>> No.23375482

you got a chart for first day of YFI? andre's project too.

did the same pamp but only stopped at $3k and weeks later its now over $15k

>> No.23375499

Didn't think I would either, now im up 3x

>> No.23375512

Hahahaha people havent learned a thing. You have literally no idea what this is, could be a test contract for all u know. This will for sure end well.

>> No.23375522


>> No.23375529
File: 15 KB, 813x402, its over.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's over... can i get a refund?

>> No.23375530

>10,400 total supply
>400 supply bin circulation held by absolute degens.
>25 ETH in the pool.
>2 ETH = 1 KPR.....
kek. fomo is one hell of a drug

>> No.23375564

your mom needs to get tested

>> No.23375573

check again, not over :)

>> No.23375579

Andddd its back

>> No.23375585

It's dropping like a fucking rock

If you're gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough

>> No.23375592

Willing to sell 9, how do i go about this, I have rent to pay

>> No.23375607

you press the sell button lmao

>> No.23375634

So happy guys, I've been in crypto 3 years and this is my second 10x

>> No.23375638

what is even the selling point of this token? just the cronje name?

>> No.23375649

that's like third of the pool
domp eet
then we could buy the dip

>> No.23375651


>> No.23375658

Lol, this is gonna be great. Grab your popcorn and queue up the pink wojaks

>> No.23375660

price is 930 now, over you said?

>> No.23375674

yeah, it's just another gay bounty system as if there aren't enough of platforms like this collecting dust

>> No.23375685

Its an essential piece of the defi puzzle. The amazon of crypto if you will

>> No.23375687


search for KPR

pool there selling for 2ETH each

>> No.23375701
File: 295 KB, 447x414, 1537463539556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23375710

worst think is watching this thread from beggining and dont have money to invest, life really is strange.GL to all

>> No.23375717

Incredibly niggerish of you

>> No.23375718

please remember to sell responsibly. Or don't kek

>> No.23375721

Sweet Vishnu!

>> No.23375724
File: 837 KB, 762x1024, 1603065296513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23375735

Bought at 700 sold at dip 500

I’m such a terrible trader

>> No.23375741

blinked and it went from 2.4 ether to 1.8

>> No.23375742
File: 24 KB, 400x399, 1567918890092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait for you all to lose everything when Andre inevitably tweets that this is a test project with no real world use case or value.

>> No.23375748
File: 21 KB, 1016x467, 13zOQMy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23375761

easy 20% swinging and came in 5 min ago, but i think im gonna stop

>> No.23375766
File: 29 KB, 400x400, 481B000F-D68F-4F51-88EB-D89581828A5E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get in before the launch

.gg /Q9UPTTQ

>> No.23375768

that looks primed for climbing to $2,000+

>> No.23375769

If andre rugpulls this he is a fucking nigger

>> No.23375780


>> No.23375798

Debunked already.

>> No.23375803
File: 15 KB, 598x171, Screenshot_2020-10-19 Tweets with replies by Andre Cronje ( AndreCronjeTech) Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that you are in uncharted territory at all times whenever dabbling with this nigger

Take a step back and calm down and take profits

>> No.23375816

yeah anyone in profit should take their initial out, then riding rest of their KPR to $10,000

>> No.23375893

I lost a shit load off EMN, you think I care about learning my lesson? Sleepy andre will redeem himself with this one, this will be 2x YFI ATH

>> No.23375896

sorry guys but i just bought this
enjoy the dump

>> No.23375903

>I bought in.
>Of course it's over

>> No.23375908
File: 128 KB, 778x762, Screenshot 2020-10-19 at 20.42.15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a short story in how to turn 1 eth into 10

>> No.23375926

kek. you'd think if he wanted this coin to be legit...he's have seeded the pool with more than 1 ETH and 400 KPR. biz never disappoints....

>> No.23375928

yfi was kinda innovative, this is just a bounty platform

>> No.23375929

ffs it has already mooned, why I always miss these

>> No.23375938


>> No.23375966

sounds like a ruse to stop his stalkers from owning 99% of a new project.

crypto twitter will fomo in once they realise its legit.

>> No.23376032

it keeps getting swung for ez profits. you'd be dumb not to

>> No.23376142

Just did...bought 2.25 for 13 link, now just sold .25 for 20 link lol. Still got 2 left

>> No.23376155

>crypto twitter will fomo in once they realise its legit.

They better hurry. I'm about to doomp eet

>> No.23376169

gratz anon

>> No.23376200

Were these swaps KPR - ETH - USD or was ETH not involved?

>> No.23376226

internally it goes via ETH yeah

>> No.23376232

coming up on 1 KPR equally 3 ETH

>> No.23376271

for what it's worth, if you look into the test's Andre's doing with this token currently...it's broken.
this address created a contract to test the bonding feature in the KPR contract....but was then able to sell it's KPR on the market that was owed back to this address

>> No.23376274

Any ideas for price targets? Remember that piece of shit safe got to $4k off a tweet and it had a supply of 60,000

>> No.23376298

/biz/raelis can't own 99% of it if theres only 400 tokens in circulation

>> No.23376314

i bought the top of emn and his other scam. i just bought this. wish me luck

>> No.23376327

>muh test in prod.
pink wojaks in 3...2...

>> No.23376346

It's ogre.

>> No.23376348

he called bond with zero KPR, according to docs it registers him as keeper
post tnxs in question or gtfo

>> No.23376351

>a "Keep3r" token

>> No.23376381

thats 0 KPR, i dont see issue?

if you mean the transaction 4 hours ago, thats the broken KPR. since then andre has fixed it and why its mooning again :)

>> No.23376384

This thing isn't going to break 1.2k

>> No.23376407

just dumped, thanks for the 14x bros. there's no way this ends well LOL
It literally says "beta contract address" on the github

>> No.23376433

Somebody should post it in reddit, so they FOMO. I would do it but I'm banned

>> No.23376450
File: 9 KB, 596x110, 68678678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

andre is a serial scammer

>> No.23376466

twitter's still sleeping on this?
EMN had 200+ replies when it was announced, right?

>> No.23376468

>if you mean the transaction 4 hours ago, thats the broken KPR. since then andre has fixed it and why its mooning again :)
kek...come on dude now you're just talking like a scammer. you can't fix deployed contracts.

>> No.23376471

didnt read still pomping

>> No.23376489

thanks for believing in my shill, enjoy gains but i dont think it'll end badly.

feel free to tip some appreciation here anon

>> No.23376515

different KPR token anon (old broken one was earlier today) new one was deployed like 3 hours ago

>> No.23376534

I've shilled legit shit in reddit before and have only gotten either downvoted, reported, or people calling out my post history. I mean they weren't wrong in thinking I was just trying to dump my bags on them but they would've still made some profit.

I remember when CORE hit reddit 2 full days later after biz and they STILL downvoted it saying it was a scam even though it had $100m+ volume. That shithole website doesn't even deserve my effort in typing out a post for those faggots.

>> No.23376543

You can if built on DFO...

>> No.23376548

Gonna send you some eth op

>> No.23376560

sure op!

>> No.23376568

it called down() function
function down(address keeper) external {
require(lastJob[keeper].add(DOWNTIME) < now, "Keep3r::down: keeper safe");
uint _slash = bonds[keeper].mul(DOWNTIMESLASH).div(BASE);
bonds[keeper] = bonds[keeper].sub(_slash);
_mint(msg.sender, 1e18);
lastJob[keeper] = now;
emit KeeperSlashed(keeper, msg.sender, block.number, _slash);

>_mint(msg.sender, 1e18);

>> No.23376598

but you wont sell you literal cuck, you will 5000000x but all you will fkin get is -50000000x your bag since nobody buys iliquid shit

>> No.23376603

i'm no expert but bonds get slashed there (KPR) so not much changes if more bonds get slashed than 1

>> No.23376609

You aren't wrong, I got banned for posting qnt medium articles in September. Yet if someone with a million karma posts a foodcoin scam, they're all over it and get awards given to them...
Can't fix stupid

>> No.23376633


>> No.23376676

>he sent $5000 to OP
what a madman

>> No.23376717

what was THATT

>> No.23376723

>This thing isn't going to break 1.2k
It just did

>> No.23376738

Half a second there

C'mon Crypto twitter FOMO in!!!!1!!!!!

>> No.23376740
File: 85 KB, 1200x1037, d4f55edafe1555900e363f20fc60ca3348882f4d747af68d0756e2c17197f0ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23376742


>> No.23376750

>buy at 1k without reading
>look at liquidity
>instantly dumps to $600
>panic sell

>> No.23376754

isnt this just gonna crash cause theres no liquidity?

>> No.23376795

kek. that's what I've been saying for the last hour. it's not a matter of if, but when. quite interesting to watch the psychology at play here.

>> No.23376831

people who are selling are doing so in 1 eth chunks. if you're smart you'll sell without dumping everything at once

>> No.23376839
File: 711 KB, 790x767, 1603006820797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I waited for something like this for over a month and watched all my shitcoins go to floor. I went out today to buy groceries and i was about to buy this coin for $160 when police stopped mee for having no mask. I cant fucking take this shit anymore fucking commmie shithole and fake virus that kills boomers fucked me hard again

>> No.23376851

not really. right now at a market cap of $10m, if any of the big guys on twitter tweet about it its gonna skyrocket to 100m

>> No.23376871

you brought like 5 FUD points in 12 posts of yours
very natural my glowing friend

>> No.23376875

yeah but how no one is selling?

>> No.23376895

>37 posts by this id

fuck your self faggot

>> No.23376916

you sound salty i gave a solid 20x and you didnt buy :)

>> No.23376921

Lmao why hate OP? He told us about this before it was 100 bucks retard. What have you done to help the board today? Kys

>> No.23376925

if you buy on this rn, youre a gambler. thats why. also not many left in the pool

>> No.23376978

surely you are just helping out of the kindness of your heart, right anon?

surely you're not samfagging in the thread to bump this piece of shit

>> No.23376984

they gave up on andrej scams

>> No.23376987

>1 post by this ID
Sorry you missed it nigger

>> No.23377001

based, DFOHUB is the next big thing...

and this shit KPR gonna moon hard hard hard, current MC under 600k usd

>> No.23377021


>> No.23377031

Got my initial investment out so now I just wait and see what bonus I can get.

>> No.23377055

1 KPR = 4 ETH

>> No.23377066
File: 116 KB, 872x1020, 1600467788469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked sirs

>> No.23377072

>what is liquidity
>what is price impact
congrats on buying 0.001 eth and selling for 0.0025

>> No.23377077

deploy contract through proxies
boom, use case defeated
remember when your stupid niggers tried to FUD entire Uniswap because they couldn't manipulate their own buidl/UniFi pair like they want because of arb bots?
And what are you using right now to buy KPR? something from DFOhub?
yeah that's right faggot, fuck off with your shilling

>> No.23377102

oh cool and now digits are blessing the thread

>> No.23377121

I bought 1 for $60, not OP, fuck off

>> No.23377153

unifi will be like uniswap v4.0 wait til December.
Uniswap is broken. Bots are killing it. And assholes like you lose money every day because of this:
retard and blind.

>> No.23377154

why the fuck would it? there's 18 tokens for sale in the pool....10400 tokens total. it's another test token...can you even imagine a test contract pumping to 100M? would be incredible to watch, ngl.

>> No.23377165

thanks just tipped 100k

>> No.23377189

This thing isn't going to break 1.8k

>> No.23377204

>he sold

>> No.23377231
File: 97 KB, 903x467, uhoh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And assholes like you lose money every day because of this

>> No.23377283


>> No.23377292
File: 88 KB, 893x416, uhohx2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're sure WINNING money every day my friend!

>> No.23377298

It says “beta token address” in the github as well, but there’s still money to be made from this

>> No.23377304

Got 0.0217KPR


>> No.23377321

well...there was anyway. I can't imagine there still is, but hey, bunch of apes around here so who tf knows

>> No.23377336

>3 KPR sold dumped price by 18%

>> No.23377344

ez fake out, time to buy again

>> No.23377350

I bought 120k buidl at 0.04 usd so calm down.
and unifi under 10cents.
And i even adding more after doing my own research.
you are talking with a whale with 1m usd in tokens so stfu and take your 2 eths out from this kpr

>> No.23377356

I aped in but at $80.
Like i said, this doesn’t end well

>> No.23377435



>> No.23377461

and we're back

>> No.23377509

no one cares about you bags nigger
I already told you proxy contracts exist. You can build a DFO without buidl kikes. There is nothing innovative or anything that warrants a token for that.
Good luck defeating Uniswap with your shit if you couldn't even make big news out of your FUD blogpost.
I'm sorry but you bought into very stinky scam. Please post more

>> No.23377528

haha Ok Julian. you will cry again.

>> No.23377810
File: 336 KB, 633x768, 4F89B163-4A6F-414A-88DC-33F16180C820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here comes crypto Twitter you faggots, price is about to coom

>> No.23377833

Lol where

>> No.23377860

Hope you're right. My hands are getting week

>> No.23377904


>> No.23377965


>> No.23377999

Fuck off poorfag

>> No.23378001

Im giving it 24 hours at least for everyone to get in, you cant have weak hands after 4 hours

>> No.23378033

chart looking good fellas, hope you all cashed out for your 2-50x. do NOT get stuck holding an andre test in prod coin. you know the drill.

>> No.23378048

That's the wojack way

>> No.23378065

Oh no no no no

>> No.23378070


>> No.23378076

How much someone is dumping?

>> No.23378082

whats the best charts to be able to see uniswap coins in real time? Chartex is always an hour behind

>> No.23378083

sounds like you want to buy the 400 KPR yourself

>> No.23378097

down to ZERO

>> No.23378136
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Looks like that's all folks.

God bless you OP. unironically saved me from homelessness

>> No.23378155

>Chartex is always an hour
really? fug

>> No.23378157
File: 161 KB, 728x1484, 1584553394947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uniswap worked fine when i was buying, but now that i want to sell its taken 30 minutes for a confirmation. tried to sell at 1200 now its at 600.
feels bad man.

>> No.23378176

congrats mate

>> No.23378181
File: 77 KB, 875x722, over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its over guys

>> No.23378217
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>> No.23378263


>> No.23378268

Finally shook off the the cotton fingers, off to 5k

>> No.23378293

moon journey resumed

>> No.23378299

guys what charts are you using? chartex is shit and so is uniswap charts

>> No.23378317


>> No.23378328
File: 46 KB, 1200x1200, F8A1E798-66DC-499D-B022-64BE4E9531C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crypto Twitter just in time. Hold tight faggots

>> No.23378329


1 min delay for the free version, goodluck to whoever is buying this for 1k each lol.

>> No.23378340

FUCK just put 5 eth in

>> No.23378354

10mil mcap from day 1 wtf and nobody knows about it

>> No.23378415

circ supply 400 coins, so m cap +- 400k.

>> No.23378517

So we’re still early is what you’re saying

>> No.23378584

cheers bro

>> No.23378616


>> No.23378623

give it time, twitter is starting to catch on

>> No.23378663

Can anyone smarter than me decipher how coins will be minted? Curious how fast this will inflate.

>> No.23378720

you are a MADMAN

>> No.23378723

Fuck it bought again this thing has legs apparently

>> No.23378737

Just got out of work. You guys think it's too late to get into this now?

>> No.23378757

still only ~145 holders. extremely high risk, extremely high reward

>> No.23378775

Only a few mentions on twitter I think most of the market is asleep

>> No.23378800

Some twitter crypto niggers are starting to tweet, shouldnt be long before some whale buys start knocking this up a few thousand

>> No.23378831

Lol dear biztards wtf r u doing.

This is the SECOND "test in prod" by Rugnje for today.

The first one:

It's time to grow up you lunatics.

>> No.23378955

>knocking this up a few thousand

You're delisuional. It was a good run. Hope you cashed out.

>> No.23378961


Thanks anon, I was almost buying that shit. Scams are getting harder to spot

>> No.23378963

its not over until the big accs talk about it.

>> No.23378966


>> No.23378968

First rug was right here


>> No.23378976
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>> No.23379055
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>> No.23379069

How many days until next Cronje charade?

>> No.23379102

>Scams are getting harder to spot
Here's a hint, anon: If you see the words Andre or Cronje, it's a scam.

>> No.23379126

Why did he abandon YFI bros..

>> No.23379127


>> No.23379147

ok but why am i getting rich off it again

>> No.23379172

>beta contract
>mine contract in the beta contract
it's like you never learn

>> No.23379205

Why won't this mfer use the test network?

>> No.23379234

Pool and liquidity shrinking. I'm out now anons. Good luck anyone brave enough to stay in this, feels like there will be people with useless tokens shortly

>> No.23379242

Scams pump before they dump, that's literally how they work.

>> No.23379248


Go back to r*ddit, please.

>> No.23379265

nigger tongue my anus

>> No.23379355

Me too, just dumped my last. Made an easy 2K, thanks to the magic of /biz/ thx guys ;)

>> No.23379397

is it too late? i never see these things in time. well, except chainlink

>> No.23379430

Because the tests he needs done require human response and real live use data that cannot be acquired via a test net. This is the first token besides YFI I've gone into.

>> No.23379461

dumping like a motherfucker, but I'm gonna ride it out. Anyone else still in?

>> No.23379476

Might be...just dumped from 800 to 600. Going to keep an eye on it might shwing back in

>> No.23379501

Still in until the weekend

>> No.23379522

Took initial out gonna let the rest ride to 10k

>> No.23379539

where are you checking the price? just uniswap?

>> No.23379587

No dextools https://www.dextools.io/app/uniswap/pair-explorer/0xc16229628858f70d26bd43b33b750c2d3899f4a0

>> No.23379596

thanks for this anon, what was your entry price?

>> No.23379648

Swapped 13 link on uniswap for 2.25

>> No.23379810

damn that's a good price, guess ill buy some if it crashes more

>> No.23380041

What does this coin even do? What's it for?

>> No.23380076

>What does this coin even do?
Scam people

>What's it for?
Rug pullimg

You lost your chance. If you go in now you'll ride it down to 0

>> No.23380115

>Andre “i test in prod” cronje deploys token
>people buy it
>*pulls liquidity* ”It was a test guys”
>rinse repeat

>> No.23380120

don't worry, Cronje will do another in less than a week